Racism is simply a jewish trick to divide the people

Racism is simply a jewish trick to divide the people.

Change my mind.

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?safe=off&ei=oqsSXaGhJMGf_QblrrGoAQ&q=what color eyes albinism&oq=what color eyes&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.35i39j0l9.5768.5768..8308...0.0..

Racism is not, fuck niggers. Racial puritanism which seeks to exclude race based entirely on skin color is autistic, anyone with a brain should be able to realize that asian/white mixing is inherently good.

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Dating based off whether your potential partner's 10Xgreat grandpa was a shit-shoveler in England, a shit-shoveler in Japan, or a shit-shoveler in Mali is retarded.

racism will remain strong, jew boi

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Not racist, just hate niggers.

Are you ok with your white daughter having a black baby?

ok pedo incel you can have your 5'1 gooks while I black many fine aryan ladies

Hating niggers is more than justified

to me it matters if I can relate to the "heritage" and culture of the person.

As long as he had I decent career and wanted to raise a strong family then I dont care about the skin color.

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I mean, you're right. Why try to change your mind?
Would be if blacks weren't the most gullible people, a group of which 100% fell for the race meme.


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racism will remain as long as there is a gene that makes people think "id prefer to fuck someone that looks like me" and a gene that makes someone think "id prefer to fuck someone that dosn't look like me"

that process will continue unabated unless we direct it.

STFU nigger

pls stop. i don't like ugly asian, so don't steal my blondie.

IQ is irrelevant and Hapas are inferior.

>racism is a jewish trick
the fucking irony

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>IQ is irrelevant
>hapas are inferior

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qt asian gfs are acceptable. white women are absolute retards, but they're pretty.

egyptians did the same to the jew and the jew tricked the white man to doing the same to the negro

No shit. Its obvious. Thats why they called it RACE. Theres only 1 winner in a race. The Sun SETS on SATURday. Theres a reason were all speaking english, an occult slave language. Look up leucism. The biggest elephant in the room of the modern world.


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>when you OD on redpills

>The biggest elephant in the room of the modern world

Ok, so it's like a mild form of albinism?

Obnoxious racism is smoothbrain shit (ie claps yelling at basketball-claps for being basketballs in the Walmart parking lot)
An example of positive racism would be ignoring all women except for Asians.

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manca-mi-ai pula tigane.

they don't seem to get fat later in life like whitu piggus do. this is a plus.

Racism, class warfare tomato tomahto. Although you guys are right in saying your never relax motto but you are so busy ranting about niggers online you miss the ADL and people like that

>Racism is simply a jewish trick to divide the people.
No to kill white people.

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Let him change it, kike

what are the pros that make it good?

>Theres a reason were all speaking english, an occult slave language. Look up leucism. The biggest elephant in the room of the modern world.
You're not egyptian nigger

Attached: nigger albino.jpg (922x750, 464K)

You not getting either

She's such a cute dork

t. just watched Zeitgeist

1. Superior marriages refer to: and pic attached

2. Hapas look very distinct from Jews, unlike pure whites which means a society of hapas would not be able to be subverted

3. Asian girls are just cute

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>how i see the irish

Why do Albino niggers look so disgusting?

Why are average Americans so poor? I thought you were living in the richest nation on Earth?

Yes, i only hate the Jews.

yes but it countries outside of america it eliminates a historical lineage assuming that person is native. It's fine in the U.S. though since the U.S. was always a mutt country in terms of racial origin. My racial origins are Germanic and Swedish, giving me no homeland outside of the U.S.

Essentially. But even with albinism we are not taught the truth. All our indoctrination schools teach us albinos have red eyes, and white hair. Gigantic myth whose purpose was to hide the truth.

google.com/search?safe=off&ei=oqsSXaGhJMGf_QblrrGoAQ&q=what color eyes albinism&oq=what color eyes&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.35i39j0l9.5768.5768..8308...0.0..

Were all related. Our 70,000 year primate histories are intertwined. They want you to curse your brothers to negatively impact your karma. After death, we return.

Quest for Fire. Real history removed by religion. Simian brainwashing.


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How are you the first one to notice this?

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Its PROBABLY only average blacks that its essential to keep out of your country. All other people have some potential.

nah, fuck nigger kikes

wrong pic

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>Why do Albino niggers look so disgusting?
Because you're not an animal lover

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never seen it. Think I tried watching it and was bored out of my mind.

ur a faget

>muh ancestor

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learn english, spic.

Guy on the right looks ethnic Irish.


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Sorry, but I want my kids to be blonde like me

1 im not even black, youre projecting your insecurity. 2 have sex incel.

It's pretty complicated, the American poverty line (~$30,000) is much higher than the poverty line for the vast majority of the world aside from other developed nations. Despite our immense industrial power and economy the average American struggles greatly. I'm sure it has (((they))) have something to do with it.

based infograph

>"Racism" is simply a Jewish trick to divide people
FTFY, now your mind doesn't need to be changed

>sex incel.
Find love emcel

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Maybe if you stopped counting Mexicans, North Africans, middle easterners and Negros as white, your average white income would be higher?

This a million times

cherry picked images cant save you from the truth. Your hubris like elliot rodgers. Where does he fit? Funny how indians or no one from south asia are not on your gay little infograph you sexually frustrated nigger chimp.

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It's called usury. Newfags

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You're right. Every movie, television show, and advertisement promotes racism.

Just came back from the beach with my babe of a gf. Nobody loves you. Sorry you have no career goals or game you failure.

Thank you my friend, just look at all these seething whiteoid shills resorting to name calling in the face of absolute facts. Very sad!

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looks white to me

Could you explain how exactly they leach the wealth from working people? Literally doesn't make sense to me.

>ethopean albino
Ethiopians are actually more Caucasian than they are negro, which is why these albino girls look so different than these Bantus.
>For example, east African groups, such as Ethiopians and Somalis, have great genetic resemblance to Caucasians and are clearly intermediate between sub-Saharan Africans and Caucasians [5]. The existence of such intermediate groups should not, however, overshadow the fact that the greatest genetic structure that exists in the human population occurs at the racial level.

>Most recently, Wilson et al. [2] studied 354 individuals from 8 populations deriving from Africa (Bantus, Afro-Caribbeans and Ethiopians), Europe/Mideast (Norwegians, Ashkenazi Jews and Armenians), Asia (Chinese) and Pacific Islands (Papua New Guineans). Their study was based on cluster analysis using 39 microsatellite loci. Consistent with previous studies, they obtained evidence of four clusters representing the major continental (racial) divisions described above as African, Caucasian, Asian, and Pacific Islander. The one population in their analysis that was seemingly not clearly classified on continental grounds was the Ethiopians, who clustered more into the Caucasian group. But it is known that African populations with close contact with Middle East populations, including Ethiopians and North Africans, have had significant admixture from Middle Eastern (Caucasian) groups, and are thus more closely related to Caucasians [14].


do you know how fractional reserve banking works?

google it

Indians are mutts from the Indo-European "Aryan Invasions". They said so themselves for thousands of years until they got mad at the British

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Is it bad for my karma or whatever if I dont want to live around black people. I wish them no Ill will, but shit gets all fucky when they are present in any sizable number

Racism is an expression of out group hostility, and is a part of human nature, attempts to social engineer it away will ultimately fail and is about a naive as using electroshock therapy to gays.

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Nope, I've always believed that economics is for dorks and jews so I've never looked into that stuff.

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cope. You didnt even hear of leucism before I taught it to you. Proving it is the real elephant in the room. Youre a potemkin village truman. Im better than you in all things. I have a career, goals, and a woman. You have none of those and need to look down on others to cope with your mediocrity. I dont like to be so blunt but lesser chimps should know their place. You lack courage my simian brethren. Your an ancestor cuck. Unable to self-actualize. Dim witted.



No matter the cause, they are still your brothers. Just as I tell my black brothers their racism against the white man is the result of mk ultra by shadow elite forces, I do the same for my white brothers. Americans in general are simian slaves. Never knowning another language other than english. Raised in the MK, molded by it.

But Indians, ethiopians, middle eastern people, ect are "caucasian" if using the most broad three races classification. A bantu with albinism doesnt look white at all, neither does a chink


So what's a good language then

The term was made by Jews. In an attempt to demean their opponents. Race exists. Deal with it kike.

Goldberg Sachs and similar kike banks of America are only required to have 10% of the total amount of a loan on hand in cold cash.

so to lend someone $100,000, the bank only has to actually have $10,000. The $100,000 then must be paid back to the bank, always with interest.

>100,000 dollars?
>what do you need 50,000 dollars for?
>no I can't afford to give you my last 10,000 dollars
>now don't forget about that 150,000 dollars you owe me!

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posting a psy op thread

All of that race science is false. All created by charles darwin. While darwin was correct on his theory of evolution, he was wrong about practically everything else. Skull race science is pseudoscience. Phrenology. Theres no such thing as caucasion, negroid, capoid, austroloid, mongoloid, etc etc. Not really. Darwins writings never once mention leucism or albinism.

>Could you explain how exactly they leach the wealth from working people? Literally doesn't make sense to me.
Banks are private (run by Jews) and they issue our money as debt, essentially paper credit cards.

Real money has to come from the Tresury. It's called "natural money" and its based on, GDP and over-seas (if say they didn't want to buy our products/GDP) we used gold reserves to back up our currency for trade. So you can go into a bank and get gold back for it.

Now it's all debt. Nothing but debt. Every dollar printed is someone taking out a loan, or the government taking out a loan from the International Banks (Federal Reserve). So the FED determines how much our debt is worth.

That's why we "own debt to china and mexico". We didn't borrow money from them like bums. We bought shit from them and our money is printed debt to the (((Federal Reserve System))) or global (((speculators))) all central banks, tied together.
The "richer" the country, the more it produces of value which pays back the debt.
Your taxes, if the government doesn't spend them (recirculate the debt by buying things) then they go to "Pay the National Debt" by going back to the Federal Reserve and they delete the debt.

Less debt = less inflation
More debt = higher interest rates (money FED debt money printed and circulating in the economy)

>FED - international banking soviet
>soviet is Russian for "council"

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The language of your forefathers before the came to this land. English is designed to make us fight and rabble.

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By your statement it is obvious that you have never lived around black people for an extended amount of time. Try doing that first and you will have your answers.

I’m a devout racist and I don’t fit anywhere in her stupid pyramid chart wtf

How is he a pedo incel? Projecting much?

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why do asian albinos look finnish?

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Thank you.

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>race is skin deep

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Fucked it upi
More debt = higher interest rates (more money printed and circulating in the economy)

Oooh oooh eeeh eeeh

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True and the term/concept was coined by Leon (Lev) Trotsky (Bronstein), the NYC jew that caused hundreds of millions of deaths in the last 100 years.

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Immigration drives down the wages of our working class and free trade has shipped all the jobs over seas. Our country was once rich; the only reason we think we're rich today is because technology has progressed to the point where we can live in poverty comfortably.

This is now a skulls thread

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