If I get $1000 a month I'm gonna quit my job even though my monthly bills are $3500

>If I get $1000 a month I'm gonna quit my job even though my monthly bills are $3500.

I'm sorry but do the anti-UBI people even know how to argue?

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>fuck dignity an shit GIBS me dat nigga

That's what you sound like

lazy people will never be content. they will only want more money


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I'm going to buy huge life insurance policies for my parents.

I plan on donating my $1000 to Lauren Southern to supplement the $500 a month I already give her.

>What is inflation

UBI is a plan to restore feudalism if everyone get gibs then every base good suffers inflation and those without gibs can0t buy base goods.

Then they can give UBI on paramers like age , gender and more for social engineering.

Anyone supporting UBI is mentally retarded.

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>billionaires having trillions of dollars doesnt cause inflation
>but poor people have money to pay their rent will cause inflation

>Landlords and companies are not going to raise any prices guys!
Your monthly bills will go up to $4500 dip shit.

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Yeah my dude that’s all true but think about all the free tendies, free vidya and free weed. BASED!.

>my monthly bills are $3500.
where the fuck do you live?

Do you even know what NEETs are? Sometimes they don't receive even a cent from the government but still choose not to work.

ah yes, give the government even more of your autonomy.
consequence "free".

>I'm going to buy huge life insurance policies for my parents.
for free, right?

Remember when tehy said this about minimum wage? Surprise everything still costs exactly the same.

>every rich person if not most hoard their money and dont invest
>I know this because its what I would do.
you're not even trying.

Yes that's precisely what causes inflation if all the billionaires would go on a plane dumping money all of the sudden basic goods would become scarce because poor people buy basic goods first while milionaires spent the same than a middle class on basic goods and then luxury shit.

Housing is inflated now because millionaires buy properties to protect their wealth.
If UBI becomes normalized basic goods would suffer massive monthly inflation same way as housing did.
Millionaires buy properties to protect their wealth from inflation , middle class and poor would buy food asap to protect their wealth from inflation.

We here in Argentina have UBI for families since a few years ago basically everyone with kids get gibs as a result the middle class is collapsing poor people reproducing in mass numbers and inflation totally out of control and we are about to collapse.

Worse we can't stop this shit because it would be a political suicide.
Seriously UBI is the worse shit you can do it's fucking bait by the ultrarich against everyone else.

Not only they can do social engineering but they remove any competence as inflation destroy any new business.

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$1000 a month is enough for single men to live in a modest apartment with a roommate, eat in, and then spend all their time working out and playing board games and video games. Not that UBI will be a thing, because of inflation and because Yang could never make it happen, but if it were a thing, and I were 15 years younger, then I would have had no reason to move beyond my college lifestyle. People who already have families, houses, and an expensive life style won't give it up, but the people at the bottom who are already comfortable there won't have any incentive to move up either.

>ah yes, give the government even more of your autonomy.

There is no autonomy given up for UBI you fucking leaf mongoloid.

The indoctrination of these goy puppets is far to stronk. Most of these guys barely passed elementary school tier math and hold on to fairy tales such as the good ol' work hard and it'll trickle down, taxing is only detrimental hurr durr

>If I get $1000 a month I'm not gonna quit my job because my monthly bills went from $3500 to $4500

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The actual argument for UBI is that it can replace welfare. Which is idiotic at face value but we're supposed to believe it.

This. Needs to be at least 1500 a week or gtfo.

>i want politics to devolve into buying votes

But it doesn't?

UBI is the beginning of communism
>taxes go up 10 percent for workers
>1k isn't enough so benefits are raised to 2k
>taxes go up 10 percent for workers
>2k isn't enough so benefits are raised to 3k
>workers quit their jobs because they make more not doing shit
>not enough people working for jobs
>forced labor is applied by force if necessary
>all rights are taken away

No it fucking doesn't shit went up in price and hours were cut. the fuck are you smoking

Imagine UBI based on political/sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity. Reparations anyone?
>What is the velocity of money?
Billions of FRNs sitting in a gigantic pile somewhere until they're used to pay out some nigger to protest has profoundly different effects on the economy as opposed to throwing billions of dollars into the hands of people who have no fucking idea how to earn that money themselves. People spending $1000 a month makes the commodities they purchase more valuable.
What do you think happens when the US Court System dumps a million FRNs on a random idiot with no financial experience, regardless of IQ or skintone?
>They squander it in 18-24 months because they didn't earn it and don't understand how to spend it.
UBI is identical. You give a nigger $1000.
>He spends $400 cash on illegal/black market transactions that aren't done with a card, and the other $600 at Rite-Aid and Walmart. You have just introduced $400 FRNs into the market, and since every nigger will have $1000, Rite-Aid and Walmart raise the price of Watermelon, Kool-Aid, and Genetically Enhanced Chicken Parts to accommodate for the demand: initially only for the first month of the week but eventually the price hike sticks. Inflation.
>Some venture capitalist made $5,000 while playing golf today. It will sit in his account and unless his investments shit the bed, do nothing but accumulate value forever. It may eventually be spent on something, but this is unlikely past a certain point of affluence.
See why one contributes to inflation that the common man perceives while the other is numbers in a vault?
If you give everyone $50, the economy would experience an enormous jump in value. Do it every month and you'll have inflation like fucking crazy.
UBI with DEBT-BASED CURRENCY is the most retarded fucking thing I could possibly imagine, except perhaps not knowing that FRNs are DEBT-BASED CURRENCY.
Good posts.

>$3500 monthly in bills alone.
Holyshit what the fuck is wrong with America?

You raise the incentive for poorfags to reproduce.
Inb4 falling birthrates. You will have to spend more and more until you collapse.
Welfare is always tempting but remember that, politically, you can't just go back to not giving it out.

>imagine being this retarded
you're absolutely right kraut, im sure UBI will have absolutely no consequences good or bad.
because that majes sense (somehow)


wtf I love serfdom now

>sell all my shit
>move into some 3rd world shithole where i could live like a king with $1000/month and fuck cuties
Bang, zoom, straight to the moon!

California is not America.

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You're a fucking idiot. I'm early twenties and mine and just about everyone I know at my age groups bills are around 730 accumulated on average. Kill yourself you fucking sped. Almost all would gladly stay home smoke weed and play video games never bettering themselves with no incentive.

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What the fuck are you doing with your life that your bills are that fucking high???
Holy fuck you're retarded.
You need to learn how to manage your finances and create a fucking budget.

>monthly bills are $3500

My monthly bills are $0 because my parents pay for everything.

Based and Economicpilled , i hope you bought bitcoin for the incoming bullrun user.

Also fuck Keynes and fuck Jannies

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Wow, who would have guessed that you have to explain basic economics on a political board. Good post tho!

>Confiscate guns, push degeneracy, take my rights away, for a thousand a month.

Shutting down threads like this is fun, and as a filthy monolingual plebian it's good practice being able to succinctly eviscerate these arguments.
I've not done much research about Bitcoin, if I'm honest. Can you explain why now is the time to buy, or recommend some reading material?

>monthly bills are $3500
How does someone even spend that much? I live very comfortably off $2k


Bitcoin last I remember crashed and became dirt cheap.
If it ever skyrockets again like it did before then its good buy now because what could you really lose more than just the initial investment.
now whether it can ever increase in value again is the question I think.


Sounds about right. Withe inflation this shit will bring could be even more.