I've been noticing a trend among the nationalist community recently...

I've been noticing a trend among the nationalist community recently. The best way I can describe it is: There is a growing feeling among nationalists that due to the prevalence of the ideals of "liberty at any cost" in the world today, largely due to the collapse of authoritarian communist regimes and the rise of globalist liberal capitalism, the concept of liberty should not only be considered wrong, but that liberty has gone so far as to make totalitarian communism or some other similar ideologies preferable. While it is perfectly reasonable for people to disagree with the concept of liberty at any cost, some nationalists now (perhaps ironically) seem to go after even positive forms of liberty.

Obviously the freedom to have child drag queens in bars is not the same as the freedom to be able to buy a weapon for personal protection or to own a family business, but some nationalists nowadays seem to take a bizarre "antihero" approach in which even positive conceptions of liberty should be trampled upon due to the modern world needing a reboot. Granted, this is probably what a lot of people think will cause "acceleration" but to me it does call into question the motivations behind some of the nationalists flirting with these contradictory and counterintuitive perceptions. These are just my observations and I was wondering if anyone else has had these thoughts.

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What if I told you that freedom and degeneracy are inextricably linked?

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But freedom comes in different types, does it not? The freedom to pursue what is good is not the same as the freedom to pursue bad, the latter being what is pushed today.

The problem is that rights are being subverted.
Due process.

Lawfucks have figured out that they can get courts to agree that "" reasonable limitations"" can be put on any right, and set about limiting all of the bill of rights in bits and pieces.

At least, this is the best way I can put it. I absolutely understand the connection, but there must be a way of differentiating types of freedoms. I might be oversimplifying it.

Liberty leads inevitably to degeneracy, it's that simple. If you think otherwise you are as stupid as commies

I just reject the Enlightenment as a whole. It was wrong. Their conclusions were wrong. They tried to apply science to society and the result has been an unmitigated disaster.

This is my belief as well, it is good for society to recognize the right, or freedom, of a man to pursue moral choices. The only conflict comes when those rights are subverted and their meanings flipped. Unfortunately this seems to lead some to be tricked into believing that the freedom to pursue good must also be attacked

Is there not a difference between what we recognize as liberty today and the liberty of self-sufficiency that our ancestors knew? Is what we see today the progression of that liberty or the subversion of it?

How should society respond to this, do you think? Should there be an "anti-enlightenment?"

Wow the digits.

You are watching what happens when the whole world abandons God.
They hate His Law.
They hate the results of hating His Law.
They assume that they will do better than whoever screwed up before them.
They will run willingly to worship the antichrist because he will tell them they are ok as they are.

Jesus Christ says to repent of your sins.
"Go and sin no more."

Be humble and accept His blood sacrifice for them.
Trust that He paid your sin debt with His death on the cross and that His resurrection is guarantee of your salvation.

The End is nigh.
After that, judgement.

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Amen brother. I want to ask you, as a Christian, what do you make of many people in the nationalist community attributing problems in the modern world to the end of paganism and the rise of Christianity?

Let me be clear I do not believe this (I am Christian), but I like to get both Christian and Pagan takes since it is a conflict so integral to any philosophical debate in this website.

Our ancestors were not ruled by government.
Most were kept in line by a combination of fears of shunning and punishment by The Creator.
Now government is expected to fill that gap in a godless society.The founders expected a certain level of innate morality. Without that, liberty can turn quite degenerate.

Fuck you kike. White National Socialism. Fuck Liberty. In a white ethno state Liberty is not needed. If nature is observed, all facets of life will be provided for that a traditional white male could wish for.

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Very true, the government essentially is just a gap filler at this point, and that is why I do not think, as some nationalists do, that inflating this gap filler without paying attention to the things that truly kept our ancestors in line will yield good results

I will not accept any limitations on my rights.

I don't see the need for hostility. Nevertheless, could you elaborate your position?

If nature is observed and that is the rule, then we degenerate into animals who kill everything that displeases us, steal everything that we want, and fuck everything that looks good to us regardless of age or whether it requires force.
Plain and simple, the raw rules of nature as you put them are basically the way of the nigger.


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Are you Asha Logos?

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No, I am not actually. Why is it that you thought that? Do you admire this youtuber?

There has to be some sort of cultural or religious institution in place to keep the degenerate masses in check. You can't rely soley on the state.

Authoritarian government is shit. Authoritarian culture is freedom.

Learn the difference.

The way you write seemed familiar.

Freedom and liberty gave the West it's current state of affairs.
The masses of idiots do not deserve liberty.

I would agree with this statement.


This asshat is a Jew. Liberty IS the way forward and always has been. All the people agreeing with him are also Jews. Fuck this thread.

Agreeing with whom, me?

I don't understand who you are referring to

Didnt read

Yes I have been saying this for years. The conflict comes from how do you create and maintain and authoritarian culture without sacrificing the free government.

communism is totalitarian. lotta these terms are a redundant attempt at complexity. turns it into nonsense. -Zanon