Are DNA ancestry services run by the CIA?

My wife and her family are in love with this dna ancestry shit. They want me to do it but I have refused. I just feels weird to me. Am I fukin schizo for thinking that the cia owns these companies to gather dna of all citizens?

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It literally says in the settings if you want to share your DNA with the FBI, you can choose to Opt-Out though

I don’t mind if my DNA is used to find a murder suspect or something. And I believe that if the Jew really wanted my pathetic DNA, they would obviously find a way. is the only one you can trust but you shouldn't trust anything not even your own DNA

You are a schizo. Also it would be the FBI not the CIA and they would use it to confirm dna with forensic evidence which would be able to exonerate you as easily as it would convict you. So unless you plan on raping or murdering in the near future your just a schizo.

>believing you actually can opt out

>implying them having your dna is ok unless you kill

This retard kike Dosent value privacy at all

As an agent of the CIA assigned to run ancestry DNA tests I can assure you that ancestry DNA tests are not run by the CIA.

Of course I didn't, I just didn't care. They might take my DNA, who knows. But usually they'll just make you available for matchmaking, where you won't actually show up for the FBI guy unless you match some criminal

T. Glow nigger

What would they even do with the DNA otherwise you idiot. Especially the dna from Joe nobody. You think they are gonna kill you and replace you with a clone or something. Oh look out for the gangstalkers btw they are right behind you.

yeah the problem with that is and this has been happening within the U.S.. is that they are finding and busting people whose DNA relatives submit DNA. so if cousin Harold did the testing and you had sex with a girl who claimed you raped her but she was drunk and doesn't remember who it was, but that DNA matches Harolds a little bit they will narrow in on every match and invade privacy and collect DNA on them going so far as to dig through their fucking trash and take used items most likely to have some. then your ass gets fucked

It's not schizo. These companies are looking for something.

>hen you sign up to share your DNA with Ancestry, you opt-in for “informed consent research.”
>Law enforcement can also obtain your DNA data with a court order. In fact, they recently caught The Golden State Killer by comparing online stored DNA after 32 years at large.
All of this collected data means is that your privacy could be at risk when it comes to your genetic makeup information. Leaks are common in the data world and a DNA leak would be much worse than a credit leak because simply, you cannot change your DNA. If leaked, this data could cause people to be genetically discriminated against by employers, insurance companies, banks, etc.

the truth is the Rothschilds use the data from these tests to find fellow rh- blooded humans such as themselves as breeding suiters to extend their blood line. It has already been concluded that RH- bloodtype is not evolved on Earth its an ALIEN blood type which was likely given to the Children of Israel. I think Cain and Abel had sex with Reptilians or Nephilim as the bible calls, creating the split in humans

>oh gee this guys DNA shows he's a perfect match for mister Chinese billionaire who needs a new liver.
they certainly won't hunt you down and make you die through mysterious circumstances to harvest your liver, nope

>you only need to worry about surveillance if you're a criminal


You're scared because youre not white. They want to make sure you're white

Lol. I think you forgot something my dude.

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If they want your DNA they can just take some of your hair or whatever. If they want it, they will get it.

I just don’t see any upside to doing it. All it says is your were your ancestors are from and some retard named Bob in Vermont is your Moms third cousin. I think my wife just wants me to take it so she can make fun of me if I have like 1% African dna.

You're right. 23andme is a glownigger front for DNA collection.

>If you're white you have nothing to hide, right, user

>t.cia fuckhead the post

Your on our list now gj.

Also if someone dies with debts and no family someone will come knocking on your door, being a distant relative. Hell, in North Korea the government was murdering 5th cousins of their political enemies, people who didnt even know they had relations to those politicians

>implying I haven't been on it for a decade at this point

The next level list though. You just got upgraded is what I'm saying, if you catch my drift. Just a friendly warning.

I don’t believe in free speech because I have nothing to say

it's run by something worse than glowniggers.

((Mormons)) so yea pretty much

you ain't even the same guy and you just got upgraded on my list

why would google make 23andme to collect dna?
when they are collecting every other scrap of information about you.
oh I dont know..bioweapons maybe?

The only reason OP is shilling government conspiracy over DNA ancestry analysis is because he's afraid that he may have Jew or Nigger blood in him - just like the rest ofthe Indo-Europeans. He probably still thinks that Christianity is salvation instead of utter cuckdom.

>Im 16 but I think I know everything.

If debt collectors even had access to that information that's not how debt works.

There are many of us my dude. Your upgraded, watch for GS.

>don t worry bro just give up your privacy to cia niggers

Fuck off you retard

>prove you're white goys

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I don't know if they're run by the cia, but they do share the data with LEA's. Using that service is equal to having a prior felony

I did (((Ancestry))) before I started really going on Jow Forums and I fucking regret it because I can’t go back now

you've also been upgradded. that's right with two d's for a double dose of pimping.

My dude I'm a different dept and your on our list now too.

>still acting like I ain't already on every list that's ever existed
sure is summer around here

>match your dna to your faceberg
>oh, looks like Joe's family owned slaves
>now you owe us reparations
This is the exact same argument you fags have made about every invasion of privacy and so far it's always been as bad if not worse than what we thought.


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I don’t need to spit in a tube to know I’m a true aryan

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If the government needed your DNA there are easier ways to obtain it. Lawful ways too, according to US legislation

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Says the glowposter

spook nigger KYS

there will be a bounty on all traitors of the people - the lists are being compiled as I type this -


Lawfag here, DNA false positives are a real thing and warrants are NOT needed to access private company databases if the company consents. And they often do. If they don’t, a warrant will get it. I can think of nothing good that could come of you sharing such sensitive information willingly with a third party, and the actual ancestry shit can be determined without DNA. Fun fact: the law enforcement DNA database is heavily restricted and regulated so cops don’t just have ready access to DNA in their systems, but DNA obtained through a private third party does not face similar restrictions.

Seriously, just don’t do it. Even if there is a .0001% chance of being on the receiving end of a wrongful conviction, no amount of information which can be obtained through other means is worth the risk. You will be convicted if a cop testifies “yep his dna matches the crime scene” no matter how much you deny the charges. Roughly 50% of rapes in the US occur in prison

Stop willfully giving away sensitive information which can be used against you for novelty information. Think critically for even a second about what can be done with your nonprotected information held by a third party that owes you no duty of confidentiality or loyalty.

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> 2% Jewish

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lol nigger

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Wtf is a glowposter? I don't hang posters. I hang traitors.

Show yours

Having sex with someone who is literally too drunk to remember it is actually rape. Jesus dude

It will be really funny when you retards are dying of designer disease.

I only saved the map and I deleted my sample because I got paranoid, but it was about 65% England/Wales and most of the rest of it was Germanic

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Fuck off back to plebbit.

I'm more concerned about them selling genetic information to laboratories or insurance companies or facebook.
The government already has your DNA.

Ancestry seems the most trustworthy and has the best service imo

They're used in the creation of gene banks for genetic engineering in the future. It goes without saying intelligence agencies will have access to them.

Ofc they are black man

that's absolutely not how NK does it.

They do "3 generations of hard labor"

You, your parents (if alive) and your children. If you are older they'll take you, your kids, and then force them to have kids to work to death.

There's no 5th cousin shit, the whole fucking country would be in the camp. You don't even know what the fucking cousin numbering system is if you believe that.

Who is the CEO of 21 and me?
Who is her spouse?

this may be a slide thread but still
does the pope shit in the woods, dumbfuck?

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I figured they already have it so I said fuck it. I was glad to find that I have nothing but European/Scandinavian roots.

Wait you're me.

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the risk is that if I ever become successful, then secret agents will PCR up a big vat of my dna and leave it all over their next false-flag to get masses of normies howling for my blood.

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If I was in the military, do (((they))) have my DNA?

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Nigger are you in prison?

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First, get a full genome sequence done by a university or something, they're only a few hundred bucks now.
Then, call 23AndMe and tell them that while you want to use their service, you genome and genotype are copyrighted intellectual property that you do not have the rights to, and that if they modify or distribute them they'd be committing a crime.
If they say "That's okay, we won't share your data with anyone or use it for statistics", then it's fine. If they pussy out saying they don't wanna get into trouble, fuck 'em, they're doing dodgy shit
You can also take a full genome sequence and extract your genotype from it and just send them that if you wanna be safe.

Many americans have blood samples taken at birth.
If you had tests taken as a child, yes.
If you had tests taken during your service, then yes.

This DNA ancestry stuff seems like so-much retarded nonsense to me. Paying to sell my unique DNA to some company, so they can give it to the government and sell it to pharma companies. All so I can find out which dead people I may have been vaguely related to.

What. The. Fuck.

I think you are correct and you shouldn't pay the government to give them something they need a court order to get. Here in the future people will be randomly going to jail for committing crimes they didn't commit.

>huuurrr won drop rool

>tick the "I don't want to share my info with 3-letter agencies"
>get DNA info labeled to be added to a blacklist for lack of trust in the government