Whats happening to him? Is he going senile? Is the pressure of his policies not working, the economy failing...

Whats happening to him? Is he going senile? Is the pressure of his policies not working, the economy failing, and the 2020 election breaking him?

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It's all starting to crumble around him.

His plan was to push the recession to 2021, but it's all going down in flames.

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He needs to sleep properly. People brag about only needing 4 hours of sleep. But they are all delusional and unhinged and don't realize it. My father acts the exact same way.

Correct what we are seeing now is him desperately trying to reassure as the economy is good While theres talk about the US dollar being tooken off as the reserve currency of the world.

Anyone who bothers looking at s*** right now will know that the OS economy is about to crumble, I'm considering all this socialist bulshit that's been going on for decades everything is interconnected so when the US economy collapses it's quite likely the world economy is going to have a very tragic domino effect.

He definitely seems more erratic now

Iran war is imminent

Well except the world economy is already in shambles, the US economy is strong. In fact the US economic miracle is the talk of the town in G7, with all G7 countries now discussing options to set up pograms to eliminate leftists in their own countries. Everyone agrees, leftists were a mistake.

Side note, what is it like to be targeted for elimination?

>hey guys we just figured Iran has WMDs :^)
and suddeny everyone drops the economy like they dropped Epstein from the headlines



I think he was so full of himself that he overplayed his game..e.g. ttip, did he want to double down or was he too retarded to enslave the EU and btfo russia / china for decades?
Kim..he fell for Kim and showed countries how easy it is to take selfies with him with enough nuclear leverage...speaking about a wall to make future immigrants panic to get in and then renew 2 miles of spats..not gonna work, I think he's too retarded to deal with the complexity of the situation, running the US is something different than running apprentice or running one of your casinos into the ground.

>Democrat house blocking
>leftist courts blocking and stalling
>fbi trying to rig elections
>globalist silicon valley censoring and banning conservatives
>"Its trumps fault"

>fear background checks
>vote trump
>get the chair
cope harder, he had senate house and congress for two years, all he managed was to do tax cuts for his friends you low IQ imbecile

No president in living history has looked and faired better than Trump. Look at any other president and the wear and tear of the job made them age and grey dramatically. Trump looks great an has the energy and wit of a man half his age. He is truly remarkable.

>the US economy is strong.

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Anudder fan of President Kikesucker.

It is his fault for pandering to his enemies and shitting on the white men who elected him.

If he doesn't affirm the 14 words, he has lost all real men's votes.

Now this is a sad post. Trump had all the cards in his favor at first and did nothing with them. Also, every president deals with counter pressure, yet somehow they all managed to do more than Trump. Are you saying he needs a handicap?

ITT we deflect from Biden's displays of mental degradation

He's been in a pit of vipers for the past 3 years. It's enough to break anyone.

Everyone acts like having a Republican house and Senate means Trump had control. Does no one remember how much the Republican party hated him? They tried sinking the whole damn ship in favor of Democrats just to try and prevent him fron getting elected for goodness sake.

Strong economy pushes out weak faggots like yourself. You are a loser, so you will always lose. Now you have to watch all your peers do well in the strong economy while you continue to do nothing with your life as a poor faggot. That causes you angst being a loser among magnificent winners, so eventually you take the hint, and move back to mexico.

guess what shitskin, this is what real power looks like. when you don't care what anyone thinks of you you can anything. just as trump does. he is the ultimate incarnation of power.

Look to The Art of War. Appear weak to embolden the enemy then strike like thunder.

But it didn't break him. The left and Rhinos are utterly broken now. The media is broken. The only option the left has is to cope.

When RBG dies we are going to get to watch you faggots literally start committing mass suicide.

he didn't have the senate you fucking kike, don't you know about the 3/5 filibuster rule

Concern troll.

You do know we have ID's here, right?

Imagine being stupid enough to think that a strong economy includes less people