Been reading this book, what can i tell you...

been reading this book, what can i tell you, the whole nation of the United States of America can be summarized in one sentence: stupid white man came into a paradise and made it into a whorehouse

this is not an exaggeration or some attempt at a bait tread, the criminal stupidity of the European settlers can make a mountain cry.

America was literally a Garden Of Eden, but those dumb dumb man and woman couldn't see non of it, all they saw was "real estate".

the crime that was committed there dwarfs the holocaust or any other crime in human history.. its just all so fucked up

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Other urls found in this thread:

let me quote some passages

>Wherever they came inland they found that these announcements had been in no way false: the land, wilderness though it was, was a rich riot of color and sound, of game and luxuriant vegetation. Even if some of the most glowing descriptions of the New World were in fact realestate advertisements, given then as now to calculated falsehood, still the theme of beauty in abundance is so pervasive that it transcends any scheme, insisting its truth upon the reluctant and hesitant pens of the white observers. Had they been other than they were, they might have written a new mythology here. As it was, they took inventory, around the margins of which one feels the spectacular presence of America.

>Waterfowl took flight under their advances with thunderous wings, and deer in unconcerned droves browsed lush meadowlands. Squirrels and huge turkeys barked and gobbled in the endless forests that stretched all the way from the coast to the huge river that Soto had crossed and recrossed and been buried in. Elsewhere ground fruits lavished themselves on the land: scarlet blankets of strawberries painted the bellies of the horses and the legs of the horsemen who rode through them, and swollen clusters of grapes bowered the streams and rivers.

>When the whites penetrated the western watercourses they found the life there as abundant as it had been along the eastern seaboard where sturgeon, giant lobsters, and shad were so plentiful that settlers grew nauseated on them. Out west, Pierre Radisson in the middle of the seventeenth century found otters so numerous in the streams that they hindered the progress of the little expedition's canoes. Gigantic catfish thumped ominously against the frail crafts of Jesuit fathers and voyageurs, while overhead flocks of passenger pigeons traveled the skies in such numbers that for hours at a time the sunlight would be obscured.

>When Daniel Boone and the Long Hunters crept through the Cumberlands into Kentucky, they discovered newer variations on this theme of abundance in a land of canebrakes, clover, bluegrass, wild grains, and salt licks where a thousand animals might be glimpsed in a single lucky moment. They saw the buffalo whose enormous presence Vaca and Coronado had earlier reported and whose relatives, the woods buffalo, were to be found in considerable numbers as far east as Pennsylvania and upper New York. Here these few whites were on the very margin of the prairies that stretched they knew not how far toward sunset, prairies that in spring glinted like an ocean running under windsunflower, golden alexander, prairie lily, silphium, blazing star, golden rod, sky blue aster, purple gentian, big bluestem.

StUPiD WHiTe MaN!!!

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The continent is far better now. They didn’t even have running water or electricity back then, and trendies were nowhere to be found.

Yeah but at least they have Walmart and McDonald's now.

Checkmate primtards.

Europe was the homeland of Descartes and Shakespeare. We might not have been perfect but we were a damn sight more civilised than the savage cannibals who inhabited the Americas. Also, let’s not forget jews haven’t been the forefront of usury and enslavement for millennia. Whites are saints relatively speaking compared to the crimes of your people

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man.. im not even kidding. this book is a real eye opener.

you can download it here and convert the epub to a pdf file online. just skip to PART THREE:

that's when he talks about the invasion. its one of the best books in the world.

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Read some actual history for once, noseberg

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you got it all backwards, the real savages are white people: just look at what they have done

>As for the wildlife of the East, the turkey, prairie chicken, wolf, and elk were all driven out. So were the cougar and the woods buffalo. Strangely appropriate killer heroes now appeared in white folklore, such as the Pennsylvanian Aaron Hall who decimated the local panther population and in winter would festoon the premises of his cabin with their frozen carcasses. Another hunter of the same region was credited with having killed two thousand buffalo. The last of these creatures reported east of the Mississippi was a solitary vagrant shot in West Virginia in 1825, by which time the wilderness of the East was a faded and vaguely disquieting memory, perhaps most evidenced by its negative reminders: vanished forests, erosion, opened, parched lands, and small pockets of aboriginal slums where the demoralized fugitives who had somehow escaped deportation hung on surrounded by fields of white hatred.

As the inheritors rushed into the Mississippi Valley, the rage to clear and claim reached new levels. Into what Mark Twain with unconscious irony had called the "body of the nation" the whites now plunged their axes, plows, and other weapons, girdling and burning stands of oak and cypress at a rate that reached twenty-five million forest acres a year, and exterminating the wildlife in massacres. In Indiana Territory John Audubon witnessed one of these bloody spectacles, the victims of which were the passenger pigeons soon to be wholly exterminated. At sunset of a random day hundreds of settlers gathered in a woods known to be the roosting place of a huge flock. Armed with poles, torches, sulphur pots, firearms, and domestic hogs for the fattening, they waited for the winging in. Then the fearsome cry went up, "Here they come!" and the massacre commenced. In the glaring light of the torches the work went forward well past midnight as the heaps of dead birds mounted, and the din of the firing was so intense that Audubon could not distinguish the reports of even the nearest guns. In 1821 at New Orleans, Audubon witnessed a similar slaughter of golden plover.

>In Hinckley Township, Ohio, on the day before Christmas 1818 five hundred men and boys from neighboring areas gathered to clear out pests. They marched forward into the forest blasting away, and when they came together at last they accounted for the lives of three hundred deer, twenty-one bears, seventeen wolves, and uncounted numbers of foxes and other small game.

Early on the original violater, Boone, had become aghast at the destruction that had been unleashed. A failed land speculator himself who had refused his own opportunity to become a white Indian, he lamented to Audubon the almost instantaneous depletion of the vast stores of game and the replacement of them by noisome herds of settlers and speculators more successful than he.

Of this last breed, there now appeared to be almost as many as passenger pigeons, only they were impossible to quarry. With a telling consistency the federal government was unable to frame land acts or ordinances that would favor the individual settler over the speculator, for in truth the government itself was but a manifestation of a culture long committed to speculation in unknown lands. And while Roy Robbins has shown that the history of the American public domain has been that of a protracted battle between the settler/squatter and the speculator, in fact there seems never to have been such a class as permanent settlers since most of them thought of themselves as at least potential realtors. Like the old conquistadores who would carve up the plundered lands of the islands and New Spain and then move on, few of these Americans would condescend to settle and grow roots. Instead, they would drive restlessly, relentlessly on, nameless, petty, misguided Coronados searching for their Cibolas ever westward.

civilization bad
savages good

>Attracted by the fertility of the soil and the prospects of instant gain, hundreds of thousands left the East for the Mississippi Valley. "Ohio Fever" threatened to depopulate Connecticut, once the much coveted land of the Mohican, and large sections of western Massachusetts and upper New York became deserted, the stone walls of their fields spilling into the weeds, the houses, barns, and outbuildings crumbling down to their sills, and the pruned-back woodlands recommencing their slow and ironic advances. Speculators in the newer region gobbled up huge portions of land, holding them out to feverish hordes, driving up the prices, and selling ever smaller individual lots to those who could afford no larger. Metropolises in woods and swamps were mapped out on the grid plan that, as Lewis Mumford notes, had the preeminent advantage of facilitating the sale and resale of lots. And sold and resold they were, each individual buying up as much as he possibly could and far more than he ever intended to use, betting against tomorrow that newcomers would purchase from him at double his original investment. Almost none of these metropolises ever materialized, of course, though some survived as county seats presided over by hulking courthouses, outsized, stranded monuments to baseless ambition and expectation.

>lol just live in the woods and shit and smoke pot yo

This continent is huge plenty of wilderness left especially if all the beaners die or fuck off

>stupid kike came into paradise and made it into a wasteland
Fixed that for you retard, you caused slavery, you caused industrialzation. You also aren’t white either your an Arab mutt baby.

For downloading this book I'm now on a terrorist watchlist, huh? Thanks Moshi.

How the fuck did you get an ontario flag

Oh wow, colonising a whole new untamed wilderness brings death and disease, who would have guessed? Meanwhile here you are destroying civilisations that we’ve already built. That takes a special kind of special

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This. Ironically, immigrants are now the defilers. Go figure.

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yeah, right... nothing is left, even the "wilderness" that is left has been domesticated and turned into a "national park", its no more then a green Disneyland for stupid people. really "america" is not the name of a countryor a continent, its a name for a catastrophe beyond comprehension.

just read those passages, its not even like the holocaust where one group exterminates another using industrial methods. rather, there is a general hatred of life here, an inexplicable hatred of life itself. a refusal of life

Wow what a nice guy you are...

The reason the land was like the Garden of Eden was because the various Native tribes had built farms and then died from disease. Because they hadn't mastered permanent structures yet, very little evidence of human hands remained.

Imagine if Europeans had been wiped out by the Black Death and some African sailed up and walked through the vineyards of France after the trellises had rotted away, the olive groves of Italy, or even the mudwheat fields of Poland. Without the remains of buildings, an abandoned farm looks a lot like "natural" garden and is swarmed with wild animals after the easy food.

If humans never return, it eventually goes back to being a true wilderness. If humans come back, it starts looking like a farm again. This is not a revelation if you have 80+ IQ, faggot.

there's nothing terroristic in that book.

More children suffer from malnutrition now, than at any other point in human history. Some "progress"...

Savages let mountain lions eat them and that's unironically a good thing.

no, you dont get it, the "whites" were never about just accepting the land as it as. they really hated it, if its just human nature then why didnt the plains Indians massacred all the buffaloes? the buffaloes were in the millions by the time whites came to the plains, and they just started massacring them, not for meat, ar skin, or even to defeat the Indians who lived off of them. they did it becouse they hated "wilderness", they did it becouse something is deeply broken about them. why would they just blast away all the forests, the animals? they didnt even killed them for food. they killed them, well, just becouse...

>As for the wildlife of the East, the turkey, prairie chicken, wolf, and elk were all driven out. So were the cougar and the woods buffalo. Strangely appropriate killer heroes now appeared in white folklore, such as the Pennsylvanian Aaron Hall who decimated the local panther population and in winter would festoon the premises of his cabin with their frozen carcasses. Another hunter of the same region was credited with having killed two thousand buffalo. The last of these creatures reported east of the Mississippi was a solitary vagrant shot in West Virginia in 1825, by which time the wilderness of the East was a faded and vaguely disquieting memory, perhaps most evidenced by its negative reminders: vanished forests, erosion, opened, parched lands, and small pockets of aboriginal slums where the demoralized fugitives who had somehow escaped deportation hung on surrounded by fields of white hatred.

Shlomo you are a parasite in human form. Just accept it.

God knows everyone else has

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>>As the inheritors rushed into the Mississippi Valley, the rage to clear and claim reached new levels. Into what Mark Twain with unconscious irony had called the "body of the nation" the whites now plunged their axes, plows, and other weapons, girdling and burning stands of oak and cypress at a rate that reached twenty-five million forest acres a year, and exterminating the wildlife in massacres. In Indiana Territory John Audubon witnessed one of these bloody spectacles, the victims of which were the passenger pigeons soon to be wholly exterminated. At sunset of a random day hundreds of settlers gathered in a woods known to be the roosting place of a huge flock. Armed with poles, torches, sulphur pots, firearms, and domestic hogs for the fattening, they waited for the winging in. Then the fearsome cry went up, "Here they come!" and the massacre commenced. In the glaring light of the torches the work went forward well past midnight as the heaps of dead birds mounted, and the din of the firing was so intense that Audubon could not distinguish the reports of even the nearest guns. In 1821 at New Orleans, Audubon witnessed a similar slaughter of golden plover.

>In Hinckley Township, Ohio, on the day before Christmas 1818 five hundred men and boys from neighboring areas gathered to clear out pests. They marched forward into the forest blasting away, and when they came together at last they accounted for the lives of three hundred deer, twenty-one bears, seventeen wolves, and uncounted numbers of foxes and other small game.

Doesn't matter. You're a Jew.

>Early on the original violater, Boone, had become aghast at the destruction that had been unleashed. A failed land speculator himself who had refused his own opportunity to become a white Indian, he lamented to Audubon the almost instantaneous depletion of the vast stores of game and the replacement of them by noisome herds of settlers and speculators more successful than he.

>Of this last breed, there now appeared to be almost as many as passenger pigeons, only they were impossible to quarry. With a telling consistency the federal government was unable to frame land acts or ordinances that would favor the individual settler over the speculator, for in truth the government itself was but a manifestation of a culture long committed to speculation in unknown lands. And while Roy Robbins has shown that the history of the American public domain has been that of a protracted battle between the settler/squatter and the speculator, in fact there seems never to have been such a class as permanent settlers since most of them thought of themselves as at least potential realtors. Like the old conquistadores who would carve up the plundered lands of the islands and New Spain and then move on, few of these Americans would condescend to settle and grow roots. Instead, they would drive restlessly, relentlessly on, nameless, petty, misguided Coronados searching for their Cibolas ever westward.

So you want to swim with dolphins?
>a motherfucking gayfish

>But while the old chronicles tell us their tales of abundance and show us occasionally individuals like William Bartram who actually paused to muse on this magnificence, caught up by it into aboriginal-like meditations, they tell us something else as well. They tell us that this was a world the whites wanted not as it was but only as they might remake it. For the other great theme of the narratives is that of waste, destruction, and frantic spoliation. As Peter Matthiessen notes, within a century of settlement the whites in the East had broken the wilderness from the coast well into Pennsylvania, a staggering achievement in which they had cut their way through vast stands of hardwood and white pine, cut them up into houses, boat ribs, ship masts, and items that would enable them to continue moving on-gun stocks, ax handles, singletrees, and wagon hubs. These trees, like the Indians and wild life they sheltered, stood in the way, not only of Progress, which was obvious, but of deeper notions of order and light. Occasionally there seems to have been a brief pause when some ancient woods giant crashed earthward and white men stood still in the dust and sunlight of its clearing to count its annual rings. So John Bakeless records that two oaks felled in Pennsylvania in 1833 were 460 and 390 years old, meaning that they had been in their maturity when Columbus had made his landfall. William Penn's Treaty Elm in Philadelphia had begun to grow when Cabeza de Vaca had embarked with Narvaez. And when at last the whites would attack the giant sequoias of the far West they would find trees that predated Christ.

>plains Indians massacred all the buffaloes?

They did, you stupid nigger

The reason Mesoamerica had no domesticable animals was because they slaughtered them all for food before they learnt how to farm

Are you eight years old?

NA Natives didn't have the numbers or tools to kill buffalo en masse. Even if they did, they didn't have access to the export market Europeans did, so there wasn't a financial incentive to hunt more than could be eaten.

Literally every human civilization does this stuff. The Middle East used to be green plains four thousand years ago before the Babylonians. The African jungle used to be four times it's current size before the Bantu learned to make iron. Chinese hills used to be rounded before the Han turned them into rice terraces. India used to smell nice before the Aryans.

>stupid white man came into a paradise and made it into a whorehouse
Thanks to your people.
you hypocrite

Something to do with christianity, I would think, and "man's dominion" etc etc. Pretty shameful.

“Mesoamerica, on the other hand, did not have a single large domesticable animal, since most of the megafauna in the Western Hemisphere had been killed off by the Paleo-Indians by 11 kya”.

anyway, it continues to this day in every nation on earth. google clear cut logging, and strip mining.

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OP is a nigger juju

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