Be american

>be american
>go to jail for trying to save your son's foreskin

Americans are castrated niggercattle jewslaves.

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It's (((their))) fault. That, and cut men not willing to admit that they were mutilated

>cut men not willing to admit that they were mutilated

Why are they so brainwashed?

I dont know. its interesting. some will say its for medical benefit, or its easier to clean. this is just coping but they are actually ok with it. some will say that its to get rid of smegma, but smegma is harmless and natural, and not an issue if you shower. I think it is brainwashing at this point.

It's called post-purchase rationalisation

Smegma doesn't even start to appear until days of not showering. The "cheese dick" argument is pure cope.


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Smega also acts as a natural lubricant for the foreskin nad creates a back a forth motion during sex, there's a reason why America buys more lube than any other country

right. smegma doesn't start until puberty. its literally just dead skin stuck in skin oil.
these "people" are more like sheep.

Better to have it done as a baby than to have to get it chopped off at the age of 25 after it strangles your penis.

>Last Longer
>Looks Cleaner
>Is Cleaner

I'm glad that blubbering slut has to sign that document, it proves once and for all that the only people pro dog dick are dumb dogs themselves. She's probably got a roast beef sandwich between her lips and was hoping to use the circumcision savings on getting lip reduction surgery.

Sorry honey, you'll have to save up while your son gets a better dick upgrade.

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wow. literally massive coping. Its a wonder America has made it this far.

Fuck you faggot. You should be executed.

Haha, sounds like someone's got cut envy from a dumb envy.

How about you make like the whore in the OP and cry about it in your cope hole.

How is that brain trauma going for you?

Uncut looks gross and tiresome to deal with. I'm glad I got cut but I dont exactly have alot of experience with dick so my opinion is biased.

I'd be interested to hear what whore women have to say about it. (Literally the 1st time I've ever wanted to hear a womans opinion)

I am not cut. I read about being cut. It fucking sucks.

>I am not cut. I read about being cut. It fucking sucks.

That's the point idiot. You have cut envy. You're too scared to get it done now as an adult. It's kind of pathetic really, are you still afraid of going to the doctors?

imagine looking at a newborn baby and thinking to yourself,"I am going to cut the skin off his penis"

thats what you support.

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You can't tell user's penis or vigina, so you should fuck off. I don't have cut envy.

>Imagine looking at this man's tumor and thinking to yourself "I'm going to cut this out of his brain".

>I don't even like the term tumor as it has a negative connotation, I prefer to call it a "natural bump"

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Circumcised Americans should be put down like animals but your article is misleading as she was locked up for seizing her child and running away to hide AFTER giving permission for her son to become a Jew slave.

Imagine thinking fingers as tumors because they look like bumps. Then, you cut off the fingers of the baby.

Uh, why does a court have jurisdiction over whether or not a child gets circumcised? Under what context is this anything but absurd?

imagine shilling for infant genital mutilation and having christians support you.

oh, you dont have to.

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She didn't go to jail for trying to save his foreskin, she went to jail for agreeing to the procedure in a signed legal document, then kidnapping the child who was in her ex-partner's custody.

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you can try, user. But my guns and where you are right now says were both currently no-lifes with no gf and guns (or at least me because college, and dating drama will suck).

What's the context of this? How can the govt. literally force you to get a circumcision?

Who was she hiding from? Giving consent once means the fucking cops come for you if you change your fucking mind?
If she committed a crime, whatever. But what circumstance does a mother's crime have to do with cosmetic surgery for a four year old? If she ran and hid to prevent her kid from getting a necessary medical procedure, I can kinda see it. But not fucking circumcision.

we have guns but no gf

I hate circumcision of children, but cut shemales are just hotter than uncut ones desu

Uhhhhhh, can confirm red leader.
I had a son born in America and the doctors were enraged when I said I didn't want him circumcised. It was a huge fight with the staff.
Not sure why mutilation is ok over there.

>Calling the circumcision upgrade a "genital mutilation"

Ah yes, typical lefty faggotry straight out of the playbook of rules for radicals.

How about you fuck off back to chapotraphouse and leave us good dicked non-commies alone. I get you have dog dick envy from looking up to eastern euro tankies, but it's pretty pathetic.

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no u

Its a religious practice you FUCKING WEIRDO, and only America and 3rd world dirt countries were strupid enough to get fucked on an NATIONAL LEVEL to think its not a freakish and bizzarre religious sexual control ritual utilizing SUNK COST FALLACY.

"Shit, they cut a bit of my cock off. I better stick with the religion where its expected, and people pretend its normal, like wearing the silly hats."

Wish my mom cared this much

so you are cut right? do you identify as a jew? after all you upheld the covenant with god, doesn't that make you a jew?

It's not. It's a medical procedure to improve the penis.

Sorry that commies haven't figured out how to perform the operation yet. I'm sure their tech will one day be up to snuff.

>I had a son born in America and the doctors were enraged when I said I didn't want him circumcised.

I've heard of cases where the parents literally said no to circumcision and the hospital went ahead and performed it anyway with no repercussions whatsoever.

Fuck you jew lover. You're the real commies. And go back to isreal.

>"You're the Real Communists!" I cry clutching my slavic doggy dick, afraid to go to the doctor to get my dick upgraded.

this. how this is even an argument is a testament to the infantilism and mental deficiency of the religious. we have to disenfranchise them of all rights immediately if we are to save the country.

>I love mutilating babies without giving them a choice
>Why yes, I am Jewish, how did you know?
You will fucking hang, I swear to christ a day will come and you'll fucking suffer for the trauma you impose on children.

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Imagine calling cutting legs off a upgrade because you don't need to eat more. Imagine everyone without legs.

t. cortisol babby

you have to kill the doctor and make your way out by killing the guards like a GTA mission. its best to avoid the hospital altogether.

The things in green is what you do.

I dont really care about babies or what people do to them. I only care about my own situation and theres no way I'd ever get the foreskin put back on. Shit looks nasty.

One thing I can thank the Jews for is that I dont have to walk around with a flopping hunk of beef hanging from my dick like a roastie.

Ah yes, because I need my legs to walk and I need to have foreskin to... keep my phone warm?

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>improving the penis by cutting millions of nerve endings off, removing natural lubrication and protection for the helmet.

Are you telling me man has improved of millions of years of evolution user? Cause if you are you should probably kill yourself. You realise that having a sleeping bag for your penis has zero drawbacks, right?
Here's the extra work I have to do; pull back foreskin, clean, carry on with my shower.

You should go to Syria and get murdered. Fuck off jew.

>y u need car god gib us legs


It's not coping though. Jew dicks don't give a fuck and are unironically happy with it. It's the euro dicks and r9k crowd who have such an issue. You guys are worse than fat chicks or Canadians complaining about America. That alone is reason enough to not want to be on that side of things.

It's only the unaffected, either through not using it or not having it, who care

No u idoit. Foreskin keeps sex life good.

Maybe if you consider busting early to be a "good sex life".

If you don't wear out your knees and the pussy hole before you bust, you might as well just neck yourself.

Which part of the car is surgically implanted at birth you mongo?

>A keratinized dick that can't feel orgasms is an upgrade.
Eye for an eye
Blood for blood
Every single childcutter
Must die

you are unequivocally a bad person.

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I am cut but any son I have will not be and I will literally murder a doctor if they try it without my consent.

Cope more doggo dick.

Millions of years of evolution produced us, and neither of us are proud of it. We like ourselves, but we post on the a**crack of the internet, with no gf most the time.

I get where you coming from though. You're like fat acceptance people who, deep inside, want to lose the weight. But the work and pain to do so isnt an obstacle they can overcome. So instead they lash out in anger at those who have what they want.

Now I detect nigger. Tyrone, did your little niglet get on the keyboard again?

It's simply the purest form of cope. They can't unmutilate themselves so the next best thing is to double down and pretend like it's okay.


>"D-daddy why is your and my younger brothers dick so nice and aesthetic but mine looks like an animal's?"
>"Well you see son, I was brainwashed by communists on a taiwanese cartoon image board into making you unfuckable. I didn't make the same mistake with your little brother though, those commies can't fool me twice."
>"Is it too late for me Papa?"
>"No, but your dick will hurt for a couple of weeks. It's not hard though, you just have to not turn into a dog-dicked incel who's too afraid to go to the doctor."

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I've got this condition. It's called phimosis, and I didn't start treating it myself by stretching until I was 15. At that time there was a ton of smegma buildup in the foreskin but I took the globs out and everything's been clean since. At 25 now, it comes over my head not quite like a normal uncircumcised male, but it only comes back over the head when I wear a condom causing some problems. Everything's fine without one.

TLDR: if your kids have phimosis don't get them circumsized, just teach them how to fix it themselves

>They can't unmutilate themselves so the next best thing is to double down and pretend like it's okay.

Ah yes, I call it the /PTG/ Syndrome.

I’m circumcised, I sign every “ban circumcision petition” I can find on the internet and am voting for Andrew yang because he’s the only one that has talked about this. I honestly don’t know if I’d prefer to have foreskin because I never had the chance. All my buddies were uncut and one actually had a slight case of phimosis and didn’t know what to do, so I started reading up on it and sent him a bunch of tips, links and graphics on how to cure it. A couple of months later he came to me thanking me because now he has completely normal function of his foreskin because all the exercises I sent him worked like a charm. What else can I do here guys? Seriously I’m trying my fucking best. I didn’t ask for this but I’m not gonna sit here and be treated like the goddamn elephant man, because I was mutilated, fuck off! This is serious shit and you’re all making a mockery of it. Btw i think it should absolutely be okay to get the procedure done when you’re old enough to decide for yourself.

I hope you get castrated by a victim of male genital mutilation.

Stop blaming libtards for what I say.
I am a real neo nazi. Fuck you jews. You're the ones that are libtards.

>The nerve endings don't mean anything
>But also you cum earlier because of the nerve endings
Careful kike, your lies are failing. You're idea of a "good sex life" is having a numb dick so you have to keep going forever just to finish and not enjoy a minute of it.

They can't live with the idea of their masculinity being defective so they repeat the wrongthink in their heads till it becomes true to them.

Imagine being such a goy that you are butthurt about getting a free medical gift from the old tribes of Judaism.
Circumcision is scientifically better than not being circumcised. It also looks better too.


Why? Because what I said is true and it hurts?

No one who has it and uses their dick cares. No one who uses their dick and does not have the procedure is affected at all. You guys and your illogical rage make intactivism seem like nothing more than fat acceptance for dudes

Lol. Wikipedia to make an argument? Just fucking kill yourself already.

This, the faggots are so full of themselves that anything that happens to them is the superior option, being a man is realizing you're predominately marked by the kike and not allowing the practice to continue. I let it fuel my hate for the jew.

Who cares what women think about male genitalia? Women don't know shit about dicks. My first lay didn't realize dicks needed to get hard she actually thought all guys walked around with 7 inch boners tucked in their waistbands.

Bro I’m sorry but you’re wrong, it’s not better, and unless you have a preference for a certain type of penis you don’t know what you’re saying. Be gay if you want but are you really gonna say we should start slicing up babies because of how you want them to look?

As an America, I want this image spread as far and wide as possible.

Americans don't believe that there is any way we could be more cucked than Europe because libs spread their "we should be like Europe" memes everywhere, giving the impression that we are behind Europe in progressive bullshit.
In reality, they already succeeded in getting us to pass Europe in a lot of ways, and continue to use Europe as an example of what we should strive to become while keeping it a secret.


Wtf. No one can relate to this.

>I only care about my own situation
You are a nigger.

I'm cut and I bust in like 15 seconds. It sucked when I had gfs being a 1 pump chump but it's great now that I'm alone. Get to quickly jerk off and go back to more important things.

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>I'll take "things that never happened" for 100

circumsized men shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion on the topic, they're permanently traumatized from having their dicks sliced by jews.
Leave the big decisions to the clear thinking uncut men.

You are objectively wrong. Circumcision is good and not getting circumcised is arguably child neglect because of risk of infections.
It also doesnt help that most people against circumcision are also secretly anti-semites.

Wanting to ban circimcusion is in a way rejecting Jewish culture, a form of anti-semitism.

You will die screaming, childcutter.

Money money money baby that's the name of the game on this side of the pond. The stem cells in that baby foreskin can fetch a good price on the medical market. And you LITERALLY pay them to do it. It's like paying the doctors to take one of your kidneys and sell it.

Kill yourself faggot

Its less bloodspace that you possess within your "penis" kek

>tfw burger yet have my foreskin intact
bow to me, i am your new hitler.

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thank you, user
I always wanted to know the psychological term for this phenomena

Where is your evidence????
Yeah, you don't have any.


True. And then they do it to their kids. To not circumcise your kid is to effectively admit that their own penis less-than-ideal, and that is somehow impossible. Letting people cart away your newborn to needlessly hurt takes a special kind of delusion.

Just cool off fatty

>15 seconds
Do you only jerk off once a month or something?

A government website? Really? Okay let’s test your knowledge, how exactly does cutting a part of your penis off reduce the risk of HIV? Seriously think about it how does that make any sense to you? If you fuck somebody with aids you will get aids

"u idiot. It make sex feel good" certainly doesn't sound like an enlightened thing to say, it sounds like a fash wannabe. if you'd said "it protects the glans from drying out, increases sensitivity, and is aesthetically pleasing" it would have been ok. this blonde hair, blue eyed, not fat, 8/10 60% guy is insulted. ESPECIALLY after he had an argument with an actual german and got him to lose his temper, and admire - even admit I was correct about every derogative in-depth part of my analysis of his country.