White Genocide is a Myth

No one is "replacing" you. The only thing that is happening is whites voting for parties that support more immigration.

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Well all the mainstream outlets encourage this replacement and deem anyone who is against it as racist.

You're a liar

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Great comeback. You're racist.

>we can replace them
What did she mean by this?

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Flag checks out

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and we wish it was different. what's your fucking point


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You forgot your meme flag.

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If you care about race mixing you are very likely racist.

JIDF not sending their best

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>Intentionally raises the status of black men through bullshit overpriced entertainment contracts.
>Propagandizes young white women to see new status of black men
>Propagandizes young white women to see white men as losers

>We Jews dindu nuffin!


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why do they not address why we need replacement? i dont see a problem with less population

>what did she mean by this
Hard to say, because you just gave a clickbait headline instead of including the actual article, retard.

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I don’t want this gook.

lol you are like a coal burner, you fucking queen of spade

Whites are genocide themselves with low birth rates.

It's quite the opposite actually.
If you care about race mixing chances are you care more about diversity than your average liberal who wants the world to be one solid brown color of sludge through, and through.

I'm glad there are obvious separations between the races, and I want to keep it that way. \

The only people that don't care about race mixing are ignorant fools that don't understand how race works.

If you have to ask that you should be in school instead of being in this board getting brainwashed. If the population isnt replaced there aren't enough people to work all the important jobs and the country slowly dies.

How about eat shit and fuck your mother , you have the title of the piece and the author, how fucking lazy are you?
>the retard cries out in hurr durr as he spergs at you

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Why does white activism bother you?

>white genocide is a myth
>checks flag
BWAHAHAHA nice try Jude. Your boss must of forgotten to tell you to always use meme flags. Sage in all fields

Get ready for some refugees.

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Here in the UK for as long as I remember every party has vowed to lower migration to get into power... Yet migration continues to rise.

So that essentially disproves your point.

I dont think the average liberal wants the world to be one color, they just understand and accept that will eventually happen, so trying to prevent it because you're afraid of dark people is kind of a waste of everyone's time and resources.

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We don't even have particularly low birthrates.
Albeit they are lower than they have been in the past. Our race is still growing.
The issue lies in the rate that the other races breed at. Mexicans, and niggers are having 3-4 more kids than us on average, in our own countries.

It's a multi faceted issue, but the short answer really is that whites need an ethnostate, and we need more racially conscious white people to accomplish that.
All the other races are racially conscious. They all know the deal. White people are the only ones that fool themselves into thinking it not real.

>Says nobody is replacing whites. >Continues to provide information suggesting otherwise.

This must be that high Israeli IQ I keep hearing about

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The definition of Genocide includes deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

>there aren't enough people to work all the important jobs
>massive unemployment crisis
>massive homelessness problem
America has the largest white population of any nation on the entire planet. There are no important jobs it couldn't fill itself. You are lying.

So now that you posted some of the actual article we can see that shes talking about replacing regressive lawmakers and not talking about replacing white people like people in the thread were implying. Thanks for sperging out and proving my point.

me at the front

This. Just don't fight.

All change is good.

The report was talking about Europe and Japan. Not America. Fucking go to school you braindead fucks.

So in other words, white's got brainwashed by universities and the school system to vote for white genocide or they will be called a racist. Gottcha, we already knew that.

Dont try to strawman what I said. Try to come up with an actual argument.

I admit it

I can't wait til I'm packing your jew corpses into an oven. You big nosed subverts are all gonna die, I hope Iran glasses you smelly arab cunts to hell..

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>I dont think the average liberal wants the world to be one color
They do. Go talk to one some time. I've hear it over 100x from different people
>"God I can't wait until everyone is brown so racism doesn't exist anymore!"
Yes, and the mean IQ will also drop dramatically, and progress for the human race will either drastically slow down, or come to a complete hault, and actually go backwards.

Also your average racist isn't afraid of dark people. They just see them for what they are, and don't want to be around them to avoid confrontations.
Calling racists afraid is a strawman akin to calling people who hate homosexual degeneracy being rampant in society "Homophobes" as in they have an irrational fear of homosexuals, which is absolute drivel, and brainlet tier thinking.

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>This must be that high Israeli IQ I keep hearing about

Oh yes it is. What do you expect when you're on the flatbread diet?

>they just understand and accept that will eventually happen
it didn't "just happen" America was 88% white in 1980. In the 40's there were 2 million hispanic immigrants in America. Today there are over 80 million. The borders were opened in 1965 to non white immigration and within 50 years the largest human immigration in history happened. Around 90 million non whites alone. That's not including the domestic AA population.

This was done with policy and it can be undone too. Pretending it was just an accident of fate is just so disingenuous

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Goyim and Jews alike must accept the black and brown pill. You can't stop progress.

There never will be an ethostate, there never has been an ethostate that ever lasted.