If we're all being replaced slowly by the brown hordes why is there a push to get people to eat healthier...

If we're all being replaced slowly by the brown hordes why is there a push to get people to eat healthier, quit smoking and to quit drinking. I would have thought Zog would want to shorten white life spans

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Anyone got the link to frazzledrip? I really wanna see huma nudes ive been doing nofap for 2 weeks now and need a break

The plan is more browns cause they're easier to control, asians are easy to manipulate because they're collectivists by nature, but make no mistake about it, the upper echeloes of the world at least the western world will always be white


Yes and no; they think they have secured victory via ethnic replacement
They want you to work every day until you retire and hopefully die quickly so you're not wasting government money that could otherwise support shitskins

>If we're all being replaced slowly by the brown hordes why is there a push to get people to eat healthier, quit smoking and to quit drinking. I would have thought Zog would want to shorten white life spans
they found opiates were way more effective

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

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you're not suppose to think if you're going to be a racist

I accidentally broke off a branch of my tomato plant and I thought, damn. So I stuck it’s stem down in the dirt and watered it and hoped for the best but it had no roots. Later I came back to find that, sure enough, it had died. However to my amazement, there were now two red ripe tomatoes on this plant when there were none before. I almost cried over this. This plant, in its death throes, completed its mission.
This is how people are as well. If you keep them healthy but secretly walk them out of their birthing years that is the best way to prevent them from producing.

>why is there a push to get people to eat healthier, quit smoking and to quit drinking
What push? Increase of Taxes. Not quite sure you understand how the world works.

There is no push to get people to stop drinking

Governments promote painkillers, drinking, antidepressants and marijuana.

>why is our government trying to keep us healthy?

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Have you ever seen these antismoking commercials? They are so fucking obnoxious and smug and full of shit they actually drive people to want to smoke to spite them.

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Floor shitters don't have cable

"Eating healthier" means cutting meat and eating more grains and carbs. Carbs lower SHBG, which in turn lowers testosterone.

Smoking raises SHBG which in turn raises testosterone.

In Zogworld healthy things lower testosterone.

liberal psyop to make people double thibk every action in their lives.
>smoking makes you look trashy
>not wanting to associate with certain people makes you raycis

it's sole purpose is to make you doubt yourself, then you're not free, just merely part of a collective whether you don't agree with them doesn't matter. because you're the one with the added scrutiny for daring to be different.

>Push to eat more onions, less meat and less manly hobbies
They still need capable slave

user why don't you go to the gym?
>because that's where faggots like to go
oh user, quit being such a negative person teehee, exercising is fun!
>you can exercise for free
but that's no fun!

see where it all falls back to? spending money, because some dumb stacy thinks that's the only way to live.

They're going after tobacco relentlessly. It's now more socially acceptable to masturbate in public than to smoke a cigarette. At the same time, they're tolerating or even encouraging the use of marijuana. Since they're poisoning our food, air, and water and otherwise doing all they can to shorten our lives we can rule out concern for our health as a motive. It seems like they would encourage white people to smoke if they believed any of their own tobacco propaganda.

I thought maybe they were using tobacco as the scapegoat for the effects of a nuclear accident or a weather weapon or some other black project--but then why would they want to ban it oughtright? I've finally concluded that smoking tobacco somehow mitigates the effects of some other weapon or poison being used on us, makes us less susceptible to control or something.

i'd rather waste money on cigarettes than being around a bunch of sweaty faggots.

Exactly. A lot of actual boomers won't want to rock the boat due to drawing pensions, wealth based on inflated housing values, healthcare incentives etc. Most will keep voting for the same kick-the-can, milquetoast anti-white bullshit.

It's the younger generations they really have to deal with, and keeping boomers alive as long as possible only helps to perpetuate boomer attitudes, inflate housing costs and inhibit the reproductive environment for whites.

>I would have thought Zog would want to shorten white life spans

it is far more profitable to keep a human alive longer on medications and such than to cure a disease.

The plan is multi-faceted. Edge out whites from their own economies by flooding their labor pools and making the cost of life higher while at the same time providing cheap, unhealthy, addictive food and drinks. The increased cost of housing, food, utilities, and so on coincides with the increase in foreigners. Now, to be healthy, thin, and in shape is a status symbol that's commodified like any other product. I guarantee gym memberships costs go up, as have organic vegetables, and so on.

Go are the days where maintaining a healthy weight, showing personal discipline, and maintaining a good image was a societal interest. Instead, we're told to consume, and not ask questions. It's a multi-tiered front to destroy our nation's, and it's targeting our vices.

the really weathy liberals build houses for theirselves they never have to leave, personal gyms, theaters, and whatnot. yet the sheep are led to believe they have to be around people that they hate being around?

mtv cribs? just ghetto trash that became rich trying to keep up with the jones ie weathly libs that medicate to be able to tolerate people when they have to leave their homes.

They need healthy slaves? It's not like they're going to do any work for themselves. A blue collar work force will always be needed.

>Zog would want to shorten white life spans
>Zog would want to shorten boomer life spans

Tobacco is probably not particularly healthy for you body, but it's not particularly worse than all the other shit no one gives a fuck about. Like sugar, for instance. Lung cancer rates don't seem to go down much even if most people have stopped smoking. So there are obviously other reasons than health going on with this.

My theory is that it's because nicotine is one of the best stress reducers out there. These people want everyone stressed the fuck out. When you're stressed the fuck out you don't stop and think about what's really going on around you.

Also, nicotine competes directly with their ssri medications, which the power structure much prefers. For one it can only be centrally made and distributed instead of grown in your backyard. Also, it has the side effect that people stop giving a shit about anything when taking them.

The concept that "going to the gym" is one of the qualifying conditions of being a functional adult is so insipid that if someone asks me which gym I go to I can't bear to be around that person ever again.

they need people to constantly think of new ways to spend money.

pretty simple OP

they need brown hordes for cheap labour

and white hordes to buy their iphone bullshit.

when you're stressed out and too insecure for alcohol or cigarettes, then the sheep yap out like the trained puppets that the big companies spent billions on advertising.
>there's a pill for that user!
that or maybe a therapist user!

iphones are easier to steal.

yeah sure i'll buy this stupid iphone instead of something i actually need, like a god damn washer that doesn't quit working after 3 years that you got from a big name brick and mortal store. yeah it's pretty damn stupid not to want a piece of junk home appliance but a iphone is completely fine.


Because not everything is under zog control, believe it or not
Don't get me wrong, jews are powerful, but they aren't all knowing all powerful

So we're not entirely being replaced, just reduced to a level where we have little to no influence?

to lengthen brown lifespans doofus

Because you need to live and work for as long as possible so you can sustain those nigger hordes well into your old age.

everything you buy is cheap disposable junk, no one cares to learn how to fix shit because it's cheaper buying more junk. just buy smartphones and watches instead, something that becomes obsolete as fast as computers but if you don't do it user, people won't think you're successful!

in my country they already want our organs
i smoke drink so that some rich fuck can't use it

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Those ads are not for the brown hordes, cockfag.

this. Organ harvesting is a huge business.

Because when the demographic/cultural/new-world shift has decisively happened, the owners of entire industries don't want to be left with stock that they could have sold.
They are siphoning off the supply of all the bread and circus material, and it's happening now with loads of propaganda that lets people think they're doing it voluntarily, that coincides with prices and taxation rising to ween off those who would never stop wilfully.
The same is happening with fossil fuels etc, same propaganda that gets people to switch to electric etc and then laws and taxation to stop those who would never stop their use voluntarily.
It's basically kikes squeezing out every last economic drop they can.

Because if they really wanted to, they could have converted to renewables by now, they could have lobbied for stricter smoking bans etc, but no, they find that sweet spot that does not encourage a growth in participation but does not drop off immediately.

Money, money money.

Jow Forums thinks it's an anti-white conspiracy when in fact it's just a capitalist conspiracy. Whites aren't producing enough mindless consumers to sustain the quality of life that the big CEOs are used to, so they lobby to the government to open the floodgates and allow the brown hordes in. They want you to live longer so they can extract more money from your retirement savings before you finally die.

Need people healthy to sustained the parasites.


>>quit smoking
That's the interesting thing, you see, smoking isn't as bad as the "health industry " claims.
I did research starting with a simple Google search
>>smoker's lung is a lie
because I heard from my doctor friend that it's a lie...and lo and behold it fucking is.
From there I did some more digging and found out that almost everything that is supposedly caused by smoking isn't and that smoking is even beneficial to some people.
So here you have a part of your question explained: the campaign about smoking isn't in fact about the people's health, it is about control, pure and simple

Replacement is inevitable. It doesn’t matter to them if white people live for 50 years or 100. No difference, they will be the minority and then they will be extinct. Things like no smoking are easily understood when you consider the costs incurred when someone is diagnosed with lung cancer (or similar) and spends the last year or two of their lives racking up hospital bills that they can never hope to repay. That shits up the system for everyone. They want people to have nice, clean, inexpensive deaths.

To keep the boomers alive as long as possible.

Boomers are/were the first fully brainwashed generation - muh sexism, muh racism, muh diversity, all that shit. And they cling to it as though their lives depend on it. Generations afterward have become progressively more redpilled to the bullshit the boomers were trained to ignore.
If the boomers die off, the agenda is very much in peril - this would have been recognizable ages ago. Thus the push to have boomers quit smoking and live "long and productive lives".

After all, you don't want your prized cattle to die off too quickly.

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They want to control us most importantly. Usher us into various structures of thought.
Control us what we should and should not do. Slowly no free will anymore, just this "green" "environmental" "health" control agenda.

Cigarettes doesn't kill people immediately like a snap - I even knew from a lot of people getting cancer without smoking their whole life and mostly eating healthy. All of these health and environmenatl mindsets are just theories after all, as weird as it sounds (no exact scientific correlation), same line with that climate change. It's an artificially blown up thought-line to shill people into various attitudes.

Smoking used to be a symbol for freedom, as well as driving. And now these normies don't think for themselves anymore, they will soon force people into this mindset of driving bicycle ("progress" to "save the planet") support the "green" agenda (and everything connected to it), and don't consume what you like to consume, and tax and demonize those who don't follow these communist lines.

What is the most important factor of health is after all your own inner wellbeing, your free mind and free choice without constantly feeling guilty, that includes sometimes to eat a steak or smoke or drive a powerful car.
Not excessively all the time, but in a healthy temperance if one needs to, that keeps you a human being.

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Now, actually do research on smoking and try to figure out why the research even started in the first place and why the governments were so hell bent on finding the substance responsible for a cancer epidemic BEFORE it existed.
Smoking isn't bad, it's just a whipping boy for control. Most of the "facts" about smoking aren't facts at all. Some are complete lies, like
>>smoking raises your blood pressure
when their own epidemiological studies show the exact opposite.

I can understand that user.. I do productive things to stay fit, instead of paying some jew sheckles so I can sweat in his box with other sweaty sheep.

Post links, I'm not seeing the connection, just noise..

There's a lot of shit that you can do at home.
Set of weights is not too expensive add over the door bar and you are mostly set.

Start with this:

Yeah, if you want a sexy bod you need weights.

If you want a strong bod for working, just work. It usually won't result in the sexy bod that most want (most of my labour was not biceps based, so I have large forearms, thin biceps), so you may need a bit of equipment.

Check out the blog "Marks Daily Apple" he's paleo and has some simple paleo exercise routines like sprint really hard for 3 minutes, climb a tree, etc.

Schwarzenegger always stated he could see the difference in a body that was subjected to hard work/heavy weight.. and it's true, it's a denser muscle, more natural looking than the puffed up gym brahs.

Thanks user, good start.

This is the ultimate power of the interwebs - Small people posting intelligent discussion for others to read at a great distance.

Large sites are mostly echo chambers and politically correct graveyards.

Insurance claims

Then this
I trust you can do the rest of the research and answer your own questions.
That's what I did. I dug for it all over the web, and found enough evidence to not believe a word that the government says about to acco. I don't have many links since I did this research for myself.
Obviously it isn't easy because normal people(and most of the scientists) have no access to raw data or even the numerical representations of data( all is presented in percentages and very curated numbers).

Thx for the complement.
I started as bluepilled as anyone. I just accepted that I'm ruining my health and did not care. That is until my doc friend told me that the smoker's lung is a fucking joke and that it doesn't exist in reality.

>why is there a push to get people to eat healthier, quit smoking and to quit drinking
It's just an excuse for higher 'sin' taxes
>look goy we are taxing alcohol and cigarrets at 150%
>It's for your own good
Just wait until stoners realize they royally fucked themselves by letting the government tax their weed.

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Too late anglos, your days are numbered.
2025 britain 50% white
2035 Britain 25% white
2040+ Britain hahahahhhaa whitey in forests only

fucking Mexicans


It isn't mainstream businesses pushing humans to stop smoking or drinking. It's physicians. Because that's kind of what they do.

Everyone else though? They push all the degenerate shit on us.

>why is there a push to get people to eat healthier, quit smoking and to quit drinking
Because we're supposed to be able to work and pay gibs to the very end of our existence perhaps?

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Any sauce on this? I've already taken the meat pill (raw carnivore) but I'm curious about smoking and SHBG

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