I cant anymore

i cant anymore
these people are nuts

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Other urls found in this thread:


I fucking wish he was.


What do they think "fascist" means? Mean tweets?


Trump is a loser and Omar is a BASTE incestnigger who deserves deportation.

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I'm surprised you cux dont support her, she hates Jews just as much as you

99% of people using the term don't know what it means.

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Kebabs? Jews? Bad News!

>im surprised you don't support this mudnigger on the basis that she also doesn't like (zionist) kikes
No you're not you fat pig.


she would ban free speech so...
she is fascist
antifa are fascists and she wont condemn their violence. so she's a violent fascist.

but she is a muslim nigger
thats even worse

I wipe my ass with the toilet paper on her head

You just cant win nowadays

Half the country is mad because trump is literally hitler

The other half is mad because trump isnt literally hitler

Half the country is like "Fuck ICE"

The other half is like "I wanna fuck ICE"

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If you can criticize the leader of a country, by definition he's not a facist

Maybe you could define it for us and we could see how Trump matches up?

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Thats your girl tho comrade

If you can't, we could use the 14 features that Umberto Eco pointed out:

1. The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.”

2. The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.”

3. The cult of action for action’s sake. “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.”

4. Disagreement is treason. “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.”

5. Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.”

6. Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.”

7. The obsession with a plot. “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.”

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8. The humiliation by the wealth and force of their enemies. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”

9. Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.”

10. Contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.”

11. Everybody is educated to become a hero. “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.”

12. Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”

13. Selective populism. “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.”

14. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”

>In professional wrestling, a heel is a wrestler who portrays a villain or a "bad guy" and acts as an antagonist to the faces, who are the heroic protagonist or "good guy" characters. ...

They are establishing "the squad" as the heel against white America. They will use Donald Trump, the face, to achieve their aims. It was necessary to modify the indoctrination of whites, who are the greatest golem Jews have ever had, in order to liquidate the threats that surround and exist in Israel. If America and the west was taken over by a horde of socialistic brown people, it wouldn't be long before Jews would be persecuted as they would no longer be able to hide in plain sight. The browns would not have sufficient amounts of sympathy in order to pacify the populace the way the holocaust myth has pacified Europeans. Even if the Jew manages to escape to Israel, they would be overwhelmed simply due to the enormous amount of enemies they have on all sides. Just as 9/11 was facilitated in order to bring the West further into the middle east, the immigration crisis that effects all traditional European countries is being used to create a desire for physical removal. Donald Trump, the Face, exists in order to maintain the alliance between Europeans and Jews. His role is to always insure that white america sees Jews as their friends and enemies of jews as their enemies.

You're being played.

Definition has been mutating.
Used to be "to elevate ones own group at the expense of another, generally meaning tbe group is the state and its supporters and components"
Mussolini was largely fascist because his constituents drew from the military and its veterans.
All the rest is Marxist fluff

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And I believe that Ilhan Omar is a nigger

no need for that
she is

So calling him a nazi again?

If you're going to get called fascist anyways. Might as well go all out.

Just saying.

When a nazbol is calling someone else nuts shit is bad

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This post has some truth. The best vote for chaos now would be Tulsi or Yang, throw the whole system off kilter.

Dosnt even understand the word

trump will never do that because he is the ultimate boomer who naively thinks that america is just in a crutch right now and that our problems are only temporarily which can be fixed as long as we pretend that america is just like it was in the 60s

like my grandpa said, in soeharto regime one talkshit about him, you will be send to indonesian gulag

This whole fight is because Trump's a turbo-zionist lel, surprised how much of Jow Forums is siding with him when he's mad at her for criticizing US support for Israel

A bulbhead millenial has to ability to think, even if she wanted to. Her and AOC are simply paid actresses.

You think he would be re-elected if he ran on a fascist ticket? Really?

If he was you wouldn’t have a head, let alone a voice to smear him
They should be grateful people like us aren’t in charge. Their heads would be mounted on spikes within a week

Swing and a miss. She's an obongo voter. The people who wish Trump is hilter is maybe 2 or 3%. The other 48-47% are magatard grugbrains who still think he's going to build the wall, lock her up, etc.

lol, this.

>leaf with the most ice cold retarded take imaginable

Whew though you were gonna miss the thread for a second there.

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why are white women so racist against her? Ilhan Omar is our QUEEN!


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Fuck no he's not a fascist. If he was I would vote for him.

i think representative omar fails to realize how broadly most americans reject her image and ideology. this is clearly somebody using her as a measuring stick for american tolerance. to see what they can get away with and what's too far.

i think things are going to swing the other way, maybe in two or three more election cycles. we'll see sanity come back to mainstream political discourse in our lifetimes. this woman is a fad and the people will abandon her.

also i feel we should carpetbomb israel

I'm disappointed he's not

You're partially right. She's a measuring stick to see if there's any will to real, violent opposition. They don't care if there's rhetorical opposition they care if there's real physical opposition. Since there's not, they'll simply carry on with their agenda over the impotent tut-tutting of the goyim tax cattle. Just like in the U.K.

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soeharto did nothing wrong

>we'll see sanity come back to mainstream political discourse in our lifetimes.
we are never getting the naiveness of politics again boomer becaue we're too nonwhite, fuck off back to goybook. "civility" is just a meme to promote neoliberal centrism

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Trump's helping to set up their brand. You should thank your "guy", cause you're going to hear about them for a very long time indeed.

Liberals calling someone a fascist is a lose-lose scenario:
>they are right, but get arrested (or worse) by the fascist's orders
>they are wrong
They don't understand this. By continuing to be able to freely call Trump a fascist, they are showing that he isn't a fascist.


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She's is correct.

5 fucking TRILLION wasted on literal apes since the '60s. Feels bad man.

So Omar is a fascist?

1) Traditional headwrap symbol
2) Rejects the modern in favor of irrational old religion
3) Demands socialism without reflection
4) Disagreeing with her is racist
5) Fears Americans
6) Appeals to social frustration of lower status social group (Somalis)
7) Obsessed with Jewish plots
8) Humiliated by a rich billionaire
9j Supports fire bombing government buildings
10) Elitist
11) Portrays herself as hero member of squad
12) Part of religion that demands chastity and condemns homosexuality
13) Presents herself as voice of the people
14) Speaks PC newspeak

(15) Immigration fraud to enter the country.
(16) More fraud to get brother into country and into college.

Say Mohammed was a pig fucker and watch how fast her black ass goes full Hitler.

Why does this bitch have such a thick accent if she came here as a child?
She literally never assimilated

Donald has a wife.....you ever heard her speak!!


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The only good post in this thread.

She came here when she was like 30 or 40 moron


>The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.”
Except in modern culture the scientific community disdains disagreement as bigotry. This also completely ignores the technocracy aspect of fascism. Shit list, breh

You bongs are retarded

Pop-Politics (democrat-liberal bullshit) has been directly and explicitly crafted for women, in that in its entirety, it is all "appeals to emotion", "emotional outburst politics" "Social media centric" "image driven" and utterly consumed with frivilous, trivial jewish nonsense like "race", "Who and how one has sex and use your genitalia (lgbt+)" and how much you are a victim.

The 2016 and 2020 political cycle are geared towards women for women and are made to "divide the household" and turn men against women, based on Emotional outbursts, rather than logic. Women are ruled by Emotion, and once they feel like you emotionally hurt them, (Like Trump) they never forget or forgive. In a world of Single mothers, and reduced male influence, the nation is increasingly giving way to insane female political shenannigans that are so utterly devastating to the current order of affairs, they cause exponentially sped up crash. Take for instance "The Squad" these 4 hysterical women have virtually suicidided the 150+ year old Democrat party within ~7 months of taking office. The party that survived generations of men, the invention of electricity, radio, TV, WWII, the internet, raped and killed in less than a year of brown-socialism.

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She's lived in the US for over 20 years. She has no exuse.


So... the Jews are trying to wake up white America so it can remove the brown invaders which is a good thing, right?

Since you're too retarded.
>Fascism - is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.

>characterized by dictatorial power
it was her turn, but she had more votes and lost in a democratic republic?

>forcible suppression of opposition
antifa? blm shooting in dallas? shooting at republican baseball game?

>strong regimentation of society and of the economy
You can still be a tranny, dilate, and be a whiny ass cunt forcing everybody to conform to accepting SJW values or they get punched for being a "nazi" for merely disagreeing with you while forcing bakeries to make homo cakes or shutting them down?

If he was, she'd be dead. Too bad.

you got flamed tran

You're presenting us with a false dichotomy, and it's not true anyway. The only people with their heads up their ass are the fucking mongoloids declaring anyone not fully onboard with progressive multiracialist moral relativist bullshit to be fascists.

the right lacks a will to power the left does not
if they could they put you all to the wall

The classic "the antifascists are the real fascists" argument.

they are neo bolchevist







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Lol yup

This. I wish he was even half of the white nationalist or fascist that these faggots make him out to be.

All of boomers and cuckservatives anger at AOC, Omar, Pressley, and Talib, come down to their innately american inability to understand words and remember word definitions.

You can make the argument that Trump is a fascist, and it really isnt that hard to figure out, but you stupid fucking faggots have no fucking concept of word definitions or ideological consistency to make sense of any explanation anybody will provide you. You triumphantly claim it is all derangement and fiction all while being unable to figure out what a concentration camp is, what socialism is, what fascism is, what the purpose of government is, who is in charge of government, what each political party represents, etc.

This country is so fucking stupid. How do you have 25 trillion in GDP and nobody even knows what their own political parties ideologies are?

All part of the great show. We come at the kikes from both sides.

I want her to tie me up and whip me.

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Amazing article proving beyond any doubt, in the article's words,
>To be clear: The facts describe perhaps the most extensive spree of illegal misconduct committed by a House member in American history.
>I believe Scott Johnson, Preya Samsundar, and me, with our three years of articles, columns and posts, have provided more than enough evidence to give law enforcement authorities probable cause to open an investigation. Now would be the chance for law enforcement, and especially for Rep. Ilhan Omar’s House colleagues, to make a sincere stand against corruption and for the uniform application of the law.

They may be nuts but Trump is the craziest of them all. Completely obsessed with sucking israeli dick.
I wish Ohmar could become president. Throw out all the jews, send them back to where they belong.

you're like one of the many outspoken Oklahoma leftists who bitch about every single facet of the state but refuse to move because of the low unemployment and cost of living.

Get. Fucked.

>Half the country is like "Fuck ICE"
This isn't even close to being true. Outside of Cuckesota, this bulbhead cunt is hated.

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>Any concept that disagrees with me is right of me, right is right wing thus fascists

I'm glad to see a politician openly criticize AIPAC. I just wish it wasn't a literal Somalian mudslime.

>laws are permanent and if you want to change them you cant and must leave no matter how shit the country is or how shit the laws are
shut the fuck up you fucking rube

america is a shithole. Fix it. dont fucking throw a temper tantrum when somebody says america fucking sucks and then offers many different ways on how to make it better. What kind of fucking patriot wants to live in a house filled with pig shit when they could clean it and live in a normal house

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I believe Omar is nigger.


Fuck Sandniggers. Fuck Jews. America First Electric Boogaloo when?

Fuck you skinny, go back to your shithole country and take your brother with you. I’d be fine with you staying if you didn’t act like such an entitled cunt, shitting on the people that built this country. But no, you have to run your mouth constantly, as if anywhere in America - including all the urban war zones people like you have ruined - are 100 times better than 99 percent of your home country. You had nothing to look forward to back home besides being the cum dumpster for some retarded wanna be war lord - at least while your looks lasted - and then finishing out your days sucking cocks for enough money to buy some potable water to wash down your dumpster dinner. Then some stupid white person (for the Jews) decided to open our doors for you and you just can’t wait to destroy what we have so that you feel more at home. Go back.