How did the nazis fix the german economy

How did the nazis fix the german economy

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By destroying Jew DNA.

He didn't

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The truth is he dumped the Zion money and printed their own new nat soc currency. Look it up. Gave power back to the people.

Import a billion dozen South Asian BVLLS, of mostly Australoid ancestry. Then enable to us to scrumptiousltly deflower anything with a pink asshole. Is how.

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Chocolate in pudding, is a fundamental natural inclination of absolute divine ecstasy.

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Broke free of the international banking system and began issuing a labor backed currency along with direct trade of resources and finished goods. That was unacceptable to the Rothchilds so from England they began pushing for war so as to bring them back under their economic control. No other country has ever arrested a Rotchild and frankly it was foolish to ransom him when he should have been executed.

dumped rothschild banks and printed their own fiat currency. if USA were to do this it would start WW III

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First he incentivized women to have families, then later on he made women go to work in armaments factories, basically


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They set up agencies in order to distribute workers to places that required labourers. They would be paid with coupons wich they could exchange for certain goods in accordance with the rations available. (no one was allowed to buy more of something to ensure equal distribution)

Later on the coupons were exchanged with the payment of money since they no longer needed to keep control of the goods available. It was a clever way of dealing with scarcity untill they reached a point of prosperity, allowing the people to manage their own expenses.

The swastika is a symbol of prosperity, it was chosen as a reminder of the poverty they had conquered through hard work.

Quint's confirm.

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Unironically all that comes from a non-nazi

The same way the US does: war. War stimulates the economy like nothing else. Only impending global catastrophe would create more jobs.

pic related

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That's untrue. They did it through reforms, they cut the unemployment rate by an order of magnitude from '34 to '39


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1. Ending foreign debt and foreign speculation and discouraging usury. This pissed off foreign capitalists.
2. New monetary system backed by worker-hours (this way prices remain stable as the monetary supply grows proportionately to the goods supply). This terrified the brits who used a debt-based currency to enslave the world.
3. Bartering internationally instead of making cash deals so that foreign powers couldn't use their greater post ww1 wealth to rob Germany's goods while giving nothing in return.

War doesn't stimulate economies. This is a Keynesian myth.

They redefined what is considered part of the economy.

Also, not to mention that France and Britain were both more militarized than Germany until the 40s and were in a worse economy.


This. War is a massive expense. Hitler even has a quote where he was pissed off that he was spending his entire reign stuck in a war when what he really dreamed of was building epic monuments.

Post me in the screencrap

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By gambling on war profiteering that never materialized.

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If you read the history books, they will give the impression all this was done with forced labour. The German people were never forced to work, only people with qualifications were allowed to do certain jobs to ensure the quality of production. People were hungry, people were in need of jobs and as such most of them would do what was offered to them.

There has never been a people more greatful and loyal to a country then the German people, all this because the country gave them jobs, food, clothing, housing and the anticipation of a great future based on the achievements of the National Socialist party.

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It's not that simple. War can stimulate the economy, especially if you're the conquerer. It definitely helped post war America's economy as other nations had to pay us back, our currency became the default of the world and our products were shipped all over.

Now, as far as the overall economy when all sides are accounted for, no war doesn't really help. It's a net loss.

It was the war that drained their resources, everything they had built was destroyed because of it. They never wanted the war in the first place, they already had one just a few decades earlier, still ingrained in their memories.

Germans were not out for conquest, even my country was only invaded because of strategical reasons for a war that they were forced to fight.

>if USA were to do this it would
result in dead jews

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One of the problems that plagued the Weimar government was that it was effectively locked out of credit markets. One of the first things Hitler did was authorize the sale of bonds redeemable in 90 days and transferrable as cash. The short term nature of these obligations gave investors some confidence that they would be made good. Being transferrable as cash added liquidity to the credit market.

Hitler invented what Wall street calls today short-term cash equivalents.

They re-oriented demand so that it was more beneficial to the nation as a whole. Essentially they forced people to consider externalities

The Germans were not out to destroy the jews, that is a jew myth perpetuated by jews. In the beginning jews were simply deported to the border of the country, only later on they were deported to labour camps, to make up for the losses they sustained in the war.

Stop spewing literal hollywood bullshit.

This is why when you come to /pol and you find out that not only did he do no wrong but he pulled back the curtain from the economic system that enslaves the world today.

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um, they didn't.........

At the time Hitler took office, 8,000 square miles of farmland was under threat of foreclosure. Hitler put a stop to the foreclosures and farmers were given loans from the government to pay off their debts. Price controls were imposed on basic commodities, low enough for consumers to afford, high enough so that farmers would make a profit. Inheritance laws were modified so that no farm could be subdivided below 300 hectares, the minimum size that it was felt that a farm could be run profitably.

Speculation in commodities was outlawed. (Jews hated this, they'd been doing that for centuries.)

Probably the massive amount of money they saved by essentially abolishing welfare, killing Jews, killing gays, killing gypsies, killing the mentally ill, and the physically ill. Yes, the Nazi Party was against ideas like welfare something that many still forget. The money saved was then invested into building industry and other productive places.

Just imagine what we could accomplish if niggers, spics, poos, and sandniggers didn't exist and the leeches they are by consuming taxpayers money. Now add all the gays and druggies and mentally ill on to that list. Just imagine the sheer amount of money each nation would save and what we could do with it.

Honestly, we should just kill everybody currently on welfare to remove the weak. Trillions upon trillions of pounds would have been spent better elsewhere over the decades if it weren't for the welfare system.

>"Why can't (American) politicians bring debt under control..."

This should bring some perspective on the situation the Germans tempted to avoid.

Eh, maybe not conquest per say, but they certainly wanted the land they lost due to WW1 back, and their take backs gave all who were pushing for war against them plenty of ammunition.

I love how you ignore the entire labor backed currency system the Netherlands user explained to sperg out about genocide. How old are you?

>Probably the massive amount of money they saved by essentially abolishing welfare, killing Jews, killing gays, killing gypsies, killing the mentally ill, and the physically ill.

No you fucking moron, it's not even a matter of probability unless you eat propaganda for breakfast. Stop spouting your fake news jew bullshit.

Not sure if they are shill or edgelord teenager.

>Probably the massive amount of money they saved by essentially abolishing welfare, killing Jews, killing gays, killing gypsies, killing the mentally ill, and the physically ill.
Your first sentence shows that either you're the product of Jew education or an idiot. Probably both.

Nevertheless, many of the programs that the National Socialists put in place wound up saving the government money by cutting back on the need for unemployment benefits.

When the project to build the Autobahns was started, 55,000 workers were directly involved in the construction with another 100,000 workers in supporting industry. Use of mechanization was reduced so that as many workers as possible could be employed. Of the money spent to build the Autobahns, 71% of the cost was paid out in wages.

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The digits don't lie

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I'm not accusing the germans of wanting to destroy the jews and know about the holohoax. It's truth people are going to want to kill jews in America because of their crimes.
Jews think they will all just peacefully escape to Israel or New Zealand I don't think so.
That is not hollywood bullshit

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You are not sure indeed, i'm confident you know very little besides what you have been fed your entire life. Go back to binging the History Channel if you prefer deception.

Life isn't like the classical American "Cowboys vs Indians" bullcrap. Maybe you were the bad guys all along, and still are, and always will be untill your shit finally goes down.

I'll take any German concentration camp over an American one with fucking ease. The Japs didnt get swimming pools or sportsfields, didn't get campmoney to buy postcards to write home.

If you only took a little fucking effort to do some research, the difference between what you have been told and what really happend becomes pretty fucking obvious.

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holy shit, check'd

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How many of these neo-nazi idiots are deluded with these jew myths and take up a mentality that was never present amongst the National Socialists themselves.

Nazi's were not racists, but nationalists with an aversion to Jewish interferance. The Jews have created a strawmen from the German legacy, and people just eat it up without considering the other side.

Look at those digits.

the simple answer is: they didn't.

they did a lot of make-work programs in a small part of the country to score some propaganda (which is mostly where this myth about them fixing the economy comes from), and converted a large part of the rest of their economy into war mode in preparation for kicking off WW2. as you may be aware, building tanks and planes to start a war does not contribute to a stable economy, especially when you're Germany and all of your major resources come from other countries who will naturally stop trading with you once you go to war with them.

this isn't to say that this plan was totally bonkers, though. the Nazis had (correctly) judged that Germany was surrounded on all sides by nations that did not like them (mostly on account of Germany's actions in WW1) and thus Germany's only real hope for the future here was to invade and occupy those countries - which is what they did.

however, they misjudged the industrial contributions those occupied territories were capable of providing. France, in particular, was a pretty bad deal for them as they had to spend a huge amount of resources simply feeding the French population, which was largely uninterested in working really hard to keep the German war machine going.

read The Wages of Destruction by Adam Tooze for more (and highly detailed) information about this subject. It's very good.


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Told the international banking cartel to fuck off, introduced a national currency based on labour rather than debt, ramped up production and industry creating work, expelled the jewry.

yeah the autobahn was just a make work project.


Adam? That doesn't sound biased at all... want to know about WWII, ask a Jew?!

In my country there is a shitload of WWII material written by Dutch Jews, almost exclusively Jews. Even every major newspaper we have today, started in WWII by printing pamflets for the resistance... and people wonder why our news is so fucking biased.

any good books on this subject

>to start a war
England were the ones to declare war.
Lurk moar.

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triggers me that everyone posts this off center flag because it's the first that pops up on google image search.
I've been collecting original NatSoc memorabilia for 15+ years and have never once seen an off center banner like that.

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Hitler's revolution.

Removing kikes.
Literally all it takes niggers lets goooooooooooo

I was not referring to the autobahn when I talked about make-work projects. I was referring to these projects which I can't recall the name of - but they involved shuffling the ownership of rural properties around and then cultivating them, something was only possible in one small part of the country. these efforts were the main focus of Nazi propaganda at the time.

while we're talking about the autobahn, though, here's a fun fact I like to bring up: most of the autobahn was completed after the Nazis were removed from power. they were only responsible for about 25% of it.


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No, this was not their goal and it is very uninformed to claim that. Hitler had renounced pre-WW1 claims on all lands which did not have a significant German population. Germans were being heavily persecuted in Poland and this was a major factor to ww2.

>start a war
Ah huh.
Sure bud.

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Nope, not really... most publishers are owned by Jews, even if they want to publish the truth, they won't do it out of fear for retaliation of their own people. They would get their asses kicked by Jewish goons letting them know they don't fuck about.

Every other author of non-jewish descent has already been smeared as racists and closet-nazi's. Your best bet is to do your own research.

fuck off jew rat

The one that did hitler's revolution isn't a kike and is quite informative as well user I recommend it.

rather than dismissing the book outright because you are worried that the author was jewish (as far as I can tell, he was not), why don't you simply read it and make up your own mind about it?

>England were the ones to declare war.

you have a ghost of a point here, and it's one that I like to bring up with people - that Britain did not need to declare war on Germany in 1939 and probably shouldn't have, largely because they were incapable of actually prosecuting a war at the time. but you can't ignore the twin facts that Germany invaded Poland (which could have possibly been resolved diplomatically, without a war - but it wasn't. Germany invaded them) and then also invaded Russia (after intending to do so from the start and having specifically geared their armed forces to conduct that invasion).

to pretend that the Nazis were not interested in starting a new war and it was instead the machinations of the jews in Britain is just nonsense. Germany was going to go to war with Russia (at the very least) regardless of what Britain did, the only thing that the British really altered about the German plan was the timing and which specific nations it involved.

>Tooze is a grandson of the British civil servant and Soviet spy Arthur Wynn and his wife, Peggy Moxon. Tooze's 2006 book, The Wages of Destruction, is dedicated to them.
Tooze is a moron who thinks you can convert golden teeth into tanks

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>Tooze is a moron who thinks you can convert golden teeth into tanks

in which book does he make this claim?

>American education

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Can't say i have read it or even heard about it. I see it is self-published, this i suspect is a positive indication. If it is only slightly critical it wont get published by the big guys.

They invested in infrastructure.

They got their economy off the international finance deep state.

you're welcome to refute anything I've said with evidence


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>New monetary system backed by worker-hours (this way prices remain stable as the monetary supply grows >proportionately to the goods supply). This terrified the brits who used a debt-based currency to enslave the world.

I would like to know more, please.

Adam Tooze is a grandson of British communist and a man who during his whole life dated only communist women, Jewish included. While I won't be criticizing his credentials, which are solid, nor the book I didnt read yet, this should be noted.

Original autobahn network was supposed to connect city folk with rural life and vice versa. To connect to nature. Also you didn't thought that the fact they managed to only built small portion of planned road system, doesn't imply the war was not planned? Autobahns were not only planned and unfinished project, interrupted by war.

Germany invaded Poland with Soviet Union. Yet for some (((mysterious))) reason, war was only called upon Germany. Soviets, who then already waged more war adventures, were completely ignored. Coicidence, I guess.
>Germany was going to go to war with Russia
This is simply a lie. If there is one thing to criticize Adolf Hitler for, is that he was rather naive towards the Soviets. Read Ohne Auftrag in Berlin by Sven Hedin, I think it should exist in English translation as well. It will give you contemporary views of all the Third Reich elite, straight from their mouth.

His claim is that the Germans funded their war machine with stolen jew loot. Because I'm sure those golden personal belongings is what fueled the German war machine. It also slipped Tooze's mind to check if the Germans actually managed to loot the gold depositories of the territories they conquered. And therefore failed to realize that most of the occupied territories evacuated their gold as shit looked to go down.
In the end gold is inconsequential for a nation at war. It wasn't gold that fueled German, British or Soviet assembly lines. The most valuable commodities of the war was resources to create war machines, and food to feed your people.

Yeah, because 99% of WWII books, movies and even videogames are made by Jews, and they are full of made up shit.

So yeah they made it easy for me it to dismiss it whenever i see a jew name attached to it. Nobody gets to critique the jewish narrative of events and not expect to recieve some major shit, if not get blasted with litigation. (damn jewish lawyers ay...)

And no there is too much bullshit out there to read it all, just aint worth the time. Especially when you realize they are constantly referencing and quoting eachother in their stupid books.

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>Adam Tooze is a grandson of British communist and a man who during his whole life dated only communist women, Jewish included. While I won't be criticizing his credentials, which are solid, nor the book I didnt read yet, this should be noted.

I'll take that onboard, thank you.

>Also you didn't thought that the fact they managed to only built small portion of planned road system, doesn't imply the war was not planned? Autobahns were not only planned and unfinished project, interrupted by war.

I think you probably know this, but the war started earlier than Hitler had preferred it to (which is largely why the Germans lost it - they weren't ready). there were plenty of things that Hitler wanted to get finished first, like Plan Z, or the volkswagen (for all the talk about it being Hitler's car and some great plan to motorize the German population, not a single one was actually delivered before the war). the autobahn was one of many victims of this mistiming.

>Germany invaded Poland with Soviet Union. Yet for some (((mysterious))) reason, war was only called upon Germany. Soviets, who then already waged more war adventures, were completely ignored. Coicidence, I guess.

Yeah, this is one of those weird moments in history that still puzzles me. leaving the jews aside, my only rational explanation for this is that the Allies knew they had absolutely no ability to prosecute a war with Russia, so they just did the realpolitik thing and ignored it. they must have thought that they could go to war with Germany on account of the presence of France, but that was of course prior to the sitzkrieg and the Battle of France proving that Germany was not really under threat from the Allies in the beginning at all.

>>Germany was going to go to war with Russia
>This is simply a lie. If there is one thing to criticize Adolf Hitler for, is that he was rather naive towards the Soviets. Read Ohne Auftrag in Berlin by Sven Hedin, I think it should exist in English translation as well. It will give you contemporary views of all the Third Reich elite, straight from their mouth.

I'll check out your recommendation, but I don't think it's a lie.

what do you make of the apparent naiveté towards Germany on the part of Stalin?

Abolished coin
Merchants seethed
Economy wrecked by war

Huh guess he didn't fix it in the end nice try kiddo

>His claim is that the Germans funded their war machine with stolen jew loot.

where does he actually say this? from my recollection of Wages, he specifically asserts that all the stolen jewish property didn't add up to much, for exactly the reason you mentioned:

>In the end gold is inconsequential for a nation at war. It wasn't gold that fueled German, British or Soviet assembly lines. The most valuable commodities of the war was resources to create war machines, and food to feed your people.

by applying silvio gessell and feder economics, replacing the gold for work like he said

Alright user I will read adam tooze if you read hitler's revolution.

By demolishing Europe and wrecking themselves.


I'll add it to my list. is this a correct copy?:

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based dutchbro.
We are family and basically brothers. Your people should have joined us. I always liked you.

I believe so.
Since it is self published.