Why are u guys against abortion?

What do u care what Roasties do to their bodies?

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It’s murder you jungle nigger

I'm not automatically against it. I know this board is fairly hard right and so must are, but it depends.

An abortion at 9 weeks is hardly the same thing than an abortion at 9 months. I think the real conversation is about where the cut off should be.

Can't have a civillization if people don't have standards. A hue monkey like you wouldn't understand.

Its not about roasties. Its about the children sacrificed to moloch. These children are the most defenceless and vulnerable. That is why i give a shit.

Its murder

I am not.
>more stem cells for anti aging creams (foreskins is not enough)
>controls population

so stupid

Shut the you scientifically illiterate nigger.

> muh civilization

Look at it another way.
Forgetting about the fetus, look at how much degeneracy and chaos stems from it being legal at all.
An absolutely massive amount of our problems all trace back to contraception in general.
You can't really destroy the family without it or have leftist cat ladies in any significant numbers.

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No one gives a shit about your single celled holocaust. When I jack off in your girlfriends face are you going to cry about how i just killed 60,000,000 potential people?

>You can't really destroy the family without it or have leftist cat ladies in any significant numbers.
ok, this is the only real point against abortion.

but whatever, I would assume evolution will wipe those degenerate females out (at the cost of westerners becoming a minority)

because it creates the illusion that promiscous sex and degeneracy won't have repercursions of the greater society

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Oof. Never thought of it like that, such a good point.

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This argument makes no sense. Abortion helps society. It keeps more low income kids, orphans and darkies from being born.

Getting rid of contraception will blow up the pregnancy rates cause people are fucking retarded. Abortion isn't what is destroying the family. It's a lot of other crap that is.

>he thinks IM the scientifically illiterate one


It doesn't really matter what non-whites do, if whites are mass majority living in cohesive nuclear family units, they will be far more able to repel something like a shitskin invasion into their town.
The whole purpose of atomizing whites into individuals rather than families is to make us weak and unable to collectivize, and this is what mass promiscuity is excellent at doing.

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sopa de macaco... uma delicia

Only for it in the case of rape, incest, or the mother’s life is in danger. I’m against it in all other cases because it’s the abandonment of duty and responsibility as someone who had unprotected sex and knew the consequences. It’s also murder. HOWEVER, what niggers do to their niglets is none of my business. I only care about white women getting abortions.

Killing babies is morally wrong. It is EVIL to murder babies.

If the fucking niggers acknowledged that it's murder there'd actually be room for arguments. Either be ok with killing people for being "inconvenient" or don't.

The mental gymnastics that pregnant women go too to get an abortion in a way horrifies more than the fact they want to take a life.

The whole situation is completely fucked.

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Abortion enforces the notion and zog backed ideaology of equality without consequence for women. So to counter your argument of it being good for society.... we now have 50% of any population murdering without consequence backed by the state. How is this good? We have a huge proportion of society free from consequence of bad decisions. This is not reality.
I'd much prefer to give these kids a chance at life rather than self entitled roasties, murdering without consequence, being part of society.

I'm actually pro-choice. But I never saw any reason for women to be proud of that. It's a serious treatment and should always be regarded as such.

I'm just against anything that gives women a choice.

abortion should be legal with the agreement of both sexual partners unless it was non consential

I gotten like 5 already. Less responsibility and no contributing to mass-population feels great but I'm black so you cracka ass crackas shouldn't feel too bad.

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>their bodies

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Good for u sista

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>single cell
>60,000,000 potential people?
too retarded to even argue with, a gamete isnt the same as a zygote

We weren't against abortion until 2016 and the influx of r/the_donald faggots. It's literally voluntary eugenics.

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