Why does it matter if the West becomes non-white...

Why does it matter if the West becomes non-white? I’m genuinely curious as to why you people are so concerned about race.

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quality of life

I support a merit-based immigration policy for that reason, but why does it matter if the best people coming in have darker skin?

*Drills your brains out with an AK*
You saywhah kike?

Race isn't skin deep. Hope mods ban you for spamming this thread. see ya

Because where will the whites call home?

because look at the state of the countries these people are swarming in from.

That's the absolute best the best of their countries can do. Why would we want that?

We've seen it with the Turks in Germany. The third and fourth generation are less integrated than the first two generations. And they become more radicalized and patriotic to Erdogan and agitate against Germany from the inside. That's often a risk with allowing migrants to participate politically.
Similar to Sadiq Kahn who says that London will always be open for migration from Pakistan.

>why does it matter if the best people coming in have darker skin?

it actually doesn't but I'm also against luring people in from other countries because the payment is better because I think taht's an arrogant way of thinking. Third or Second World countries can't develop if you import the only doctor in a 100 kilometer radius from the African bush just to let him work as a nurse for geriatric people (or whatever since his medical degree isn't acceped in the West) because then the people in Africa don't have a doctor anymore. I'm against migration if migrants or their descendants make up more than 10% of a population.

>why you people are so concerned about race.

because we live in the age of identity politics and every other race understands the importance of standing your races ground. Only whites don't understand it but still get questioned the most

It comes from a sense of gratitude to your ancestors and you being able to enjoy what they built. Once the west becomes non-white it will collapse.

Because people with blue eyes, red hair, and white skin make up less than 2% of whites and its retarded to just throw that away for the sake of making a homogeneous shit-colored eyes, hair, and skin society that will most likely throw away white culture and ultimately destroy any trace of it like what happened in Africa

The people make a nation, replace the people replace the nation.
The west will not be the west if it is defeated using the currently used war tactic.

Why are you ashamed of your ancestry?
The 'nice' countries immigrants are flocking to are only around today because of what our ancestors worked to build. The majority of 3rd world immigrants aren't entitled to it, and won't work to improve on it. Ask any immigrant you know if they would fight on behalf of their new home nation if war was declared on their nation of birth. Fucking slim pickings there.
The only people that would fight are people that have integrated into the culture of their new home. They moved to that country because they like the people and the society and want to be like them. Immigrants aren't entitled to come to a country simply to earn money while hating the populace. Whats the fucking point of allowing those people in?

I like japan because it’s full of Japanese people. When a population is displaced, the shared cultural understandings that have been forged over centuries are lost. No one wants to go to a Tibetan temple and find it’s being run by a bunch of divorced America soccer mums. Tibetan people don’t want to displaced by Chinese. Chinese people don’t want to go on holiday to Paris and see Africans, Africans don’t want their land bought up Chinese. Its normal

idiocracy becomes a literal reality that we're all trapped in

>why do animals have an imprinted survival mechanism: the post
Has it dawned on you that different ethnic groups have in-group preference faggot?

>its retarded to just throw that away
>white culture
What is white culture in America beyond Star Wars and Marvel movies?

>Once the west becomes non-white it will collapse.

idiocracy becomes a literal reality that we're all trapped in

Look at the absolute shit fest in most non white countries

Cuz it needs a high trust white culture in order to be maintained.

If you don't understand the answers to these questions you don't have any idea what western civilization is.

>Africans don’t want their land bought up Chinese
Africans are still angry about the fact that white AFricans exist. Even after 350 years. And they never get asked what their problem is.
Only white people get asked that for some reason.

American whites dont have a unified culture. Its several cultures from regions all over the country based on their religions, ethnicity when they got here, and the cities they live in. Most of these cultures were demolished by black migration from 1940s to 1960s to their neighborhoods. It was evil what the social engineers did, and it caused irreporable damage to social harmony and cohesion of this country. What you are promoting is going to lead to horrible conflict all because you cant handle someone saying no. Fucking baby.

You seem to know what it is. Care to enlighten me?

Step one: Look at all the majority-non-white countries
Step two: look at the majority-white countries
Step three: notice the difference

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So you're telling me American whites have no national identity outside of what shade their skin is? What a rich and fascinating history.

Because Br*wn scum are racists and dod everything they can hurt us

Because im a nigger and i will accept nothing less than bulging eyes and barbra streizaand noses on every citizen.


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It's not a problem of race, it's a problem of culture.

Riddle me this, fuckboy: What happenes to a tower, when you destroy the base?

American whites have no unified culture. Just like hispanics have no unified culture. Just like asians have no unified culture. Only blacks have a racial culture and thats because they all originate from a pool of 300,000 slaves that lived in the same region for hundreds of years. Theyre in the same boat as the quebecois (although the quebecois is more coherant). If american white culture was real, its based on the distinction between several european ethnic groups but with the same civil values. Similar to the Swiss. The Swiss is a civic identity, not an ethnic one.

I know, everyone completely understands why other races or ethnicities want to hang on to their land and identity, but pretends it’s a problem when it’s white people. White people being a minority in London is ridiculous, nobody wants this, not the overseas tourists, not the Londoners who are leaving in droves, nobody voted for it.

Ima be real actually. Im classically satanically backward. Fuck brown people no matter what. There. That's what you wanted. Just fuck em. They act like animals in grooups. They're just generally unpleasant in numbers. "wildin" i think the niggers call it.

Not about Race.
Not about skin colour.

It's about ideology.

You in the US have mexicans, yeah sure but they're predominantly Christisn / Catholic. We'd fucking LOVE some Mexicans if it means we didn't get any more Muslims.

It's the Islamification of everywhere that we can't stand.

>Why does it matter if the West becomes non-white?

Because cultural and racial heterogeneity is associated with higher rates of societal mistrust, higher crime rates, weakened community solidarity and ultimately civilisational collapse.

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South Americans and Asians absolutely have unified cultures such as unique foods, architecture, clothing, art, and religion. Black Americans have none of that.
> If american white culture was real, its based on the distinction between several european ethnic groups but with the same civil values
But its not because you can't base a culture on differences between your population

in large part, ideology and culture stem from race

Mexicans willingly lived in an anti-clerical dictatorship for 70 years. They are about as Catholic as Swedes are Lutheran.

Why should the west accept migrants from shitty ghetto lands that are corrupted beyond repair, who's people will be no use to their society other than a minimum wagie sucking the welfare system dry?

>But its not because you can't base a culture on differences between your population
Switzerland is an example of this. They arent even unified by language, only civic values and history. America is an empire; Gauls werent Roman, despite living and being citizens of Rome.

What does it matter of Tibet becomes non-Tibetan? I’m genuinely curious as to why you people are so concerned about race.

>Why would you be concerned about the hardware, you can just download more RAM goy!

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This and the fact that heritage matters to people with dignity

Hispanics dont have unified culture. Asians dont have a unified culture. I dont get how anyone can believe this.

What makes you think we oppose Islam? A 100% Islamic 100% German Germany would be based beyond belief.

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I can't wait to kill people like you in the coming civil war.

No, no no, you've been MSM'd, blurring the line between a persons genetic makeup / patch of land they were conceived intertwine with an ideological "choice" then mix it all up is what Islam wants. It's a diversionary tactic but my eyes are open and my target is a flag, not a face colour.

This (pic) is tremendous knowledge Dave. He is one of the intelligent people on the whole planet. I can't fucking stand racism or racial stereotypes. My literal hero is Morgan Freeman and I'm as white as it gets.

This is what they want. Every time eyes start to focus on Islam.... "oh you mean racism? you're a racist, eh?". My eyes are focussed and it's on a curable disease called Islam.

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Show flag.

Then we talk.

I don't talk to MEME flags.

>Hispanics dont have unified culture. Asians dont have a unified culture. I dont get how anyone can believe this.
Because they're fucking racist. To them, a Peruvian is the same as a Bolivian is the same as a Mexican. A Chink is the same as a Nip is the same as a Slope. They can't think outside boxes, and all people are just numbers on a spreadsheet.

would you be concerned if liberals were planning to eliminate all blacks, browns or yellows?

see how fucking racist you are now?

you are the scum of the earth and you will pay for that, probably already are and thats why you have so much hate in you.


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So the Swiss and the Romans were successful multicultural societies.

Multiculturalism is a loaded term because it implies equality and complete liberty. While Rome was multicultural, it had a dominant culture and people, the Romans. While Switzerland is mulicultural, it was historically strict with their civic duties and citizenship. America was a successful multicultural empire when it had a dominant culture (WASP culture), strict civic duties, and a selective citizenship.

Why have any differentiation in animal species so long as the ones that fill out basic ecosystem functions remain. I do not think people should be for maintaining of diverse non-human organisms while at the same time not being bothered of having humans become a homogeneous mass of brown
>What is white culture in America
The democratic process, republic governments, the principles of white western governments, the nuclear family, the English language, most pre-2000 music, most non-rap/pop current music played in the West, pre-2000 movies, redneck culture, skyscrapers, trains, planes, movies theaters, cars, golf, soccer, baseball, football, competitive running/swimming/boxing, college curriculum, literally every national monument ever built pre-2000
I can keep going but I'll stop to further explain
The reason the idea of white culture is so vague is because it is embedded in the mainstream of modern every-day culture, which other groups feed off of, the reason why you only see white culture in very few examples is because white people have almost completely stopped developing a culture that THEY relate to, because everything has to be 'multicultural' now, meaning non-white. This is further exasperated by the 'uncool white' stereotype, and because its uncool to be white, its uncool to engage in any new form of white culture

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Only the destruction of everything the Western ancestors built and any future for our children. But right... why would we care about those being literally covered in shit ?

Imagine you and your wife are having a baby then it comes out and the baby is a full blooded Chinese baby and neither you or your wife are Chinese. Would you feel any attachment to the child? And all your descends will look like this. None of them look anything like you. Will you feel any attachment to the future?

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Nope, genetic testing starts the instant I see it's not looking like my ancestry. If proven not mine, all of it must go!

electricity, automobiles, satellites, the internet, trains, planes, radio, flight, computers, the understanding of the cell, the understanding of the atom, modern medicine, industrialisation, cinema and movies, television, the telephone, video games, technology, conquered the world, eradication of deadliest diseases, prolonged life, the mobile phones and cameras used to record everything, became the envy of the world that every shitskin 3rd worlder would kill their own mothers and children at a chance to live in white man's country in white man's neighbourhood with white man's comforts and luxuries and way of life

Ludwig Van Beethoven, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikolai Tesla, Henry Ford, Karl Benz, Copernicus, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, James Watson and Francis Crick, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, Horatio Nelson, Leif Erikson, James Watt, Wernher von Braun, Antonio Vivaldi, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Dmitri Mendeleev , Galileo Galilei

the white race gave you everything. you want to revert back into Somalia 2.0 niggersville Brazil you dumb fucking chimp
you type to me in my own language, on my computer, my electricity, my internet. what have you shit-skins given back to the white man in return? akin to satellites and electricity? Tacos? get fucked dumb cunt brown chimp

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because only whites can make a first world civ
other races simply can't

And if they could, provide evidence!

Switzerland multiculturalism was party Swiss, part French, Part German, Part Italian.
When other people think of multiculturalism they don't think of innereuropean migration.

There's a saying, when in Rome, do as Romans do. That means, assimilate, adapt to the state you're living in.
Today we get told, the West doesn't have a culture, everything is relative, you don't need to learn the language of the country you're living in, etc.

Skyscrapers, trains, planes, and cars are not culture. The democratic process, republic governments, the principles of white western governments, and the nuclear family and not culture. What are the principles of white western governments anyway? Can you name them?
I'll grant you the English language, most (American) pre-2000 music, most non-rap/pop current music played in the West, pre-2000 movies, redneck culture, golf, football, competitive running/swimming/boxing, and every national monument ever built pre-2000.
The college curriculum is European.
What's your problem with post-2000 music and film? Not American for your tastes? It doesn't matter though. Music and movies are commercial products which are not culture. Its because they're commercial products that they're embedded in modern every-day pop culture. Which groups are "feeding off" this pop culture and why don't they have their own? And just because outsiders enjoy aspects of a culture doesn't mean a society will developing culture.

Okay since skin color doesn't matter, you won't mind while us crackers continue to fight, trying to keep our homes mostly white. Your issue with the white perspective makes you a serious problem for humanity.

Demographic replacement is literally genocide
>why don't you want to be genocided?

Race and IQ are highly correlated; also op is a fag

>Why does it matter if the West becomes non-white?
Its an announcement that whites are to be removed from the genepool you dunce.
>I’m genuinely curious as to why you people are so concerned about race.
Imagine someone would call for a genocide of any other people and how they would react to such a thing.
>inb4 not genocide
According to the geneva convention any policy aimed at reducing a population to a minority falls under the definition of attempting to "eradicate" an ethnicity.
Because they dont yet migrants are let into the country despite the knowledge that none will work. Take Germany for example. 5% of the turkish "loan workers" from turkey ever got a job and the current migrant wave is at just above 1% employment.
You people dont care about merit you just hate white people so much you would rather crash and burn civilization as we know it than live with whitey. You truly are racists that make even us here blush and it is painfully obvious that its because deep down you are aware of your inadequacy as an individual sliding into denialism and rather than confront it you degenerate into collectivism and blame all your ills on whoever outperforms your sorry ass.

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>What does it matter of Israel becomes non-Israeli? I’m genuinely curious as to why you people are so concerned about race.

If these things which have specifically developed in white countries at the times they did are not culture, then what are they. Don't just tell me they aren't and then not say what you believe them to really be.
>What are the principles of white western governments anyway?
The principles of western governments are varied, but usually revolve around the ideas of self-determination, freedom, and liberty. They usually have some form of declaration expressing this from the U.S. constitution to the EU constitution, or TCE.
>Musics and movies are commercial products
This is why I say pre-2000, because it is around this time you see the the industrialization of music and movies into its modern, cookie-cutter form, its origins are from culture but it is synthesized.
>Which groups are "feeding off" this pop culture
Cultures will naturally feed off of eachother so long as they are not restricted, this applies to most of the world today. There technically is no such thing as "no culture", however due to the dismissal by white people to further develop their own culture, it is often assumed there can be