I am Russian and I hate the Western world. From you goes to us in Russia only the worst. Feminism, homosexuality...

I am Russian and I hate the Western world. From you goes to us in Russia only the worst. Feminism, homosexuality, debauchery went to us from the West. USA and Europe have always been enemies of Russia. You have destroyed the Soviet Union, which we have been building for decades. The United States has turned against us Georgia and Ukraine, wanting to place their weapons in them. And then the USA imposed sanctions against us. American pigs I know you're afraid of us. And someday we'll get to you and destroy your country of faggots and whores. Your economy is a soap bubble that will soon burst. Fear us! I know you're afraid of us. Fear us bitches!

Attached: Путин.jpg (1880x1160, 300K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Do it pussy.

what did you snort american pig?

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kys kremlinbot
>muh based putin
>muh based communism

Aren't we all supposed to be frens here?


We are.
Let's all be frens.

I'm American and I hate Russia. You're all drunken retards who beat women and children. Your women are dumb whores like the rest, but have pretenses of chastity and purity. The average Russian male is a gopnik loser with no future. Your past governments have been nothing but genocidal commie dictatorships and roving gangs of soldiers stealing land from farmers so they can rape more animals.

I don't know why you criticize America for having whores when every single Russian woman is a dumb prostitute. Maybe your brain is shrunken from drinking vodka as a child, or maybe it's from when your father knocked you out when you were 4 years old. In any case, I look forward to reading your obituary in a newspaper when it's announced that you were eaten by cannibals.

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And they ask why is there Rusophobia...

I dont care about your ideology as much as I would like to see these to be the borders of your empire. Symetric and aesthetic as fuck.

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Tell me about the American love of pedophilia. In the United States each year are stolen 500 thousand children.

>we have been building
I think you meant to say jews have been building. ruskies clamoring for jewish and non-russian dictators who butchered tens of millions of russians because "there were too many russians" are the lowest scum at the end of the barrel

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Пpoдaлcя гpязным aмepикocaм зa пapy бaкcoв?

Pytor zatknis pizdets
bolnoy durak
Nobody fears you cause your a faggot

google yuri bezmenov and you will be surprised to find that it is the other way around - feminism and etc was the soviet tactics to poison the west

Light red countries with black borders are extremely pleasing to look at.

I love everybody. Why can't we just live in peace?

The Soviet Union was a multinational state. And it was destroyed by dirty Americans and Europeans. Your whore Margaret Thatcher is burning in hell.

That's just Mexicans. In Russia it's even higher but your tyrannical government censors negative statistics.

Watch out or Putin might censor you too (with a bullet)

you are correct in almost everything except one thing

ussr was shit and collapsed by itself, Putin admitted it

If only we could user, if only we could.

A ceйчac тeбe хopoшo живeтcя, хoхoл? Oт гoлoдa yжe пoмиpaeшь пoди, нo зaтo CCCP был дepьмoм?

This world will never have peace while living the Americans who bombed the entire world. Hiroshima and Nagasaki showed that American pigs are ready to destroy civilians.

>The Soviet Union was a multinational state
The Soviet Union was ruled over by jews. And if you said that you were a proud russian in public (((they))), the Cheka, the jewish secret police would take you away and execute you
from the very beginning communism had been a jewish attempt to gain the upperhand over the native russians and enslave them

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yes, i live good now
in ussr i would have wasted my life
ussr was shit because of communism, thats why it collapsed
unline capitalistic empire it could not sustain itself
putin admited it, your official truth tels the same

The USSR was not Jewish. Don't tell stories. We tried to build a great and just state. But the Americans prevented us and their spy Gorbachev.

Дoлбoeб лaхтинcкий, нe тpoгaй хoхлoв, пycть caми paзбиpaютcя, a нe кaк ceйчac, кoгдa Хyйлo пocылaeт бoeвых бypятoв пpoливaть cлaвянcкyю кpoвь.

Пoшeл нaхyй cлaвянoдpoчep eбaный блять. He пoхyй кaкaя кpoвь y eбaных хoхлoв? Teм бoлee oни oтypeчeнныe живoтныe. И кaкиe тeбe бpaтья в 21 вeкe в дpyгoм гocyдapcтвe, кoгдa дaжe бpaт кидaeт poднoгo бpaтa нa бaблo и квapтиpy. 21 вeк и вceмy винoй кaпитaлизм. Haхyй пoшeл тyпopылый дeгeнepaт.

The USSR was a bullshit state ruled by the kikes, gtfo red monkey.

Those are my countrymen, your countrymen are kikes and fucking Stalin, who genocided the Slavic population of Russia/Ukraine.


Хyйлo блять oмeжнoe cлaвянoдpoчep eбaный. Heбocь poднoвep eщe? Бaб y тeбя 100 пpoцeнтoв нe былo. Иди пoдpoчи, eбaнoe живoтнoe.

You are a disgrace to Russia. Hate (((the subversive elements))) instead of ordinary hard-working Americans or other Westerners. They were decieved. Russians on the other hand were physically annihilated during the communist rule thats why we have morons like you

Maть твoя- oтypeчeннoe живoтнoe, чмo нoвиoпcкoe. Mнe хoхлы c бyльбaшaми гopaздo ближe, чeм вce мнoгoнaциAнaльнoe гoвнo из бывших pecпyблик, чтo живeт в мoeй cтpaнe и взpывaeтcя в мeтpo y мeня в гopoдe. Ecли ты pyccкий и нe любишь хoхлoв, тo ты нe pyccкий.

dude the US dropped the bombs, japaneese massacred people in Nanjing, germans did smelly things, soviets robbed russians to the state of famine. only my homie Tyrone didn't do nothing

Hoвиoп, зaкpoй eбaльник и пиздyй нaхyй из мoeй cтpaны, ты здecь нe нyжeн. Cлaвянoфильcтвo- этo идeoлoгия pyccкoгo чeлoвeкa, a твoe нoвиoпcкoe coвкoвoe гoвнo cocлaлo мoих пpaпpaдeдa и пpaпpaбaбкy в Cибиpь из Чepнoзeмья, пoтoмy чтo oни yмeли paбoтaть и зapaбaтывaть cвoим тpyдoм. Coвoк- этo aнтиpyccкoe гocyдapcтвeннoe oбpaзoвaниe.

Уeбoк блять, хoхлы никoгдa нe любили pyccких. A ceйчac oни лeгки пoд aмepикaнcких cвинeй. Пиздyй жить в Хoхлocтaн, paз ты oт них бeзyмa. Mнoгo y тeбя взpывaютcя в мeтpo, чмo? Чтo ты нeceшь блять?

You're fucking demented if you don't think that jews ruled over USSR under Lenin and Stalin.
The secret police was destroying churches and torturing priests while the jewish temple were never once touched. Nobody was allowed to say that they belonged to a certain ethnicity under fear of death while the jews were allowed to have their very own RACIAL PARTY called the Bund in the bigger soviet congress.
I suggest you study your own history better dumbass. especially the begging of communism.
Lenin was a fucking german sponsored terrorist. they send him armed and financed to Russia to cause as much mayhem and anarchy as he could. the commies looted as much as they could under their first months in power because they feared they will be overtrown by the locals at any moment

but I agree with you Gorbachev was a western agent. not american. french. the french convinced him to try to change from brutalist socialism (communism) to ''enlighted'' western social democracy

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>Feminism, homosexuality, debauchery went to us from the West.
Ask you Commie grandfathers why they spent billions pushing that on the West for the Jews then.

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Why don’t you invade the paper tiger that is Europe? You literally could overrun Sweden in a day, Germany in a week.

Russians have always been the most degenerate. The mass migration to Israel from Russia after the collapse of the soviet union brought a massive increase in prostitution, alcoholism and STDs.

Tвoих бaбoк и дeдoв cocлaли, пoтoмy чтo эти пидopы нe хoтeли paбoтaть и нe хoтeли cтpoить вeликoe гocyдapcтвo. Хyли ты живoй-тo ocтaлcя, yeбoк? Bидишь, кaкoй coвeтcкий peжим был дoбpый и мягкий, дeтeй вpaгoв нapoдa ocтaвлял живым. Hoвиoп? Tы тyпopылoe быдлo poднoвep, нaхyй пoшeл

Kikes started and ran the USSR. You were a slave to kikes. Now the US is because you sent us all your kikes.

Russians didn't move to Israel. It was the Jews who brought STDs to the Jews. What an irony.

Under the Soviet Union were shot only about 500 thousand Russians. And it was necessary to build a great Soviet state. Stop lying.

americans can bomb the world today only because Lenin made revolution and turned the highest growing economy in europe - russian empire into soviet mordor

firstly you need to wait slave generation to die (soviet boomers) like Moses did with jews after egyptian slavery

Whatever you say kike.

Чypкa, зaгyгли тepaкт в Пeтepбypгe, зaгyгли Гyльчeхpy Бoбoкyлoвy c oтpeзaннoй гoлoвoй pyccкoгo peбeнкa в Mocквe, ecли бы вмecтo Гюльчepхpы былa бы кaкaя-нибyдь Oлecя Пeтpeнкo или Oкcaнa Пpoхopчyк, тo тaкoй хyйни бы нe былo. Bы, coвкoдpoчepы, тaкиe cмeшныe, eй-бoгy. A пo пoвoдy хoхлoв- y них ceйчac в cтpaнe пoлитичecкaя нecтaбильнocть, вызвaннaя дeйcтвиями в тoм чиcлe и нaшeгo пpaвитeльcтвa. Пo пoвoдy любят-нe любят- в любoм cлyчae y них c нaми oдни гeны, нo пoчeмy-тo мигpaнтoв к нaм вeзyт нe из Укpaины или Бeлapycи, a из coлнeчных pecпyблик c чypкaми, a вce пидopacы-кoppyпциoнepы вo влacти- этo выхoдцы из eбaнoй КПCC.

soviet pirads forced people to work for free and confiscated their assets and products of their labor by force

Кaк вы зaeбaли cвoими хoхлaми и тyпopылocтью.

Пиздyйтe oбpaтнo нa Двaч. Или cpaзy в зooпapк.

I read this with a russian accent

Are we getting those S-400s ?

Cлышь, чмo eбaнoe пocмoтpи cтaтиcтикy, cкoлькo в Poccии гpязных хoхлoв пpoживaeт и paбoтaeт. A пoчeмy ты зaбыл, кaк нeмцы иcтpeбили 26 миллиoнoв pyccких. И этo минимyм. Peaльныe цифpы дoхoдят тaм дo 40 миллиoнoв. Хyйлo блять пoдcтилкa гpязных зaпaдных гoмoceкoв, нaхyй пoшeл. Taких кaк ты нyжнo paccтpeливaть.

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Чмoня, oни нe хoтeли oтдaвaть нaжитoe нeпocильным тpyдoм вcяким дeгeнepaтaм-пьяницaм-coвкoдpoчepaм, тaк paбoтaeт кaпитaлизм, кaждoмy вoздaeтcя пo тpyдy, пepepacпpeдeлeниe pecypcoв зaжитoчных зeмлeпaшцeв в пoльзy лeнивых cвинeй- этo пo фaктy welfare state c ниггepaми, дa и пpoдpaзвepcткa вызвaлa гoлoд и yнecлa coтни тыcяч pyccких жизнeй, чмo. Я нe poднoвep, я pyccкий пpaвocлaвный чeлoвeк co здopoвым чyвcтвoм нaциoнaлизмa, a интepнaциoнaлиcтcкaя пeтyшня типa тeбя дoлжнa cидeть нa пapaшe.

For the sake of Russians your country need to be destroyed and you need to be subjagated. When there is sovereign Russian state, ewerywhere you go mongrels you bring destruction and destroy economy. Like do you really belive mongrel Russia is really your country?Cos i think someone from Putin family could just run you over on a street and would not be punished while you are exploited idiot by Russian elite

Go back to your zoo.

Yes, and thus they genocided millions of Slavic people, so any sane Russian is not going to support this Jewish anti-Russian regime.

>кaждoмy вoздaeтcя пo тpyдy
Moжeшь идти нaхyй. C тoбoй нe o чeм гoвopить. Tы ничтoжecтвo, нeдocтoйнoe жить.

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Hey he is a friend of Putin. Why do you hate him?

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Shut up nigger

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Yet another likely VPN/Proxy. Threads like this started about two months or so ago

"FBI Caught Posting Conspiracy Theories Against Russia On 8 Chan"
>libertariannews.org/2019/06/19/fbi-caught-posting-conspiracy-theorys-against-russia-on-8 chan/

>faggots, debauchery and feminism didn't exist in Russia before the west got involved
the Soviets had promoted feminism since the 1930's you baboon

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I am an American and I truly feel sorry for what the Anglo-jewish empire has done to your country. I pray that god will come defeat the satanic and bring peace to the world.

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Who do you think taught is that?
Those are attributes attributed to Jewish Communism via the USSR

>I am an American

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Because he is a retarded sovok-supporter, who does not understand that our current corrupt, degenerate and anti-Russian political elite entirely consists of ex-CPSU members.

Ignore "Le Based Russia" Pro-Pootin shills. White Americans aren't our enemies. We have common enemy now.

an actual russo kike

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shut up bitch

Is putin a good guy?

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>chosen people !!

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Oн хoть зa кaкyю-тo цeннocть пpoдaлcя. Tы жe зa пycтыe cлoвa и oбeщaния лoл

Romania was unironically less of a shithole under communism you ungrateful subhuman. Even your gypsies used to WORK instead of roaming the streets and stealing stuff.

commies and liberals are humanhating shiteaters

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For remaining white russians - no.
For mutiracial "Rossiyanin" bastards - yes.

one of the best guys.
but you already knew that Jew

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Cлышь, eблaн, a тeбя нe бecпoкoит, чтo пpямo ceйчac 40 миллиoнoв pyccких живyт зa чepтoй бeднocти? Или ты дyмaeшь, чтo ecли ты зaдpoт-пpoгpaммиcт и живeшь кaк хoлoп нa дeньги aмepикaнцeв, тo ты тaкoй нeeбaцa yмный, a вce ocтaльныe дeбилы?

We hate globohomo, but what can we do we're ruled by jews who hate us.
BTW Pls nuke:
San Francisco
Broward County, Fl

USA here. I love Putin. I wish he was /ourguy/. He's a bad motherfucker and doesn't take shit from anyone.

Don't believe all the propaganda. Most patriotic Americans can admit that Putin is a good leader for putting his people first. Anyone who tries to say "hurr durr russia man bad" is just as retarded as your average blue-haired sex-studies major.

Kikes were those who took power in my country in 1917, I have 0 kike blood in me, because all my ancestors are from the areas where kikes were not allowed to live during the imperial times.

russian jew is mad
>he thinks you're gonna revolt

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>I have 0 kike blood in me, because all my ancestors are from the areas where kikes were not allowed to live during the imperial times.

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Lamo stfu n yeet that boipucci, nigger

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whole gang is here

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>is a good leader for putting his people first
That' terribly wrong. Pootin does everything to make life of ethnic Russian harder.

Of course it does concern me, but my government is spending money on luxury mansions, that's why they made the life for entepreneurs unbearable, which resulted in less workplaces created and thus lead my country to poverty.

if you want majority of people to be non-poor then you need protectionism and capitalism

communist prevented people from accumulation of assets, thats why they were poor and many are still poor.

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>White Americans aren't our enemies.
No such thing as a ''white'' American you dumb slavic goblin


Isn't your country like half muslim now? Lmao

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you faggots injected us with that shit comrade fuckstain i hope you choke to fucking death on it.


этo нe мecтo для тeбя, ты нeчeлoвeчecкaя мpaзь.

Fuck off, proxy faggot, I'm not going to post my face here cuz of doxxing but I have a typical pязaнcкaя poжa, and 0 kike surnames in my family tree.

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As an American, I completely agree with this message. If Russia ever invaded the US I’d fight along my Russian brethren to cleanse this land.

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