So I'm severely suicidal and have $6...

So I'm severely suicidal and have $6,000 to blow should i just rush Area 51 in September and get shot at by the guards or should I shoot at them first? Also why is something tax payer funded being kept secret from us and why is that even allowed?

Attached: skynews-area-51-nevada-desert_4716829.jpg (768x432, 73K)

Fuck off mossad

Nymza, Sonora Aero club and Prussian industrialists from the late 1800

Cold packs have ammonium nitrate in them.

Donate at lease some of that to me.

Attached: iloeisrael_JK.jpg (1191x463, 101K)

Reddit NPCs start text with 'So'.

okay, paypal.... what do you got?

The pussies wouldn’t even shoot to kill. A YouTube video showed an Asian family driving past the line and they weren’t shot at

>okay, paypal.... what do you got?

I want you to be safe. I want you to live on.

You can join me in my bidding. I'll find a position on my cabinet or in my campaign for you. At least you'll get to do something fun.

Attached: jettsonsToday.jpg (1191x463, 115K)

same dude. the economy is fucked, im trapped in perpetual debt, and i got a criminal record. i got nothing to lose besides my chains.

ye dude you should like totally do that

Fuck you! You fucking glow nigger!

I will give you $20 a month to build antigravity, I’m sure others will too

can i be secretary of defense? i have no problem nuking israel

You'll be the only incel glow nigger who shows up, and they'll just call the civilian police on your dumb ass. Happens all the time, some twat gets too close and the sheriff dept. shows up.

Don't kill yourself, user. Suicide isn't the answer. You could fuck off and live in the woods. Go treasure hunting or something. There is a treasure out west that one guy supposedly placed somewhere that nobody's found yet.

Why are you shilling and pretending to be Lambright? Are you jewish?


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>or should I shoot at them first?
why not? seriously


Just buy a BB gun and point it at them, they'll shoot you but everyone will understand it as a meme based suicide by cop

Donate the money to ADL and we taxpayers will be glad to cremate you, on the house. Consider yourself vindicated.

Oh, and are you an organ donor? What’s your bloodtype? Asking for a friend.

Go clean up the streets of San Fransisco, in minecraft of course.