Donald Trump is a embarrassment to this great country

Donald Trump is a embarrassment to this great country.

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Trump is just checking, gotta make SURE they're fully dead

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He needed to make sure whether they were saved. Obviously with her response, he concluded they are indeed burning in hell.

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What does she want him to do lol

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bring them back I guess

He should have said “good”

>he meant where is Isis now
But she is too dumb to understand

Maybe he meant where are they [ISIS] now?

He doesn't speak shitskin. I would have been confused as well.

No no no, YOU are an embarrassment to Trump

Based. As long as the shitskins are not here I dont care and neither does Trump.

Well... as long as they are not here, then IDGAF

Most human response that one could ever get from any US president.

or trump doesn't believe ISIS is real...since the USA created them for Israels sake.

If their graves are in some shithole why are you complaining to Trump? Go complain to your own president.

>Clearly speaking about the perps


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English is my second language, but this seems like a logical question, if he said their bodies instead of just, they, it would have had a clearer meaning, but the intend reamins the same even if not fully clear at first glance.

>great country
this country will only return to true greatness when jews, muslims and christians leave; forever.

He was obviously talking about ISIS
>"Where are they now?"

>her: (they) did something
>trump: where are (they) now?
>her: (they) killed them

It's "an embarrassment" go back to basic english class you pathetic fuck.

That's going to be a yikes from me, dawg.

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Send her back to them.

Sounded like she said "kept" and not "killed'.

He wasn’t talking about isis, I watched the video. Jesus Christ I thought this was bait, is trump retarded?

Fucking lmao

why is it when trump says some stupid shit it’s always “well he obviously meant this, it’s very obvious”

Why does he sit with his back towards someone who is speaking to him?
If he showed some more empathy or compassion for once, maybe he will be voted into office for another term. Keeping this weird appearance up does not do any good.

Why do leftists try so hard to get me to support le fat MIGA man?

Jokes on you toothpaste, we vote based on substance not if someone hurts your feelings.