The Morality of Migrant Labor

I'm from Ohio and am attending a business meeting for my company today. I just finished listening to a presentation done by an owner of a family-operated farm in the northern part of my state. He explained that his family farms about 300 acres and produces specialty produce for restaurants. They employ about 175 workers each year, and he informed us that the vast majority of them are migrant workers from Mexico. He was careful to explain that they are all here legally on 9 month work visas and they return home to their communities in Mexico when their visas expire.

As I was listening to this, my gut reaction was anger. Why the fuck are they employing Mexican nationals instead of American citizens? Is it literally just because they can pay them much lower wages and the returns for the owners end up being higher? This guy is making comments about how sustainable and quality-oriented their business is and the entire time all I can think about is how they're importing and housing Mexicans every year to work on his farm while thousands of Ohians remain unemployed in his direct vicinity. This fat piece of shit is quoting bible verses while exploiting migrant labor to the detriment of his fellow citizens. All of those wages return to Mexico while the profit stays in the fat grubby paws of this self-righteous chode. Every other sentence is a reference to his family drawing cheap resources from 3rd world countries and China while also claiming to be a "thoughtful" and "community-oriented" farm.

Is it literally just profit that is causing these people to do this? Because if it genuinely is, all the presentation did was give me one more reason to despise globalism and "free trade" and pray for this guy's farm to burn down. Am I fucking missing something or is globalism fucking shit and this guy is a hypocritical faggot?

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You sound like a fucking commie tranny who works at starcucks. if you any of the ins and outs of business youd feel disgusted. Because business is about cost efficiency and profit. If you arent doing those, you fail. Stop fucking crying over immigrants getting jobs and farmers having to do less. Go back to tweeting about how bad orange man is

Maybe because none of you faggots would work in a labor?

City fags always surprise me, wouldnt last a day in a farm.

Simple math question. If you have 300 acres and 175 spics then ICE takes away 15, how many turds will you have in your lettuce?

I voted for Trump and believe in ethno-nationalism, you fucking Jew. I'm as far from a communist as you can get. I don't want American money and work going to fucking Mexicans and globalist trash.

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Wow, shills triggered by this. Taking notes. Seems like fertile ground for new memes.

Why are you even here? Where did you come from?

Farming is "jobs niggers won't do, so we have to bring in injuns to do it."

>how dare you be outraged by the spic invasion?
>what a communist
Are you one of the slavedrivers "employing" these spics? If there was local slave labor we wouldn't need to import slaves?
>Maybe because none of you faggots would work in a labor?
Yeah, lazy Americans won't/legally can't work for slave wages. Better import more spics

How much should a farm worker make? Do you think it’s economically feasible to pay a strawberry picker more than minimum wage?

>I voted for Trump and believe in ethno-nationalism, you fucking Jew.

Make law that punish employers from hiring illegals. We have this law and it works. Too bad that you are never going to have this kind of law as you are ruled by greedy globohomos.

Libertarians should face a firing squad right along with the commies.

I have worked in steel mills, on tugboats, and construction all my life and earned what little i have while my taxes support 8 niggers on welfare.

White people would do the farm job thing. Its literally shit highschool kids, poor college students, and "dummies" used to do only they did it better.


Farm labor needs to be automated away. We should just be repairing the machines.

No, it's literally because they can pay these Mexicans wages that actual Americans wouldn't be able to survive on. He was explaining that in Mexico they're lucky to make 6 bucks a day, they'll do fucking anything to work for scraps in this country, it's a fucking rigged system. Americans will do those jobs but they also have to live in this country and deal with the cost of living here. Paying them $8.00 an hour will not allow this to be possible if you have a family.

The strategy this farm is employing is not subject to a true free market because Mexicans are not operating under the same rules and regulations.

Also let's see your real flag, shill.

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Migrant labor is literally removing wealth from the native economy by taking it and bringing it to another economy.

Those mexicans are making tax free minimum wage. They aint as cheap as fags claim.

We should tax remittance to other countries at a high enough percent to offset difference in cost of living.

Maybe we need to look at our economies if we cant sustain food at reasonable prices. I feel like there should be some kind regulations or laws that would help us do that

There is absolutely no reason why the activities of the private sector would perfectly align with what would actually be the best for society. Anyone trying to tell you otherwise is an ideologue or an idolater of money

National Socialism is the only way forward.

An American strawberry picker? Yes, and if they can't do it they shouldn't fucking be in business. Let the market sort them out.

If you read the original post you would know that they are here legally on a temporary basis. It's a system put in place by globalist filth in order to pay shit-tier wages.

I remember a guy who imports h1a (agriculture) temporary workers talking to a class of mine in college. He said that he was not allowed to hire foreign nationals until he had exhaustively adverstised to Americans first. Said every season a white or black guy would show up and last about 2 to 3 days tops.

I'm actually more surprised by the fact that you can grow strawberries in Ohio. Isn't it cold there?

Why didn't you call the guy a piece of shit traitor? People need to start showing their disgust and anger or we will never get anywhere .

>He was careful to explain that they are all here legally on 9 month work visas and they return home to their communities in Mexico when their visas expire.
lol right

A lot of illegals do this stuff and stick around afterwards. There really is no telling just how many illegals there are in the US. Fucking scary.

I just got a quote to paint the outside of my house. It's ten years since I last had done, thought it's looked a little tardy for the last five years. Work, life, etc...

Four Polish guys did it the last time and it cost me £3,500.00 An English painter is going to do it by himself this time and only wants £850.00 I tried to push a bit more on him but he said he's happy to make £150.00 a day.

>true free market
There is no such thing. It's a meme used by Jews to justify their evil predations.

This. We have an obesity problem, a carbon footprint problem (which food waste contributes to significantly), and a soil nutrient depletion problem, and a general food waste problem, all of which are made worse by artificially low priced food.

If you can’t pay a citizen a living wage to pick your fucking strawberries, raise the fucking prices.

IMO if it was just a million or two honest braceros that went home every year it wouldn't be that much of a problem, but you know the allegory of the camel getting its nose under the tent right?

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It isn't strawberries, it's stuff like squash and tomatoes. Vegetables primarily. Along Lake Erie is actually prime veggie land because of the mild climate and abundant water resources.

Libertarians. They create imaginary dragons to battle with like a child because they dont have the balls to say that they dont like paying for nigger's and spics to have a much higher quality of life than they themselves could hope for working.

So they sit in their minds heroically battling the socialism dragon like the 30 year old downie neets that they are because its a whole lot easier than confronting the niggers and spics that extort them.

Libertarians are the biggest pussies of them all.

You should hire this guy

True but you HAVE also massive problem with illegal workers and only thing that you would have yo do is to make hiring illegals punishable.

Ultimately the argument from the left is that we must let in tens of millions of foreign invaders because otherwise they can't eat avocado toast for $3.

Can you imagine how many small ma and pa farmers would start up if we banned this type of migrant labor. Ohio would have a middle class again...

Good post until
>carbon footprint problem
Pfffffttt hhahahahaha

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We would still have avocados for $3. Just small time ma and pa farms would be making them instead of the big corporate boomer farms.

The Great Lakes create their own microclimate partly because the water absorbs summer heat and releases it in the winter. It's great for fruit because it prevents the ground temperature from getting too low.

You want an answer as to why? Well obviously its profitable. Not only that but, white people don't last in those types of jobs lmao immigrants that work in the fields endure the heavy labor because they wanna give their families a better future. As someone living in a literal melting pot state and is in the work force, Mexicans always have way more work ethics than white people who always just give up after like 2 days. Maybe you should apply to work out there? See how long you last whitey

Its the same thing here. Libertarian cucks will justify anything as long as it doesnt require them to engage in any form of conflict. WE NEED THOSE MEXICANS TO PICK STRAWBERRIES BUT FUCK THAT GUY THAT WORKED HIS WHOLE LIFE PAYING TAXES AND IS NOW CRIPPLED.


Followed by his next great video
>How to burn to death in under three minutes when your shit ass medieval-tier roof catches fire.

Hm, call ice on this anti American fuck. He likely gets jobs request from Americans but denies them so he can cheap labor, people like this farmer just get raped by a Mexican drug gang and arrested for housing illegals!

Its margin.
Farming is low margin. Maybe 5%.
Now add welfare and minimum wages for citizens and citizens become expensive. Even the unemployed ones are expensive to employ.
Now add some cheap labour.
Who goes bust? The guy who has to pay more for the labour.

>Ohio would have a middle class again...
That's precisely what (((they))) don't want. They want the very rich and the very poor. No middle ground.

Absolutely. This twat was complaining about how hard it was for his family to compete against the large farms in the past and then immediately starts describing the system they now use to import and return the migrants each year.

Uh supply and demand dumbass. Good ole ma and pop farms can't produce near as many avocados as we can import, therefore the price would go up a lot.

The migrants have a huge turn over as well... That is why they need millions of them.

And thus, OP realized the immoral, antipatriotic nature of Capital.

Looks like the guy in back spotted La Migra coming

Fucking liberals need to be exterminated--just read this retard's post and see their mental illness on display.
WHITE PEOPLE BUILT EVERYTHING you fucking retard. Who did all of the farming before illegal immigrants? HMMM?

Farming and construction are the 2 industries deliberately destroying this country by using spics for labor exactly as you described.

On dotr I'm sniping as many farm families as I can find.
>inb4 muh country boy can survive
Farmers are out of shape basednionsboys that wont do shit unless the A/C in their tractor is working. Armed or not, incendiaries into their silos and diesel tanks will have those niggers on their knees in 3 days tops.

Im ok with imported avacados, that way the jalipino-niggers stay in their own country.

No, it literally only comes down to the fact that 80 IQ Mexicans will work for a pittance. How do you think Americans fed themselves before brown people started swarming us? Make the argument that whites are lazy to every coal miner, oil/gas worker, steel worker, etc. and see if they don't justifiably perforated your skull with a claw hammer.

Im brown and white and far from a nigger. Every place i have ever worked doing hard labor most white men were working themselves to death while beans and niggers find ways to get out of work.

Lie someplace else nigger.

Pisses me off too user. We have an able bodied work force that just wants a piece of the American Dream! Fuck these modern day plantation masters.

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Im life long construction as well... The Jalipino-niggers all come in drunk and hung over every day.

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Come and say that shit to my face you pussy mother fucker and you’ll catch a 12 pound hammer to the fucking skull

t. white construction worker

never met a mexican who did quality work
fast sure good not so much

Every day brother. Libertarian neets are scum. They are on the same spectrum as rich college commies. If they spent a year earning their money all their high and mighty bullshit would go the way of the dodo.

That is exactly all it is. Simple greed, and lack of GAF about anything else. Not caring about their unemployed neighbors, not caring about the crimes drink illegals commit against their own camps let alone our citizens. It’s a fucking treasonous sin and they all need the rope. This is why Republitraitors must be cleansed in flame right along with the leftists.

The great black swamp area of the state has a good climate and soil for vegetables and fruit, there’s also a lot of animal farms too
The only reason Mexicans are in this region is due to farmers bringing them in, Ive seen literal school buses owned by farms that had nothing but Mexicans in them making supply runs to Walmart

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>Is it literally just profit that is causing these people to do this?

>Do you think it’s economically feasible to pay a strawberry picker more than minimum wage?

Keep in mind that most Mexicans wouldn't be here if a white person hadn't hired them in the first place.



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Are you stupid? The people in the area won’t work for spic wages. If the farmer pays the wages the local market demand, lettuces are now $12 each and you fucking starve.

In no way shape or form should foreigners be making our food supply. Traitors will be hung.

That's why I left the construction industry. I worked for a large corporation that consisted of 85% wetbacks on visas who spoke 10 words of English. It was so frustrating.
It was white foremen/general contractors, then a bilingual chicano as a crew lead, then the rest were wetbacks and the occasional white guy.

>they are all here legally on 9 month work visas and they return home to their communities in Mexico when their visas expire
Yeah, sure farmer John, sure.

he’s just a paid shill trying to divide and conquer, your post has MAGA written all over it, don’t worry about him

if it isn't, then strawberries aren't economically feasible.

God forbid americans eat less fucking food

Start attacking these people. You have his name, how hard is it to sockpuppet several mexicans accusing him of racism and rape? Having no record of illegal employees is a double edged sword.

The boomers in my town used to hire the local white kids to mow/clean their yard but now hire spics to do everything.

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buy my $6 celery and post the in-store price

>Watching the Fall of Western Civilization thread by thread.

Flooding the country with migrant workers is exactly the point. Small farmers cannot compete with cheapened labor, which causes them to HAVE TO hire migrants themselves, which then either gets them caught up with the law or leaves them open to the gale force of modern economic winds and ends up leaving them vulnerable to being bought out by an agricorp.

Americans literally won't work the jobs. I also run a small acre (about 95 acres) operation along with various landscaping jobs on the side. The first thing I noticed is that my coworkers are rarely white people. This is because american whites have become so pampered and entitled they don't understand how to work hard. Mexican laborers put their fucking heads down and do they job for the pay they agree upon. You have the audacity to sit and judge this farmer while you sit in a fucking air conditioned room writing words on paper. You don't do real work, you don't understand real work. You are missing something huge, and it's called work experience.

Are you saying they refuse to hire Ohioans ? I don;t see that happening . More likely is not so many Ohioans want to do that so they take what they can get.

Remember we all saw the horrors of Ohioans in the documentary ;" Gummo" from 1997

Small farmers aren't competing against laborers you fucking moron. Shut up and stop talking about shit you are clueless about.

This. The real question is can we import more people to replace the farmer and his family? Why have those profits going to entitled whites when a Somalian or South African could be running this farm for less? #RealMBATalk

You have to go back Juan.

It’s seasonal work. Difficult to find employees looking for seasonal work.

in minecraft Burn down their farms and the shacks they house the Mexicans in

Fuck off. Of course nobody's going to put their heart into physical labor for slave wages. The spics only do it because they can wire the money to mexico where it's worth ten times as much.

I like my method more, it's poetic.

>we NEED slavery
>if we pay our workers wagesnobody will be able to afford anything!!

lol what you pay them? bet it was not 15 an hour
> that's what it takes to just make now
muh hard work... i'll out work anyone anyday but the money got to be right

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Call ICE on him, now.

Visit to get a list of contact numbers. Currently Ohio does not require employers to use E-Verify, which basically ensures most of these workers are illegal, and it's still a crime at the federal level to knowingly employ illegals.

Do your civil duty user.

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Hahah I mean given that those jobs pay hell of a lot better why wouldn't white people with good work ethic work at those? I'm not saying all white people are lazy but the majority of the population specially in low wage jobs lack that work ethic

about 4-5 on any given day and $10 an hour.

>slave wages
stop trolling

Speak for yourself faggot. If your flag is real then I for almost certainly (98-99.995%) know you are a hypocrite. If your flag is not real, show flag nigger.

You literally sound like a blood drinking kike throwing shit at a wall.

Tranny liberals say
>They're doing jobs actual Americans won't do!!!

But what they're actually doing is: Working for wages that are well below minimum wage, while paying no taxes, and living in a house with 12 other illegals. They don't work harder, just cheaper. Best of all, they don't need healthcare.

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Report him.

This thread is insufferable, so many people talking about shit they actually don't understand at all. Keep being NEETs while Pablo earns a living, it will definitely help you.