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go back there, you stupid phonenigger

>how about we pass a law forcing people to do something they don't want to do and will surely be abused

No. How about this instead?

>The government offers incentives for getting married, staying married, and having kids?

They don't give tax breaks and government aid is denied to those who aren't married.

Ideas so good they have to be mandatory.

Sounds retarded. Stupid fucking berniebros.


>complain about concentration camps
>advocate mandatory volunteer work for citizens
Liberalism is mental disorder.

>muh college
It's always muh fucking college
I find it so pathetic how many people believe college is the only viable path. Like they can't make money or become educated with an academic institution. It's totally brainwashing if you ask me.

Yes, I too think volunteering is mandatory

>required to volunteer
at least he has a firm grasp on what socalism is all about

>They don't give tax breaks and government aid is denied to those who aren't married.
too many shitbirds will force themselves into marriages to subsidize their shitty lifestyles, and their kids will be trash
The average IQ will drop as a result and we will only have delayed the death of the nation by a few generations. This does not solve the problem.
The solution is not legislative or reformative.

Kys redditfag

some form of contribution to society is not a bad idea, if they want to have environment shit on the list, so be it. Young people need to be programmed to participate in their communities.

Only problem is in order to have a balanced list of options of social service, you'd end up having charities that snip penises off and other weird shit demanding participation and the whole project would get fucked.


>law REQUIRING all citizens to VOLUNTEER

Someone apparently doesn't understand the English language.

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How about the government offers anyone a job who wants one and ensures that the pay is enough to have house, food, and medical expenses, making it impossible to be unemployed and impoverished as long as you are willing to work?

>Study finds if your studies ask retarded questions, you will get retarded answers

Good people will have more kids. If losers have more too, who cares?


Listen to these fags here. Get the fuck off my board. Gobbling up reddit here, what a fucking shame you twats are.
That’s double for the memeflag nigger. I hope that kike gets butchered when Israel falls

I think that someone clearly does

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Only if i can own the college

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based spic

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As an old Boy Scout who remembers having to volunteer for stuff, there's something to be salvaged from this, even if the idea is retarded in it's current form.

Say it with me
Federal job guarantee

lol all these lazy amerimutts having a problem with this
this is literal fascist and traditionalist policies, make the youth do social work rather than be lazy and degenerate


Because as everybody knows, being 100% dependend on the government has always turned out well throughout history.

Imagine running such a big shithole you outsource environment externalities to students whom should be focusing on becoming a better future generation instead of fixing boomer made problems in their youth.