Why is this guy your argument against veganism?

-literal retard
-stares into the sun
-flat earther
-no education
-jobless freeloader
-eats rotten meat
-almost died from eating rotten meat
-had to be locked up in a mental hospital

I'm not here to debate about veganism, but it's funny how people post him as a good example for meat eating. It's like stating that black people are smarter then white people and supporting the statement with a picture of Beetlejuice.

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I just saw that dude eat 1 year old raw chicken. he’s fucking insane and hilarious. top content

at least hes not malnourished retarded vegan

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I'm vegan and around 90kg, am i malnourished too?
But again i'm not here to talk about veganism, but to ask the question:
How is a retard who eath rotten meat a good argument against veganism?

based retard

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He's well read into nutrition but the rotten meat video reminded me of a kid that shit on the walls and wanted to show it to his parents.
That fucking stare into the camera when he reveals his sick obsession is hilarious.

Vegans are good argument againts veganism. This dude just make montages of their stunts.

I don't know who this is but you've piqued a morbid sense of curiosity in me. Can you spare a link, brother?

I you’re pre diabetic sugar addicted vegan

fight crazy with crazy

His gf Luna is hot.

Right wing vegans are the most oppressed group on the internet.

No he is not well read, i watched some of hes videos and most hs sais about nutrition is retarded and can be disproven by 3 seconds of research.
But i have to give him he is based about race.
I agree may vegans are good arguments against veganism, this is the main reson that i'm just vegan but not a part of any vegan community.
Why? I eat zero processed sugars.

Shit on wall kids are unironically being sexually abused.

Kinda true.

>can be disproven by 3 seconds of research.
look if you wanna be retarded go ahead its darwinism

He's on par with the average vegan

Jokes on you, i already reproduced. Do you have kids fag or are you still mastrubating to degenerate cartoons?

bro your kids are gonna be mentally ill
again darwinism.
I dont have to do anything, you'll do it for me.

3. Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzsche-ism. To us Jews, at any rate, it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the GOYIM.

So you don't. I feel bad for your father.

good goys

Also, don't talk about Darwinism until you made at least 2 white kids boy.

I've never met a vegan that wasn't incredibly sheltered socially. Most of them are happy to say that they love animals but will step on cockroach or poison a rat.
I don't go out of my way to inflict excessive pain on any animals, but shit dude the nature of life is the consumption of another life to fuel your own. If chickens were the first to become big brained societies i doubt they would give a shit about eating and killing other living things.

There agrument amount energy efficiency is undeniable though, but I would rather eat fried and flavoured crickets than let a private company create a monopoly of diet supplements.

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Meat is an animals power, if you them you gain their power. Grug think is enough to disprove veganism

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You can live a perfectly healthy life without meat. The cost of opening up insect farms and feeding them grain would far outpace the cost of just eating the grain. Plus, very few westerners would want to eat that, ruining economies of scale.

Let's be real here. You were never seriously going to eat insects. Millions of people are actively helping the planet by going vegan and you just want to sit here and throw stones at them. You're going eat pork or beef in the next 12 hours at most I bet. This was never about eating insects.

Veganism is not natural. Our ancestors ate dairy and meat (cooked not raw like this loony). Most vegan food is processed anyways. Just buy grass fed meat/dairy and you are fine. And nothing wrong with veg either- you should have some with meat.

No grocery stores=no vegans
Even if tilling the soil without electricity was your next option you still wouldn't have enough energy to do it.

b/c he's the average vegan?

>feeding insects grain
Thats a very limited way of feeding bugs user.
>perfectly healthy life without meat
Is up for debate, but even if so there no way that I'd trust the pharmaceutical and alternative food companies to produce food withput tampering with it in any way. Call me a crackpot, but I've been jackarooing in my youth and I trust farmers far more than white collar criminals with my food.

Who do fuck cares what's natural? Did your laptop grow on a tree?
I own a farm and grow most of what i eat.

Just because something is natural doesn't mean it is good or sustainable. Our ancestors lived as nomadic hunters and subsistence farmers too, but here you are living in a society with a computer shit posting on Jow Forums.

idk who this is. My argument against veganism is that meat is tasty, jew faggots want me to eat bugs, and being a skinny gay retard who eats plants all day sounds gay and retarded.

>Who do fuck cares what's natural?
Well your body does. Our ancestors lived happily on this diet for years- why change it?

>still more healthy than vegans
It's pretty hilarious actually.

>good or sustainable
I walk/cycle most of the time. I am aware of pollution but I buy my meat/dairy from farms hence sustainable.

I've eaten cricket legs before and they were fine. I've got none in my pantry, but i don't think eating bug is repugnent.

Our ancestors died at the age of 35 you retard.

Cool, but here I am living in a world with grocery stores. If society collapses and I have to hunt bison to survive, I'll let you know.

Infant mortality dragged down the average you retard.

Sv3rige on yt

Median was also much lower, retard.

So our parents and grandparents did? Veganism was never a thing then.

You having none in your pantry kinda proves my point. I am advocating that you stop consuming meat and dairy. If you want to go out of your way to buy cricket flour instead, that's up to you, but I guarantee you that life will just be easier and cheaper if you just buy tofu from the grocery store.

Needing heart surgery by age 50 isn't natural either.

His girlfriend Luna glows in the videos. She's nutritionally prime to breed. As is he.

Meanwhile, vegans are hitting menopause in their 20s, losing their periods, losing muscle mass, losing their hair, rotting their teeth, and farting all the time.

Why do vegans do this to themselves?
Because they're mentally ill and associate sentience with rights.

Unless (((enforced))), veganism will be chucked into the shitty idea dumpster fire of history. Their adherents are making themselves infertile and sickly; they're practically walking advertisements to consume meat.

Which means it's not a health matter at that point. You just get grossed out by watching animals get killed. It's called social conditioning. It'll go away once you start eating raw meat and eggs. You'll even start salivating once you watch their throats slit.
I was like you once. Take my advice. You're a warrior. Kill, eat, live.

requesting pic of rotten meat waifu

If you exercise regularly and eat grass fed meat and dairy, it won't be the case. I'm fit and healthy and have hardly any fat on me.

>much lower
If you made it to twenty, you could expect to live to seventy. All we have now are eight extra years. Not that it matters when everyone past fifty deteriorates to being as retarded as you.

Is there a saberooth tiger in your backyard? Do you have the heat on in the winter? Is there a group men on your land trying to kill you and rape your wife?
Common sense, retard.


if you want to age prematurely veganism is way to go

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Caused by inflammation caused by vegetable oils (ALA). Carnivores, raw specifically, have 0 or near 0 C-reactive protein in their bloodwork; the test for having recently experienced inflammation. The mere presence of cholesterol isn't what's causing heart disease, just like we wouldn't blame firefighters for being at the site of arsons.

Plus, the Standard American Diet is mostly plant based. Why is heart disease trending upward as we consume less meat over the years?

We should change it because it's destroying our planet. As developing nations get a taste for meat, there simply won't be enough resources to sustain it. Meat uses more water, produces more waste, and is ultimately just an incredibly inefficient way to feed 7 billion people.

Also, I know it's cool to not give a shit about anything that's not you here, but you should also know that there is no difference between the way a pig perceives its life and your dog or cat. These animals live absolutely brutal lives and are subjected to just about every kind of torture you can think of. If you eat meat, that's cool, but don't pretend to give a shit about any animal

Why? If grocery stores close down are farmers going to stop selling the food they grow? Are people unable to grow vegetables at home? Majority of meat eaters depend on grocery stores too, and they don't know how to hunt, and don't have any interest in killing and gutting animals. What's your point?

Hunting and killing animals will forever be an option like it always was, is my point.

Wow that's real edgy there. Did your mom buy you your samurai costume?

I can get antibiotics from a hospital, which I wouldn't be able to if society collapsed. So are only things you can obtain on your own healthy?

If veganism is so shit for you, why does the vegan and vegetarian population consistently live longer than their meat eating counter parts? Seventh day Adventist vegans are some of the longest lived groups in the country.

I dont even know who the fuck he is i

Okay, standing pond water will always be available to drink if our water systems shut down. Still wouldn't suggest drinking that if your sink is working.

People who predominately, or entirely eat meat hate factory farming almost as much as you do. Most opt for pasture-raised, if they can, as the nutrient content is better. Regenerative agriculture (managed grazing) is carbon sequestering.

Either way, slaughter is more humane than vegans let on. They cherry pick abuse-cases. Captive bolt knocks them out instantly. Tortured meat tastes terrible due to the adrenaline, so humane slaughter is kind of built-in.

With rising sea levels and desalination, it will be easier to transfer water. Hopefully, if factory farming has to exist, we can avoid the waste pits with improved technology.

>Caused by inflammation caused by vegetable oils (ALA). Carnivores, raw specifically, have 0 or near 0 C-reactive protein in their bloodwork; the test for having recently experienced inflammation.
Please provide a peer reviewed study.
>Why is heart disease trending upward as we consume less meat over the years?
We don't. The demand for meat continues to grow each year.

Vegans are bulletproof too.
In all seriousness, if you're willing to kill and eat an animal in a survival situation, then you were never a vegan to begin with. The animal comes first. The ultimate goal of veganism is mass suicide. You hate yourself and your own kin. Soon you'll be a fruitarian, then a breatharian. Until your delusion gets the best of you and you just kill yourself because you'll realize humanity is the problem.
But you're still a hypocrite because you refuse to kill yourself right now. Put your money where your mouth is.
I do drink blood though. I get it from a local butcher.

Like I said previously- I get my meat and dairy from a farm hence sustainable. But I do agree that there are too many people in the world now for sustainable farming, hence a population culling must take place so we can go back to permaculture.

It's not the guy that matters. Its him showing Vegans as they progress through veganism. It's a simple mirror.

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did you ever see bird box? thats literally a movie for vegans. humans just start killing themselves. The vegans are the ones that are still alive with their "dead eyes" trying to kill the survivors holding out. Its crazy.

Whoever that guy is he's not my argument against veganism. My argument against veganism is that it's a retarded diet cult for teenage girls, it's unhealthy and it's the least natural diet out there completely dependent on globalism and the industrial processing of foods. Also it's moral philosophy is babby tier, inconsistent, against nature and misanthropic. All in all a retarded, brainlet tier ideology for soicucks and fags.

>I'm not here to debate about veganism
Tough luck, that's what you're going to get.

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legit never seen this guy but okay
my reason for not being vegan is that if i dont buy meat at a store, someone else will. that cow is already dead. me passing it up wont revive it

I saw that one but it was so boring that I had to fast forward quite a bit. Didn't catch on to the veganism thing, though. How was that implemented?

Actually, humanity aside, factory farming is more efficient pound for pound than pasture farming.

Pasture farming uses more land. The cows live for longer before slaughter, decreasing meat yield per acre per year. All cows must be finished on a high calorie diet which is provided by grain. Water consumption is also higher on pasture farms.

The only reason that these problems don't come up is become 99% of meat that most Americans consume is from factory farms. Still, if everyone were to switch to pasture farming, the environmental effects would be disastrous.

I do agree that pasture cows live better lives though. However, it still ends with their extremely premature deaths, which I can't really call humane.

both good lookin

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>Please provide a peer reviewed study.
Studies with strict carnivores are currently non-existent. The carnivore community is working on getting empirical data instead of relying on self-reported, yet overlapping anecdotes in a growing sample size. Self-identified "carnivores" in studies comparing diets have too many confounding factors that contribute to inflammation: potatoes with their meat, they drink beer, smoke cigarettes, etc.

The only current proof I have is the bloodwork of YouTube carnivores: Sv3rige, SnakeDiet (Cole Robinson), and Frank Tufano all show 0 to near 0 c-reactive protein. They've done it long enough, compared to Shawn Baker who released some shitty bloodwork after only a few months into it (though he has had more recent tests beyond typical bloodwork on his channel.)

>We don't. The demand for meat continues to grow each year.
I stand corrected. Thanks. Processed vegetable and hydrogenated oil consumption has risen as well, which circles back to the original point about inflammatory oils. Omega-6 heavy animal foods and rancid animal fats can be inflammatory as well, so individual food choices do matter regardless of any diet.

You can't ethically murder and rob animals of their organs. Insisting the death is quick or painless is really a bizarre and ridiculous point to make. Whether the death was quick or painless isn't the problem. "Humane slaughter" is as ridiculous of a concept as "gentle rape".

>Millions of people are actively helping the planet by going vegan
Veganism does nothing to help the planet. That is a lie vegans use to try to convince sane people to become vegans.
>As developing nations get a taste for meat, there simply won't be enough resources to sustain it.
We could feed the entire population of earth 100% of their calories in chicken just from the farmland already in the US and Canada. You are a retard.
>why does the vegan and vegetarian population consistently live longer than their meat eating counter parts?
They don't.
>Seventh day Adventist vegans are some of the longest lived groups in the country.
Because they avoid all drugs, and mandate physical labor.

>the environmental effects would be disastrous
Mainly due to the massive population- before it was ok
>extremely premature deaths
Yes but at least they do get to live their life on a field and treated much better than stuck in a factory, which is not their natural habitat.

I'm willing to eat a human corpse in a survival situation. However, this doesn't mean that's a healthy diet or a moral choice.

I've been vegan for 3 years now. I know people who've been vegan their whole lives. Surprisingly, I'm still alive and probably healthier than if I had eaten meat. It's not the animals or me. I can survive perfectly fine (as I've been doing) without meat.

His vegan malnourishment and interviews are interesting. He is absolutely insane though, which is why I'll occasionally watch him. I find him interesting in a crazy way, but he, like, Vegetable Police, is someone I wouldn't take my health advice from.

Animals aren't human, they're our food. Morality doesn't apply to your natural food, the whole notion is ridiculous. You're ridiculous.

implying that niggers in Africa or wherever give a shit about morals, the environment and their children. I bet they would buy dog or cat meat.
The value of an animal/human is not determined by it's consciousness. Would you save your mother or some random nigger in Africa? Value factors in emotional bonding, the availability of food (see Venezuela, where they sometimes eat zoo animals), utility, and the money/time invested in an animal. The value of pork or any other aninal meat a normie buys in a shop is pretty low. The value rises quite a bit, if you raise an animal. I have raised bunnies. I harvested grass for them and then, after a while they got axed and I got to enjoy their delicious meat.
If you have an emotional connection to an animal it's value is enormous and most of the time it's not worth it, to eat it

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Grass-fed and finished beef does exist, but it's costly hence, as you said, factory farming remains the environmentally efficient way of providing meat. Though, if one ate nose to tail, most people could thrive on one cow per year with nothing else. Food waste in all sectors is a much bigger driver of environmental impact imo.

Alternatively, we could engineer the consciousness out of animals and stick a tube up their ass to handle the waste. Hook em up to machines that force resistance to build muscle meat. That way, we could pack way more animals per sq ft and vegans would be happy right?

Humane is relative. If you were offered the gentle rape of a captive bolt as your death or being eaten alive, which would you choose?

you dont want to know, he has clearly given his reasons that veganism is the worse diet and that his own is superior. you never wanted to know so stop this shill charade.

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lab grown meat would eliminate the animal. I hope I get to be alive, when I can buy a fat steak for pennies

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Those chickens need to be fed. You need to account for the grain they need on top of the space. Fact is we could feed 7x the amount of people if we cut out meat.

Also, you know meat is an environmental train wreck. The rainforests are being cleared to feed the massive amount of cows on this planet. This isn't even addressing the fishing industry which creates 50% of our ocean plastic waste and is probably the main driver of ocean acidification

why no population control?

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>I'm vegan and around 90kg, am i malnourished too?

Weight is not a measure of nourishment. You might be malnourished if you reasoned that though.

She looks like someone who is “vegan” to excuse or hide her anorexia tbf

Why do you leftist faggots have to argue for everything that is stupid?

We just let you REEE and go back to our Normal lives.

Try it sometime.

To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.

My mom isn't going to die if I don't eat meat. Okay, animal lives are worth less than humans. The lives of other humans are worth less to me than my family. That still doesn't give me a right to kill other humans and it doesn't make it right for you to kill random animals just because they taste marginally better than plants.

You're acting like meat is some rare resource that you have to obtain to survive, but it's hurting the animal, the environment, and ultimately your own arteries. You could just decide not to eat it and I guarantee you'll live.

nigger most farm animals just eat grass, and pigs are way to easy to feed, just give them anything, stop lieing to yourself faggot, nothing kills the environment more then farm industry

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If you wasn't b12 deficient retard you would know that arguments are judged on their merit, not by the contents of the character of its presenter.
Also fuckyourself soiboi.

I mean sure or you could go to BK right now and get the impossible Whopper which tastes just like the real thing. Really not a gigantic sacrifice.

If I were totally crazy but I told you 2 pus 2 equals 4, would you dismiss that?

Yeah he is is crazy but he seems to know about food nutrients and look at his body transformation. He is in pretty good shape and carrying good muscle.

What else is there to debate?

>we could have 7x more niggers if you live as a malnourished soicuck
So tempting, but no thanks.

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My argument against veganism is the fact that it's retarded.

>Why? I eat zero processed sugars.
sugar, even fructose, is still sugar and the problem with veganism is that you eat a shitload of fruits to make your habit a bit less insufferable.
all vegans are addicted to sugar in the end and most of them become "skinny-fat" from consuming a shitload of sugar and nothing else.

All farm animals need grain for the winter and grain to finish them. Most farm animals are fed grain year round because it's easier. Pasture farming is just as bad as factory farming. See my post above.

>a jew dismissing a shill
no ive seen everything

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>You need to account for the grain they need on top of the space
That is what I am accounting for you massive fucking retard. The chickens themselves take up almost no space at all.
>Fact is we could feed 7x the amount of people if we cut out meat
That is not a fact. Corn fed chicken is 5 million calories per acre. Almost all plant based foods are lower than that. You are using the intentionally dishonest vegan meme of pretending "meat" means beef and "plant based diet" means eating nothing but HFCS and corn oil. And of course, why would having 70 billion people on the planet be a good thing?

Yeah stating his weight is stupid because vegan diets can have a lot of carbs in that will add fat/weight to you but that's not a good thing.

You could drink 1500 calories of milf cream/fat and it will be good for you, wont cause an insulin spike and make you fat, but a vegan would have to eat 1500 calories of carbs which would be impossible for greens as it would be bowls full and they could only achieve it through simple carbs which is no different once in the body than just eating sugar.