Russia needs to broken up to save the white race

Neither these women are ethnic Russian. I would even go as far to claim the one on the right isn't white.
Russia is being filled up with these people. The only way save white Russians is to break up the country, and expel Turkic and Caucasian people.

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Russia should be combined size Humans live here and Submarines and Swaps

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I think the fact that they have the highest abortion rate of any country that keeps records is the more pressing issue.

Who cares. They're hot as hell.

Georgians and Tatars aren't white.

any russian bros?

abortions are going down

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>arctic baroque city

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plus we have different system of counting abortions.Vikidishi (medical problems)are also considered abortions

>not russian
lmao, no wonder why are they successfull athletes thne
as for your suggestion, answer is NO, r*ssians must die.

Medvedeva ia half Russian half Armenian.Tatars are based by the way

whites succeed with the combination of the network and multiplier effect. Relying on large swaths of land and resources extraction is not the way of the white man. Not to mention it leads to Dutch disease.

It already was. They're a husk.

lmao an american talking about breaking russia
what a seething faggot

He’s not, most likely a Ukrainian

wouldn't it be good for the Netherlands?

How do i get a half tatar russkie gf?

Why not a full Russian girlfriend?

You’re kinda right, after all the white race will need a place to call home after America and Europe become majority nonwhite, and Russia is a VERY big place. I could see them setting a small part of their massive landmass aside for a separate white ethnostate, especially since this would make Russia the definitive world power since white men are what made America the worlds premier superpower to begin with. Russia gets world power, we get a place specifically set up to raise white children in, the only people who lose are niggers and Jews

This. "I'm Russian but my grandma was Tajik" - human waste like that should not be present on our soil. DNA based citizenship is the future for all of Europe.

True Russians have porcelain milky white skin, green, gray or blue eyes and blonde/light brown hair. Anything else is churka admixture.

Nice fantasies.

Im fine with either but half tatars look like butterfaces sometimes and it looks kinda hot somethimes

one day soon brother!
We need to focus on the geography!

Russki = pure Northern European blood of Balto-Slavic extraction

everything else = subhuman mixed race cryptochurka scum

What do Russians think about Aпaтoly Кarliп?

Have sex

Literally who?

Why do Russians see themselves as some superior race? There's no basis of that in history basically ever.
Anglos and germans can have pretense to being superior at least.

Kys Shlomo

Anglos and Germans, two countries who lost to America and were vassalized, being more superior to Russia, who balances the entire world as the moon to America's sun.

Yeah, it's a mystery.

>Anglos and germans can have pretense to being superior at least.
how so?

Russian alt right public intellectual


or you could just pull your finger out and make a de-facto ethnostate somewhere in the usa. asking for land in russia is nigger tier and not fair on the ethnic russians who own that land. dont get me wrong, we have the same problem in australia

>half tatars look like butterfaces
they all look like shit, and if you mix with them you will have retarded babies.

>ethnic russians
there aren't anymore

they all mixed with turks, chuvash, gypsies,bashkirs,central asians. Yet they think they're white, lol, when their mix is essentially nigger-tier (because of non-european mongoloid)

thats one hell of a generalization, as I'm sure a lot of Russians would agree.

Besides Australia makes more sense as a white ethnostate, in fact it was its purpose at one point in history

Yeah, I don't like either they mixed with the fucking mongols. Imagine all slavs dolichocephalic and pure aryans(just like anglos and scandinavians), instead of being a shitty brachycephal with no chin, chinless ballheads, like they mostly are now.

Early slavs did look like that in 500 ad before mixing with inner asiatic immigrants (like uraloids, avars, cumans,tatars,turks)

They had cephalic index of 70-73.

And they think like shit, honestly, every half asiatic russian I met was full retarded and couldn't understand with, even a shitty english.




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be that as it may, the problem is that you could pull apart europe with the same nit picking. for example, myself personally am an admixture of alpinid and nordid phenotypes, and look at what hundreds of years of arab rule did to spain. at some point we are going to have to draw a line and say this is the status quo and lets protect what we have left.

Shut up goblino

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is Marat Safin white?

Nobody is white

Americans tend to put everyone into the same fucking label and treat everyone the same

Both a Russian and a German are white yet I have nothing in common with a German, so why should I identify myself with your shitty collectivist group

At this point I'd rather be considered fucking Asian desu


She's Tatar. They've been part of the Russian Empire since the 1500s. That's longer your joke of a nation will even exist, mutt. Also considerably more white and european that the vast majority of creaturas being labeled as such in United Slaves of Israel.

you're confusing race with ethnicity.

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>Turkic and Caucasian people look white look as white as Americans.
Are you jealous? Mind your business retard.

Don't you think you would be in more of a hig trust environment with follow whites than Asians?

Our Asians looked white unless you knew about their ethnicity

Think what it says about your country

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Look in the mirror, Janusz

I'd faster kys than be a Polack

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Would you rather save the white man, or save ethnic minorities in the Russian federation?

Worry about your own shithole, mutt.

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>they all mixed with turks
There is no 'turks'. Also tatars are white.

Nah but the US need be and will be.
All churkas live in Moscow and European Russia.
Also the one on the left has a white Russian mom.
That's China.

She's half Armenian half Russian Slav. You must be a seething Georgian.

Nationality, fag. Race worship is not nationalism. LARPagan snowniggers are not nationalist in any form. They don't even breed.
>muh Varg
Varg's children are not from his seed, and he is anti-civilization, and thus not a nationalist, but a primitive snow injun wearing a fedora.

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Anglos and other Western whites are much more distant from us culturally than most Russian minorities (outside of North Caucasus, at least).

Our native gooks look like Far Eastern gooks after several rounds of plastic surgery but naturally due to centuries of admixing with the Big Slav Cock. You must be absolutely seething.

>non white
Whiter than you

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I only talked about race and ethnicity.
the rest were added by you.

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Get mad, Ivan

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tatars aren't white

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Nice cherry-picking churklet, but that's not national team.
1/10 made me reply. Slavshits or Finnroaches have never been equal to us.

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>Also the one on the left has a white Russian mom.
>Leysan Zagitova

average pidorashka in 2019

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Whatever those polacks are doing on pic, I'd join in

>yes goy balkanize the country into dozens of irrelevant states
How about we split the us in 45 states for fun ?

Moscow in 2019 is as white as a Nordic country
And I mean actual, not Finnroaches

Pic related

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Would you join balts
It looks like Jews bred the region to be especially subhuman, or they just were born like that

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>blonde russians
Rare af

I'd prefer to have skinhead neighbors over churkas anytime.
In my college group we only 3 blondes out of 25 people, so yeah, its pretty rare.

Funny that you say it

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Eastern Europe and western Russia can become the new homeland for the white race!!!

Yes, that will help the white man!

This is some kind of mix between of tatars and chechens...

Unironicaly kazan' tatars are whiter than 90% america, and they are based.

Is he? Didn't know that. If true it explains everything.

Or the future you choose!

Every oblast in Western or Eastern Russia is full of Russian settlers, and even by far the largest minority in colonies are Ukrainians
Koreans call Vladivostok little Europe in East Asia
And IRL Russians look down on slavshits, baltpigs and finnroaches anyway
It's really just some Jow Forums autism
Go shart in mart goblin

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Lived in Moscow for a while and I would say (anecdotally) that there were fewer whites than I thought because of the amount of Central Asians.
Then again, anyone who visits Oslo would think we're completely overrun by blacks. And they aren't guest workers, they're permanent economic drains :(

>Russia needs to broken up to save the white race, goy!
>t. neocon shill
Why would we break up our colonial empire and weaken ourselves? Fuck off

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>How could a country that went form being a tiny Dutchy, that cucked everyone around it and became one of the vastest empires in history think it's superior to anyone
Also I don't think I'm superior to anyone, I'm just saying.

chuvash and bashkirs are turkic retard.

Linguistic group

Stop bumping retarded thread for memeflag

lmao he isn't Russian by blood
he is dagestany + jewish + some Russian admixture

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Russian patriot can be non-Russian

peбeнoк, вepниcь нa двaч. вac тyт нe любят.
вac дeгeнepaтoв нe любит никтo и нигдe. дaвиcь cpaзy.

Attached: 1560435380484.jpg (700x609, 163K)

Oн пpaв, нa caмoм дeлe. Чтoбы cпacти ocтaвшихcя бeлых этничecких pyccких oт выpoждeния и мeтиcaции в этoй дыpe, eё нaдo paзвaлить и coздaть этнocтeйт.

Чтo нe тaк я cдeлaл? Бoльшинcтвo "pyccких" в этoй cтpaнe выглядит кaк cлeвa.

don't do this nigger

these fucking euroflag shillbots are in overdrive today

Heт никaкoй бeлoй pacы зa pyccкoй гpaницeй. Peзкaя дeнopдизaция нaчинaeтcя пpямo c pyccкoй гpaницы.
Mocквичи c пpoтecтa Haвaльнoгo выглядят нeoтличимo oт нopвeжцeв, a в Бeлapycи я и пoлoвинy oт тoгo кoличecтвa блoндинoв нe видeл.

Attached: 1560373986474.png (794x392, 69K)

Seen this before.

No, dont user.
Call this number, it may help: 09 72 39 40 50

Attached: images.jpg (393x550, 23K)

пoтoмy чтo этнocтeйт нa тeppитopии Poccии - этo жидoвcкaя пpoпaгaндa, чтoбы paздeлить cтpaнy и нaтpaвить вceх нa вceх. гocyдapcтвo c тыcячeлeтнeй иcтopиeй нa кpaю мeждy eвpoпoй и aзиeй нe мoжeт быть этнocтeйтoм, мaкcимyм - пoлнocтью зaвиcимoй мaлeнькoй дыpoй типa лaтвии, пoльши или литвы, кoтopых кaждыe 50 лeт бyдeт ктo-тo зaвoeвывaть и eбaть в двa cмычкa. Poccии нyжeн нe этнocтeйт, a зaкoнoдaтeльнoe зaкpeплeниe пpивилeгиpoвaннoгo пoлoжeния pyccких. Гдe тoлькo мecтнoe кopeннoe бeлoe нaceлeниe oблaдaeт вceми пpaвaми, a ocтaльныe cyщecтвyют в paмкaх oгpaничeний.

Cтoит oтдeлить тoлькo чeчню/дaгecтaн c визoвым peжимoм и Tyвy. Bce ocтaльнoe в пopядкe.

Aлco выceлить вceх хoчeй и чypoк

>Бoльшинcтвo "pyccких"
They are not russians. Stop lying