All memes aside why are they constantly pandering to such a tiny group of people?

All memes aside why are they constantly pandering to such a tiny group of people?

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Probably trannies in disguise


Maybe it's not calculated pandering. Maybe she really is as retarded as the xe/xir fags.

They have taken the reigns as the new "most oppressed" group. So it's a ploy to champion tje disadvantaged and win over the bleading heart virtue signallers

Isn't virtue signaling the Democrats party motto?

Showing you care about even the tiniest minorities is a value that all liberals look for.
This doesn't just appease trannies, it appeases all of them (except blacks and Hispanics who hate trannies)

Are you honestly this new here? The "jews control everything and want you dead" meme is real. Look into who funds her. Look into how she was raised. Look at the origins of her influences. Look at the data.

Attached: data.jpg (800x800, 55K)

Thatcher tried to rebuild the middle class. Its a code term for destroying the working class, and/or industry

Currently there is a hugh thread on here, where an user dropped his Jew pills. Check it out anons

It’s really about forcing everyone to adapt to the tiny population of trannies. Just like they invented the term ‘cisgender’ to apply a clinical sounding term to not being a mentally deficient faggot.

Because they stopped appealing to the majority of normal white people. So they have to appeal to the privileged white people who think about nothing other than social justice because they think it gives meaning to their lives. They don't have to worry much about losing the hispanic or black vote since they're mostly idiots who would vote democrat no matter how bad the party gets.

It's become part of institutionalization.

Non-binary and trans rights groups are formed and businesses pay them to full fill certain HR sensitivity training.
Since trans is the hot thing in media businesses are down to pay these groups to teach their employees how to do pronouns.

Before they leave, as a measure of inclusiveness, they tell you to make sure to put your pronouns in your footer in emails.

They say the cis community needs to be proactive about using pronouns themselves. Because as a culture, if you only ask trans people or people you assume to be trans, you are implicitly outing them, which takes power further away from them.

openly calling for our genocide

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Small step to wrongthink

Progressives always need something to fight over. If they get what they want they dont shut up and simply be happy for it, they have to push farther and farther.

Ask one where theyd draw the line. How far is too far. Most wont give you an honest answer because their entire lives and the basis for all their power has come from building themselves up as people fighting against perceived oppression

If they got total social acceptance for trannys then next theyd jump to pedo rights or something else

They work under the false assumption that just because something is a social construct that makes it okay to change, ignoring that there is probably a very good reason society developed those social constructs and those reasons could be because not prohibiting certain things leads to societal destruction

My prefered pronoun is master/your highness some shit like that.
Slip up and get fucked up

Sure is. This user gets it.

Attached: 1497149467829.jpg (508x379, 35K)

Because its a divisive issue. Divide and conquer.

In the end it boils down to madness. By keeping us divided and arguing with literal crazy people about reality it prevents everyone from looking at the environmental factors causing this massive amount of mental illness across the board to crop up in the last decade or so. If people actually knew how poisoned our environment was due to chemicals then wed probably string those corporste owners up in the street

Take something some crazy group does that is completely at odds with reality and with what the majority of the population believes. Then blow it up and try to gaslight the population while also attacking anyone that says 2+2!=5 a bigot. It keeps everyone arguing and focused on something ultimately pointless towards fixing real problems and prevents them from grouping up against things like the banks and american oligarchs taking up vast amounts of wealth and making life miserable for the rest of the population.

How do you think occupy wall street was broken up? The progressive stack was introduced which marginalized and silenced the occupy leadership who were mostly white males

To be honest always wondered why any of these pronoun signallers never used
We/us as their preferred pronouns.
I mean if we are talking about inclusiveness, I'd rather be referred to in the context of "we" or "us". As opposed to that guy, him, her, xir, or them, or you.

>literally 50% of everyone

are you stupid OP?