What spirituality to follow?

I feel like Christianity doesn't kick
it made our society weaker and destroyed pacified the West.
What should be the perfect and final spirituality for a modern western man that is surrounded by degeneracy and race mixing bullshit?
>Inb4 you are a kike
I am not here to disrespect anyones beliefs if you think Christianity is not what I described above please state your reasons I am all ears.

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christianity is intense as fuck and the modern christians are a fucking joke that don't take it seriously to any extent whatsoever.

If even 1% of christians took it seriously this world would be vastly different.

I don't know man but I feel like it makes me feel guilty for shit I didn't do "original sin" I think if "original sin" was not embedded in our culture we wouldn't have this "white privilege" secularize original sins know what I mean?

Look for patterns and you will find your god. Experiences, dreams, and relationships have recurring themes.

Look for God, not Religion
Seek and thou shalt find

Spirituality is not something to be followed but rather cultivated
Following is for cucks and can mislead you

I agree with this modern day Christians are all "peace and love bro"
thats all good and sweet but real Christians in the bible didn't take shit

I don't follow this spiritual philosophy of dogma and beliefs

Have you heard of Chris Langan and the CTMU? The CTMU is essentially a logico-mathematical proof of God.

Conciousness is the computer.

This is a topic that interests me quite a lot

Whenever it comes up a lot of anons say something to the effect of "older christianity was based, modern christians are wrong". The problem is that the way christian europeans conducted themselves in the past was informed more by their culture than the bible. Medieval christianity is a far cry from jesus's hippy "turn the other cheek" approach. Medieval christianity is a construction made of old european traditions and spiritituality on the scaffolding of christian theology.

In modern times there has been a degeneration of culture, and so many christians of today draw more heavily from the bible than the christians of the past in the hope of getting back some of the lost cultural values, not realizing that those did not come from the bible in the first place

I don't really have any answers yet on what would be the ideal kind of spirituality for the west. I don't think larping as pagans is the answer. I think we must find something new that combines thenbest part of the old

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Meh, there was no hippie BS. This is just modern man interpreting things with modern understandings. Jesus had absolutely no tolerance for any form of moral deviance, neither did christians regardless of time period.

"Turn the other cheek" comes a position of supreme strength, not of weakness, like mercy. It cannot be used as to justify any form of inferiority masked as moral strength. Also it's personal, it says "turn YOUR other cheek", not "if you see gang of rapists attacking a woman, tell her to turn her other hole". Modern "christians" using the bible to justify their weakness are using God's word to try and justify their sins.

why box yourself under the dogmatism one religion?
study as many as you can and focus on the common themes


Tantra & advaita vedanta. Shadow work.

The CTMU is the kind of spirituality/religion you're talking about. Not only is it a mathematical proof of God, it has the potential to bring about spiritual unification. It's author also shares the same views on modern christianity and the sort of milquetoast christians you're talking about.

Comments on "fake christians":
>Their minds are open to the existence of absolute truth, and not closed against its messenger. Also, beware those who deny human responsibility for the world, instead asserting that “God is always in full control of the world”. In fact, human beings have free will, and must choose to ally themselves with God and act in His defense. Many of these irresponsible determinists believe that lacking any sort of free will, they can sit passively on their rear ends and do nothing as evil destroys the world that God has created, and yet expect to be raptured up into heaven for eternity. Why, pray tell, would such robotic good-for-nothings be preserved forever in a state of eternal rapture? What exactly have they done for the Almighty – gone to church every Sunday and refrained from cussing? They might be “gathered up in the air”, alright, but they’re likely to find themselves horribly mistaken about why and by whom. (I hope this provides you with at least a pointer or two.)

>To achieve salvation, one must be open to absolute truth. Unfortunately, the set of people calling themselves “Christians” contains a certain number of closed-minded people who, in effect, obstinately refuse to listen to anything that God may have to say beyond their own personal nonlogical interpretation of scripture. Basically, such people are unwitting idolaters who have put a written work which they do not fully understand, printed on paper and bound in leather, above the Author to Whom they attribute it. This is inconsistent with openness to God. Such people must open their minds and hearts in order to become salvageable.


>The Golden Rule is self-limiting. Yes, we should be kind to others, but only until their clear lack of reciprocity forces us to acknowledge that this merely encourages them to be unkind to us, and in the long term, to society at large. Unfortunately, many modern Christians have lost the ability to make this distinction. In a spirit of apathy, cowardice, or masochism, they delude themselves that God wants His people to “turn the other cheek” even after it becomes evident that this lacks instructive value and merely allows their enemies – and by definition, the enemies of God – to grind them to a pulp. Obviously, this is irrational, and thus a misinterpretation of scripture.

>[I]t must be noted that as most people understand it, “Christian morality” is in some ways a rather ill-defined concept. While I agree with morality based on the underlying logic of the Golden Rule and the rest of the New Testament, many sectarian versions of so-called “Christian morality” are based on nonlogical interpretations of Christian scripture associated with various bodies of doctrine authored long after the New Testament was written. Just as Christian scripture is independent of sectarian doctrine, so is the morality which can be directly derived from it on a purely logical basis.

Also, all christian teachings are directly addressed to each person or family. It does not endorse any political organization. Christians organized themselves in many different ways, some better, some worse, but generally pretty based.

Arguing that some political system is the product of christian teachings has no real basis in reality. Some form of society can be the product of christianity, but the political system that the said civilization chooses to further its goals cannot. It is up to those people to find a good political system, Christ does not have some magical recipe for that, in the same way he does not teach you to change a flat tire. It's your job to find a way.

If you are determined to be a spiritual cuck, I suggest Buddhism, it is the most based religion

>Christians in the bible

Just follow whatever faith your community follows it’s really not that big of a deal. Take life as it comes at you

Islam (quranism).

if you need someone to tell you what principles and morals to follow because you're too deficient to make your own then you're a degenerate just waiting to happen