If we apply the paretto rule and only 20% of black males are alphas that means there are:

If we apply the paretto rule and only 20% of black males are alphas that means there are:

Black American Males - 19 464 659

Black Males Under 18 years old are 9 732 329
Blacks Over 55 years old: 5 255 458
Blacks in prison: 1 297 643
Black Males eligible to BLACK white women: 3 179 227

80% of those are betas So
There are around 635 845 alpha blacks in the U.S.

There are 69 210 599 white women between the ages of 15-65 years old available to be BLACKED.

That is 109 White females for every 1 Black Bull.

A black bull has about 37 good years on him.

That means he has to BLACK 3 white women a year.

With today's app/dating technology this is EXTREMELY EASY.

How do we stop this?

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nappy hair is ugly

Enjoy turning your race white.

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I used to be insecure about the whole alpha black thing then I went outside, looked round and realised outside of celebrities and porn I have never seen a Blackman with an attractive girlfriend. Literally every white woman was fat, old, or fugly

If it's not about politics it doesn't belong on Jow Forums

haha white women really do crave black cock. Just accept it whitey

White men crave it as well

So, even when less than 2% of white women prefer interracial relationships, they are still craving it? Tyrone, you can go with your partner and shoot each other in the head. That way, two less nigs for the world.

You wish

>enjoy turning your race white

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Out of instagram you never see a nigger with a white model.
I've never seen that. They only get the worse of the whites.

I've seen niggers with 16 year old white trash who weren't that ugly I guess. Still nasty but whatever, not hamplanets.

BBC is the apex of human creation. Theres nothing above it. Possession of one is like having the staff of Moses, able to command the elements to your will with God's authority. It's only natural for the white man to crave such power. Inserting it inside his body for seminal illumination

It's impressive how much people are dedicated to shitposting

You started this Nazibois. Enjoy the endless cuckthreads >_

your tranny group will peter out due to lack of funding.
We do it for free.

>How do we stop this?
>nigger meme flag
Why would you want too , nigger ? Or did ya fuck up ?

or that 40% mortality rate kek

I keep noticing niggers only have one thing to brag about and its their dicks. Imagine having your worth completely revolve around your appendage between your legs. Not even your career, accomplishments, intellect or wealth. It's no surprise why the 'superior' bbc got their asses colonized by the white man and still feels a deep anxiety at the thought of the white man being tired of their shit and wanting a whole country devoid of niggers.

Nazi scum, off our boards! Nazi scum, off our boards!!

Peak muh dik.

I must be pretty alpha to be a white male with a hot wife 2 kids and my own business.

we've been here longer than you've been confused about the contents of your undies.
Keep chanting, pal, I'm sure your boss appreciates paying for such low effort shitposts and cringeworthy crusader paragraphs, your little gay psyop will amount to exactly zero because we have bigger fish to fry daily.
Try /v/ or some other like-minded underage cesspit.

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