The trade war is indirectly causing China to become a world power

Can't you see? Because of this trade war with China, they're taking it as an opportunity to not only trade more with other countries and become less dependent on the US, but they're also now forced to transition from a middle income, manufacturing economy, to a high income, innovation economy like Japan. The US is indirectly causing China to become the world power they always dreamed of being.

Just watched this video about their "Made In China 2025" initiative:

This is the timeline we chose. It will bite us in the ass later.

Attached: Made-in-China-2025-Target-Sectors.jpg (1800x951, 407K)

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So they think

Cool hopefully the US collapses as quickly as possible

never underestimate your opponents glowniggers

>trade more with other countries
>rip other countries off, flood their market with low quality goods, spy on their citizens and destroy their manufacturing

China seems to be planning decades ahead, I'm not sure if we are. I seriously doubt Trump is.

You're thinking too far out.

Their clear strategy at this point with regard to the trade war is just to wait out Trump. Notice how they raised tariffs even after Trump backed off of some recently? They're not just going tit-for-tat, they WANT this trade war to escalate. Why? Because Trumps presidency has a potential expiration date coming up and Xi has to worry about re-election never.

If the tariffs make the economic situation go to shit, then Trump most likely won't win re-election and he'll be replaced by someone who will undo all of his tariffs in an instant.

What OPs video, it's incredibly informative. What you said is exactly what they want to stop doing by 2025.

OP how short are you actually to suck chino cock like this? Shit-tier China made products are perfect for shit-tier countries.

china will never be like japan

they are ugly mongol bug people we should have long since nuked them off the planet

Yes what he means is that China is now taking this as an opportunity to move away from manufacturer and become a consumption economy like Japan is.

>he'll be replaced by someone who will undo all of his tariffs in an instant.
great and we will be back to square one where china steals out technology and our industry


If they were as strong as people want them to think they would have already steamrolled Honk Gong.

Yeah, why are us insolent goyim not outsourcing our labor like good cattle?

>innovation economy
In chingchongland "innovation" equals plagiarizing some westerner who's foolish enough to trust a chinkoloid with their ideas or to steal the plagiarized idea from the previously mentioned chinkoloid. I wouldn't be worried.

McCarthy wanted to nuke China during the Korean War, but that cuck Truman wouldn’t let him.

It is over.

Watch the video.

Here in Asia we’re directly feeling the fallout of China’s slowing economy. Manufacturing has left China in droves and dozens of new factories have been set up in neighboring countries.

I can’t emphasize this enough. China is a sinking ship. They have more than 1 billion mouths to feed but the amount of money you can borrow to finance the ghost cities that you build to sell apartments that will never be sold to house people that will never be able to afford to live there is only so finite.

This is absolute bullshit.
You're failing to see that "China dealing with other countries" is ultimately hurting them. They lose money with every minute a lucrative and effective deal isn't made. They're losing thousands of jobs a day.
This trade war is literally the only thing STOPPING China from becoming a world power.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Eat a dick, Chink shill.

OP you deluded twink, china has *already* being planning this for the last two decades.
Whether or not there's a trade war makes no difference. It's going to happen.
Seriously this is "wtf I hate trump and his trade wars now" levels of retard shilling. Let's go back to being fucked in the ass like the good old days.

>but they're also now forced to transition from a middle income, manufacturing economy, to a high income, innovation economy like Japan.
Yeah, because the communist government cant maintain control over a society with a middle class, thats the whole point.

MacArthur. Read a fuckin book.

I blame leftists more than anything.

They’re the reason we don’t have acnationalist government that makes long-term plans. Gotta make room for tranny niggers and their super-important parades.

America doesnt trade, doesnt need trade, and controls the world order that allows for trade.

China knows that their economy is slowing and this is a sign that they need to stop relying on cheap labor. They don't want to be a manufacturing economy anymore from what it seems. They want to begin creating like Korea and Japan. It's just another step in transitioning process for them.

We caused this to happen, they could have just been the cheap labor country if this trade war didn't happen.

>It will bite us in the ass later
It will bite (((them))) in the ass later. A world in which the academic, business, etc culture is dominated by Asia is one in which the moral and cultural shackles binding whites are meaningless. I guess I'm operating under the assumption that the west was already lost decades ago though, so I see both the west and China as foreign powers.
Democracy doesn't really allow it, at least not on the part of the people. It's not really Trump's fault here, it's very much a case of player vs game.

you are retarded.
America is the largest consumer economy in the world--and we were china's third largest trading partner.
they were already selling to everyone that they could.

lol, they'll never stop.
it's part of their culture.
might as well tell Americans that they can't buy guns.

I wonder if this could be spun to our advantage (obviously hypothetical). If China is no longer the manufacturing centre, then somewhere else will be, and if that somewhere else were Africa, it would actually slow the niggertide, as they can just path of least resistance out of mudhuts more locally.


Chinkposter proxies need to fuck off

Attached: THINKING SENKO CHAN.webm (720x540, 94K)

This was a thing long before Trump. Since the trade war started Chinese state media has been told to drop the MiC2025 initiative.

Thats ok. Im sure Gunner Joe wanted them dead too.

You cannot win the midwest on a pro-China trade policy, so your entire post is fucking retarded. The only reason Trump is doing this is because the Midwest wants it.

China is in massive debt and doesn't have the ability to be self-sufficient like that.

>Projecting this hard

Fuck off and kill yourself

National Socialism is causing China to become a world power.

You are an absolute fucking retard and obviously a chink on a proxy. The chinese don't have the ability to create because everything they've "invented" has been stolen from other countries and a side effect of the trade war is that chinese are being banned from immigrating here, preventing corporate espionage. It's not happening because they don't have real science or innovation, only plagiarism and corruption at all levels.

Fuck off, chink proxy.

>become a consumption economy
Lol, fuck no they absolutely do not

Take a look at the difference in GDP per capita between the two countries.

USA > China

China cannot thrive without the US

Go away Democratic shill

Trade war is good

Attached: 1527839935903.jpg (2000x1333, 291K)



nonsense, this was bound to happen ever since trade opened with china in the 80s or whaever, it was over a long time ago

False. Xi took over all power and also all responsibility. He has many enemies in the government and is essentially up for election every single day. The moment he fucks up badly enough, he will be replaced.

Which wont be long given he's fucked up Chinas financial sector and manufacturing sector as well as increased the cost of living in China by a huge amount this past year alone.

If Trump goes balls in right now, Xi will be out by the end of the year.

>great and we will be back to square one where china steals out technology and our industry

Tariffs aren't stopping either of those things right now. It's still cheaper to do business in China and tariffs have nothing to do with industrial espionage, you understand this right?

Who said a single thing about pro-China policy? The trade war is impacting ordinary people. You don't have to sell them pro-China, you just sell them on the fact that they're being personally fucked up by something that has achieved nothing after more than a year.

>The only reason Trump is doing this is because the Midwest wants it.
We'll see how much they want the consequences. The next election will be a good indicator since I don't see this trade war going away. China has no reason to stop it at this point precisely due to the election.

>they want to stop the only thing they're good at

>forced to transition from a middle income, manufacturing economy, to a high income, innovation economy
Except chinks are too dumb to innovate

>False. Xi took over all power and also all responsibility. He has many enemies in the government and is essentially up for election every single day. The moment he fucks up badly enough, he will be replaced.

Yes, hypothetically a coup is always possible. Look at how long previous Chinese leaders have held office and tell me how likely you think it is that China will have one in the next year.

>Which wont be long given he's fucked up Chinas financial sector and manufacturing sector as well as increased the cost of living in China by a huge amount this past year alone.
Even if this were true, Xi doesn't have to give a shit about public opinion, it's not a democracy.

>If Trump goes balls in right now, Xi will be out by the end of the year.
Sweet child lol

>Even if this were true, Xi doesn't have to give a shit about public opinion, it's not a democracy.

He'll care when rioting starts and his political enemies use this as an excuse to remove him by force.

Lots of shit they've made are already seeping into Western society. Your own Zoomers are playing Chinese Tencent games, using TikTok and flying DJI drones. They might as well start learning Mandarin.

>Look at how long previous Chinese leaders
Previous leaders of the CCP post mao weren't made dictators. Healthy, stable countries don't have dictators.

>Xi doesn't have to give a shit about public opinion, it's not a democracy.
He does if it means a bunch of peasants from Yan'an march on Beijing. Like they did the last time public opinion went to shit.

They're very intelligent. The problem for them isn't if they can innovate, it's if they can innovate quickly enough to either contend with or outdo western current western capabilities. They are very far behind in quite a few areas, but have caught up and overtaken in others.

We might get to see if the Americans have been sitting on any juicy classified technology if the Chinese keep progressing and expanding.

>flying DJI drones
drones flying drones.

Oh we have been.
Mark those words.

Those peasants have cancer and militarized police holding them down now.

The Quing and Kai’Shek didn’t have spy satellites, cruise missles, or face recognition technology.

Any idea as to what sort of technologies we might be talking about?

>The Quing and Kai’Shek didn’t have spy satellites, cruise missles, or face recognition technology.
Sounds like a lot to deal with while also fighting a geopolitical/strategic economic war with the US. China has way too many problems at home to play on the same field as us.

My guess is they have space based weapons platforms. Yeah, there's treaties that say we're not allowed to, but lol, treaties. Hypersonic missiles are also an area of development.

UFO-like propulsion, directed energy weapons (like the one which fucked up people at Cuban embassy), weather-control.

>if you kill your enemies they win

>made in china
That's basically the worldwide sign for "cheap shitty quality product"


Attached: b8MySFWzo97RwrOv8jNe6MmmTUAKTofWIbt6fqraoYw.jpg (1920x816, 284K)

Or you could have just kept allowing the Japanese empire to buy oil and they could have finished the job. They were well on their way to destroying china forever

I believe in UFOs because my family witnessed one.

China won't be like japan because modern chinks are subhumans who can only copy others and who are suitable only to work as slaves or slavers

They basically operate as an insect hive

China is aging as fast as Japan, the government wants a collapse which will mostly kill off the growing elderly population and force the youth to take care of their elders in their ancestral villages and stop overcrowding the cities, as is expected in Confucian culture. The remaining elite will enjoy the benefits of not just a developed automated China but also spending their wealth in the rest of the world as their playground.

china isn't planning shit 90% of the country is still rice farming peasants. in terms of pollution they are shitting out so much regions will become a wasteland in a decade.


America has so many resources so much inhabitable land and a good population level. Why America can't just close the country and be totally self sufficient is beyond me everytbing is there to do just that

#1 Fuck China
#2 Fuck China
#3 Fuck China

Who's going to do the manufacturing though? 60 IQ niggers who can't even build a house?

Manufacturing needs to return to the west by force if necessary. Outsourcing is a Jewish meme

We can't allow a challenger for control of the oceans, that's at the core of US strategic interests. Japan is actually the most credible threat in that regard, and still is. China is a land power and always will be. Japan actually has a naval tradition, and a superb navy. And this is while they're still officially disarmed.

We could, but it would send the rest of the world into an economic tailspin and force countries to go back into the imperialist modes of the 18th-19th centuries. Which would have negative results for US investment capital in foreign countries.


Attached: ee16_world00_0.jpg (920x533, 156K)

Haven't quite a few secret payloads gone up over the years?

They can already manipulate the weather to a certain extent. Russia and China can too. UFO-like advanced propulsion systems would be incredibly groundbreaking. If they could go into space, I wonder if it would be possible to shield the pilots/crew from intense cosmic radiation radiation? If they can on both counts, then they must have been doing a hell of a lot of other things with them and because of them by now. Think about it.

They wouldn't be secret if we knew about them.

I honestly don't know what the government has. I just know they have more than we know about.

The whole point of closing the country is just to allow the rest of the world to go to hell if it wants while you focus on your own well being

The US could never be invaded successfully anyway. I don't see why you should care if the rest of the world even outright dies as long as you're ok

>They wouldn't be secret if we knew about them.
It's difficult to hide a rocket launch like that. Secret payload means we know something's gone up, but not what it is and why.

Fuck off Pajeet

Assembly could be done in Mexico, the mining can be done in Africa.
Or actually the mining could be done in America itself, we have everything ready to go it's all about getting the commie controlled environmentalists to stfu.
Just remember the only thing the western world relies on China for is iPhones & Microsoft xboxs. Everything else comes from S. Korea, Vietnam, or the Philippines.

>never been to China
>never worked with Chinese
>never seen firsthand how they run their country, society and lives
>lol just watch this youtube video, OMG guys CHINA
fucking retard
pic related, it's you

Attached: cartman chinese.jpg (792x612, 55K)

I don't think anyone cares if China becomes a world power, I'd say it's pretty much inevitable. The problem is them doing it on America's back. Let them fuck the rest of the world over on trade if they want that chink cock so bad, but Trump is trying to get a good and less exploitative deal for the US.

I care

I want to see china die for everything they've done

>I don't think anyone cares if China becomes a world power
Those whose task it is to secure American hegemony over the course of the next century are certainly going to care. If they become a world power then they are a possible existential threat to the empire.

You're living in a dream world if you don't understand the implications of that.

>I don't see why you should care if the rest of the world even outright dies as long as you're ok
I agree with you leaf. Unfortunately a lot of the people in this country, and especially the people in positions of power, have bought into a false, ideological conception of human nature which demands they fight for "human rights" across the world. Thankfully this ideology has taken numerous hits since 2008 and seems to be receding somewhat. Hopefully we can get it under control before it is too late.

Those sound more like unknown payloads. The secret ones are the ones that actually were hidden.

>I don't think anyone cares if China becomes a world power

>I'd say it's pretty much inevitable
Wrong again

The US does not tolerate peer competitors. We shit on Germany twice and the soviet union once for this exact reason. China will be no different.

The goal is to prevent their entry and settlement in The United States. Has been for 150 years.

Rest is just conversation.

>The US does not tolerate peer competitors. We shit on Germany twice and the soviet union once for this exact reason. China will be no different.
It's a different world now though. The stakes are much higher. The populations and infrastructure around the world are larger and more demanding. Something has got to give here, and I'm not sure we can avoid nuclear exchanges as a result. Think about it.


America can't plan because it is too decentralized.

>It's a different world now though.
It's not. The world hasn't changed since the touch of sentience first graced humanity millenia ago. The stakes are the same, the competition for survival and political dominion between groups.

>The populations and infrastructure around the world are larger and more demanding.
The population of Rome was larger and more demanding that the population of Athens. Numbers change, human nature does not.

>Something has got to give here, and I'm not sure we can avoid nuclear exchanges as a result.
Of course. As I said, the US does not tolerate peer competitors. What will give is our willingness to prop up the Chinese economy. If that drives them to war, even nuclear war, so be it. Bet on the side with more nuclear weapons.

The US will be less than 40% white in a decade from now. America is very quickly becoming irrelevant on the world stage.

They can plan but it takes longer for those plans to be implemented. This is one area that the Chinese, due to the structure of their country, are probably going to significantly outperform the west. And this will be most of the west when this heats up and not just America alone. The Anglosphere is very unlikely to side with the Chinese when things start getting more serious.

China's economy will collapse kicking off the coming worldwide economic depression.

>but they're also now forced to transition from a middle income
Can't really increase the size of a middle OR upper class while devaluing your currency. There will be new rich, but no huge gains in the upper strata

You've got your numbers very wrong. And even if they were right, browns can't run a country, which means eventually whites will be forced to take it back from them.

>America is very quickly becoming irrelevant on the world stage.
The US military disagrees with you. Superpowers never become irrelevant quickly. It takes a long time for power to decay.

>the US does not tolerate peer competitors.
USA will not be a peer competitor with China, since the USA will be on the level of Brazil.

The US buys more Chinese shit than any other country by far

Rather do business with chinks than filthy mutts

If Xi fucks up real estate prices for example, he absolutely can and will be replaced

You don't understand what the Chinese have done to the western world. It's not just about stopping the import scams they have been running. Those people have no honor, they've stabbed us in the back with a smile on their face so many times.

We don't. But we do make up over 40% of their GDP.

> China has way too many problems at home to play on the same field as us.
and you don't?

>It's not. The world hasn't changed since the touch of sentience first graced humanity millenia ago. The stakes are the same, the competition for survival and political dominion between groups.
That's not true at all.

>The population of Rome was larger and more demanding that the population of Athens. Numbers change, human nature does not.
Those are preindustrial societies. Today is a completely different story in that context, although of course many lessons can be learned from past empires and many parallels made. This isn't one of those times though.

>Of course. As I said, the US does not tolerate peer competitors. What will give is our willingness to prop up the Chinese economy. If that drives them to war, even nuclear war, so be it. Bet on the side with more nuclear weapons.
They've apparently got hypersonic warheads, so apparently have the Russians. If i came down to a nuclear war most of the rest of the world will get drawn into it. Britain will most likely be almost wiped off the face of the earth.

You're insane if you want to bet on anything in a nuclear war, as if having more of them is going to make much difference. You obviously don't know what you're talking about here. You don't understand.