What is all this anti-German sentiment lately ?

Especially from Poles

I know and can understand why you dont like Germans

And I generally dont feel like you are talking about people like me, when you are talking about the Germans

I genuinly wanted to travel Eastern Europe and Russia within the next few yeears, but I am scared now that I get killed by some ploish neckbeard who thinks I am bringing some muslims over the border

Attached: 1561482188036.png (680x785, 129K)

nobody likes muslims.
dealsith it, ahmed

We Slovaks like you Germananons

The world has realized that Germany has destroyed Europe for the 3rd time in 100 years.

Attached: WOcQq3o.jpg (402x650, 61K)

Attached: anglos vs aryans.jpg (1494x1354, 650K)

>taking pol autism and shitposts as an accurate representation of reality
56 iq post

FUCK MODERN GERMANY. It's your fault Sweden has taken in so fucking many niggers and muslim goat fuckers. You never deserved Hitler, he was far to good for Germany.

Germany is a bunch of cucked basedbois

Start rounding up degenerates again if you want respect


I am not muslim, if you though that

I am from the alps in bavaria

Dont care about politics because I have encountered the typical Germans and Ahmeds you rant aout and realize that this is lost case for any based Germany

I dont want to move either because I will inherit land and like bavarian culture too much

I also dont feel triggered when you all hate and rant about germans, but i dont like the consequences, like, as I said, polish neckbeards.

Based Germans are also the victims here

ok, so I can just travel to Poland and say I am German without fearing any trouble ?

Germany is too cucked and like immigrants too much

I will just wait, it will collapse eventually

Well i dont realy hate germans. I just shitpost, Germans are quite ok
You guys were just stronger than us, so you conquered us, later we got stronger while your were weak and we took back our lands, nothing wrong with that, natural order of things

Obviously. But i wouldnt recomend going to more shitty districts, even if you are polish you can get beaten for nothing in some places

Dumb nigger who doesn't understand history nor politics

we love you

It's not about the individual Muslims bro, as a collective they are a problem. Please open your eyes and realize that your descendents won't be treated as warmly as your people are treating these niggers. Just wait until the right wing is fully ascendent. The next Hitler is alive today living his life like the rest of us.

>ok, so I can just travel to Poland and say I am German without fearing any trouble ?
Any foreigner is rather ignored in Poland, but avoid chavs and hooligans. Not a long time ago one polish professor was beaten in a tram because he spoke german with some other German guy (true story!).

>later we got stronger while your were weak and we took back our lands
o czym ty pierdolisz ty biały smieciu?

I dont vote because I wouldnt have a chance anyway

I am Eco-Fascist, no party for me

AfD is jewish and bad politicians

Already had to pay a fine because I beat up a turk who wanted to start a fight
we were both in groups but we were the first and only ones to punch

Nothing changed, police cant do shit because in such situations they have to help minorities, eventhough I know the police didnt like these turks either (troublemaker)

>I am Eco-Fascist
I think you're fucked in your head

I dont like most Germans and I dont speak for most here

Even down here in Bavaria only the ones who dont care about politics are actually based, but the rest are caught up and most likely are cucks

Assblasted nigger, thats what you are

>t. edgelord who thinks his 'woke' understanding changes everything.
It's interesting seeing the edgy atheist teens from 10 years ago grow up.


i dont like your language, our common history, the fact that u kiss american's ass all the time, the fact that u use EU to rule in whole europe and that u are cucked by jews to become shitskins' garrison

well not extreme
I like nature but I also despise those tards who are enforcing it
Maybe I chose the wrong word lmao
I dont want to explain myself but we are Anons, so who cares

German is as unaesthetic as Polish

>the fact that u kiss american's ass all the time
i have bad news for you, user...

Poland is just another russian proxy again. Might as well be ukraine. Let them sink in the shit
Go west OP

pisowskie kurwy tez to robia ale pod wzgledem militarnym i politycznym, mi chodzilo ze u nich ludzie sa tak spierdoleni, angielskie nazwy czytaja jak amerykanie, nadaja amerykanskie imiona, jaraja sie jakby usa bylo jakims nadludzkim krajem, w galileo 50% jak nie wiecej artykulow to cos w usa jakby innych krajow nie bylo

I am already A2 on russian

and I fucking hate the captchas

nie wiesz o czym mówisz, Niemcy bardziej ufają Chinom niż Stanom. To, że se cos tam po angielsku pierdolą, to tylko popkultura, biały smieciu.

sram ci do ryja

I am not and never have been an atheist. And you don't seem to grasp the historical concept of Germany becoming a unified nation in central Europe and how it affected Britain and France and the European balance of power. Please tell me how Germany is solely responsible for WW1.
You're a historically illiterate retard.

>The next Hitler is alive and among us

Attached: The-Chad-Candidate-2.jpg (1564x1082, 234K)

It's not that we don't like Germans, fuck, I'm ethnically German.
What we don't like is that Germany, the country, is fucking ruined now.
Fix it.

Ecofascist isn't far off from national socialist.