Prediction: Monarchists will replace the “alt” or “dissident” right

It has less baggage than Third Position philosophies, has less baggage (plenty of positive fictional monarchs in popular culture), and it’s opposed to capitalism, communism, and democracy.

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i would support recognizing the trump dynasty as having legitimate divine right to rule.

No way. We ran from a monarchy.

Careful with nostalgia goggles.

Read about the past 2000 years, and all the ways monarchies blow, and how one bad king or queen can destroy a country.

Thanks Rabbi

try to be a little more substantive would you? this is a debate i would like to read some real insight on.

>trump dynasty
only if rule passed from Donald to Barron his daughters are horrendous and his other sons are obvious brainlets.

male only rule, king chooses which son to bestow power too. also not a strict monarchy, constitutional monarchy with focus on race and family above all else.

I see you, Jew

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Fuck. That. We BTFOed monarchy then spent 200 years forcibly decolonizing the planet of those empires. No.

Holy shit I have been hoping for this for so long

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I've been saying for many years that humanity gave up on feudalism too soon. I wouldn't be totally against it.

nobody wants what you're selling. Stop the LARP

I still think the Roman way was the best. Mostly the republic but the imperial system worked ok to until Marcus Aurelius failed to disinherit Commodus before he died. In the Roman republic, they had their senate but then they would elect a dictator to serve for six months or however long. That helped them get through issues that they couldn't agree on. So instead of getting stuck in this never ending tug of war between two parties, they got shit done. And if it was a mistake they could fix it just as fast. An Imperial Rome the throne wasn't required to go to the emporer's son, but usually the emporer's would adopt the Roman that they wanted to succeed them, so it would stay in the 'family' but biology didn't matter. That worked out really well for a while until it didn't. I wouldn't entirely blame that on the imperial system though, I'd say that it was just harder to find Romans who were worthy of the throne. Good times. weak men, etc.

I don't think anyone is going to accept a monarchy again until we are in the next dark age. There has been too much negative press about them, and it's mostly deserved. I do think that the problems with monarchies could be solved.

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Moldy isn't a monarchist. He argues for neocameralism + patchwork.

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Wouldn't work. Monarchies were established because of tribalism, feudalism, and the church. But the the churches are divided, tribes have been completely scattered, and feudalism could not be re implemented.

Monarchism has far less of a future than Bonapartism. Open your eyes, dummy.

>making Jews your official rulers
I guess it would be more honest than the current systen

What a waste of trips. Destroying monarchies did nothing but enable degeneracy and international capital to rule us.

I'm applying for position of Monarch

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Christians: the Lord and his holy kingdom
Everyone else: Antichrist evil NWO

OPs "prediction" is simply biblical prophecy.

Christians: the Lord and his holy kingdom
Everyone else: Antichrist evil NWO

OPs "prediction" is simply biblical prophecy.

I hope so but realistically that could only happen in Europe.

If the US balkanizes I could see some of the white factions going the route of Venice or other city states.

You don't apply. You have to gain the mandate of heaven.

Make me the monarch, and I'll go along with your little scheme.
I promise you gutters filled with the blood of the degenerate, that every child be raised a soldier, the solar system conquered, the Jews quarantined in Israel (after we give back Palestinian property), the Muslims quarantined in the Middle East, the blacks quarantined in Africa, the Asians quarantined in Asia (except for the Japs and Koreans, they're ok), and all black-budget technology released for the benefit of the west.

There will be no tolerance for perversion, and the death penalty will be the only thing applied liberally...mercy is so passe.

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