Uses a hottie like snow-white in their meme

>uses a hottie like snow-white in their meme

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I don't respect them either

>respecting them at all.

I simply don't respect bitchy women, like feminists

I've always imagined Snow White having the most gorgeous fluffy little muff under that dress.

All those women think they are attractive ones protecting women worse than them.


Why should I respect women or anybody for that matter especially people I don't know or care about?
Give me on good reason.

respect is not freely given as a base line, courtesy is, respect is gained over many years and can be given sparingly- having a cunt demands it is asinine

Those cum toilets deserve no respect

Only respecting Chad isn't respecting men

>but it's OK to call any man who doesn't get your hoo-ha frothy a "creep"
feminism is always a one-way street

No woman likes to think she's the ugly one, so they are "defending" the ones uglier than them.

Similar to a fat, ugly woman wearing a shirt that says "hands off, guys, this is my hot body"

further proof that women have no idea what respect is

Make the statue of liberty a symbol of white supremacy. Seig Heil!

Do women think I respect ALL men because they are men?
This shit every time with women. They just can't understand what is going on.

That courtesy is what they are asking for...

Definition of respect:
1. a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
2. due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.

Context matters, when people talk about respecting women its generally usage 2 that they mean. Normal women aren't asking for worship.

Ve zeem to be haffing ze problim here do we not?
You vill respect ze vimmen, zey are vimmin and muzt be respected at all times
If you disobey zis order you vill be shot

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Respect my hot body

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They already have 2, and the reason they aren’t asking for 1 is because it has to be earned and that requires effort. Men (traditional, not hipster faggy millennials) try to earn 1 and don’t care if you give them 2

I should also add that there's no such things as respecting attractive women.
I kinda missed that point since it's so absurd I didn't register it was there.

respect is when you want to keep her so bad you forbid sugar

Obviously some women disagree with you on the first part, and this thread doesn't support that view wither, but that wasn't my point. Half the people in the thread are (intentionally or not) misinterpreting what is meant by respect in order to meme better.

>go to Faggit
>respect women, all of them

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