Were you ever liberal/leftist?

what redpilled you?
I was liberal near the end of high school
went to a private prep school that was shilled by jews and they finally got to me senior year and turned me agnostic. i even though gay marriage was okay for a brief time.
However when the tranny stuff started piggybacking i knew this was some bullshit.

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Used to read CNN all the time. Thought they were an unbiased news source. Never going back.

>private prep school that was shilled by jews

My parents sent me to Catholic prep school and we had just one Jew. In preschool I went to a private school that was not affiliated with any religion but it was secretly Jewish. I remember unironically learning about Hanukkah

Everybody is liberal at first since it's pushed at public schools.
I had to grow up and see how the government takes away 50%+ of your income to get shitty services I didn't ask for.
Jow Forums made me see how degeneracy is promoted through culture and media and how the new generation disregards all working traditions as outdated.

~24 yo atm
Snowden disclosure of NSA spying woke me up; still leftist
TL;DR-style anti-feminism and women's hypocrisy; still leftist but questioning
rabid Trump hate based on falsehoods and to the disregard of all other issues except race and sex; could no longer look at leftism the same way
learning about the satanic elite, imminent world purge, and reptilians just rendered the whole political spectrum moot and irrelevant for me; I'm a centrist now but it doesn't matter at all

Basically started out far-leftist anarchist, got disillusioned by contemporary "anarchists", and then lost the faith in humanity to even be an "anarchist" in the first place rather than a nihilist. But ultimately it doesn't matter, people are stupid and we never had a choice about how we'll be ruled.

Always have been a leftyfag
>what redpilled you?
"Mah Climate Change"
The team I was on running towards Mao

If your head is screwed on straight the moment that the rhetoric changed from "equal opportunity" to "equal outcome" your neck should have snapped backwards on itself.

It was super easy to see when they went full retard.

>Were you ever liberal/leftist?
Yes. Reading the Guardian for several years.

Also, I never once had a twitter account. The state of twitter is basically all the evidence you need of why they are red pilling people left and right.

Also, the last 10 years of watching people on social media has proven to me that humans haven't changed at all in 2000 years, for the most part, and still mostly just subscribed to the popularism around them. This realization made me fear them more, though, as I realized they are just as much an unruly mob now as they were in Rome.

Conservative parents
Natural aversion to the slave morality pushed in the California public school system

Belive it or not OP i started with Sargon and from the Vee. Then styx and so on and so on i"ve been here about 4-5 years now.

Im still liberal because im bi and support others i guess
Today ive realized due to a fellow anons “grey posting” the root of modern issues is the idea of culture and racial or sexuality identity
Back then culture was ok like training wheels but now days we dont need it and its holding us back

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>Were you ever liberal/leftist?
No. I probably started out very young with generally right wing authoritarian views, then came to libertarianism.

And now I'm basically some sort of libertarian white nationalist. But ultimately the survival of our race is a little bit more important than specific economic policies. So it's on the back burner.

Culture is informed, to a large degree, by biology. There isn't a culture that every race enjoys.

I was always redpilled, which is why a bunch of people hated me in highschool. I didn't give a fuck, I stuck to my beliefs and never backed down. Now that I'm 30 though, some of those same people that hated me are now not only some of my best friends, but dropped most if not all of their liberal ideologies they held in highschool. Turns out all they had to do was go out into the real world and see I wasn't bullshitting them.

>reading a book that explained the hypocrisy of latin american socialist leaders
>having a leftist president getting caught in corruption and still being shilled by other leftists
>reading articles about austrian school made me realize I'm more about individuals and freedom than groups and (((approved behaviors)))

Not a liberal but when I was young I thought that since now on there's not going to be anymore wars, because there's no reason for that and we're "smart". I was just a kid.

911 Truth in 2007 redpilled me. I was an establishment Republican (Neocon), registered from the time I turned 18 in 94.

Not yet

9/11 was the seed that was planted. I browsed a few conspiracy sites, but I was young back then. Watched it happen in 7th grade science class. Politics weren't much of a thought until I was out of school. I held basic leftist views and "conspiracy theory" beliefs as well. Though on most issues during high school I didn't realize I was being sorta brainwashed by society. I thought abortion was ok but only til like 20 weeks. Weed should be legal and taxed. Hated bush because of useless wars, but had the wool over my eyes about obama. Thought Clinton was actually a decent president. "Balanced budget" propaganda. Learned 9/11 was also Bush helped if nothing else and slightly blamed Israel. Didn't realize how bad Jews were though because I am jewish.

After Obama's first term I started to realize government was completely worthless and corrupt. I bought into the whole diversity thing, but not tranny garbage. I understood how politics were but didn't realize how cucked our government was and all the pedophiles. Knew government always spied on citizens. Knew they did fucked up things. But 2016 was when I saw just how bad things really were. Rest is history.

Kind of, I mostly just hated Bush so i thought the left was a lesser evil.

beyond being fed leftist lies in school (praise of fdr, adding few hundred k to the total holocaust victims every year, getting bussing) and believing some of them not knowing they were flat out lies designed to placate and stupify me, despite all that i was always pretty right wing. hated niggers and affirmative action, hated welfare etc. beyond that i didnt care about politics though, until we got a black president and then i lost my job because muh economy. had been on and off b for a few years, then i found pol shortly after i became unemployed and been here since 09

1. Got a real job where I had to pay real taxes
2. Got into guns
3. Had kids

Paying taxes showed me how weak and irresponsible and flat out wrong leftist social ideas are. Getting into guns showed me how much they lie to manipulate public opinion and how much they fear armed opposition. Having kids showed me how much they hate functional, healthy families and stable societies

As a child i kept running into "people" way less informed, and with literal mental limits, that where never addressed, and in many cases ignored, while being told "everyone was equal"

In highschool i was bused 2hrs one way in a transfer system that had me wake at 5am and get home at 3pm, just to try and hide inner city black schools terrible test scores, to cook the books
Not to mention the black students barbaric behavior
The teachers (many where black) liked me just because i treated them like humans
The black princaple tried to ask the student body to not click thier teeth in disrespect during some presentation, and the auditorium was drowned in clicking for 5 min

I have interacted with black people who do not behave like this, but they are a microscopic minority

Now the media tries to frame peaceful upstanding whites as the problem as if they are terrorists, and celebrate thier suffering, oppression, and civilizational death

I have never had the fucking opportunity to not be redpilled

The exact moment I left the left was this:
>news breaks out that a tranny was killed after deceiving a man into sex under the pretense that he was an actual woman
>find out that the trans community supports rape by deception and think they're entitled to sex with whoever they want
>think "if this is how trannies really see things then I have a problem with these people"
>trannies are, of course, widely supported on the left, so the left supports this by extension
This is where it really set in just how insane the left is.