Remember when everyone in Europe was dying of the Black Plague except Jews bc they were the only ones that washed their...

remember when everyone in Europe was dying of the Black Plague except Jews bc they were the only ones that washed their hands and the goyim were like nah they torture crackers for satan that's why they're not dying let's genocide them and kick the survivors out of the country lmao I love history

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oh please. the jews were the black plague themselves.

the only reason jews clean their hands is to get rid of the evidence

filthy plaguebearers

Whites are always dirty, majority native Americans were wiped off due to european diseases.

Remember when kikes made their own, successful, self sufficient country without having to leech off of any white nations? Neither can I, or anyone for that matter

to be honest tel aviv is pretty great city, full of faggots, but still
Therewhile afrika is nr 1 in deseas prevention. Or remember the time were ebola was cool in your country and whites helped fighting it and you chimps attacked them and help spreading ebula. Which only was so popular because you kissed your deads ob the mouth or throw them in the streets? Good times

Yeah, thanks to brits who cleared it for you and the americans that pay for everything nowdays. Nice try shlomo


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Did washing hands ever prevent aids, common cold, herpes or other shit diseases? Lol fucking NPC coon. You'll always live in shackles, whether theoretical or physical.

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>not being victims

nice try, but I think you have a foreskin.

lmfao niggers would never willfully admit to these types of folly, but good on yerr for trying

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aren't americans giving like 3 billions a year to israel or something? that's like less than 1% of israel gdp or are you adding american jewish philanthropy to that

>remember when everyone in Europe was dying of the Black Plague except Jews bc they were the only ones that were poisoning the well with plague rats

It was all true.

Attached: The Traditions of the Jews, Entdecktes judenthum 1700.png (1191x7635, 3.28M)

>american education

yeah man, the american educational system covers the jewish involvement in the spreading of the black plague in europe. its right after holocaust class.

Gpd is a shit measurement i could send myself the same 50€ everday for a non servic and my personal gpd would be on the end of the year 3650€ without that i just earn 1ct. But just gift me 50€ and i have 50€ more. Also you fuckers blackmail money from germans to. France and jews. You both fucking magots sucking german blood

based and FUCKJEWSpilled
this is satire™ btw

Why aren't you listing the money Christians send Israel?

Washing your hands is not a defence against the bubonic plague. Also, the bubonic plague wiped out half the population of China and the Middle East. Did they not wash their hands?

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> France and jews. You both fucking magots sucking german blood
based and redpilled

Medieval Strongmad?

>Washing your hands is not a defence against the bubonic plague
wtf it is a bacteria so of course washing your hands is a defense against it

LOL your arguments have devolved into complete nonsense

And soon there will be an Israel filled with Jews and a Germany filled with anybody but Germans.

Sounds fair to me!





Washing your hands does not stop the black plague. Staying in your ghetto does, though.

>Washing your hands does not stop the black plague
it's a bacteria, it's not a virus, washing your hands DOES prevent the black plague

It was airborne and was transmitted through coughs, sneezes etc.
Being shunned by the general populace actually helps in this situation.

how come the modern jew is a repository of measles? how come the modern jew transfers herpes viruses to infants by sucking on their freshly-cut penises, often killing the infant who hasn't yet developed an immune system that can properly fight off the virus?

why haven't jews evolved at all in 1000 years?

Why the fuck were they dumping plague corpses in wells. I mean oy vey *rubs hands* we are the real victims here go... guys!

jews are the ones shunning the general populace

>why haven't jews evolved at all in 1000 years?
inbreeding? with your memeflag you must know a lot about this

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jews always project their own faults onto others. they marry their first cousins for 1000s of years over, and then point their claws at others who aren't cursed with their own afflictions.

how about you stop fucking little boys in the mikvah, Dovid?

So if I wash my hands, I am immune to the bubonic plague. That's good to know. Does washing your hands make you immune to any other diseases? Can I wander through an ebola-infested African village and be guaranteed complete safety provided I wash my hands?

You fucking moron.

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