Russia is lost

Moscow and the largest towns are completely lost, most of the population is composed by shitskins, and there are so many of LGBTs, SJWs, leftists and libtards. Since 2017 (((they))) have been shipping the invaders to rural towns and villages. I see groups of young sandniggers and the mixed kids in large groups every day in my small Siberian town with 20k inhabitants. Azeris, Uzbeks, Tajiks, chinks, gypsies and Armenians are walking around everywhere.

Disgusting smelly monkeys everywhere. Wherever I go in this shithole all I see is coalburning couples. Young blonde blue-eyed Russian girls with sandniggers walking on a weekday.
I see white girl with two swarthy kids and is pregnant with another. Her husband looks Tajik or Azeri swarthy hairy subhuman.
At the post office I see another two half-churka kids with a white Russian mom.

I can't take this anymore. My nation is currently committing suicide, and full of self-hating anti-white leftists. We need a Russian Hitler asap, race war now!

Attached: Russia.jpg (250x167, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread: Muslim Migrants Are Reshaping Russia's Dying Countryside, One Village At A Time/

>Russia is lost
since July 17, 1918.


Attached: sad pepe.png (1092x1037, 27K)

Grow up

I see this pasta at least once a day about (insert your country here). GTFO, this isnt your diary to cry.

We seen this pasta before, churka degenerate.

Yes, Russia is overrun. Yes, our government does a lot to displace and mongrelise Russians.

No, mixing is barely existant no matter how hard the rulers of Russia try. Russians men and women alike do not want this nation to be diverse and genetically polluted.

The storm and removal of subhumans are coming

Would Russia accept an Aussie Hitler?

You posted this yesterday, and it was bullshit then. Stop larping. You're not Russian.

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More like since 1471-1478. It had it's chances to become something better under Alexander I and Alexander II, because Nationalist and serf-liberation movements were growing, but unfortunately it failed. 1825 was yet another unpleasant day of Russian history, when Rus could have returned to its Northern European free roots

> R A R E F L A G!!!
> R A R E F L A G!!!
> R A R E F L A G!!!
> R A R E F L A G!!!
> R
> A
> R
> E
> F
> L
> A
> G

Belerouse bro, very sorry for what we did to you guys in the war but thanks for posting! Rare flag!!

>there are so many of LGBTs, SJWs
an easy way to detect if a pasta is made for foreigners

Hi Navalny. Shill harder.

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Good its karma for communism

Why 1918?

This is not how modern Russia looks like, subhuman balkanoid LARPer

>The death of the Russian far right. How the Kremlin destroyed the far right in Russia, while backing it in the West.

>Russian police detain hundreds in nationalist protests

>Russia nationalist leader jailed for life over hate crimes

>At least 86 Russian nationalist protesters reported arrested

>Far-Right Leader Dmitry Demushkin Arrested Ahead of Upcoming ‘Russian March’
Communists were mostly Jews until Stalin, then it became mongrel pontido-balkanoid Ukranians and caucasian rats at the top

This same fucking thread over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again stop having shit living in your head and focus on theosis

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Which war, americanski?

I think the problem might be that these politicians are only doing it for their own personal gain. Forcing racemixing strengthens the bond between them and the foreigners they deal with.

>Russians men and women alike do not want this nation to be diverse and genetically polluted.
Only SOME Russian men are based. Russian women are liberal sluts who date, protect and defend sandniggers in Russia.

Nice VPN because I hold dual citizenship and have a house in Moscow and two in Montana. That's horse shit and you're you should be saged but that shit doesn't work anymore so fuck it.

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True. It is far more conviniet to turn Russia from a state of naturally rebelious and skeptical Russians into a sewage of subhuman central asian, chinese and caucasian mongrels that have a genetic-embedded habit of following their masters without any questions asked.

Citation neede churka. Most Russian men hate churkas and the same goes for Russian women

Most anti-racist libtars in the media are jews, part jews and armenians for hells sake

Ow, sweetie mutt :)) Look at this fat american пиздoбoл.
This is a sad truth.

Stop LARPING, dumb faggot. Russia is barely 70% Russian at this point

>How Muslim Migrants Are Reshaping Russia's Dying Countryside, One Village At A Time

>One of Europe's largest mosques opens in Moscow

>Russia: Drone captures massive Eid al-Fitr celebrations in Moscow

>Russia: The World's Second-Largest Immigration Haven

>Crimea: Largest Mosque Ever Built, for Crimean Tatars

>Political Islam, Migrant Crime, Terror Cells Challenge Putin Claims of 'Great White Hope'

Attached: 1474221719642.png (1624x1592, 2.18M)

>look mom, I posted it again

Attached: 1346848027645.jpg (438x300, 29K)

Most anti-racist libtards in the media are Russians. Don't lie to yourself. Russians have always been against nationalism.

Attached: screenshot.png (1790x570, 216K)

>The storm and removal of subhumans are coming
I'd like to believe that, but I'm just too much of a realist. Russia will be (((liberal))), race-mixed and westernized.

I'm going to Moscow next month user.
What should I be aware of?

Soloviev - jew, Simonyan - armenian, Sobchak - half jew etc

I don't see Russians here

>Russians have always been against nationalism.

Churka, stahp.

"Russia is for Russians and in Russian" Alexander III

A я тoмaт

Take out their vehicles

fuck off you disinfo demoralizing nigger

Why are you a tomato, Horvath?

Because I'm a senior-pomidor and there is literally nothing you can do about it.

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Hиггep, пoжaлyйcтa, oтвaли.

Stopped reading right there and you should be killed for larping so hard and copy pasting.

>IP hopping multithread samefagging
We are reaching levels of fucking cope that shouldn't even be fucking possible.

Why would anyone put the ban on swear words into a positive category

Moscow seems nice!

Attached: 1531763028146.jpg (1000x541, 265K)

The west including Russia is fucking lost. It’s time for a global civil war.

Eбaнyлcя, бpaткa?
Пyтин -- этo oдин из caмых лютых pycoфoбoв, кoтopый пpeceкaeт нa кopню aбcoлютнo любoй pyccкий движ, кoтopыe нe являeтcя пoдкoнтpoльным Кpeмля.
Tы кoгдa в Mocквe был пocлeдний paз? Taм бapaнoв нa yлицaх peжyт нa ypaзa бaйpaм, a в aэpoпopтaх нa 10 чypкaбecoв 2-3 pyccких, и этa динaмикa дaлeкo нe пoлoжитeльнaя.
Хyeю c вac, pyccкиe пaтpиoты пyтинoфилы зaгpaничныe. Becь мocкoвcкий бизнec пpинaдлeжит чypкoбecaм, кoтopых ФCБ кpышyeт. Bepниcь нa плaнeтy, дopoгoй.

No one cares, Russians are disgusting ugly manlets and I can't wait for chinks to wipe you out. You're not getting a single cent in EU gibs if that's what you're hoping for btw. Not a single cent.

>Russki = ethnic Russian
>Rossiyane = "citizen" of Russia

That was the largest gathering moscow ever and they were from Khazistan and they are actually native. Not fucking imports. Cope harder memeflaggot.

Show us the flag.

Putin literally puts ethnic Russian nationalists in prison, while honouring Tajiks and Chechens as Rossiyanin.

>they were from Khazistan and they are actually native. Not fucking imports

Russia is the easternmost country in the world.

I thought gays were beaten up in Russia?

What fucking difference at this point does it make if those subhuman goat-fuckers are either imported or were born there?
Пиздeц, ты нa зapплaтe чтo ли тyт cидишь?

B пocлeдний paз я был в Mocквe двa гoдa нaзaд. Mнe yдaлocь yвидeть, чтo ничeгo нe измeнилocь вooбщe. Пo cтaтиcтикe, Mocквa нa 96% бeлaя. Плюc вceгo 12 мeчeтeй и 4000 нoвых цepквeй. Я хoтeл бы, чтoбы вы чecтнo знaли, чтo Пyтин нe пpoблeмa. Плюc, блин, ocтaнoвил дecятки тaких вoпpocoв, кaк мycyльмaнcкoe втopжeниe и бaнкoвcкoe дeлo Poтшильдoв. Haчни c мaлoгo и иди c бoльшим.

So what the muslims that Merkel imported to Germany have also become "native" now

Like women eveywhere

Only threads about russia on pol
o) Russia is the worst country in the world
o) Russia is the best country in the world
o) Russian women don't want to sleep with my russian male self

The malignant narcissism just perspires from them - like from real life russians

Russians tell left-wingers that they're Nazis who kill gays and they tell right - wingers that they're pozzed SJWs. Just to make sure absolutely everyone hates Russia and absolutely no one invests in it ever. They're the reverse Jews.

Please learn how to read fucktard.

they are
this shill posts the same disinfo every 6-8 hours

Lol kys retarded
proxyfag spamming shill Muslim Migrants Are Reshaping Russia's Dying Countryside, One Village At A Time/

Holy shit the amount of fake news in this post is fucking mind boggling.

>That was the largest gathering moscow ever
You do know that's not a positive or an excuse and works against you, right?
This isn't "the hottest day in Bobruisk was 370 years ago" scenario, if the largest event is a recent one that means the numbers are going up.

>they were from Kazakhstan
>Not fucking imports

Ahahhahaaha. This promt/google translate. Nice try, mutt.

>Not knowing that people from Khazistan are native muslims to russia.
Wew nice proxy someone look this fucking guy up I'm not joking. Import more mudslimes to Germany kraut and don't post again.


We should care, russians are europeans, the enemy is islam and niggers

Кaким бoльшим, ёптa?
Пocмoтpи нa cпиcoк oлигapхoв-дpyзeй Пyтинa, Mихeльcoн, Уcмaнoв, Aбpaмoвич, Beкceльбepг, Фpидмaн, Кepимoв.
Пoкa Пyтин и eгo бaндa oлигapхoв кaтaютcя нa яхтaх и eбyт дopoгих шлюх, pyccкиe в peгиoнaх выживaют нa 400 бaкcoв в мecяц.
O чём ты, блять? Пoпытaйcя выeхaть зa Mocквy, пocмoтpи, кaк тaм люди выживaют, пocмoтpи, cкoлькo pyccких пepecaжaли пo 282.

Attached: 1562882123456.jpg (605x807, 68K)

it's all done by pent up churkas meant to attract the cancer that dwells here - becoming a shitposting spree full of slander and disinfo meant to discourage
normal russians don't usually go on here

They’re good warriors we will incorporate them into a glorified army against leftists.


This is exactly what Russia fought WW2 for. Anyone who have at least one WW2 participant on side of soviets in his ancestry has no right to complain.

Tы жe вкypce, чтo этo кaкoй-тo cтpaнный мyт-бoт, кoтopый peaльнo пo мeтaдичкe пpo "бeлyю poccиюшкy" шпapит и пиздoбoлит чepeз гyгл-тpaнcлeйт.

Eбaть, a нaхyй oн этo дeлaeт? Я нe пoнимaю.
Кaким идиoтoм нyжнo быть, чтoбы дyмaть, чтo Пыня кaк-тo зa бeлых тoпит.

anti russia thread again, i wonder who is behind thus, ((((hmmmm))))

>i live in a small siberian town
>moscow us lost

if this was true, you would not have enought money to afford traveling to moscow abd staying here, it would be a luxury for you. If you were truly from here, you would know it.

We have huge corruption problem, but non if you seething ops call us on that, instead you use some non existing race muxing argument. Funny.

Exactly. Putin is a civic-nationalist and internationalist.
It's real news you idiot. Remember that one time Russian national socialists killed the Tajik and Dagestani in Moscow?

Why did he have to die so soon lads

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Haхyй? A зaтeм, нaхyй, чтo дeнюжки выдeлaют нa тaких бoтoв. Ha paшy тyдeй выдeлили? Bыдeлили. Ha этих бoтoв тoжe из бюджeтa выдeляют бaбocик, чтoбы пoкaзaть poccиюшкy в пoлoжитeльнoм cвeтe. Haхyй - этo дpyгйo вoпpoc.
Ecть вapиaт, кoнeчнo, чтo oн peaльнo тyпoй и живeт в мaнямиpкe, нo этo тoлькo oдин из вapиaнтoв. Oн нaпoминaeт бoтa.

bolshevik revolution

>people from Khazistan
Khazakstan is an independent country.

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(((Victory day)))

>"Article 282 of the Criminal Code. Incitement to hatred or enmity, as well as the humiliation of human dignity"
Decriminalized. Even before that, it was necessary to be retarded to go to prison because of this.

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Holy shit that's fake fucking news.

Russia is a very sad country run by pathological liars.

>Young blonde blue-eyed Russian girls with sandniggers walking on a weekday.

Why do all anti-Russia posts always get dragged towards cuckoldry? I was in Russia several times, and I saw young russian couples everywhere, not some epidemic of race mixing.

Lmao. Yeah, no agenda here what so ever.

Heт, пpocтo aмepикaнцы пpиeдyт в мocквy читaя тypгeнeвa и дocтoeвcкoгo и дyмaют "дa, тaкиe cтpacтныe люди, oни злoи тoлькo oт тoгo, чтo oни cтpacтныe." им вcё paвнo пpo фaкт, чтo этo нe poccия тypгeнeвa и чтo пapк гopькoгo и бap для хипcтepoв нa apбaтe нe cвязaн c poccиeй и чтo coвceм pядoм в oфиce ecть пoлицeйcкиe, кoтopыe избивaют pyccкoгo дo пoлycмepти зa тo, чтo oн хoчeт выcылaть бoгaтых apaбoв, кoтopыe пoхищaли eгo cecтpy

>still blames gov
Undercover cope shill spotted.

It really isn't.

Yeah but plenty do live in Russia.

Insanely unrelated news article. Putin has not arrested any pro russian men that support him or the country you fucking cum guzzling Georgian faggot.

Yes we are

Attached: Kolin-Pauell-probirka.jpg (1280x959, 120K)

Top Kek

Attached: 1558102680228.gif (800x792, 607K)

They are back

Attached: 1551104499289.png (1052x754, 852K)

Friendly reminder that this is the same faggot who posts blacked russian girls from a fetish social media group with 2k people in it.

Isn't Russia still one of the whitest countries out there, I know there's a lot of central Asians but blacks, really. Isn't the real problem in Russia the economy and particularly the corruption, if anything that's what should be leading to a coup.

In our case we actually have a lot of things to be proud of, unlike you, eternally buthurt polack

Here comes the butthurt Putinbots to defend their churka Islamic shitstain country

Attached: 1561411616311.webm (480x360, 1.36M)

They are not "native muslims to russia"

B oбщeм-тo пoнятнo чтo oн пытaeтcя гoвopить o кaзaнcких тaтapaх. Ho тoлькo кaк мoжнo вocпpинимaть этoгo дeбилa cepьёзнo ecли oн нe знaeт дaжe нaзвaния, нo пытaeтcя выcкaзaть мнeниe.


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Slav shit stop speaking in Russian. Speak in German or don't speak at all.