Solutions to Clown World?

Sincere thread.
Sincere question.
Sincere discussion.

What do we do?
How do we do it?
When do we start?

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Take their rights away

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Never let women vote

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& prepare for civil war

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Starting withe memeflags
Then jews

This. No way to put the cat into the bag now, though.

I like my memeflag
only Kike show their flag

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you're sure ?

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>Solutions to Clown World
Hollow point

HONK HONK has to be the worst meme NPCs have come up with since "NPC." In all seriousness though we need to just raise awareness, that's the first step. Most people support homosexuality to prove how tolerant they are, but the average person cannot look at grown men fawning over a child crossdresser and think it's okay. Normal Democrats do not think it's okay for a toddler to see BDSM shit or dildo costumes at a gay pride parade. Share this shit far and wide. It doesn't matter how, or to who....every time you share this shit with somebody it will spread to more people. No good person can look at this and say it's okay. I think lots of gay rights supporters don't realize how bad it is. Share the pedo reading at the Houston library. Share these drag shows with people. They need to know how fucked things truly are. Don't make any comment on gay rights or anything like that, just share what is happening and let people see the truth for themselves.

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join them

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>HONK HONK has to be the worst meme NPCs have come up with

NPC came up with honkler meme ? wut ?

Will it ever end?

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I was making commentary on how the NPC meme is supposed to criticize leftists for not thinking for themselves/no individual thought/whatever, when the "alt-right" gets one meme they're just as if not more guilty than just parroting the same word/phrase over and over again.

But seriously though, this shit is not a partisan issue, it's fucking child abuse and it absolutely makes me sick

Redpill others, nigger.

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but HONK HONK isn't an argument, it's a laugh, it's mockery. NPCs present the same thoughts as if they were revelatory.

I think we all need to organize, facedox, and hold rallies, where we invite all sorts of people we don't know who probably aren't feds, it's the way the left got into power so if they use state power to stop us everyone will know they are HYPOCRITES

step 1: stop being such a triggered analhurt christian homeschooled sissy
step 2: live your own life stress free, not having to worry about gay sex all the time
step 3: congratulations, you are a mentally sane normal person

He is one ugly fuck! No wonder he has to dress up and parade his ass for queers. No-one else would want him.

kys nihilist scum

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I think that the Shitty Glurge my boomer parents tortured me with is making more sense

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>Solutions to Clown World?
let the ride continue, eventually the masses will have enough, right?

We will have to recurr by neccessity to extraordinary and superhuman measures, YEAR ZERO. i'm talking casualties in the dozens of millions in the continental united states, AT LEAST, the wholesale liquidation of entire social segments of the population, the traitors in the government, the journalists, the tv personalities, celebrities, redditors, the razing of NYC and San Francisco, to the ground with requisitioned army horwitzers as to make and example of them, deporting the overeducated to the countryside for re-education, establishment of TOTAL political control by a revolutionary party organisation by any means necessary, including but not limited to political TERROR. America could sure use more men like Commander Rockwell, Reverend Jones, Charlie Manson, good ol Tim McVeigh, Ted K, Koresh, and the columbine boys. I like Pol Pot, it's a real shame he wasn't born white.

The shameless promotion of individualism and the demonizing of collectivism keeps us from experiencing philia, therefore nobody believes they have meaningful support even if they do, and so all of them wait for a savior or idol (that will never come given the above climate) to rally behind.

When you have 0 support from like-minded individuals in the real world, putting your life and well-being on the line for an ideological stand doesn't get you anywhere except financial ruin and dead. No hero's parade, no martyr status, no success - and not only your opponents, but THOSE YOU WERE FIGHTING FOR will ALL mock you and use you to dehumanize others taking a meaningful stand once you're eliminated.

No steps forward, two steps back.

This is the social landscape (((they))) have been working towards for the past hundred years, one where critical thinking is harshly punished because it roots out our best and brightest and keeps them from reproducing, either by imprisonment or socially ostracizing them.

We need 2 things:
A) a committee to decide with authority the course of action for the body/movement to take.
B) a private publication to disseminate the opinions of the committee and unite the cause.

We need a second Hitler. But I fear that personalitys like that who have such a huge willpower, strength and charisma are only born every couple of hundred years

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have sex incel

Patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear holocaust.

>Nuclear war

Pick one.

Redpill the average person and cause the average person to distrust the globohomo narrative and silicon valley tech.
You can't rule the world with just laws, banks and lobbyists. You need policemen, debt collectors and soldiers.
Get the average person to learn about how fractional reserve lending and privately owned central banks massively inflate the price of things and create cycles of bubbles and bankruptcy.
Promote alt-tech or any other way for people to keep in contact with each-other without kike interference.
Oppose the narrative, even if it's just with low effort shitposts, since that tells spectators that they aren't alone in thinking that the narrative is bullshit.
Get people to focus on the common enemy. For example, blacks would have a better life if they could actually organise their communities into neighbourhood watches and family groups rather than being made of crime and single fatherhood, but they can't do this because the welfare state and victim culture keeps them chained to the ghetto.
Tell women that the most fulfilling thing they can do in their life is raise a family, since you can help build the future. People who can't help build the future get depressed because they have nothing to live for and no purpose. But all the mainstream keep pushing hookup culture and putting careers first, leading to women who grow up miserable.
That type of thing.

Remember your fundamental rights and why they're important - the right to tell anyone in politics exactly what you disagree with and exactly why you disagree with it. "Hate speech" is not an exception.
The right to organise with your peers and start building a resistance.

Because right now we're redpilling faster than they're brainwashing. They can't enforce their laws without soldiers or policemen, and soldiers and policemen are human beings that want their sons and daughters to inherit a better world than today.

Fun fact:
"How many more children must die before you agree with common sense gun control?" isn't a rhetorical question. It means "How many more children have to die in false flags before you give up?"
Child abuse is absolutely a partisan issue. On the one hand you have people that want their children to have a better life, and on the other hand you have people who realise that if you hurt children you can coerce adults into doing what you want.

When the world stops being fucking retarded then we'll stop calling the world fucking retarded.
Until then, HONK HONK.

Have you noticed (((who))) is defining being mentally sane and normal? You shouldn't aspire to be what the Jews want you to be.

Nukes and plenty of them

it's simple. minorities -either sexual or racial, should not try to impose their way of life over the majority. this simply does not work. most people are tolerant, anyway, unless they start seeing guys licking each other on the street - this is unnatural and gross for most people - in fact, for most is gross seeing a straight couple licking each other on the street. also, to many mosques or muslims or other religious places in an historical christian country or city are very offensive for the natives and it's the other way around in their native country to.

At this point each man is having to become his own savior to rally around, which is painful but it's working.
>putting your life and well-being on the line for an ideological stand doesn't get you anywhere except financial ruin and dead.
Financial ruin is inevitable in a debt-based economy, and death is inevitable in general. The issue isn't "Whether I should fight", because you should. The question is "How?", and right now that's by gaining popular support.
And by 'gaining popular support' I don't mean respecting the terms of service and having good optics, because that's kikeshit. I mean getting other people angry at the same things you're angry at by showing them exactly why they should be angry.
> no success
Have you seen how hard the kikes seethe when someone on this Japanese Anime BBS whenever someone contradicts the narrative?
Just tell people that the solution to low self esteem isn't transgenderism, because HRT does not give you self-worth. The cure is to find pride in who you are and an enemy to focus your anger against. You will get paragraphs of seething MediaMatters shills.
If they're dedicating this much effort to pushing tranny shit, then preventing it from working is a success.
Then let them. Their mockery only means that they are seething and coping.

>A) a committee to decide with authority the course of action for the body/movement to take.
That is exactly how you get subverted by the glow in the dark CIAniggers and communists. It is a terrible idea.
>B) a private publication to disseminate the opinions of the committee and unite the cause.
That is also exactly how you get subverted by the glow in the dark CIAniggers and communists. It is a terrible idea.

Look, if you're running a resistance movement you don't give it a single point of failure.

The people who vote must be able to control their emotions. It was obviously ridiculous to let women vote in the first place. Repeal the 19th

Kalemales and Incels vote against their own interests too. Anyone without a stake in the future will vote to sabotage the future for the sake of temporary pleasure.

Good point user. Perhaps property owners who have more stake in America should be the ones voting. A male who is head of the household

Good in theory. What happens in practice is that people will define "Majority" and "Minority" in whatever way that ensures their guys are the majority, and the other guys are the minority.
For instance, if Gays want to be the majority, they just define the majority as "Whoever doesn't have children" or "Whoever doesn't want the government to know what you do behind closed doors".

Again good in theory. But you've seen what the housing bubble did to home prices, and you obviously know that banks can choose whether to renew your home loan or foreclose and seize your property.
The presence of homeowners' associations means that ownership of a house can be denied to you based on any number of factors.
The Bureau of Land Management hasn't given land out to people who promise to improve it for over a century now. To own land, you need to buy it from someone.
And who would you buy it from?

I do agree with you that head of household is a good metric for voting, but "landowner" makes voters the slaves of whoever sells the land. What you would want instead is for total Assets minus total Debts to exceed 1 years' median wages.
And of course for physical chunks of metal and cryptocurrency to be included in potential assets, or other stuff that you could not realistically be prevented from buying and selling.

America should just go full 'Starship Troopers'.

The problems in the West are being caused by a small group of very wealthy traitors who have no care for any country or the people who reside in them. They don’t care about your party affiliation, your values, or your family. They’ve been training a horde of third worlders to come in and hate you, teaching them that other working class people are their enemies, dividing everyone up by identities. I think it’s time these nu-Americans learned about Marxist-Leninism. Let them turn on the people who are brainwashing them to hate you and redirect their anger on the real problem in the West. These nu-Americans need to be infiltrated with actual Communists, not the neoliberal establishment. Let them fight the battle while you build yourself, your family, and your community back up. You don’t win with violence, you win with subversion.

move to South-East Asia

Embrace it. Normalize it. Pervert it if you can. Eventually the pendulum will swing back around and being conservative will be considered edgy and rebellious. Until then, the only way to live in clown world is to be a clown. So put on some fucking makeup and start honking.

That's also a very good strategy. And it works, too.
Thus far the kike strat is that if your people do not have an identity they can rally around, they will not form up and BTFO kikes. Also, divide and conquer is a thing.
Instead, the kikes have noticed that "Not Cucked" is now an identity. A cartoon frog that pees with his pants down is now a rallying symbol for a generation, and people of all racial groups are starting to unite under "White Supremacy".
They are absolutely terrified right now of Muslims and Whites both teaming up and realising that lending money at interest is a sin for a reason. That's why the ""muslims"" they're importing are a bunch of alcohol-drinking faggot cocksuckers who'd support (((ISIL))).

The only thing that can stand against the clown.

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AI state laws

Day of the Rope

Ya know, e. Michael Jones wrote a book about the Jewish revolutionary spirit that, imo, boils down to: the Jews that diverged from Christ to current don't actually have a god and have been forming one since time immemorial. Interesting stuff that ties in to what you mentioned.

Because they ate their god.
When they make a new god they'll eat that one too.

Marxism is a religion. It’s a subverted form of fanatical Christianity. You don’t need God to start a crusade anymore. The interesting thing about the different forms it has taken over the last 100+ years, is that you can change who the oppressors/oppressed are and the results are the same every time as you can see in its latest reincarnation, the social justice cult. They act nearly identical to a religious fanatic.

>teaching English to four 9 yo girls
>they are all talking in Spanish to each other and not paying attention
>one says she wants to be a boy
>everyone shuts up and an awkward silence sets in
>decide to downplay it and move on with the class:
>'You'll get over it'
>'No I won't, I always wanted to be a boy!'
>'Me too but I got over it'
>class resumes, one kid dabs
Will be hearing from her mom I guess. A supportive teacher would tell the parents to inject her with hormones and mind pronouns. This kid is a raging lefty lesbian and doesn't even know it yet. If she ever transitions she'll be the absolute worst basketball player in whatever league this country has. It's sad to see that kids are already completely lost and all you can do is honk honk

The same things was being normalized in Wiemar Germany, and the German people burned the literature promoting it and imprisoned the individuals promoting it.

Watch the world burn, you can't do much ....

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The entire clown world shtick is a demoralisation psyop
How often have you seen someone enter the normie sphere to comment on some fucked up shit but all they say is "clown world" or "honk honk"
It's less meaningful than a disgusted sigh
It fails to communicate the myriad of issues we face or why they are issues
They are basically a universal down vote.

Stop trying to convince people shit is fucked with memes. Everyone knows shit is fucked.
Start actually communicating why shit is fucked and who is responsible

Democracy must end, supporting democracy needs to be an executable offense.

Kiwibro indeed everyone knows the world is fucked, to dwell on its fucked up state (blackpill) or to laugh at it (clownpill) are the only options.
>who is responsible
Calling out the jew doesn't work. Hell I don't know maybe it's the way everything was designed. Taking it to the streets like the frogs did doesn't work either. A charismatic strong leader would help but that will never happen because of the EU and the UN. In short, I'm banking on WW3, fuck it.

Without directed, group efforts, there will only be moments of violent derangement, whether real or manufactured, to assault the public image of those upholding the positions. To win the battle of hearts and minds, make weapons of the cellphone and closed circuit. Individuals must gather in clusters, hives, upholding their ideals and doing so in accordance with the morality of the majority of media consumers. Regimes which had been monsterous for years, decades even, have repeatedly been toppled by the live broadcast of the same actions. With this in mind, the clusters of actors must act, when together, as paragons, bringing change at the local level in the way of, essentially, community service. Multiple clusters in conjunction, having won the affection of their homes, must then work together in efforts to change the culture, still pristine in conduct one and all. This generates, by it's own accord even without active efforts to disseminate, a drive in like minded people to emulate you, causing the autonomous generation of new clusters. You must know your brothers-in-arms in your local clusters, trust them implicitly, be willing to bet your life on them. The way to foster this is found in part in these joint goals, but are bolstered by efforts to improve the self as individuals, in both body and mind. Make gym Bros your brothers in arms, make brothers in arms your gym Bros. Discuss literature, media, philosophy. Develop earnest connections. Let your cluster be a family. Develop plans, execute them. Make the space you occupy a beautiful one. Make your mind and body a temple. And in this way you will generate an army of free agents, to wage the war of the liberation of our species. And know that if you have won the heart of your homes, they will cry out if any subterfuge, sabotage, black bagging, or terrorism will not be swept under the rug. If you inspire a people, you make a nation of them.

Remember, can't be entrapped if you ain't breaking the law.

The clownpill is a faggot color scheme blackpill. The answer is the whitepill.

True but the whitepill is the equivalent to burying one's had in the sand.

uh how does he drink his soda if he has a helmet?

No, the whitepill is the answer to the blackpill. The rejection not of truth, but of despair. The war for hearts and minds is ongoing, because of the state of decay we find our society in. The will which forms a culture hero can be fostered, and utilized. And when the will of a culture hero is seen, those who witness it will be unable to help but be inspired. Make yourself firm and strong in body and mind, form bonds of brotherhood with people in your community, and direct yourselves to the benefit of your community. This is the core blueprint, which leads to a Cascade of similar groups of ubermenschen to rise in your image. People who integrate into the new culture will have no need for the corpse of the old one.


this is the kind of stuff that got crowley booted from italy.

can I get a link to the article?

The solution to clown world is to push back against the insanity forcing those who are doing the degeneracy become more degenerate. Accelerate their degeneracy and keep pushing them further

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Crowley at least had the decency to call himself the devil

Reminder that going back to the traditional standard of arranging who your daughter's are married to is the only way to save western civilization

In essence, you should have at least 4 kids (not 3 AT LEAST 4, too desperate times)
But not arrange to marry with anyone, you should pick the children of your buddies, who are as traditionally minded and as devout to the cause as you are, you should put then to play together since they are kids essentially so it only becomes natural for then to marry, and since they have close enough values, it will find little to no resistance to the idea

Also, if you have a buddy who is on the older side and you know he would be a good family man but somehow didnt got settled yet, dont hesitate in arrange him a marriage with one of your legal-aged daughters

This is how we can strength long lasting family bounds and relations, this is how trade empires and ruling families always came about

Our elite has become degenerate with the raise of liberalism, and the one who shall inherent this world of filth after then MUST be upright

Genocide is literally the only answer.

How do you all resist the urge to get your gun, turn on some fashwave metal, and go for a IRL hatred high score? I don't care if I'm put on a watchlist for this, I'm so close to the tipping point dudes.

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It's as simple as calling people out on it and not backing down. The reason why we got to the point that we are at is because of tolerance. Tolerance builds up and weakens us, society, as a whole. You only give power to these degenerates by apologizing. Stand strong and push back against it. It's as simple as calling these people what they are: Faggots.

We're at a horrible place, zog controls the police and military and conservatives still think they can win by playing by the rules

There is only one solution
The final solution

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Mom's coming to fix it all soon.

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