Users of Jow Forums:

Users of Jow Forums:

Although there are already more than 100,000 signatures, we hope you can help pushing this petition to the front page before the opening of G20 in Osaka, Japan.

Whether you support Trump does not matter here. What Hongkong needs is the power of people around the world against the red terror, Sovietization and cultural destruction by the People's Republic of "China" - the anti-Chinese regime that dared to destroyed the tomb of Confucius.

We hereby invite people of the world to fight with us against Marxist barbarism.


香 狄
港 賊
國 死
人 清
年 光


Attached: tlhk.png (1685x1009, 406K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Are there dogburners in HongKong?

Mainlanders are subhuman streetshitters.




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G20 starts Friday, Trump is already busy picking out no-pan maid cafes
he’s going to grab so many pussys his hands will look like an escargot chef’s

Hong Kong is Chinese. Deal with it nigger.

While we're at it how about we get a poll going on how many people think petitions are effective.

That's my exact point. Hongkong is more Chinese than the barbarian PRC

you don't want to be part of the west. Trust me

Fuck off Chink

You need to post a link

You are irrelevant without your motherland. You could be so much more if you'd just stop fighting. It'll only make it worse.

Attached: thechinese.jpg (1534x3600, 2.28M)

Sorry people, I forgot the link. Here it is:

Im always for killing commies

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Based. Fuck the PRC and fuck commies.

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Fucking communists?
Where do i sign up?

baaaaaahahahaha, yea good luck.
how about this, we'll help you, and you send us 60% of your gdp, for ever.

Signatures don't work. What you need is an extreme use of violence against the PRC.

We must act Mr. President

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Sadly, Hongkong has been a part of the West since 19th century. Hongkong has been a fusion of the east and west ever since its creation. However, we need not just a part of the world's help. We need as much help as we can get, wherever they are.

how is huawei doing, chink?
oh wait...

Should have fought to stay a colony when you had a chance, chink. Too late now, enjoy commie rule.

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Dear Trump,

Please listen to this petition to start WW3.

Warm Regards,

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>Amerimutts pay with blood for my cause
Shut up, you are not Israel or the Saudi family

>Hong Kong made a deal
>realize they have to hold up to their end of the bargain
>tries to get a 3rd party to interfere and get them out of the contract
Sound pretty Anglo to me

Eaters user
Burner means something different

You’re welcome, just signed it.

HK user how much does HK want to rejoin the british empire? Is there a chance after red white and blue post-brexit Britain that HK will be happy to aid in the anglosphere?

>the anti-Chinese regime that dared to destroyed the tomb of Confucius.


The reason Trump reported his mass deportation last Sunday.

He didn't wanted the chineses at G20 to ad hominem him:
"You want us ou of Hong Kong? So why did you got the Mexicans out of Texas?"
If ICE did its job Trump would have lost all credibility

CCP will fall

Sorry HK, nothing we can do. You're Chinas bitch and theres nothing you can do about it, invest in a good pair of knee pads.

Attached: Hungry Escalator.webm (400x220, 444K)

What, exactly, do you believe the U.S. can do to liberate you, short of nuclear war?
I'm sorry for your situation, but my country cannot "demand" a free Hong Kong.
As long as China has nuclear weapons capable of hitting the U.S. (thank you, Clinton, you fucking traitor), we cannot engage in war, and it's doubtful China will be swayed by economic sanctions, which could also be dangerous to the nations surrounding China.

What is it you want?

hk virgins are mad because the veil's been pulled back from your delusion that you are in someway British, or almost on par with the Brits. but you're really just mainlanders who were needed as Help.

HK are House Niggers, uppity ones at that. plus you all have big noses and weak chins. lmao.

As much as I want Taiwan, Hong Kong, Tibet,... to balkanize, this is kike bait for WW3.

>asking jews for help
How cucked do you have to be? Jesus christ, isn't it enough evidence to see what Europe and the US have become? This just shows how stupid and idiotic the masses are.
The Chinese government is far from perfect but I hope they put you globohomo (((democracy))) advocates into a reeducation camp.

Hong Kong is history :-D

Attached: guy falls into trash compactor.webm (407x339, 1.31M)

lol, he think america just gonna send troop to ''liberate'' them because some whining bitches sign some gay-ass petition
thats not how politic work. Accept it, you cant do a damn thing about it. You seriously think that china just gonna let america ''liberate'' HK?
if america ever do that then it would be an all out war between two powerful country. America isnt ready for that....yet.
cry more hahaha.
if ever a war break out between two country, the only one who will benefit from it is us.

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Hongkong people never was part of the negotiation when the UK and the PRC signed the Joint Declaration. Like Czechoslovakia in the Munich Agreement.
The direct result is PRC gets tons of money via Hongkong to invade your homeland. Now they won't even follow the Declaration, same as the Germans after the Agreement.

HK dollars are basically US dollars anyway.

There aren't many technically. Some do argue that Hongkong should join the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Oh Scheiße!

Thing is, you don't have time to stand and watch by now.

And man, I didn't know Jow Forums's reply delay time has gotten this loooong

me no chineeese! me no chineeese! me hong kongah!

me no chineeese! im britain!

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the fuck HK isn't even in the commonwealth? What a travesty.

I am siding with whoever is against niggers

We'll get to you after Iran


Ping ping pong, fight your own war Hong Kong.

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no one cares about hong kong.

2047 cant come soon enough

Attached: woman ran over and no one cares.webm (362x240, 2.73M)

No. The people of Hong Kong need to do this themselves. By having the US intervene, it will be temporary or seen as illegitimate.

I do sometimes imagine how Vietnam will become in the future. It'd be actually interesting to see Vietnam becoming a powerful empire in Asia.

Realpolitik, man. Realpolitik.

At least I grow beards.

Every good measure can do. The vagueness of the petition's wordings is intentional. If war breaks out, that'd be a very sad ending.

>hk virgins are mad because the veil's been pulled back from your delusion that you are in someway British, or almost on par with the Brits. but you're really just mainlanders who were needed as Help.

>HK are House Niggers, uppity ones at that. plus you all have big noses and weak chins. lmao.

This. HKers are uppity and think they're better and think they are invulnerable because of some vauge notion of 'democracy' and being a former colony (cucks) will enable them to get protection or recognition from the west, but the west doesn't give a shit about HK, never did.

The HKers are deluding themselves now by poking the Dragon but eventually when 2047 comes around they're all going to get stomped on.

Attached: suicide I think.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

You call this reddit-tier petition Realpolitik? What a joke.

You're gonna have to ching chong your way out of this yourself.
We are not the world's police so asking Donald Trump to help you onions your way out of this teriyaki is futile and pointless.

theyre fine, theyre just pretending

The whole thing was never meant to evolve into such situation, bu the US is already intervening. It's the most heavy-handed in the last 20 years so far.

The extradition bill will obviously harm not just the US's, but every country's interests in Hongkong. If the bill is passed, every tourists and foreign nationals in Hongkong will be threatened. This is also why the US and the European countries' reaction was much more calmed back in the 2014 protests.

>Go to war with a nuclear power and end the world over one city
Sorry Hong Kong the UK signed your fate.

Attached: Canada.jpg (638x490, 31K)

I rive in Hoong Koong!! me no chineesee! me no chinaa!

me not chineeese! i no chynaa!

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I signed for you.
But lets be honest, what do you expect Donald or the US to do in this manner?
If the US did intervene that could start a conflict between the US and China.
You're gonna have to settle in Canada or Australia for a while until things have settled down/China implodes.

Dear Hongkong,

You are chinese. That's a fact, that's a geographical, ethnical, cultural, political thruth. You can't change that and being occupied by Bongs for a few decades didn't change that. So stop whining, asking for other countries to come to your rescue.

You don't like your government ? Fine, start a revolution, that's how you change a regime. You're not enough to do so ? You have 1.3 billions people you can recruit if you stop being a snob and start realising other chineses might think the same thing you do. China gov is too powerful ? Well let's ask Afghani freedom fighters if the fight was fair against USSR and after that the entire NATO.

You want freedom, go get it yourself and stop asking for new invaders.

The "West" fought a world war to protect and expand communism. They then undermined Chinese Nationalists to make China communist.

The best you can do is recognize the Taiwanese government as the legitimate government of China and support a nationalist uprising on mainland China.

Asians already own the West coast
Trade Hong Kong for California

Chinese shill force has arrived

You want us to go to war against China just for you? Selfish little gook, fuck you

>The best you can do is recognize the Taiwanese government as the legitimate government of China and support a nationalist uprising on mainland China.

China has control over Hong Kong's: water, electricity, food, access to sea lanes, investment, army.

Attached: Sichuan Spicy.webm (384x480, 2.95M)

As I understand, it's not Trump's job. It's the Queen's. Look at it this way, the white people that stepped in and colonized your asses, raising your standard of living were British. You're calling on an American to solve your problems. That would be like inheriting a house from your parents that the bank (mainland China) already foreclosed on and asking your parent's old neighbors to step in a fix it for you.

Handle your own problems. If you keep asking for handouts you don't deserve independence.

HK is too wealthy to start a revolution...but so is China.
Realistically by 2047 the populace
will have moved away to Taiwan, Vancouver or here. There're more HKers than ever here.


Hence the state of the world today: full of commies

It's intentional.

Hongkong is full of foreign nationals around the world. PLA stomping them will directly lead to WW3. Hell, even the Russians would nuke the PRC if that happens. Boxer Rebellion 2.

Fuck the commies in the ass. I support this fellow commonwealthman

It would be awesome to dunk on China with the NATI Cawk

Are there cute traps in hong Kong? if not, I'm not interested in fighting for your fake country.

Glownigger detected


yeah petitions always work

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989
天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策
The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights
民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣
Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa
新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子
強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報
九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品
賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

beat me to it

Again, Hongkong is more Chinese than the PRC. That applies also to Taiwan.
And uh, didn't the Americans asked you France for help back in the 18th century?

Thank you very much for signing. The vagueness of the paragraph is intentional, so that the US (and actually all the countries allied with the US, too) can decide to use whatever measures deemed appropriate.

If you're resorting to asking Users of 4chinks to do anything meaningful and useful, then you're truly fucked, user.

You're better off stockpiling lubricant for when the PLA dogs come and fuck you in the arse.

>Mutt education
50 years isn't up yet you retarded mutt.

I don't care about Britain but I care about HK

kys chink
Shenzen beat you economically
Korea beat you in TV shows and pop music
You are useless and irrelevant

Everything is of the mind. The communists control Hong Kong's utilities and shipping lanes cutting them off from the legitimate Chinese government.

Sorry, I'm no expert on traps so you gotta ask someone else.

I'm a Hongkong imperialist.

Delet this b4 Alex Jones shows up

hong kong is already pretty progressive user, they want all of our sickness

>Hongkong is full of foreign nationals around the world. PLA stomping them will directly lead to WW3. Hell, even the Russians would nuke the PRC if that happens. Boxer Rebellion 2.

The CCP will ask all foreigners to leave HK before the stomping begins. Retard.

Attached: 1493452735950.jpg (567x523, 38K)

Let's think about what will happen if you get your wish:
>whatever value your country has will disappear instantly (and mine will get immensely richer)
>80% of your water supply and 30% of your electricity will disappear instantly
>strategic strikes from china will destroy the remaining power plants, plunging your nation into darkness
>your tiny island will be turned into a war zone long before reinforcements come
>there's a good chance it'll all escalate into nuclear war

Except for the last part I'm okay with all those things. You've won me over, I'll sign it.

Nah, France was already at war with England, we helped the burgers to piss off the Bongs


我签了这个 来自澳门 香港的爱

And it would still be better than condemning your children to live under communism.

In what way?
You are a bunch of Western cock riding faggots.

ever heard of the administrative regions? im not from mainland, it doesnt affect me. fucking amerimutt


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your flag is a fucking leaf retard


Ni hao, China is part of Honk Honk. This is all.

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If Hongkong is totally destroyed, that means less Black Sabbath, Motorhead and Judas Priest fans.

Good for Shenzhen then. Would be really sad if Hongkong never helped them.

Kdrama: only one is good and the rest sucks. Kpop is just a euphemism of Kporn. I prefer Japan over the Koreas.

Go suck Mao's cock in hell.

Do I get a chink gf if I sign?

do you want one as a slave or a free woman

I'll share the petition with my 10 fb friends if you gib smol eyed gf

Of course I want her as a slave, what do you think I am, a fukin comie?

Slave. Women don’t deserve freedom