Should women be included in the Draft?

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Trannies should though; you can never get enough cannon fodder.

We need nurses and paper pushers.

The Draft is slavery. It shouldn't exist at all


Civil service draft
Not military


Repeal the 19th amendment.

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Absolutely. It's not like they even have to be forced into combat roles. They can just be forced into contributing to society by being armed forces secretaries and shit.

I think should. They should die for the country just like men do. The sexism is really disgusting.

Outside of motherhood and housekeeping, women shouldn't be included in anything.

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This is the clown world option.

The actual best option is to get rid of women rights all together and have their moral agency be kept under their father, or if married - their husband.

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Be realistic. These days with all that equal rights nonsense, they should be included in the draft.

Based. We could use them like Genghis used prisoners; as human meat shields.

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Why do u hate trannies? What did they do to u?

We have conscription here. 9 months of isolation and freezing/sweating your balls off in some random mountain, while the foids are chilling at home.

They don't even do something easier, like community service.

Absolutely not. It would defeat the purpose of a draft

And what would that be?

They should be the only ones drafted to make up for all the wars they missed out on.


Except equality is a meme and shouldn't be catered to. Women should be wives and mothers, that's it. Anything else is late-stage civilizational decay.

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How’s that working out for you?

To get rid of extra men


And comfort women

Why not? Equality n shieeet, am I right?

It has thousands of years of tried and proven success. It's the equality meme that is falling apart so spectacularly and threatens the very survival of any and all nations that practice this moral perversion.

A woman only US military would be interesting. Women say they can do anything men can do then they should have no problem dying for Israel just as men have

I don’t wanna die for no women. Its unfair.

Because having a bunch of single dudes around isn't good for a countries stability, sending all the bug men off to die in some "noble" cause is a decent solution. (Watch full metal jacket)
Personally I prefer the rocky mountain way

But why not women also? What about extra women?

Yes, send them out with GPS trackers to sand niggers who will take them back to their caves to rape them. Bomb the locations afterwards. Save American lives that matter.

If you want to sacrifice your life for wamen and the good of society be my guest. Just don’t include me in your gynocentric ways.

>Just don’t include me in your gynocentric ways.
Don't worry, faggots get the rope anyways.

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You are living in dreamland. Get back to reality so we can have a conversation.

Women should be drafted to cure the incel epidemic.

No, and men shouldn't either. That's crab bucket mentality.


Ideally no, but if they insist on being allowed into combat roles, yes.

Right. Why do you think trump skipped army service? Only dumb cucks and blood thirty psychopaths join the army

Yes, we have way too many women

More women = more options for men
Same way that more more jobs = better options for workers

Women should be drafted to have kids.
At 16yo they are matched with a 25+yo established man with good qualities such as high IQ, stable personality / no serious criminal record etc etc

On their back taking dick is the only way women have EVER made a net contribution to civilization.

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actually only women should be in the army
serves them right since they always babbling bout how they are better than men in every way
fuck em

Options for what? I don’t want to mate.
I see no benefits in having more cunts around.

>Has a contingency plan for soiboi manpower
Based Sven

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There shouldnt be a draft.


Based? More like simpish normie

>crippling society by forcing half the population into non-work

somehow civilization did just fine before

>Doubling the value of labor overnight
>Raising healthy and happy children away from meddling state bureaucrats
>Strong family units providing the building block for all of society, instead of individuals dependent on govt. programs
Typical burger, only thinking about the amount of widgets that can be produced.

>crippling society by forcing half the population into non-work
Crippling society by super low birth rates and going extinct in 3 generations is better?
Women belong in our beds making more kids.

The alternative is literally extinction. There is no argument here.

and all liberal/democrats

there should be no draft at all

It didn’t, though. That’s why it changed. There were social and cultural upheavals in response to the status quo.
Thinking you can turn back time and go back to a previous state without allowing the possibility that social upheaval will happen again is simplistic at best, worryingly stupid at worst.

The modern woman isn't very comforting

Better options for men. extra women forces women to compete for men.
Having extra men around results in incel shootings. Having extra women around results in more complaining (no big deal)

They existed near me once

>super low birth rates and going extinct in 3 generations
That’s not happening. What are you talking about?

>Denounce "Muh oppression" and "das sexist".
>Have privileges and special treatment like not being drafted.

Equality should mean true equality.

>Should women be included in the Draft?
Yes so men can reproduce before going to war.

>based leaf fpbps
>based swede fpbps
What the fuck is going on?

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If they can vote they should have equal chance to die for that right

>That’s not happening. What are you talking about?
Hello, newfag. Familiarize yourself with pic related (2.1 is the minimum replacement level for a population).
This way, when the collapse of the West happens you will know how it happened as Mohamed executes you through the head.

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We also have forced military service here, although in reality is just a joke.

Since 2000 women can "volunteer" to do it. Guess how many women join the service.

But I don’t want a woman! Can u even fathom something like that?

Nope. What's the point of fighting war to defend a country and family when your sister,mother and aunt has to fight for said nation? Women in Military should be Auxiliary support(nurse,medic,communication,support,etc) not front line combat. Sage this thread.

Based Mexican.

Groupthink baby

Yes but only nonwhite women
You want to live here? Fight for it like all our ancestors did you invading pigs

Stop making white women royaty. truly clownworld

At the same time, men should be excluded
Reparations, biatch

Oh my! Super based!

top kek epic meme!!!

This is pre feminism thinking!
Your wife will be fucking niggers and college fratboys as you die on a battlefield on the other side of the world because jewish senators sent you there.

Women can do whatever they want. Removing their rights or increasing their responsibility (via draft) is the solution.

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Only women should be drafted.

They should either be draft-able or not allowed in the military period. I'd prefer the second to the first.

Only if we want to suddenly and effectively increase populations as women find themselves "accidentally pregnant" when called up for active duty.

Feminist is just another word for cannon fodder

arent they equal now? kek

>based leaf
Two words I thought I'd never join together.

Based leaf indeed.
Turning women into men instead of mothers has killed the West.

Yep women should be drafted to see the horrors of war firsthand.

>Yep women should be drafted to see the horrors of war firsthand.
It will grow them the fuck up.

While I'd much prefer women lose their equal rights. That's clearly not fucking happening anytime soon.
In lieu of that ideal, yes, they should be held to the same fucking responsibilities so long as they're going to have the same rights.

And none of this 'women only become POGs' shit. It's equal frontline drafting or else it's not equal at all.

I fucking guarantee you it won't take more than a month before women are begging to have their vote and rights to work taken away.

Getting pregnant to get out of service should count as going AWOL.
They should start executing them when they don't stop doing it.