Hiding powerlevel is proving difficult

>be me
>20sth slavoid wagecuck gradually redpilled over the years to the point of "bad man with moustache had a point"
>be invited by gf to a party
>party with nip tutors feat.1 nip/pol hapa
>have had nip friends over the years, picked up some moonspeak, shouldn't be too hard
>party going well, 1 tutor is a nip I met some years back, can hold his drink well for a nip
>somehow convo veers toward the topic of hapas
>been following dr dutton, i know my HELLO HELLO HELLO on miscegenation
>play bgm: You're sap, Mr. Jap
>internal autism intensifies as i forget there's a hapa and a nip sitting next to me
>let slip racemixing is mostly kinda a bad idea, migraines, can't take bone marrow from either race (only from specific mix)
>as i'm doing this gf is trying to hush me by stomping on my foot
>i say my piece anyway
>luckily i'm mostly drowned out by another discussion that's just opened up
>rest of the evening spent in good fun
>on the way back told by gf I'm an inconsiderate jerk and that hapa girl looked hurt by my comment
>say that it didn't seem that way
>say this shit is true there are sources aplenty
>gf says feelings>truth
>say that's retarded
>try to deescalate situation by saying nips are okay people
>jokingly added "y'know, nips are honorary aryans"
>gf says i bought myself a ticket to sleeping on the floor
>stay silent for the rest of the way home
>pull out mattress
>git /comfy/ and go to sleep

Jow Forums, how do I hide my powerlevel well enough so I don't fuck up irl relationships? I wouldn't even mind rare miscegenation if we were living in a normal world where max 5% of a country's population is foreign. But I'm finding it increasingly more difficult to stay silent about normie retardation than to speak out against it. Increased mixing doesn't create hybrids with the best of both worlds, but mostly individuals that are of neither race and can't find a home.

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>allowing your girl to dictate where you sleep
big mistake

You just stop giving a fuck. Either you're an interesting enough person or not. People honestly don't care too much about edgy opinions

You don't hide it, and you fuck your girlfriend like a strong fucking Aryan, with a little extra because she made you sleep on the floor.

Your woman shouldn't dictate where you sleep. Slay her vagina now or become her beta orbiter

Woah, your gf is stiff as fuck m8


>idolize hitler

nigger please read the book.

poles were marked for extermination even before the asians and blacks.

Hitler expressly attempted to genocide them, and enslaved millions of poles in nigger tier slavery.

The armies also forced more than 25% of polish women into brothels (sex dungeons) for german soldiers.

Ethnically "white" poles. No distinction was made between poles except for the jews.

Ethnically white poles were considered lower men, even lower than asians and blacks in terms of priority to kill.

If you were Christian you wouldn't have to hide your power level
Take the bread pill user

Uwielbiam kiedy polaczki pierdolą że ''mieszanie ras to zuoooooooooooooooo'', zapominając chyba że Połowa (ta lepsza oczywiście) populacji tego kraju to Niemieckie kundle, a przypominajka że Niemcy jeszcze 80 lat temu uważali nas za rasę pod-ludzi. Druga połowa tych ''czystych'' Słowiam, to pierdolone wąsate bydło które nie nadaje się do niczego poza zapierdalaniem na roli i innych prostych prac, i to od nich wywodzą się wszelkie stereotypy o Januszach i ich Karyno-Sebickich pomiotach. Więc o czym my kurwa rozmawiamy? Zresztą mieszanie ras z Japończykami prawie zawsze produkuje dobre rezultaty, i NIE kurwa, Eliot był wyjątkiem potwierdzającym regułę.

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You're in Poland dont hold back

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Your gf is a good woman for telling you in private that she disagree with you and not sperging infront of everybody. But you are weak to let her dictate you sleeping on the floor and she'll gradualy stop respecting you.

You should have a left at sleep on the floor

>and that hapa girl looked hurt by my comment
Maybe she should blame her parents for being the product of a fetish relationship instead of the messenger.

>letting a cunt make you sleep on the floor
She should have been sleeping outside for trying to tell you where to sleep in your own fucking house. I thought polacks were supposed to be based.

Nie wiadomo od czego zacząć. Masz kolego bardzo murzyńskie myślenie. Tak się wstydzisz słowiańskich korzeni, januszowej genezy, że musisz kraść geny od lepszych nacji, żeby dotknąć pięt boskości ludów anglosaksońskich, germańskich i wschodnioazjatyckich? Szkoda szczępić ryja, naprawdę.

>britbong gives me advice on stiffler
>britbongs started and maintained appeasement politics
remind me why I should ever listen to any britbong on anything related to WW2?

the church is pretty cucked, i'd rather join the 1488 authentic slavic pagans still around and not larping as such

I guess you're the woman in the relationship.

Based Doc Dutton

To your question: Someone made a point of "speaking the truth in kindness". So walking up to someone who is ugly an stating that fact that they are is not a useful thing to do. Use that phrase to guide yourself.

Stop hiding it. You can be overt without being annoying and yeah when these things come up some people are gonna get pissed off. That's fine. If your views are to ever become reality lots of people are gonna have to be pissed off. Might as well start now.

Sam masz kurwa ''murzyńskie myślenie'' bo twoja pierdolona ''czystość rasowa'' w Polszy od zawsze była fikcją. Spójrz tylko na te obleśne mordy troglodytów na marszach ONR czy innych spierdolin. I nikt tutaj nic nie kradł, to Niemcy sami przyszli i wzięli co chcieli.

Zresztą bądźmy sczerzy. Polacy nic nie zbudowali sami. Nawet swoją państwowość w pełnoprawnym tego słowa znaczeniu zawdzięczają Niemcom, na niemieckim prawie, niemieckim modelu administracyjnym, z miastami wedle modelu niemieckiego. Gdyby nie wzory niemieckie to do dziś żylibyście w chatkach z gówna jak czarnuchy. W Polsce nie powstał żaden doniosły system polityczny, ekonomiczny, gospodarczy czy administracyjny. Dzisiejszy system prawny państwa polskiego też jest zapożyczeniem wzorców niemieckich. Polski system administracyjny jest zbudowany na wzorcach pruskich. Polski system gospodarczy, tzw. społeczna gospodarka rynkowa jest wykorzystaniem koncepcji powstałej po II wojnie światowej w Zachodnich Niemczech. Wszystkie wasze zabytki są albo pozostałością po ich niemieckich właścicielach, albo stworzone przez niemieckich architektów, sztukmistrzów i artystów. Zresztą, wszystko wykorzystujecie niewłaściwie, bo te systemy nie mogą dobrze działać w narodzie jebanych leni nieznających pojęcia Ordnung. Tylko w czasach zaborów to jakoś funkcjonowało i gdyby Schlesien, Breslau, Posen, Danzig wróciły do Niemiec to znowu zaczęłyby prawidłowo funkcjonować.

Hitler personally said he was upset that he had to fight against the British because he was killing other ubermen, and fellow whites.

>meanwhile he did not shed a tear for the millions of poles enslaved raped and genocided

We saved you from that guy because it was the right thing. He wasn't removing the jews from poland.... he was removing the jews and the poles from earth.

go and read his racial hierarchy, you were at the bottom...

I can understand german or british youths who are nazi sympathisers....but not poles.

Exactly. Most of my friends are very apolitical and many are left wing. They all that I genuinely hate jewish people. They have realized that I am serious and are still good friends. If you are a shitty person than having controversial opinions will make it easier for someone to get rid of you. But if you have good relationships it doesn't matter much




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niemcy istnieja od 200 lat, Polska od ponad tysiąca lat. Jak chcesz coś porównac to przed 1930. Masz 20iq

>y-yes mom

Your a beta bitch and let your woman walk over you. Either stop being a fucking cuck and grow some balls or commit suicide.

>We saved you from that guy because it was the right thing.
Yikes. Or maybe the British ruled up the Poles to start WWII. Then handed the Poles to really die at Bolshevik hands for another 50 years. Thanks, broAnon.

Sir, have you looked at your own flag?

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Ale Niemcy to ta sama rasa, to ja nie wiem czemu dostajesz pierdolca o czystość rasową. Genetycznie jesteśmy w chuj podobni.

Ale już tak mówiąc serio, skoro uważasz, że lepiej, jakby Polska była częścią Niemiec, niż jako własny kraj, bo tak będzie lepiej. Masz zjebane, imperialistyczne myślenie. Dla ciebie dobrze, jak biały zajmie Afrykę, bo wtedy przynajmniej coś tam jest, a nie jakieś dzikusy ze spalonymi mordami popieralające z dzidami. Normalny człowiek by stwierdził, żeby zostawić ludzi w spokoju na ich własnej ziemi.

Jeszcze tak gwoli robienia z germańskiej kultury fetyszu, nie udawaj, że Niemcy nie czerpali od innych narodów. Poza tym jako państwo są teraz w czarnej, dosłownie, dupie i może się okazać, że krzywe ONRowe mordy będą jedynym, co będzie dzieliło zjednoczony kalifat zachodnioeuropejski od resztki białej Europy. Żebyś się kurwa nie zdziwił. No chyba że oddasz swoją kobietę Yusufowi ben Ahmedowi, bo mądrzy niemcy ustanowili wspaniałe prawa.

A to ciekawe, bo jakoś co ''nieistniejący'' Niemcy rozpierdolili w drobny mak trzon ówczesnej potęgi militarnej jaką było Imperium Romanum, w lasach teutoburskich ponad 2000 lat temu, w czasach gdy prymitywni przodkowie Polaczków babrały się jeszcze w bagnach Prypeci.

A fakt że I Rzesza była podzielona (i to tylko formalnie) niczego nie zmienia, bo nadal HRE wywarło 1000x większy wpływ na historie Europy niż Polsza.

Hey! you can cut that shit out right now, I'm not looking for a kielbasa here, I'm trying to make sense of all this bullshit - so either enlighten me or get the hell out, you dirty Polack

>We saved you from that guy because it was the right thing.
Was giving Poland to the commies the right thing to do too? I dunno about that Pol but I sure am glad I'm not speaking German!

>Normalny człowiek by stwierdził, żeby zostawić ludzi w spokoju na ich własnej ziemi.

Prawda jest taka że postęp ludzkości zawdzięczamy tylko i wyłącznie ekspansji i podbojowi. Silniejszy po prostu bierze to na co ma ochotę.

Niemcy nadal są 4 gospodarką świata więc ja bym ich nie skreślał.

Use google translate you faggot.

>talks so quiet that his voice can be drowned
>woman can decide what he says and where he sleeps
Why every thread about "power-level" is created by some beta fuckboi?
My girl would never even tried to interrupt me talking about anything period. That wouldn't even cross her mind. I could be talking about stuffing her up the ass(not that i would) and she would be silent like a woman should. And she would be sleeping on the street faster, than she would tell me what to do. You idiots have zero value in a relationship. No wonder you get cucked so often.

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>Willingly sleeping on the floor because your roastie is upset with what you said
What power level you don't have one

Why hide it? They're coming for you even if you appear passive.

1 you need a new gf, probably
2 you have to be a little more careful in public
3 power level must remain hidden in public
4 being out in public is overrated

This is the social equivalent of a sternly worded letter. You accomplished your goal and received an insignificant punishment in return. You should keep going but that doesn't mean you should be a retarded autist about it. Get a feel for how the person is first and ask them questions and let them figure things out themselves.

>slept on floor
Your a retarded cuck. tell her to sleep in the fucking street. And when the fuck did Asians move to Poland?

not everyone can be a blond Chad with 8+ facial aesthetics, >180cm and a 20cm dick, I thought this thought came natural to alphas but I guess you are as bluepilled on attraction as the majority of betas

and yeah, OP is a cuck, jfc at feeling threatened by mixed race mongrels

Yea you went full 1488 where you should have been chill. If you invite your gf to a party wiht your work poepale / friends talk as loud as you want about the 6 gay rollerbladers buried near Krakow from ww2, at her thing tuck it in a bit, find a hobby, talk about choppping wood so the russians cant threaten to cut off the gas next winter.

Yeah yeah, you wouldn't do shit. You are a fucking coward, your own women are literally stabbing you to death.


I would willingly subject myself to spend the remainder of my life in a gulag if I got cucked.

Nikogo nie obchodzi miejsce w gospodarce bazowanej na długach, która pierdolnie jak tylko nie będzie się dało dalej nadmuchać bańki w USA. A czarnuchy i kozojeby nie będą i tak w stanie utrzymać niemieckiej ekonomii, nawet, jeśli jakimś cudem gospodarka nie pierdolnie w przeciągu kolejnych 20 lat. Tylko demografia się liczy w tej chwili i Niemcy przepierdolili sprawę dokumentnie i nie ma już powrotu.

To be fair, I didn't have to do it. Just didn't want to sleep next to the gal after she sperged out on me for telling the truth.

>allowing your girl to dictate where you sleep
This. You are going to have to throw here away now. Women are like dogs when it comes to these things. Let them have their way once and the damage is done

You're a cuck for letting your gf walk over you like that,you're nothing more than a doormat who conforms to her opinions.She's cheating on you if you didn't already know.

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This. NEVER EVER let a woman make you sleep anywhere but your own bed. It is your bed. It is your house. If she is mad, she can fuck off.

>>gf says feelings>truth

In this case this is true you fuckwad. This isn't a political debate or an argument about genetics. You were at a fucking party. Keep the conversation away from shit that actively hurts people's feelings even if it's true

Shut up english teacher.

>beta seething when truth is uncomfortable
Typical. You could've taking that as a hit to fix your pathetic behavior, but you took it as an insult instead. Keep being a loser who has his balls in his girlfriends purse.

>>gf says feelings>truth
>>gf says i bought myself a ticket to sleeping on the floor
>pull out mattress
>git /comfy/ and go to sleep
Lmao you fucking bitch i hope she pegs you one day.

>>pull out mattress

nie było wtedy Niemców ty upośledzony umysłowo debilu xD Zjedz wodzianke, zamknij ryj i wracaj do kopalni

Fellow shitposter is right, if your gf gives you some ultimatem you can just put your foot down and say "im sleeping the my bed, you can fuck off" and then they chill their tits.

You almost have to fight htem now and again or they will walk over you all the way out the door.

Next question, are Polish cuties thirsty for foreigners? Or for money?

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Russian women have fucking power over you, you cowardly sack of shit. You can't even stand up to them.

>read the book
Where exactly did Hitler claim he was going to exterminate poles, blacks and asians?

This might be the worst advice I've seen on Jow Forums. Fucking summerfags.
No one cares about your edgy opinion because you're a teenager and no one takes teenagers seriously. Try that shit when you're 30 with a career.

Thank god most japs arent like you

Owszem BYLI zjebie. Plemiona Germańskie utworzyli późniejsze państwo Niemieckie.

Do ruskiebros always drink so much they can't tell forchang users apart?

I admit I had a little Bill Burr whispering in my head to fuck it and sleep on the bed, which I could've done but I didn't feel like sharing the bed after she spazzed.

Betas like you are so pathetic, the very though of someone not being submissive bitch to a hole is inconceivable to them.
Remember this when you get cucked by an actual Man, you sad excuse of a boy.

>gf says i bought myself a ticket to sleeping on the floor
>stay silent for the rest of the way home
>pull out mattress
>git /comfy/ and go to sleep

what the fuck dude


Shut the fuck up, you dumb fuck. You wouldn't dare to oposse woman

>bought myself a ticket to sleeping on the floor
Why isn't she sleeping on the floor, idiot?

here's your actual red pill
if you're good looking, you can be racist, autistic, weird, inappropriate, and people will just rationalize it in their heads, laugh it off, change the subject, or even play along to avoid offending you
if you're ugly, you can be as politically correct and polite as possible and they will still hate you and think you're garbage no matter how much you try to make them like you

this is the final red pill. in human social interactions, physical appearance is what decides how people feel about you and that decides everything else. everything else (personally, politics, behavior) is just a proxy of this

>Betas like you are so pathetic, the very though of someone not being submissive bitch to a hole is inconceivable to them.
Learn to read, dumb polack.

The eternal anglo...
Go enjoy your 50% non White capital

>go and read his racial hierarchy...

Where? And when did Hitler call for extermination of anyone?

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Being a submissive in a relationship with a girl is a great way to get cucked. I don't know why you have a hard time understanding this simple fact.
She clearly has a bigger value, that makes you need her more than she needs you. This is how female infidelity is born.

Your assumptions about me aren't true

>>gf says i bought myself a ticket to sleeping on the floor
I would have broken up with her on the spot

By "The Book" I have to assume you mean Mein Kampf, in which, neither Poles, Asians, Blacks or Jews are "marked for extermination".
Absolute retard.

Which revision of "the book" did you read exactly?

>>gf says i bought myself a ticket to sleeping on the floor
>>stay silent for the rest of the way home
>>pull out mattress

You sure showed her.

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Yeah, he's a moron/kike.

>Hitler had a defined racial hierarchy
>Hitler called for extermination of other races
>Germans had 25% of polish women in sex dungeons
>Germans genocides millions of pols

All from the sick mind of a kike.

no, female infidelity is the same as male infidelity. people have a sexual market value and this is decided by how hot you are. they try to trade up when they can, whether they cheat or just break up is decided by their individual personalities. it sounds like the girl is out of OPs league if he's following her orders. he probably doesn't even get blowjobs

Read only centre-left news and blunt your mind to the point where you can doublethink as you please.
Maybe you'll cease your nazi faggotry on the way and become a based fascist.

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What’s great about the ‘Hitler said/did this’ posters is that you can’t find any proof. Just like the Jewish holocaust. Same thing with new Bernie Bro commies when you ask for some numbers/proof on statements. ‘The info is there, you have to search for it’. Man, fuck you retard niggers. There is fucking nothing.

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I just told all of my friends are Jewish and whenever they ask me how I align myself politically I just say Social Democrat, even though I’m fully National Socialist.

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I fucking hate posting from my phone

>be a subhuman
fix that by inhaling a shotgun shell, nigger

>To be fair, I didn't have to do it. Just didn't want to sleep next to the gal after she sperged out on me for telling the truth.

Yup. Game over. If she can boss you around she will never respect you and leave for another man when she's done getting what she needs from you.

This alphabetic vomit is why you were marked for extermination. Also gibs back my family property.

If I squint really hard I can understand this polenigger speak itt

>>try to deescalate situation by saying nips are okay people
>>jokingly added "y'know, nips are honorary aryans"
You sound a funny guy

Stfu sub-human.

Fuck off kike shitstain.

You first, Mutt.

Damn Marcin, you done goofed up. Should've stopped the car right there and told the bitch to gtfo.

Alright, I'm going to powerfuck liberalism out of the woman. Strangely, all this cuck this, cuck that has been really motivating.

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you allow that shit in poland?


>To be fair, I didn't have to do it. Just didn't want to sleep next to the gal after she sperged out on me for telling the truth.
You choose to sleep on the couch, you are telling her that you are too weak to be the alpha in the relationship, and don't have what it takes to get shit done. You keep making moves like this, and she'll be taking Chad cock behind your back in no time.