Gay Reparations

Who here supports gay reparations?

I think they deserve it for all the harm we've done to them over the years.

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Ok, then deduct that from what faggots owe taxpayers for all the money spent treating their countless asshole diseases.

Who pays fo all these gibs?
When women ask for reparations,
It will be straight white men paying for it all

Hard working white men of course.

what about the far more numerous straight couples that paid more taxes because they didn't get married , will they get refunds too ?

Been abusing gays have you user? I haven’t given a rats ass about gays so I ain’t paying shit

So they deserve these reparations because they were given the right to marry? If they had not been given that right, they would have no case for reparations? Totally not a slippery slope...

SSI pays for AIDS medication, that's your reparations

just like Welfare and Food Stamps are reparations for Niggers

No one. Fags deserve the bullet and the shovel to a shallow grave.

I want reparation from gays and no-breeders for fraudulently claiming marriage tax credits meant to provide an incentive for a healthy society via reproduction.

Don't forget the victims of pedophilia!

>no children to support
>profit from natalist economy
I think you have it backward.

By her logic I shouldn't have to pay more because I am a single white male with no children, yet she voted to dump the weight of the elderly people's cost of Obama care in my lap, under penalty of law I may add

>dems think they’re going to win by pandering to less than 5% of the national population
Trump 2020 is guaranteed

Denying me tax credit based on my sexual orientation is a violation of my civil rights.

Dude, elderly people don’t have Obamacare.
They have Medicare.
But yes, you are paying their medical bills.

You can't possibly tell me there are more people out there that think this is an intelligent idea, than people out there that think this is retarded. Virtue signalers aside, you can't possibly tell me.

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Turns out they've all died from AIDS so the government will be keeping the 50 million

WOW, now WHO would have thought that so quickly, let consenting adults do what they want in their bedroom turns into pay us money and give us your kids.

I mean I said this 10000 times, but I was clearly just a broken clock 10000 times a day.

checked and kek'd

Ssshhhieeeeettttt gibs me dat check, wh*toid bitch
Finna buy some new fleshlights and yeezys
Post yfw Madam President gets you that bag

Is the entire dem platform at this point just handing out cash to their own voters? Democracy needs to fucking burn

I don't even believe in reparations.
t. Homonigger

Homosexuality perpetuates OCD, Bipolar disorder and promotes pedophilia.
As a heterosexual I agree...
I want reparations from gay people.
A gay tax will do.
Thanks OP

President Gibbs

actually, afaik, the Pentateuch is the oldest homophobic text in the world. spread the word, faggots.

Give it to their descendants

holy shit I can't wait to troll the woke niggers on facebook about faggots getting reparations before they do

There is no benefit to jointly filing taxes. It just makes it easier. And fags could always jointly file their taxes (and they did).

Yes, it can be a credit against the AIDS tax.