Why are there no green right wing movements?

there is a lot of talk about eco-fascism on here but why are there no actual parties in the real world that realize how well environment protection fits with right wing ideology? if things go on this way i will be forced to actually vote green in the next election.

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Because the chinks, poos, and niggers are the sources of nearly all the worlds pollution, not whites.


politics is a farce
keep voting and watch as nothing changes

not sure how this answers the question

Why should white nations severely set back their economies to lessen their pollution by 30% when everybody else is polluting more?

Ecology is tied with leftism in most European countries.

Dont know why? Maybe conservatives should conserve and promote eco awareness.
They are viewed as closely linked in with environmentally destructive corporations.

no that does not really address the problem at all.
- africans create almost no emissions because they are still at savage level
- it is true that chinks create a shit ton of emissions, but so do the US and europe
- the mere fact that chinks must also shut down their emissions one way or another does not mean we can just ignore the topic. do you propose to just accept any amount of global warming simply because not all global emissions are under your direct control? we can affect other countries with diplomacy(including economic measures) and warfare. if their behavior threatens our survival we must use those measures.
furthermore any technological progress we make that makes humanity less dependent on fossil fuels will also affect the rest of the world in a positive way.
so there are many ways in which we can and must work towards reducing global co2 emission no matter who creates them.

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you got baited bro

There’s not really a right wing way to deal with a left wing issue. It’s just business as usual, everyone has to virtue signal to get anything done. You personally can’t sanction a country because they’re on their industrial revolution phase and refuse to cooperate In making the planet nice for everyone. That’s why the left whine about it to the west and make it look like because you didn’t wash out your milk bottle before putting it in a yellow topped bin means that all the plastic In the ocean is essentially YOUR fault. When after it leaves the country it’ll end up in some Malaysian landfill because they can’t be bothered to process their rubbish effectively

The west are actually quite efficient at cleaning up their garbage (except america).

Fake news. Liberals don't even go outside.

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Because "environmental protection" is just a Marxist codeword for "reasons to take away freedom"

Must be quite freeing to just burn all your rubbish with petrol in a hole in the ground.

no it isn't. you know what takes away your freedom? death. environmental protection is a common goal every proud european can work together to achieve. the most striking thing about it is that the return to a 'simpler', less urban, less virtual, more agricultural lifestyle for the majority, which seems like it would be necessary ecologically, also solves or at least helps with all the other right wing issues: reducing decadence, returning man and woman to their natural roles, the power of centralized mass media, rootlessness, hypergamy, etc. etc.

Hahahaha wew lad. Now that's a room temp IQ, subhuman 56% burgermonkey.

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but there are

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well, where exactly do you make your cross at the next election to support ted?

Its not CO2 emissions that are the worst, it is straight up toxic pollution. That is what the 3rd world produces. Crazy nitrate runoff, smog, plastic waste.
Retards focus way too much on CO2.


>Retards focus way too much on CO2.
because it can make the planet uninhabitable within decades if not stopped. i dont know if the same is true for toxic pollution.
but regardless, i don't even think there is a real disagreement here, certainly nobody who wants to stop co2 emissions is against doing what we can to stop toxic pollution as well.

because its literally at the top of the list of things that scares the (((system)))

right wing populism and third positionism is right behind it, and a platform that integrates either of those with environmentalism leaves the (((powers that be))) shitting themselves, partially because the awareness and approach that would come with that will shine a massive light on a ton of other shit. you'll notice a lot of the things that should or could be right wing issues/combined with nationalism (such as healthcare, environmentalism, anti-war) are conveniently stuck on the (((left))) and backed by bullshit rhetoric to either be ignored in crunch time, ignored/discredited by the kosher controlled right in general or used just as a means to (((left-wing authoritarianism))) while not actually solving the problem (that the system itself is usually creating)

It's not only about emissions but about direct pollution and the general disregard for nature. Littering, ocean pollution and reforestation should be our priorities. The last decades of research regarding the impact of co2 emissions has to be redone, the topic has become way too politicized to guarantee objective research.
Nevertheless it's still a good thing to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels, just in a slower more organic manner. The usage of nuclear power should also be reevaluated.

If one thinks that banning plastic straws or other eurocomission tier shit in europe will somehow help the environment then one should prefferably jump into the wall and cease to waste oxygen.

Quite enough is if NATO forces the biggest polluters to adhere to at least european standards in environment protection, by any means necessary

Idk how it works in Germany, but since the polish conservative ideology took it's shape as political option by the end of XIX century, it was entrenched in preserving the natural environment and living in countryside, away from modernity.

You are ...a little funny in the head,arent you?
Imbeciles are fetishizing decrease of co2 emissions and dont care about destruction of Great cycles of water and biogenic elements. Not to mention humankind poisoning itself with synthetic chemicals and heavy metals

Any issue the left supports, the right has to take the opposite stance. And vice versa. At least it's that way here.

>i will be forced to actually vote green in the next election
then you're pretty dumb because Greens want wealth redistribution on a global scale through unregulated immigration. Thats millions of people who will enter Germany and demand German standards of consumption with all the ecological damage that entails. That Greens don't appear to recognize this paradox should also be a big red flag as to their supposed protectors of the environment credentials.

> The last decades of research regarding the impact of co2 emissions has to be redone, the topic has become way too politicized to guarantee objective research.
that would be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. there are a lot of biased studies done by lobby institutes, true, but there has been done a lot of academic research at good universities by good scientists that is completely valid, and for all we know, necessary for future survival of humanity

> dont care about destruction of
literally no one said that. you are arguing with your imagination

unfortunately it is the opposite here. right wingers have surrendered the whole topic to leftists for reasons i don't completely understand. i think in part it is to appeal to idiots who simply don't want to hear anything that might threaten their political vision of returning to the good old 60s or whatever. another reason might be that they are in desperate search for allies, and think that if they are very industry-friendly on environmental topics, they will get support from the industry at some point.

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But nazis and TR were big on environmental protection before Marxists started doing it.

Because, that's called being normal, so doesn't fit into a "special" category.


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>how well environment protection fits with right wing ideology
It doesn't, since right-wing ideology promotes hierarchy and obedience to the elites.
Also this, legal politics are a joke

It is no matter of _my_ imagination. It is a matter of setting priorities. A political campaign to set carbon emission to zero in 2050 is beyond idiotic. At the same time a minimum of attention is given to extinction of insects all over europe. Which is more pressing matter if you know

Are you that far behind? Being "green" is a public health and property security issue at this point. I tried to address this, which is why I am a loser.

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Eco-fash is inherently pro-White.
There exists no such thing as a Pro-White movement or group, both militant or not, that has not been infiltrated and subverted by alphabetniggers, or created by them from the ground up for the purpose of honeypotting.

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Because nature worship isnt right wing. It can be boiled down to anti human ideology and materialism, which is not right wing.

Because nature is cruel and not a desktop pic. Dont be a bourgeois retard falling for hippy propaganda.

you mean in germany? i expect it is easier to do a right-wing version of responsible land management than here in the USA.

But actually right wing is against environment protection because it would mean larger taxes and more governemnt meddling into the sacred right to free enterprise.

But right wing ecofascist movement, forcing everybody to take responsibility of their own pollution sounds quite okay

NS built their ideology on german romanticism and neo paganism. NS arent right wing.

Nazis were the first hippies, prove me wrong.

>. It can be boiled down to anti human ideology and materialism, which is not right wing.
The right i is pro materialism, retard. If you want feefee bullshit and magic, go join a left-wing Wiccan commune or something.

You should be more worried about the gas station at the corner, or local operation. Since that is what creates a Bhopal, Three Mile Island, Love Canal... and it's happening again, in your back yard. Because economic "development and immigration".

>I don't want to have to shoot a Sikh.

>. It can be boiled down to anti human ideology and materialism,
utter nonsense. believe what you want about how the relationship between human and nature should be, but one thing is certain, that we should not outright destroy the environmental conditions for our survival.

>Because nature is cruel and not a desktop pic. Dont be a bourgeois retard falling for hippy propaganda.
wanting to continue existing is not hippy propaganda. how nature is - cruel or beautiful, or whatever - seems more like a question for poets than politicians.

it would be completely possible to play it subtle about the pro white part, as all the established right wing parties are doing it already. everyone needs a functioning planet, not only whites.

i don't understand

it seems completely possible here. that's why i find it so miraculous that it does not exist.

Man must dominate nature, he musnt serve nature. Deep ecology is the fundamental ideolgy of modern environmentalists. It is anti human, it is anti natal, it is for those who have been convinced hate mankind. Environmentalists are those who wish to see mankind destroyed, or enslaved by artificial intelligence. They hate the human spirit.

This. For this thread, for many threads past, and for many threads yet to be made, this. Keep this post in mind the next time some e-celeb tells you to do something against your interests just to own the libs. Never forget that the system adapts to protect itself.

Right wing is not defined by the material world, it is defined by the elevation of the man's spirit over the world. Materialism is satanism, its demonic.

I know they came from the Rudolf Steiner and Freigeld movement, but its hippie stuff and Thyssenkrupp, Siemens and Co. never take them serious, but without them, nazis were nothing.

How can a farmer exist if he had to tolerate fucking bears and beavers in central europe. Greens are retards.

Of course you don't, which is exactly how they, whoever they are, want it. Since you do not even understand what's going on in your own back yard; especially if that is environmentally or financially, much less politically.

The Sierra Club (is what I think it was called, though memory may be faulting me) was against mass immigration for environmental reasons, but then one of it's big donors told them to stop being against mass immigration, and they did stop.

>wanting to continue existing
-while you govt imports milion of primitive and violent savages (and is selling it as a good thing)
-while your govt disbands nuclear energy
German logic

Its not him doing this. Please be reasonable (riesennippel).

when you are a national socialist you are also eco friendly
it's always about blood and soil

>why no right wing green movement?
You misunderstand the nature of the green movement- it's not one of preservation of nature, but rather control of people.

>right wing doesn't want to control people?
Today's right wing is much more libertarian than today's left wing.
Thus, there could be a right wing green movement, but not at present.

>How can a farmer exist if he had to tolerate fucking bears and beavers in central europe. Greens are retards.
of course i agree. do austrians have a party that combines protection of environment and (ethnic)people?

Go out an enjoy the nature we have, because we arent greem retards who refuses to use gas and pil or nuclear energy, instead wasting our wooden resources like the retards they are.

in america theres only 2 parties bud

even in yurop the only parties that get any traction are the ones that promote corporate interests and the strong bureaucratic movements that been pushed for decades

No. Everything is retarded capitalism or socialism. Maybe we should be tactical greens and destroy everything going full amish, but its not a good long time strategy.

Greens want third world niggers consume like first worlders, the conservatives too. They all shut the fuck up and die like the jewish vermin they are.

What about varg

Its also blood on soil, since they got BTFO.

>Why are there no green right wing movements?

the only real god of white men is unrestrained capitalism, endless consumption, and neverending greed. If you look at white men's ACTIONS rather than their incessant LARPing, you'll find this to be true. No matter how rich a white man gets he'll continue to destroy everything around him to get more; and he'll never invest a single fucking DIME into preserving the white race.

Look at the Koch Brothers, the Waltons, and more. $100 billion or more per family and zero investment in white-infrastructure. We have literally nothing but a handful of shitty wordpress websites and murdoch murdoch on some shitty Bitchute channel.


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Just come to states and move to Pennsylvania already.

>Greens want third world niggers
Top/Bottom alliance- the greens use the power of the niggers to keep the Whites paying/supporting those at the top (Jews). It's that simple.

I thought about it several times. But not yet, maybe in the future.

i meant a party that you can vote for in elections, should have specified that in the title

Been here for awhile, shilliest thing I ever read.

i hope they never do. forests full, go home.

Because most far right groups are financed by (((them))) to make the far right look unappealing as possible.

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You can only be a Green Party if you are pro killing every chink, poo, nigger.

only way to save the planet and it will certainly happen. what else do you think will happen? human extinction? XDDD

because 'right wing' or 'left wing ' do not actually exist in nature.They are systems developed to fully controll and run a rat city aka TOWNS .

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Shilling what? Have you ever spoken to the average 20 year old? Have you ever seen what the average redditer believes? They hate humanity because they have been brainwashed by environmentalists to think that we are the cancer of the world. They are more than willing to submit to any non human because of self hatred.

>everyone is a fed goy
Low IQ take

that is certainly not a solution either. nuclear world war, which is essentially what youre proposing, is not a solution.

it reeks of mental illness to me.

is there not a single charismatic person of conviction among us who could start such a movement? pretty sad

it's happening. as nationalism becomes more mainstream we will see increasing different emphasis or wings within the movement.

I didn't say theyre feds. But theyre financed by Israel, why do you think all the far right parties are pro zionist....

I am out boys. Nature is so fucking beautiful. Celebrate it, we have it despite of the greens, not thanks to them.

>makes the planet unihabitable
literally all we're doing is releasing carbon that was buried in the time of the dinosaurs. deforestation, plastic pollution, and nigger agriculture causing desertification is way worse than some gas.

Do you think the hordes of shitskins that have taken over your country give a fuck about the environment?

If you like great scenery and mountains, move to Jim Thorpe PA. Beautiful place.

I literally donate $1k-1.5k a year to AFD and other far right groups in Europe. I am doing my part. WHAT ARE YOU FAGGOTS DOING?
I will join you guys when the REAL party is assembled

what if israel is one big concentration camp

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I got most my forage knowledge from a Chink, who grew up in a poor agro community... Our friendship is only broken by geography and politics, but mostly business.

>this after serving eight years

Don't tell me what I know.

Checked, thanks.

Same as my boomer parents, and their friends.

>I know

Bump interested in saving the bees and not refugees

>literally all we're doing is releasing carbon that was buried in the time of the dinosaurs.
even if that were accurate i dont see how that refutes my statement. can you not imagine how something that has been storing up for millions of years could drastically alter the climate when released into the atmosphere in an instant

afd is explicitly denying anthropogenic climate change for reasons unknown to me

>afd is explicitly denying anthropogenic climate change for reasons unknown to me
all israel aligned parties on the right do it.

Yeah, its popular for western man to want to submit, to be suicidal.

yeah it'll alter the climate but we wont all die. that's just retarded shit gobments push so they can tax you more

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>- africans create almost no emissions because they are still at savage level
Lol no.

>- it is true that chinks create a shit ton of emissions, but so do the US and europe
US yes, EU no.

>- the mere fact that chinks must also shut down their emissions one way or another does not mean we can just ignore the topic. do you propose to just accept any amount of global warming simply because not all global emissions are under your direct control? we can affect other countries with diplomacy(including economic measures) and warfare. if their behavior threatens our survival we must use those measures.
Blinder Aktionismus.

As I said before. Israel wants the far right to be unappealing as possible. An environmentalist National Socialist ( Social democrat economics - Ultra conservatism ) party would be the key to gaining the majority vote around Europe.
But the kikes would never allow that

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about african and european emissions
see also you might want to try and formulate a coherent argument - preferably in full sentences - so we can have a discussion. lose the meme flag while you're at it.

right wing enviromentalist movements are simply constantly dismissed as NIMBY luddites opposed to progress.

Not this one. You know the best job I ever had? Was closing out environmental sites for the Army as a contractor. You want know why, because they were not half as bad as what "the public" has to deal with every day, and I worked with good people. But I guess I did my job too well, and that doesn't keep the contractual money coming in.

>I was worked out of a job
>you don't really want to know what happened next

Actual ecofashist here
Save the bees, clean the seas, plant the trees, shoot refugees.
There is great book on the subject, Green Phylosophy by Roger Scruton. He shows that truest, most efficient pronature, green movements are small local actions because larger bodies, likr Greenpeace are international corporations who both cannot and do not want to solve the problems with environment

>Green Phylosophy by Roger Scruton
thanks, i will look into it

I may have fucked up the title cause its literal translation from Zielona Filozofia in Polish, but he is the author, you will find it. Very interesting read, explains subversion of environmrntalism by left and futility of their actions.
>there is island of plastic trash size of Iceland on Atlantic
>no country wants to clean it and UN would rather discuss women raped in vidya gaems
Shit sucks, environment can be managed effectively but it requires effort which left lacks amd right would rather put into earning more shekels

Don't mistake those for ACE, EPA, and oil corp managed jobs I worked on. Which were the only ones that I fear, since they were the ones the "full timers" and Union people contract out work, because it's too hard and might result in exposure to compounds and radiation, because of hiding data, and lowering QA/QC... I may not have lived the healthiest of lives, but the bumps under my armpits are getting hard to ignore, over time.

>and yes, it's an accusation

>muh greenhouse gas
Kill yourself.