Why try to save people who refuse to be saved

My grandma just told me she is worried about me being punished by God for criticizing his chosen people.


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Honor killing is a necessary tool for a just society

Make your granny some warm vegetal soup. She will appreciate it.

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Saved from what? And which people are you talking about.

user you shiuld listen to old people. They are wiser than you

Read her John 8 from the KJV then read Revelations 2:9 and 3:9 and explain to granny that they're the Synagogue of Satan.

My parents are Christians and think Israel must be kept safe even if we have a pay the price for it.


Tell her that you’re the real Christian and she is a Holocaustian. Read the verses where Jesus calls them the Synagogue of Satan and that the real Jews listened to Jesus and followed him while those who didn’t are followers of Satan. Also, to show her that you’re right, quite the Talmud which calls Mary a whore.
Doubt you’ll change her mind at all, but go ahead if ya want.

I thought we were talking about DNRs. If that's the case, why note make euthanasia for humans legal? Puts those cancer patients out of their poor misery.

Explain to her that modern jews have no racial ties with Hebrews and they don't follow the same religion anymore. Modern jews follow a bastardized version of the Torah, called Talmud, which was written 100 years after Christ. Read her some passages from the Talmud. Also, tell her that God choose Hebrews and Abraham so that they could be the people to give birth to the Messiah, which revealed himself and gave birth to the real new Israel, which is the Catholic church.


Tell her to read the New Testament.

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Jews rule the world by fear. A true God wouldn't want us to live in constant fear

Gas yourself kike

I told her that, she just made a sarcastic ohhh sound. reminder to everyone here that boomers are lost causes, you can win any argument against them but they will always revert back to their Zionist programming the next day. I love my family but they are unfathomably dense when it comes to jews

Is that the same God who scattered the Jews to the four corners of the Globe, who kept them in bondage 400 years in Egypt? Who lead them captive to Babylon? Who sacked their cities with Persia?


This God?

>not respecting your grandparents
No wonder europe is dying

Told here about the khazar, it didn't sink in at all

God said several times that Jews are not his children anymore. Read the fucking Bible.

Please lurk before posting

Evangelicals hahahaha
There's no such thing in Islam. Where jerusalem is muslim by default in the belief

How do Christians not understand that they are the chosen people? What the fuck even is the New Testament?

I've quoted the parable of the wicked husbandman countless times only for them to respond with blank stares. They love that pig hagee by the way

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>she is worried about me being punished by God for criticizing his chosen people

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listen to her goy

the jews are no longer God's chosen people.

This is absolutely diabolical, the fact that they know we are suffering because of the jews but gladly accept it. I notice this trait in other ways as well in the best generation

Can anyone pls tell me what it was that fried the boomer brain and made them raging Zionists?

The chosen people are not in Israel, they're probably in Sweden or Finland by now. But if you're talking about Jews, they might be Palestinians.

Aryans? Every blonde blue eye person I've met is either addicted to meth or nigger dick. Brunette master race is the real deal

slaves have no opinions, be silent.

Your dear grandma is nearing her end, user. Comfort her and let her know shes done nothing wrong and to enjoy her time. Maybe bring her something she enjoys/spend time with her.
Shut up kike.

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You must be young and still operate under the erroneous assumption that people listen to reason.

It doesn´t matter that they´re your family, they too ONLY listen to POWER & STATUS.
Explain that you pray for them to come back to YOUR Lord Jesus Christ from their worship of the false Jew.
Do it with UTTER CONVICTION IN YOUR VOICE and NEVER discuss the Synagogue of Satan with them again.
And THIS is the ONLY way you address the Jews from now on, if they breach the topic again with you.

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