Imagine spending every waking moment not assigned to sleeping and your minimum wage job hating jews because some...

Imagine spending every waking moment not assigned to sleeping and your minimum wage job hating jews because some sketchy YouTube videos convinced you to.

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Imagine having a job where you shitpost for the government and completely suck at it

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Imagine being so schizophrenic that you think everyone is out to get you and that everyone you don't like is a shill.

How original, what's it like spending most of your day being hated by literally everyone while shitposting?

I know you niggers like to stay up late because you don’t have work in the morning, but you should really get to bed.

Imagine being so mentally ill and paranoid that you spill your spaghetti all over the place.

Imagine having millions of people spend every waking moment not assigned to sleeping and wage slavery hating you because everything you do is irredeemable, and you have to pass laws and notions preventing legitimate criticism of you because you're just that likable.

I don't hate the jews, I only hate the spics.

Yare yare

Imagine being so schizo that you think you have a legion of like minded retards who have some form of group think.

Wow you really are pulling out all the stops
You're so totally Channing right now!
The more you deny the more validate my point. Wouldnt you just ignore me if I was sChIzO
Please keep replying, or just go back to plebbit

Imagine spending your time watching this person

Imagine associating fedoras to anything except Atheism and ska music.

That's not me, that's you, as evidence by your thread. You found it necessary to address everyone who hates jews, and I doubt you did so thinking there are only a handful of people who do.

Imagine thinking you're the master race yet you're unable to type in correct English.

Imagine thinking Jow Forums cares about something as trivial grammar. Who's the nazi again?

I unironically think fedoras are cool

Fuck off glownigger

You're not here operating in good faith. No one cares.

>Imagine spending all your free time trying to shill/shame someone for spending every waking moment not assigned to sleeping and there minimum wage job hating jews because some sketchy YouTube video said so, thinking you're going to change their mind or make them leave the board? Absolutely devouting all your free time to white identitarianism and seeing no result? Brave.

That sounds awesome. And who gives a fuck if you’re good at it?

Good point, the worse you are the better it is for us. Enjoy working for literal evil