American History X

How based this was according to you?

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Stupid people doing stupid things. ...

Its like porn for the jewish victim complex.

Try lurking before creating a thread you twat. This has been answered to death.

>edited by two kikes


pick one.

I'm dying
why did I find this so funny

Well none of the nazi speeches which are always very rational and coherent are ever disproven or argued against coherently. The MC even says that he hasn't necessarily changed his views when he talks to Sweeney and throughout the present day scenes says he's still on the fence and confused. Niggers are still niggers and only Sweeney is good and the guy in prison is still a thief. The kike character is an SJW family wrecker who wants to expel the bro for writing about hitler and the original ending had the MC shaving his head and reverting to Nazism, so, sort of based I'd say. The messag for me was not to let your anger turn you into a retard that's no worse than a gangbanger.

Stacey Keach lied to me

message of the story is that when blacks stop believing that whites are out to get them they will succeed in life. while when whites stop believing that the blacks are out to get them they get killed by one in the school bathroom. that's because blacks are delusional when they think white oppress them, while whites fears are founded in reality.

in the alternative ending, as Danny speaks the quote, the kid who shot him in loaded into a police truck, Danny's corpse is loaded into an ambulance,
and there is the pricincpal, the Jewish teacher, and the students with their heads hung low.

The next scene goes to the apartment where detectives are trying to comfort the grieving mother and sister of Danny.
The mother talks about how he was such a sweet boy,
corrupted by the cruel world, and the older sister trying to fight back the tears, lights up a cigerette.

The camera pans away from the living room of the apartment and travel down the hallway to the closed bathroom door.
The scene cuts to a view of the bathroom sink, which is filled with hair and an electric razor next to it. Then there is a view from behind Derek, who is rubbing his head with a towel. When he removes the towel his head is shaved clean. He stares at himself in the mirror for a moment staring at the swastika on his chest. He then pulls a pistol out of his pocket and cocks it,
and looks in the mirror with the same sick smile he had when he was arrested for the murders.

Main character is a retarded wignat sage

Is that real?
Even in fantasy it's a better ending than the real one.

It's actually a redpilled film but Jow Forums is full of brainlets who immediately dismiss it because it's Hollywood.

The dinner table scene is particularly redpilled. There's literally no argument against what his father says about affirmative action.

The movie would be way better if watched backwards. The story of a man who gets radicalised after his brothers death and ends up defending his family killing some niggers.

Shut the fuck up jew

It's a movie about how you shouldn't protect your property when niggers try to break in.
It's garbage.


It wasn't based at all. Skinheads are wankers - and all the preachy talking by that nigger teacher who "just wanted to help" are utter cringe. It's a subhuman film, made by subhumans, for an audience of subhumans. Even that famous curb-stomp scene is so unmemorable, I'd have forgotten about completely if it wasn't a popular GIF.

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>American history X
Is as pozzed as fuck
White Nationalist is evil thug and goes to prison.
Sees the error of his ways after mentoring of sagely old nigger.
Spreads the message of whites evil/niggers living saints.

You just made my trashy day alot better to hear that brother, a sane voice in our country

>Nazi becomes a good goy after getting raped in the butt in prison

Because you are a fucking newfag bitch

Not based. First, it's jewish propaganda. Second, neo-nazis are useful idiots. Holocaust didn't happen, Hitler was a kike plant. Why would you worship him?