Reddit Scum

We need to blackpill the fuck out of these ribbitfags

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im rather fond of the twat replying to every thread calling everyone antisemetic.

He’s probably a boomerfag who sent his mongrel mullato son to die in an imperialist war set up by Jews

Here's something to send them. More incoming.

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numbah 2

Attached: HRTandotherfunthings.jpg (1271x613, 228K)

Nice, almost quads.
Pic needs updatin' though.

Attached: redpill9.png (616x5370, 1.5M)

1/2 redskullpostin'

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2/2 skullpostin'

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nah we need more t_D coming here for the simple fact that you histrionic shills are making a huge deal out of it, and that you fucks are furious they are coming here.

its you tranny, progressive shills which shit up 90 percent of the catalog.

please t_D users, come more and more. shills will shit themselves

Considering how much Zionist propaganda they consume, I doubt any effort will be fruitful.

We need a chabad remover

>d-d-discord tranny amirite my fellow Jow Forums goys?
Oh please Ezra Goldstein, I’m a Third Positionist, both sides deserve the rope

I mean I got out of that hellhole of cuckservatism a long time ago thanks to you guys, if I can do it, anybody can

>we need more useful idiots
see pic related.

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Where’s the wall?

Kek, I unironically used to be a borderline gommie. It's true what the power of actually doing your own research will do for your political position.

Attached: howtrotskydied.jpg (2048x1828, 176K)

Younger people(men mostly), sure. The Boomers are lost. This place saved me. I was so confused with societies bullshit before. After I came here, everything started to make sense.

The hardest part was learning how to get past the shills propaganda. Once you learn that, you’re home free.

When I was a cuckservative I didn’t read anything and I was experiencing a very tough stage of depression, when I became a third positionist/NatSoc I valued life more, Hell I even stopped eating meat turning myself into a vegetarian, I’m pretty white pilled now desu, we will win

Jow Forums really is the Mecca for the Third Position

I was raised cuckservative and I didn’t question it until I noticed the double standard for whites. Other races openly advocate for themselves and whites are prohibited it. I read Mein Kampf to be “edgy” , and it red-pilled me. The section about productive, sustaining, and destructive races was particularly useful.

The first thing that made me Third Positionist was the happy merchant memes and the precious metal last names celebrating white genocide

what’s your story coming from the alt-left

having the names pointed out was a real eye opener especially because I know no one with one of the echo names in my personal life

Of it ends with “berg” or “stein” it’s a clear indicator that it’s a kike

Lol my brother showed me Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told. I really do think that America will have to break into separate nations if whites want to survive. The future will be interesting.

I feel like that if all of Africa starved to death and everyone dies, it will be a race between all European and Asian nations to cut off all the pieces of Africa

Did you know that in 1914, Germany was more populous than the entirety of The African sub-continent?
There are now over 1 billion Africans.

we fed them

Holy shit dude, I guess bringing Technology to those kangz was a bad idea, and now it’s going to bring to their downfall because they breed like rabbits

Basically I lived in a multicultural, minority infested city for some time during my childhood, so naturally my education from my teachers and professors indoctrinated me very heavily with far left beliefs, or at the very least predisposed me heavily to them. My history teacher was a literal whisker-bearded emotional faggot, which didn't allow very many right-wing views into my head. The lessons were all along the lines of:
>blah blah blah nationalism=tribalism and we're all the same because race doesn't exist goy!
Naturally, I got into a few commie groups and clubs because of my teachings and typically thought:
>the government and the evil capitalists must pay for keeping us down, black and white alike!
I still hate the government and capitalism to some degree, but with a much more right-centric view on it now.
Around my 19th birthday, I started a college project on how prisons are racist or something and I go accidentally redpilled a bit with non-white crime rates. The happening that brought me here was in some left circles of mine they were talking about Jow Forums with dialogue you'd expect from commies and anarcho-fagists. I went here for a bit, got horrified at what I saw. Got called a faggot more times than I could count, but came increasingly null to the information on here at this point. I lurked for a bit and started posting here after a year or so and I gradually got more and more redpilled.
Basically, i went from a gommie flathead to a full-fledged 1488'er. I avoided the shills and slide threads, and came out better because of it. This may be a bit of a tl;dr but it's worth a skim.

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Can someone quote Albert Schweitzer? I don’t have the image saved. The Africa is a lost cause?

>it’s the birth rates