Do lefties really think this is a powerful image?

Do lefties really think this is a powerful image?

Attached: IMG_1577.png (1000x749, 696K)

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Funny thing is, Dr. King would probably be voting Trump if the Democrats hadn't had him killed for being an inconvenient nigger.

black people use violence to silence political parties
but the empero found a way anyway

yeah i'm reading it right

Typical nigger art. No depth, poor shading, flat colors. Message dismissed entirely.


It is. And brave.

If king were alive to day, he'd be sweating bullets about epstien anyway

Of course they do, it's a nigger trying to tell a white person what to do.

It's a shitty drawing but zomg MLK silencing Trump.
I agree.

>hates MLK becuase he an uncle tom
>uses his image to "make a powerful statement"
>perverse his ideas and massages to the point of literal contradictions

yes, they actually think that is a powerful image. Its the same when they try to use christianity against christians to get what they want.

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How exactly is an image "powerful"? It is just still colors in a pattern

Normies don't even know his name isn't martin luther.

Would be more accurate if King was raping him while holding his mouth closed. That's low-hanging fruit there; someone make it happen.

mlk is a rapist

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The sad thing is Trump didn't do anything against blacks at all, but somehow libs still think he did. I don't get it.


Attached: ima firin ma layzer.png (1001x749, 604K)

Someone should switch Trump out with that rape victim.

Wait really? Genuinely curious, first time I've heard of this, do you have proof


It says: "Stop redpilling the masses with Racialism, lil Donnie."

Devon Stack aka Blackpilled has a great piece on this.

"Language is a reflection of thought. Sometimes we say what we are thinking and sometimes we choose words to affect the way in which those listening think. Your choice of words can reveal a lot about you, especially if those words are repeated over and over again. For example, the left often uses the word “powerful” when pushing their agenda or sometimes a slight variation like “empowering”. It’s a word so often repeated, and its use in leftist propaganda is so predictable, that it has become a joke among thinking people who know that when they see it what follows is likely a twisted version of reality. But what does it really mean?"

"The right never talks about power, unless they are talking about limiting it or expressing that the government has too much of it, instead modus operandi of the right is to use words like “freedom”, “liberty”, “independence”, but not the left. The left talks about power. They speak of power because unlike the right, freedom is not their focus nor their goal, or even desirable. It is in complete opposition to what they seek. What they seek is power, and it’s not just the obviously power hungry leftist elite that want power over your country, power over your data, power over your money, and power over your voice, but even the lowest of the low in the leftist hierarchy, what they all want, what they all must have, what they all obsess about is power."

"That’s why leftist propaganda promises power. They wouldn’t sell it if they thought their followers wouldn’t buy it. They buy into the lie that if they support their agenda they will be empowered. Destruction of the family is powerful. Destruction of culture is powerful. The confiscation of rights and liberties is powerful. They don’t want the freedom to act and think differently. They want the power to force you to act and think as they do, because like the drunken alcoholic who becomes enraged when you turn down a drink, they hate you for it."

"They hate that you won’t join them in their misery and degeneracy. They hate it because deep down, underneath all the programming and mental gymnastics they know what they are doing is wrong. Just as the drunk knows and reacts with anger to hide their shame. They know the only way they can quiet that small voice in their head, the last dying gasps of their conscience, is to destroy everything that reminds them of how far they have fallen. There is no such thing as corruption if there is no such thing as purity, so purity must be as contaminated as they are. If you don’t join them then you are just a living reminder of their bad choices and they need the power to remove you permanently from their line of sight."

"Even if we ignored their language, their behavior is a demonstration of this lust for power. Sure, they threaten venues to have speakers shut down, and we’re certainly all familiar with the tactics they use to deplatform their opposition. They use force against ideas they dare not engage with intellectually, but sometimes this need for power manifests in the darkest of ways. Not just on the lower rungs, but at the top of their wicked tower."

"We see headline after headline documenting their condition. Rape and child abuse isn’t about sex, after all, but it’s about power. The power to destroy and discard other humans. Consuming them like disposable single serving delicacies, forcing their wretchedness on the innocent, corrupting anyone and anything foolish enough to trust them so they might hush the still small voice in their head by shocking it into silence and infecting everyone with their virus."

"They will never have enough power. This is why they must be stopped because their drive for power escalates with every violation of human decency that they committed to silence the voice in their head, like a perverse infinite loop of shame and outrage that will never stop as long as there is virtue in the world and as long as they are allowed the power to destroy it."

MLK was a literal glow nigger.

Powerful and brave

image made factual

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Just another version of the Gillette meme
Just link the man, Satan. He's got a lot of fun stuff