Coworker posted this on fb

I for one didn’t troll you. I deleted you. I don’t listen to ignorant fools that go out of their way to hurt me. Standing up to ignorant bullies is nothing like gaslighting. Get over yourself. Trump and his supporters LIKE YOU are literally stopping people from having rights. You don’t get to pick and choose what Trump says and does. It’s all or nothing. If you want to support someone who molests and rapes children, and who deliberately holds people back from their rights then you will be called out on it. That is far from gaslighting. People are so upset by your actions they even go so far as to cross lines. That again is not gaslighting. It’s too bad they can’t argue correctly because it allows you to stand by your original thought the same way a child ignores a parent who loses their cool on them after they act horrendous and don’t care about their effect on others. you reap what you sow. When you stand by hatred you will get it thrown in your face. Don’t pretend to be tolerant. Don’t pretend to be the innocent party. You tit for tat every single person who is literally triggered by the abuse you and your President spout. I’ve been triggered by you because I’ve been raped and you thought I was a murderer for having an abortion. Fuck you very much dude. You’re no victim. You’re just as hateful as the rest of them. What a waste of a cool person. You laugh at us while we’re the kind of people who interrupt a meeting with a new boss to walk you to your anxiety medicine. Meanwhile the people you stand by will tell you you’re a snowflake and you don’t need them and do whatever it takes to make it impossible for you to afford that medication. Meanwhile the people you stand by almost killed me when I was sick with vasculitis (dying) and had Medicare. Do us all a favor and stop making fun of our beliefs. It’s that simple. You don’t get to decide your actions are okay because “others do it to you”. That’s childish af. Just like you

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Other urls found in this thread:

Double nigger

Too long, didnt read

post their profile you coward

Take a chill pill, you hysterical cunt.


>literally who posted literal tl;dr
Wow, holy shit, its time to go fuck yourself, you dumb fucking imbecile.

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let me guess: said coworker was a female?

Just need something to fire back at her... any thoughts?

I’ll do it for you, OP. Give me the roastie’s profile and many keks will be had.

I bet she's a self absorbed fatso with pink hair, problem glasses and fishmouth to top it, post pic pls thnx for hearty kek.

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You keep saying literally but do you know what it means?

Is this about you or just a weird vaguepost you saw?

At least 'they' seem to identify as such

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>that many bandages on the girls in that image

That's a cute image OP, thank you for introducing me to this artist!

if you insist on not giving over the profile, at least just double down on the whore/murderer angle

this is what facebook does to people

>Do us all a favor and stop making fun of our beliefs

Not going to happen

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Oh my fucking God. Please post the roasties profile

>what a waste of a cool person
Lol, the cognitive dissonance is amazing.

>You tit for tat every single person who is literally triggered by the abuse you and your President spout.
thats not what "tit for tat" means

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can any of you faggots read the subject line?

I hope the left one is a girl too and what am I seeing is yuri.

Thread Theme

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be polite, tell her you’re sorry she feels that way but you disagree with her perspective and you won’t be compromising your beliefs. Then never speak to her again.

Don’t expect autists to know how to read.

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It literally just says that it was posted on Facebook. If it were directly to them, they would be expected to have said "Coworker messaged me this on fb."

Also, did she send you this at night? If so she was drunk and will probably regret it. Take the high ground, follow my advice from my last post, and she’ll eat herself up over it.

sigh, stupid sperg can’t context clues.

>take the high ground
When they go low, we kick them

ill say whatever i like marxist pieca shit. if obama were still in office you'd still be kicking your feet up, letting your hair down and ignoring all the shit going down in the world with your fingers in your ears screaming LALALALALALA. trump is going to win in 2020 and that's just the way it's gonna be sister. if you dont like the state of things then get off your fat ass and start lobbying. not that it'll stop trump winning, but at least you'll be doing something and not be a voting retard. anyway take it easy

call her a double digit IQ libtard and tell her to kill herself

>because I’ve been raped and you thought I was a murderer for having an abortion. Fuck you very much dude. You’re no victim. You’re just as hateful as the rest of them.

I like how these people like to hide behind a veneer of righteousness while spewing their own brand of hate

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So anyway, we're going to need to abolish the 2nd amendment and force you to buy healthcare...

pay increased taxes so that illegals get free healthcare kek

It was a reply to a comment

>having a woman as a coworker
It’s already too late for you f a m. It’s over

Block them / unfriend them if they cant keep their political diarrhoea to themselves.
Abortion is murder. Over 99% of abortions are for personal convenience. No other reason stated.

Why the fuck hasn't this thread been nuked? This is as gay as Twitter posting

They had to escort you to your anxiety medication? Fuck. How did you show your face in the office after after that?

That's your mistake user. There's a ton of things you could say, both politically and pointing flaws in her logic. Yet, as a woman, she's impervious to all of it.

Yep. Thats be my response. Put it on my read pile for "later"

>Trump and his supporters LIKE YOU are literally stopping people from having rights.
can you please specify, faggot

just ridicule her and don't apologize for anything

it's the only thing that works

Do you like your current job? Don't engage, because this is an HR honeypot meant to be her act of telling you to leave her alone, while taking veiled shots at your character in order to provoke you into retaliation. She will then present it to your boss, and with her gal pal team behind her (trust me, they ALL have one or two around), she will have them vouch for her, and have your ass reported and most likely fired.
Do you not care about your job, or can get another one right away without background checks? Tell her God forgives even the most egregious of sinners and watch her throw the mother of all tantrums. These kinds of people are absolutely toxic, and need to be pruned from your life regardless of how you want to handle this situation.

How did y’all know she was fat?

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How many fucking cats this bitch have

she looks like a trap

Fabulous as iif we don’t have problems enough iwith literally who Twitter here comes fuckbook,

Lol this is 100% a woman writing
Just tl;dr this whore and demand (not ask) nudes

Fuck off snowflake

Natural rights are negative.
Positive rights... entitlements are enforced by a state, with laws and borders and guns.
None of this will matter to an emoting female though.
What's dumb about this though is mixing work and personal life. Never, ever shit where you eat.

OP is a little bitch. How have you not quit in shame?

I don't even get what she was trying to say.

Really just thought it was funny and I might bring it back as a cooypasta.

*leisure dab*

So you didn't troll? You screenshotted this and posted to Jow Forums and wrote a 500 word essay on your subjective view of society and how to interact with it? Wow!

you are a:
stupid fag
stupid hole
stupid protestant
consider improving yourself

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Can you use fucking reddit spacing after a few sentences.
Who the fuck wants to read this shit

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when a democrat gets 2 terms starting in 2024 you can go back to sleep again. i bet youre looking foward to that. until then just stroke a cat and uhhh stop being rude to me, thanks

delete facebook and stop wasting your time with retards

Attractive girls tend to be conservative or apathetic to politics, as they get attention from their surroundings naturally and it's all positive.
Self-conscious females still need the same level of attention and reinforcement, but if they don't get it from their environment or the people around them, they seek concepts that align with the behavior that gets the most feedback.
With all of the news, popular culture and governments in the world trending towards liberal ideologies for the past 2 decades, they had a pretty good hugbox going, because they knew they were on the "right side of history".
All that changed in 2016, and no one likes their beliefs to get bucked so fucking hard you land straight on your ass, as all of your man-made institutions have failed in what you were assured was a guaranteed win. There is still a massive stimulus from all of their sacred cows telling them this is simply a fault in the programming, and how they need to believe harder in order to achieve their insatiable appetite for approval, when more often than not, the problem lies within themselves.
But changing yourself is hard, so they settle for excuses and go with the easiest option, and become more fanatical and resistant to change and reason.

She discovered that someone she liked was a Trump supporter, now feels betrayed because they are not just like her.
Im tempted to say take it to HR preemptively and ask them to tell her not to contact you privately again. Because they cant leave this shit alone. It's just the start.
The problem is HR is full of people just like this.

Delusional vagina tries and fails to have a big think.

> If you want to support someone who molests and rapes children
Literally never happened, is slanderous, and it turns out the "child" never existed because the person filing the lawsuits was a slimy Jewish Jerry Springer producer. The cases were thrown out in three states. The child never even existed.

Post lockscreen image

> was raped and had an aortion
is it female though? i bet it is.

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Just write "k"

What do you say?

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Just kill all involved, i didnt even bother finishing the first sentance.

i'm not required to disavow trump to make you feel better. all you've conveyed to me is that you probably lack self awareness. stop venting, and if you can i'd advise divesting yourself from your fake political ideology that frames communism and fascism as being on opposite ends of the political spectrum and promotes censorship. take a look at those trump supporters across the isle and ask yourself "am i as stupid as these people?". as an impartial observer i can say that you're definitely, at least as stupid as them, probably dumber. anyway start using your cranium please, and stop aligning yourself with fake groups that make you useless to this country and its future.

NOTE: and then after that you gotta say "take it easy" or something like that. don't be too rude, you might JUST be able to lull her into sparking an original thought in her mind. unlikely, but possible. whether any of my ideas will work or not depends on what you said that the cunt was replying to


Nothing else. Don't even punctuate.

Just say "cool story bro"

Shut the fuck up, boomer.

Summarise it ffs

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