Why not just concentrate the population into a series of Mega Cities and turn over the countryside to farming?

Why not just concentrate the population into a series of Mega Cities and turn over the countryside to farming?

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Haha no immortality for the asshole . He's gonna die.

Who the fuck even is this fat fucking reject?

We're not exploring the stars because the Nazis lost.

He'll have to settle for a helicopter ride.

Robert Chapman, noted social.ctitic and futurist

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What else can I say but I can't believe I used to watch him

A fat fedora fag that thinks copying his insufferable personality to AI is eternal life

Chipman has man in it hes a kike and deserves to be gassed


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Youtuber that does movie reviews from his mothers basement

Mega cities will just expand indefinitely tho

>stole the future he EARNED
yep... should have stopped the shitskins while you still had the chance Bob

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So he wants other people to make that a reality for him? Why don't you invent AI, or a warp drive, Bob?

>obsolete jobs
>like farming and maintenance
Fucking idiot.

he sounds like a massive faggot

Ummmmmmm. Niggers?

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>why don't we just force white people to live with shitskins
You don't know how bad things would get for you, Jamal.

So out of touch with reality
So full of hate

(((Bob Chipman)))

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You have no idea... he's possibly the biggest cuck faggot since Chuck Wendig

>it's white people who work keeping us out of space, not niggers and spics who collect gibs

>Bob is mortal

>I earned

Doesn't bob review movies for a living? How the fuck does that "earn" him anything?

I wonder what changed in the 60s.....

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reminder that this obese autistic 50 year old virgin manchild lived wih his mommy till he was like 40

He's a lolcow. Everything that spews forth from his maw should be considered toxic and disregarded.

I wish I wasn't banned from Twitter for saying reasonable arguments I would like to say to this guy.
RIP Black Hitler.

That future would exist now if Western Civilization hadn't decided in the middle of the 20th century to waste all of its resources feeding brown people.

We're not exploring space because we decided it was more important to help Africans quintuple their continent's population and then import them to ours.

Movie reviewing is very important, unlike worthless working class careers such as construction and resource extraction. If all people were youtube movie reviewers, we would be colonizing the galaxy by now.


This guy is a fat gasbag who posts every insane thing that pops into his mind on twitter.

Replace "white working class" with "niggers" and he's basically one of those space travel-obsessed WN.

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Cities are for making money and cucking yourself; country is for hiding innawoods and being an actual fucking human.

>REEEEEEEE Im not in space
>Wasting money on diversity and baby sitting the 3rd world = space conquered
You can't tell me people listen to pseudo intellectual morons like him. Kek he thinks the working class is obsolete, someone should inform him his brain is obsolete and that the immortality device would reject his defective brain.

Is he really Jewish?

Keep in mind the Census underestimates by 10-20 million. So when the US population hits 400 million in the 2060s, literally 1/4th would be foreigners and 40% would be foreigners or their kids.

wow, what a racist

Yes Bob white people are why you aren't in space.

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>Why not just concentrate the population into a series of Mega Cities and turn over the countryside to farming?
Fuck off with your UN agenda 21 BS