Saddam Hussein

What do you really think about him?

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Wild dude. Shame we killed him.

I think he was a dead man switch, and he knew it.Same with Muammar. They kept their people in line and under control. Its easy to convince people that they needed to go, but it takes a rational mind to think ahead and realize "The death of these men, spills chaos in their respected regions"

Attached: 220px-Muammar_al-Gaddafi_at_the_AU_summit.jpg (220x331, 27K)

saved Iraq from communists and islamists


Died because Israel told America to do it

Good guy. Loved his nation and people, shame he was killed by the jews

Hero, martyr, lion of iraq, we will avenge him and all the people who were murdered by the USA on behalf of israel.

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Seemed based


I'd like to think he went into hiding and had a body double executed in his place.

Iraq was a lot better with him running the show.

Israel posters detected.

I don't Israel has a much of problem with Jordan now.

Rare flag

Sand nigger

Wtf do people in down under think I'm a fucking Israeli poster?
First been called this too

helluva banjo picker

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I'm pretty sure Jordan is an Israeli Puppet.
Quite a shame really, how the Hashemites have fallen.

Iraq was a better place under Saddam than it is now.

No they aren’t. 80% of the Middle East is sunni arab at least. They aren’t all magically Jews just because a few overweight oil Sheila want to be cool and hip and ally with Israel.
Saddam was infinitely more based than Assad. He protected Christians, put down shia fanaticism uprisings, tried to keep the arab east secular and nationalist. Called out the Saudis when they had to be called out, fought Iran bravely and was a TRUE arab. Unlike Assad, who belongs to an ethnoreligious ((tribe)) and larps as arab. If you whore out to Iran, you’re no longer a true arab. Those majoosi dogs are trying to separate and conquer each country in the Arab east one by one.
> hurt iran fights the Jews
When? When has iran ever in its entire history once harmed the fingernail of a Jew?
> Hezbollah
Arabs. Stupid arabs listening to iran and taking money, but arabs nonetheless. Iran never fights Israel by itself, it sends in the Lebanese or Syrians to.
> but the Saudis are jews!
Oh really? So why are there 30,000+ jews living in Iran, more than the entire arab world combined?
> b-but Israel hates iran..
No they don’t lmao. They love iran. If there was no Iran, Israel would have 0 excuse to be an aggressor in the region. Those 2 nations are opposite sides of the same coin. Also Ashkenazi are genetically Iranian too

Sheiks* on mobile

I keep a part of him in my fridge.

Did bussiness with kikes and paid the toll

Western installed dictator in a made up country where people dont't actually want to be part of that country.

Only way for Iraq to continue to exist is another guy like him.

So many shills.
Iraq invaded Iran under orders from the US/Israel because of their newly gained independence. He was a snake who tried to take advantage of a country post revolution, and failed miserably despite using chemical weapons (which they bought from the west) blatantly, killing children and destroying schools.

Iraq's Saddam Hussein is the perfect example of why every Human being worth their mettle despises western political influence wherever they see it. He was a snake planted by said bigger (western) snakes, and executed by the bigger snakes when they realized that snakes cannot defeat Lions.

Human filth, and all of you shills in here better know that your time of reign is coming to an end.

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What the fuck are you on, Schizo?

Saddam was a run of the mill military dictator. Assad at least seems intelligent when talking to people and is not a pompous retard with a power abusing family (see Saddam's sons and replacing generals with uncles).

>Iran and Israel

Iran and it's allies are considerably weaker than Israel and it's allies. All out war is suicide. It's in nobody's interest. Iran is hedging it's bets by strategically moving in on Israel. Jordan and Egypt are unironical friends of USA and Israel, unlike Syria and Lebanon, which have closed borders.

>Jews in Iran

Because they don't hate the Jews but Israel. That new?

>Israel Iran
Yes, they do hate eachother. Israel has plenty of threats in the face of PiJ and HAMAS which are funded by a lot of people, predominantly Qatar.

You have 0 understanding of ME politics.

Bush and Blair were the war criminals, Saddam should have been left the fuck alone to rule his nation as he saw fit. He was no threat to the West.

He was a western puppet who turned rogue.

I miss Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi.
Stable times.