What would you accept as proof the Holocaust happened?

By holocaust I mean the mass death of jews in Europe in the 1939-45 period, mainly by mass shooting, gassing, and inhumane treatment in camps, ghettos and death marches, by targeted deliberate or criminally negligent behavior, by the Nazis and their allies and associates.

so the 250,000 killed by the Romanians without German help, the 80,000 killed by the Yugoslavs also count.
the death total was about 5.5 million, a few of which would have been natural or "ordinary war" causes. but the vast majority were those who were rounded up, enslaved, had their property stolen, adn were killed or allowed to die in circumstances not under their own control.

deniers deny this. what would it take to prove it to them?

pic related, Einsatzgrupen report of mass shootings.

Attached: bundesarchiv_Bild_183-B07.jpg (441x600, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nuremberg.law.harvard.edu/documents/4251-instructions-to-concentration-camp?q=Prisoners armaments#p.1

Video proof

the full set of retrieved reprots about teh Einsatzgruppen can be found here, with translations.

Attached: himmler report einsatzgruppen.jpg (444x599, 72K)

not reasonable request.

why would it exist? also, i think you would want video of many different aspects of the events - video of shootings, of camps, or gas chambers (all the many gas chambers all the many camps) video of every forced march, video of the people dead on the trains, video of the warsaw ghetto and every other ghetto,.video of every single death as it happened?

there is no reason to expect that such video exists for any of it.

so let us try again - a reasonable request please.

every census after the war shows a huge number of 2missing" jews in Europe. adn they didn't flee to America or israel or the USSr. there are no records fo them having done so, nor could they ahbve done so. the three million jews in Poland didn't have transport to leave when teh Germans rolled in. the Germans record havinf taken a census of jews, adn concentrated them in Ghettos. they record having let thousands starve adn die of diseases int eh overcrowded conditions, adn then they record transporting them to camps, which did not have accomdation for the, nor food for the, At that point the disappear from teh recrds, never to be seen anywher eon earth again.

Why do deniers think it unreasnable to beleive they died? adn if so, how did they die? btyt h4 means that every witness, the documents, the archaeology all confirm? or by some novel method?

Attached: 1949 census data.jpg (3960x3060, 3.67M)

given teh fall in jewish numbers in all the european countries the Nazis had access to, or could bully into sending jews to them, like hungary, How can deniers suggest this is not targetted and systematic? Edwin Black in his book IBM and the Holocaust details how IMB punch card technology was widely used by teh nazis to run a census on the ews in each country they occupied, and to then use that data to round them up, and to orgainse theri transpor tto the east. The trains were also using IBM cards to track rolling stock adn organise the transports.
The bills for the transorts paid by the nazis still exist, proving the mass transport happened.

there are no records showing any further transport onwards from the Operation Reinhardt camps.

Attached: Report_of_the_Anglo-American_Committee_of_enquiry_regarding_the_problems_of_European_Jewry_and_Pales (1700x2200, 267K)

it is simply false to claim, as some deneirs do, that there were not six million jews in europe availabel to kill, and false to suggest that they were all in camps alive adn well until the last few months when (because of the allies actions) they then starved.
the records show that the mass transports, and the mass deaths, had to start in 41.

Attached: Report_of_the_Anglo-American_Committee_of_enquiry_regarding_the_problems_of_European_Jewry_and_Pales (1700x2200, 381K)

I don't give a shit, you should be dead already:



Show the supposed mass graves and how it wasn't typhus and supply lines being entirely cut and exhausted. Oh wait you can't JIDF

nuremberg.law.harvard.edu/documents/4251-instructions-to-concentration-camp?q=Prisoners armaments#p.1

this letter is evidence - (especially if you follow the link and read the second page....) that they were starving to death in 1942.

and of course it is only directed at changing the previous (deliberate) policy of starving the workers to death - it makes no mention of the non workers, the useless eaters. Who presumably were also starving to death (not better fed than the workers) or had been simply killed off.

this letter of course also does not apply to the extermination centers. they were still killing people without the benefit of long starvation, but just murdered on arrival.

yest some deniers try to pass this off as proof they were concerned about jews (jews are not mentioned in the letter) and keeping all jews alive at all costs. Nothing could be further from the truth.

this isn't exculpatory, it is pinning the deaths of hundreds of thousands directly on previous policy..

If it does not prove the whole of the holocaust (no single document could) surely it proves that part of it happened, as described by many witnesses.

this cannot be dismissed.

Attached: stop starving them.jpg (856x937, 129K)

>how it wasn't typhus and supply lines being entirely cut and exhausted.

i just showed that.
and the supposed mass graves

Anything, really. I don't care whether it happened or not, and I'd imagine other anons feel similarly. What matters is whether it was necessary or not. Did they deserve it? And, more importantly, do they deserve it again? That's the question you should be asking.

physical proof of 6 million kikes buried under the concentration camps carbon dated done by an entity with no jew affiliation whatsoever.

Just imagine a century from now kikes will still be kvetching about the 6 gorillion like niggers are still chimping out about slavery and reparations.

>the supposed mass graves
every major camp has mass graves. some quite huge.

a million people reduced to ash would be a ten foot tall pile the area of five tennis courts. just the bits inside the white lines, not the whole area around them

say about a sixth of a football pitch.

about 13 metres by 20.

it isn't a mountain. it isn't even a hill.

so the graves found at treblinka - 27x25x8 metres, are big enough for the 900,000 supposedly killed there.

and the other major killing sites all have large mass graves.


and there are thousands of mass graves all across the eastern states - some are slavic peasants, but the Einsatzgruppen reports make it celar that many are jews.

Auschwitz dumped the ash in teh forest - the soil is still full of ash and bone fragments adn teeth. also ont eh farmland as fertilser, and in a marsh, adn the river.

it is not hard to get rid off.

of course deniers like to pretend there are no mass graves - rudolf and grak tell lies about Marijampole..

but there are a fair few documented

Attached: belzec mass graves1.jpg (1025x1353, 451K)

no that is not the topic of the thread.

This is "Bandenbekäpfung": More like partisans trying to attack Wehrmacht during occupation.

Look, everybody knows war is bad. But there have been many genocides before and after WWII and nobody talks about them.
Why so much emphasis on this one event?

Any Turks feeling guilty about millions of killed Armenians? I dont't think so.
Any Russians feeling guilty about millions of killed Ukrainians? I don't think so.
Any Brits feeling guilty about dead Irish? I don't think so.
Anybody talking about the millions of Germans that died in the Rheinwiesenlager? I don't think so.

If Jews didn't exist anymore then I'd believe it.

A written order showing hitler's order to kill all Jews, you know just what I was taught in school

carbon dating is not good for such recent remains. the error bars on the tests are too large, adn you would get at best that it happened between say 1960 adn 1920 to a 95% confidence.

But I take your point - some proof that the remains are from the time would be good. Which is difficult, unless you have contemporary corroborating evidence.

I am sure that some would be available for some graves - coins, or other datable artifacts included int eh grave, that would be suffcient for any archaeologist to be sure of the dating. but many would be hard to date int aht way.

however, given the other evidence, adn the extremly unlikely notion that these mass graes from some other era would all jsut happen to be found where the camps and ghettoos and recored mass shootings were... is it that unlikely that a grave found at the site of Belzec camp is actually from a different time period? I think that an unreasonable assumption.

as for the no jew affiliation.. hard to find one isn't it? also given that non jews are generally not that interested int eh subject, you can understand why most people looking atiare jews. But there isa french priest doing a lot of work on it, but alongside jews.

again I think this is a test that is not reasonable, for fairly obvious reasons.

>This is "Bandenbekäpfung": More like partisans trying to attack Wehrmacht during occupation.

and the bit that says "juden exekutiert"?

and does it not strike you that the total of jews shot is 363,211, while the other categories of killings are all in the hundreds or low thousands, the largest being only 16,553?

so twenty times as many jews killed.

this does not strike you as disproportionate?

>Anybody talking about the millions of Germans that died in the Rheinwiesenlager? I don't think so.

probably because that didn't happen...

Dig up the graves and let's see the bodies.

We all know they didnt burn that many, it isn't possible. So let's see the bodies, if they're there.

But they aren't so we'll keep on questioning, where we are legally allowed to do so, kek

Attached: 1560874959103.png (382x491, 124K)

Thatd answer alot of questions

it takes 3 hours to burn a single body in a modern crematorium
1 million bodies is 3 million hours.
That's 125,000 days worth. Assuming 100 crematorium furnaces, that would still be 1250 days, burning day and night round the clock, not allowing for any time to clean out the ashes or start new fires or other maintenance. And their supposed crematoriums burned wood/coal/oil.
for just 1 million.

But information available from the jewish libraries about WWII says that Nazis burned 340 bodies every 24 hours with just THREE furnaces at Auschwitz. That would be just 4.25 minutes per body. And running 3 furnaces (that's all that Auschwitz had) would be able to do 3 bodies at a time, allowing only 13 minutes per every 3 body cremation session. An impossible feat.

Also i will never trust a kike-filled agency to correctly and honestly uncover the truths about the holocaust - and this lack of trust stems from the countless lies told by lolcaust """survivors""" - they have ruined their own credibility and somehow that's my problem?

Masturbation machines? Inflation? Lamp shades? You must understand what happens when I question someone and their story slowly breaks down into lies as I did deeper...

well you wnet to a crappy school then.

As you now know we have no such order. so that cannot be done. However that hardly disproves the millions of missing jews, or the testimony of the people who killed them saying they did it. And that they were ordered in person by Himmler. who said it was a Fuhrer order.

I personally doubt that even Himmler would claim it was an order from Hitler if it wasn't.

given Hitler's remarks to Horthy ( The next day, 17th April 1943, Hitler’s and
4 Ribbentrop’s demands became a good deal cruder. Horthy
5 again protested that he “surely couldn’t beat the Jews to
6 death”. Ribbentrop replied that they “must either be
7 annihilated or taken to concentration camps. There is no
8 other way”. Hitler then followed up with this:
9 “Where the Jews are were left to themselves, as
10 for example in Poland, gruesome poverty and degeneracy had
11 ruled. There were just pure parasites. One had
12 fundamentally cleared up this state of affairs in Poland.
13 If the Jews there didn’t want to work, they were shot. If
14 they couldn’t work, they had to perish. They had to be
15 treated like tuberculosis bacilli, from which a healthy
16 body could be infected.)

I think it not unlikely that he did order it, even though we do not have the siged paper.

if it ever existed. and would it not be the first thing you would shred?

does it not strike you that it would also be the first thing to forge, if you were faking it? the fact that we do not have such a document, no jew has forged one, is in itself interesting...

stupid remark.

Attached: 1518614573312.jpg (1216x1234, 72K)

3 things would convince me of a death toll of 4-6 million :

1. Repeal of holocaust denial laws (if it happened, there is no reason to bar its denial)

2. A thorough investigation at Auschwitz/Treblinka to find out the actual death toll, under a multinational archaeological team (preferably not jewish)

3. Stopping holocaust propaganda and teaching World War 2 through a balanced lens, presenting both the anti-jewish crimes led by germans AND what the jews did during the Weimar Republic in order to create massive antisemitism among Germans.

If these 3 things are done, and results from the investigation yield a death toll of 5.5 million, as you say, then I'll stop denying it.

Until then, it all seems like zionist propaganda, whose purpose was the creation of Israel.


Attached: 1555514347418.png (853x1432, 186K)

Why of course the Hitlercaust happened, goyim! Where else would a poor country like Venezuela get gold but from the teeth of poor suffering Holocaust victims?


After all, it's not like their entire 16th- and 17th-century colonial economy was centered on gold mining and livestock farming.


>Kikes jumped the shark YET AGAIN

Attached: Kikes jumped the shark.png (482x582, 32K)

impossible..like proving boys are girls

Attached: 1553618456345.png (1423x1566, 631K)

why do you think it isn't possible to burn bodies?

very odd thing to think.

also, why do you think that anyone would dig them all up? Why would they do that? apart from to feed your ghoulish and unreasonable demands.

try going to your local cemetery with a spade and see how many you can dig up "just checking they are really dead, really there, officer" before you get arrested.

it is bizarre thing to request, and bizarre to pretend that it is unreasonable to refuse.

Attached: the makers say it could be done.jpg (1234x463, 218K)

I'd accept the Holocaust if they claimed they died due to negligence (criminal or otherwise), starvation and or disease.

Why is it so hard to believe (allegedly) 6 million kikes died due to the Allied war effort cutting off supply routes to Germany, allies bombing camps, etc etc?

Were Jews shoved into concentration camps? I have no doubt. Were they rounded up and expelled from Germany? 100%. Were they stripped of their citizenship in Germany and German occupied territory? Absolutely and for good reason.

But it's ludicrous to think the Nazis actively killed and wasted precious war resources and manpower to actively murder these people. I refuse to believe that narrative.

Why did they change the death toll at aushwitz from 4 million. To 1.5 million deaths?

Except I still think 6 million is exaggerated.

A rerun

>What lie could I tell you that you would believe?

Nothing,because it has all been exaggerated and falsified so much by this point that no data would pass the scientific sniff test.

The holocaust happened, but 6 million is a purely imaginary figure.


shows how it could be done.

you are basing your figures on cold oven to cold oven, with bodies in coffins, in small modern funeral home ovens.

animal carcas rendering plants can do a ton of remains to ash in one hour, per oven. Hurikan1000 oven can be put on a trailer and brought to your farm. a portable oven that can do 14 of me to ash in one hour. in one oven.

Auschwitz had over fifty... they were burning a lot of children and babies.

they also used pyres. you can burn five hundred or a thousand bodies at a time on a pyre. sure it takes a few hours, but light several pyres and you can do five thousand bodies in a couple of hours. no problem.

pic related. the SS team that learned how to do it at Treblinka did it again in Dresden

this denier meme is really a red herring.

Attached: dresden pyre.jpg (594x497, 71K)

show me the roller coaster of death

Attached: CNN zyclone.jpg (994x1053, 239K)

>Masturbation machines?
not a kike.

a catholic, australian (with mental health issues appraently) who vanity press published a truy ridiculous sotry which is nothing to do with teh holocaust.

you might as well cite the twighlight novels as evidence of real vampires.

...you think it's cheaper to intern people than to kill them?

also, the "countless" lies are probably in truth not countless. they are fairly few . Not all by jews.

the number of truths, well documented truths, is so hugely greater, that I have to suggest you are focusing on things through bias, not reason. Your demand is unreasonable.

>all day every day this faggot shits up the board
at least you have your own thread to shit in, you fucking frog kike.
Newfags can bump your shit thread, cause i sure as fuck wont

no, it is cheaper to use them as slaves. you should know this nigger

well that seems nearly reasonable.

I am not sure i entirely agree with 1. while i dislike the laws, adn think deniers should be free to be ridiculous and ridiculed in public, at the same time most of the laws are about incitement to violence, not actually denial of the holocaust.

you can see why germany has laws against denying nazi war crimes - they learned their lesson the hard way.

so while I dislike the laws, I cannot see why anyone would cliam their existence is a barrier to understanding that it did actually happen. to me that is just posturing. the truth does not fear investigation, and you may investigate. and find the truth is that they killed millions.

2) well Treblinka is being investigated, and I await the results. It is a mostly english and polish team.

but I am not sure that (and a dig on Auschwitz) would prove much. yes they found the huge mass graves, which proves a good deal, but would that be enough?

would we be able to find the evidence at Auschwitz, given the ways they disposed of the ash, according to the camp commandant, and all other witnesses, independently?
If one could prove that about 2 million died in those two places, (and another half million to three quarters in the other major death camps) would that be enough?

That and the 1.4 million from the Einsatzgruppen (as if they are not in themselves enough to debunk most deniers on this board)? so that would give about 4.1 million.

the rest - well 250k in your country... and hundreds of thousands in every nook and cranny of europe.

so a total of 5.1 to 5.7 million isn't hard to get to.

but really, is there not enough proof of those things already? deniers nit pcik with stupid things like the wooden doors (not original, not on the gas chamber, not relevant) but the rest of the evidence, which they have not looked at, is pretty strong...

and as for 3 - well those are good ideas, but again, they are not sufficient to doubt it happened.

a german doc regarding the extermination of people.

>not reasonable request.
Fine then I don’t believe it happened

in addition, about 3 - you are wrong to suggest that antisemetism in germany dates only from the Weimar days and jewish actions during it.

a great swathe of anti jewish sentiment was common in germany, and all europe, long before Weimar. And the actions of a few jews during that period are hardly sufficient justification for mass murder of jews in France or russia... the propaganda campaign that the Nazis ran against jews was based on much longer standing and deeper rooted hatred, and they ramped it up immensely. it wasnt that the people all saw jews doing terrible things and rose as one to say stop". it was that the nazis ran a decade long brainwashing campaign to scapegoat them, adn get their followers to murder them. (and the murders started before 1933... )

a balanced history would also talk about that...

and frankly, Israel was going to happen - Balfour declaration was decades before. The Holocaust probably slowed its formation.

we've been over this french kike...

Attached: 1558102922837.jpg (719x703, 152K)

>animal carcas rendering plants

Lmao. Meanwhile in reality.

Attached: Öfchen.jpg (183x275, 11K)

I dont think anyone cares, we just dont want something so irrelevant in history to dictate our foreign policy in 2019


no, those are all very poor questions. they have been answered many times in the past. You cannot seriously tell me you would believe it happened if i answered them...

Attached: bad questions.png (1702x1432, 422K)

Yeah dude you're 100% jewish and I can tell by your response to his first point

because the first was a soviet propaganda number, claiming over 3 million Soviet POWs were killed there. the jews were hardly mentioned in the soviet report. indeed they estimated 7 million to start with,, based on the capacity of the crematoria.

the number was questioned by the west, and the historians in the west had established it as closer to 1 million by the early 1950s. the plaque was changed when the iron curtain fell and truth could be told.

this does not change the number of jews killed there.

A signed confession by Hitler with a picture of him signing it next to his grandmother and six million dead Jews would be a start.

Attached: download (43).jpg (300x168, 6K)

The same French fag as usual. How much are you paid to defend the holohoax for months on end?

Holy fuck this
Einsatzgruppen killed spies and partisans. Many of whom happened to be jews, who woulda thunk.

There never was a "holocaust". the jews were brought to camps to work for a war economy that lacked manpower. the germans wanted the jews alive and well fed so they wouldwork. jews died due to typhus (zyklon B is a pesticide for typhus transmitting lice) and starvation caused by the allied blockade. If the holocaust was real they would not have laws forbidding you to look into it.

Jews seems unable to see their peer diyng by mistake or neglicted by deseases, for them they must be some irrational responsabilties for this, even if germans did nothing to harm their inmates.

>5.5 million
That would be soviet ingenuity. They found 12 million shoes so they just worked that way.

I wonder what the true number is, how many people died in camps of typhus ect.

To be honest, there technically *should* be a video of the gas chambers being tested on live subjects somewhere. I mean, come on.

>due to the Allied war effort cutting off supply routes to Germany,
because they were dying in millions in 42,43 and 44. before the allied effort could have done that.

>allies bombing camps, etc

kindly give an example of a camp being bombed with death toll.

did that ever happen?

as for wasting resources - it takes more to keep them in concentration camps adn ghettos, more food, more manpower to guard them, more resources of all types, then it does to kill them. especially using cheap mass murder methods and body disposal.

If you really think resources were an issue then you should think they did it and started early, rather than think they kept millions in holiday camps with thousands of guards for six years.

just because you argue in bad faith, does not mean everyone does.

bugger it I have to go - peopel arrived unexpectedly.

>kindly give an example of a camp being bombed with death toll.
The caml near nordhausen was bombed by allied forces. I don't know the death toll though. It was part of a larger bombing effort that also targeted the nearby city.

Here is a picture, it is commonly used as evidence for the holocaust.
Notice that there are german uniforms among the dead as well as camp inmates.

Attached: Ded.jpg (967x768, 160K)

>deniers deny this. what would it take to prove it to them?
Physical proof, of these alleged enormous mass graves in exactly known locations

Actual photographs taken of people excavating them today

please post them because i want them to exist. I can win $100,000 from the NAFCASH challenge

Yes, $100,000 reward to forensically prove the holocaust:


I think you discount how quickly disease and starvation can occur in a year's time.

Allies on the Western front made it to the German Border in September of 44 and the Russia was making it's way through Poland before that in June. Germany had earlier in the war seized Soviet territories for resources.

Not to mention the Allied bombing campaign started in 1941; and targeted war production centers, highly populated areas, utilities, waterways, railways, literally anything they could bomb to halt the German war machine and demoralize the German people.