Artificial wombs general

Women were always traitorous whores and civilization destroying parasites who know no concept of loyalty honor or anything really.

Only thing they ever contributed was giving us kids. They aren't doing that anymore.

Last step is to break free from their shackles and create artificial wombs. But that is probably far away in the future, so for now:

Is it possible to kill a woman and keep her reproductive system with womb artificially alive and functional ? If yes, that is the final solution then, kill jews, niggers, muslims, arabs, latino mixtures, and asian soulless insects and indian roaches. after that we kill all women and tratiors and keep womens reproductive systems alive. Thus we enter the final stage of humanity, and when that is over we can finally say we passed all the gods tests and are worthy of him.

>inb4 just go to church and pump out kids
how did that work for you idiots for last 100 years. we need to kill and cleanse once and for all

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Baziran slovenac

zdravo balkan diaspora bro

Can't wait to read about this post on Buzzfeed tomorrow.

do they actually post stuff from Jow Forums ?

>do they actually post stuff from Jow Forums ?

okay then, link me i never say aanything, i saw them post alot of stuff from tho

wow, If this is the shit you post online I can't even imagine what dumb shit goes on in your head.
No wonder you want artificial wombs!

probably trolling but that's still sad.

what is sad ? that memeflag retard is still white knight idiot drinking nigger cum from his m'lady traditional pussy ? yeah no thanks

Why would you kill all women? You idiot.
If Artificial Wombs were a thing going into the future, what you will see is a natural reduction of the female population.
Nature does not care how you make babies, it only cares about gene selection and what affects the selection of these genes.
If human starts making babies without women, it will naturally start selecting for those people handling this technology better,
Now, when it comes to Biotechnologies, we are getting closer and closer to develop molecular structures that will create full organs of their own, if we develop such molecular structures from scratch, we could, for lack of a better word, jump over women in order to obtain such biological devices, such as the Artificial Womb.
But I'm afraid gene selection, if the ever allow machines to do it, we will begin another chapter of humanity in wich we will lose control of the selection of our genes, will might lead to inforseen consequences.
But the part of sexual or in this case, artificlaly assisted reproduction, is not a big problem on it's own. Since nature does not care at all.

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>probably far away in the future
No, they already have working ones.
We can turn stem cells into egg cells as well.
We're pretty much there user.
Mass human cloning in our lifetime.

what ? you are saying we can make baby without women completely with mans seed TODAY ? wtf really ? any links ? i didn't find anything on internet mate

No you can't.

yeah yeah, blah blah memeflaggot, blah blah nature selection

fucking retard women are naturaly selecting niggros, criminals and other wannabe gangsters. if we let it be "natural" we degrade very quickly into hunter gatherer society without invetion of agriculture or wheel.

Can't wait for my 2B-mobile artificial womb waifubot unit.

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Feminists are not going to let you have artificial wombs. Even if they become as cheap to make as microwaves one day, and they probably will, feminists will not let you get your hands on them. They know that's the end of womanhood if it happens and they won't let it. Same thing with sexbots. They won't let you have one of those either.

i thought so yes, hard to think women and jews would allow such progress, they rather call 64 genders the progress

then no other solution than wait until this shit collapses and hope we survive collapse.

i dont think suddenly all men will wake up with same views tomorrow so we can actually start killing instead of waiting

That sounds awful op, did Mother not hug you.

actually she did not now that i think of it ? is it normal for parents to hug you when you are odler than 4-5 years ?

>tfw you're right
If you want proof, just look at the way adoption is handled now. Adoption centers have no fucking problem giving children to single moms who will end up raising their children into mutilated, hormone taking crackheads, but they won't even consider giving up a child for adoption towards a single man.

This is the reality we live in.

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Yeah. Its actually weird if they didn't/don't.


damn i guess then mother did not hug me after all. is there some kind of connection with that and hating women ? i did not hate women alway, i first learned about migrants then i took the natsoc pill then i went further and further in, till i ended up in my original post beliefs about a year ago.

have u taken the wombpill user?

Not yet. A decade maybe.

Kids can be girls obviously... So you have the girl kids and then kill them when they become women?

>And then everyone clapped.
What in the fuck is going on here today? I bet you were giggling at each other when you thought of this idea. Every goddamn thread is a larp.

what is that supposed to be user ?

what are you even talking about ? what larp ?' i dont even fucking know the guy, why would we be giggling at the idea of artificial wombs ?

I'd like to see them stop me.

>Women were always traitorous whores and civilization destroying parasites who know no concept of loyalty honor or anything really.
This is true, but what you are advocating is how a species makes itself look like the grey aliens if it can even survive such measures more than a couple generations at all.

It is less degenerate to just kill the men who protect the whores and then enslave the women.

there will always be cucks who will let the whores have their way because they promise them pussy. we need to eliminate them for good.

Not in my lifetime and incels like you will never beat me. While you were on this site posting how much you hate WOMAN, I perfectioned the arts of the Katana, so you just try and you will fall before you can even blink

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Fucking hell, Id love these stainless steel sword rejects in a fighting pit with me

Listen to me, potato. You haven't read single thing I wrote. I was just stating facts of nature.
I don't care what women do with their vaginas, as long as they care what I do with my penis it's fine.
This is the only thing shaping our selection of genes, the females are interested in certain individual and not other individual.
The reason behind this IS sexual selection wich ends up affecting gene selection in the long term.
I was just stating the facts, if we had a different system for reproduction i.e. Artificial Wombs, women will decrease in number because the biological incentive for females are going to decrease over generation.
Therefore I predict this system will favor men and not women, since man have created technology in the first place.
So you will end up with a colony of men, using these biotechlogical devices (artificial wombs) as if were a queen bee. The humans will select themselves without female intervention, so if you're a rich guy at the begining of this situation you will have access to the technology and you will have more babies because of it.
As the price for access goes down due to demand in the market, societies will migrate to this new option.
In nature you have the current math:


How much does it cost? How much of the stuff is out there? How reliable it is? If you solve this paradox, the replacement mechanism will show up in the environment eventually.

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memeflag, why am i not surprised. your opinions are idiotic on so many levels. we had exact same system as you describe and look how it turned out,

gtfo with your cost avaliabilty reliance bullshit. your the type of guy to argue for niggers fucking your mom because you dont care what women do with their vaginas and after all its what was selected right, that was the demand.

it shows you are jew, you only care how much does it cost and shiettt

also you can't even prove evolution and natural selection.

name one mutation that increases information in genome. i will wait

Well if you don't "believe" in evolution you are absolutely retarded and I hope you don't make any babies. We don't need the IQ to drop even more.
Go fuck yourself.

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lol no proof huh ? you cant name what i said. you just say youre stupid if you dont bellieve. nice argument bro. i can also provide no evidence and say you are stupid you dont belive martians exist.

also show your flag, what are you afraid of ?

It's going to be a lot easier to make artificial sperm then a artificial womb, the scientists just put a sheep fetus that was 70-80% done in the fake womb.

But we don't have artificial sperm, also sperm is already abundant, wombs have limitations of age. You can as a man, make babies at 15/25/35/45 years old and much older in some cases.
Wombs are much more interesting even from sociological and medical perspective, imagine all these older women intead of adopting babies from someone else, having their wombs replicated artificially, also all the unreproductive women out there with fertility issues.
The applications are limitless, even in benefit to females, this is their downfall for that very reason, this is why feminist will be unable to stop it, without pissing off 40 year old cat ladies, gays and lesbians and infertile women.
Wich happens to be part of their support group.

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look at that lil bitch memefalggot. wh dont you answer my question about muation and why are you afraid to show your flag. you simply ignored it huh you slimy jew

Calm down Serbia.