He's right you know

He's right you know.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-08-25 18.51.05.png (767x457, 93K)

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what if the standard is no fags allowed?

The last thing we need is more mentally ill soldiers

Libertarians are not statists. This board used to believe in freedom.

>if they meet the standards
Admits there are more than one standard.

>trannies can’t die for Israel anymore
Wtf I’m transgender now

Goverment service isn't freedom

Except transgenderism is a mental illness- even they admit it themselves as having dysphoria. Soooo they aren’t allowed in.

> Transgender
> Mentally stable
Trump is right again!!!!


People with mental issues shouldn't be able to join. Also obligatory duhhhhhhhhhhh.

Gtfo plebbit

Sure, as long as the military's standards are that LGBQTBBQ can't serve.

He's right.
Transgenders should have their own regiment, specifically for the most dangerous missions with the lowest survivability chances.

ISIS hiding in some dark caves? Send in the trans squad. Oh they all died? Shame.

>mentally ill
>military standards

Faggotry should go back in the closet where it belongs.

Non-trans* people are barred from military service due to histories of mental illness, self-harm, drug use, and medical conditions all of the time; even if it's something out of their control.

If you hold trannies to the same standards, 99% of them will be barred as well.

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The freedom to die for Israel goy. Suck a gun

Gender Dysphoria should be a disqualifying condition.

If I'm not allowed to join because sometimes I hear my mother's voice screaming my name, then literal homos that want to chop off their cocks should be barred.

What does freedom have to do with whether or not we let trannies become welfare queens

>have to dilate front hole multiple times a day
>hopped up on hormone treatments
>fit for combat

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>people with a suicide rate of 40% should be handed a gun
>men who are deliberately lowering their levels of testosterone should be put into physically demanding situations

This seems like a bad plan

I get it

>literal wound in my groin that I am purposefully preventing from being healed

Fuck off statist. The freedom movement doesn't box people into collectivist categories.

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100 percent of the ones with dysphoria bad enough to warrant hormones should be. 100 percent of the ones with diagnosed gender dysphoria should be as well.

So, mild cases where the person can function normally without any chemical intervention, and doesn't lose their shit if misgendered? Way less than 1 percent.

>people with a suicide rate of 40% should be handed a gun


How is it statist to say that lowering military standards to include mentally ill suicidal freaks into the military is bad

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Transgenders, by definition are unfit for deployment therefore unfit to serve in any capacity.

You are using the initiation of force to say that thought the barrel of a gun though government.

How is this any different from socialist or communist nations?

this honestly went through, and the media isnt exaggerating again? sweet, tired of hearing about trannies in charge of defense. military shouldnt have fatties, smokers, alcoholics, extremely short or tall fucks (with exception for special forces / cannon fodder teams like the bantams), or people with IQ above one standard deviation (with exception for officers).

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send this fag to africa

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Mental illness is disqualifying.

>thinks the military is all about shooting guns and being in the battlefield
You need to be 18 or older to post

>Transgenders, by definition are unfit for deployment therefore unfit to serve in any capacity.

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bending over for the faggot degenerate vote... fuck you Walsh you stupid mick.

If mental sanity isn't part of those standards, he's right.

Some retards were here for the Libertarian arguments. They were too low IQ to figure out why it does not work and why other forms of governance are supreme. There is a clear success rate with certain governance systems and there are reasons behind it. Libertarianism is a pathetic governance system that will just lead to chaos, corruption and most likely foreign invasion, either soft or hard.
>but goyim if China doesn't float their yuan that's their prerogative, their goods are actually cheaper and they're not attempting to destroy our market at all using artificial monetary mechanisms!
you are so extremely fucking low IQ I don't know how you are still breathing.

Take your meds, it’s starting to show

My last trip to the field:
Games of gay chicken on the bus
My lieutenant threatened to eat my ass hyena style until I died
Overheard a guy in my platoon "you kiss girls? Faggot."
A man threatened to rape me for eyeing the spot he intended to bed down.

I'll be honest with you all, being in the USAF was just fine under "Don't ask, don't tell", there were fruits but nobody talked about it, including them, but ever since they changed the rules it's turned into one big gay pride parade. I hate the new "Gays are more than welcome!" US military. Thanks Obama and the closeted general staff.

Diabetics are almost always disqualified from serving due to insulin requirements. Makes sense needing regular hormones would be enough for a no. Hell, antidepressant use is a disqualifier and trans advocates always talk about how many of them deal with depression, anxiety, etc.

Because in communist nations freaks like that would be shot. We shouldn't lower standards and make our military weaker to accommodate for soldiers that are too mentally ill to be healthy human beings

What the fuck are you even whinging about?
In a libertarian state my fucking security firm can shove fags and trannies out the door.

anyone, even, dare I say… NEET?

Every single problem in the USA can be traced back to the growth of more and more burdensome federal government bureaucracy trying to "fix" a problem, only making it worse by protecting the very people it tried to protect.

What is the trumpsters answer to this? MORE GOVERNMENT! yeah Obamacare is great, gun control is great, traiffs are great, tax increases are great, central banking is great, fiat currency is great!

No a military has to be a cohesive unit. No one cares about your mutilated genitalia when bullets start flying. Quite frankly trannys should be hung for degeneracy in minecraft.

>ANYONE - gay, straight, or irretrievably mentally ill - if they meet the military's standards, they should be free to serve
honk honk

>doesn't think the military is all about shooting guns and being in the battlefield
Son, it should be. Everything else should be farmed out to the private sector so that we don't have to listen to the "Radar O'Riley" types claiming that they fought the paperwork for your freedom.

>anything merit base would discriminate against cunts, fags, niggers, and spics
its going to end up like california's proposition 209

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>In a libertarian state my fucking security firm can shove fags and trannies out the door.

Most people won't shop at that security firm. Collectivism isn't good for business.

Jim Crow was enforced though state violence.


bill hicks said it best

What kind of retard libertarian joins the military?

They would if they knew the security firm got the job done at an affordable price

Yes Goyim, no government and a free standing militia made is the best way to stand up to China.

They won't violate the NAP and project their force on trade routes and resources that are not their own that would just be rude!

If a tranny can maintain its physical and mental condition without the need for extra shipments of perishable meds, then yeah, they wouldn't be a problem. Unfortunately, the state of being a tranny is inclusive of physically debilitating body mutilation and suicidal tendencies. This is why we don't let diabetics serve in front lines where just getting their insulin will interfere with critical logistics.

Insisting that women meet the standard of the military is sexist.

This board used to be naive to the globohomo agenda, too.

I used to be a libertarian, until I realized that plenty of people would use their freedom to stab me in the back or bring the roof down on my head.

Here is Communist faggot and Soviet shill Harry Hay promoting NAMBLA. I am sure you would walk with him, too.

Attached: harry hay nambla.jpg (720x499, 68K)

All service members handle firearms at some point in their training.y
You must be 18 to be on this website.

>What kind of retard libertarian joins the military?

Libertarians believe in a military. We believe in the least statism that is possible. We don't oppose military or police, but oppose huge abuse by them.

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>I used to be a libertarian, until


You do it for the memes, now Trump is ruining everything.

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I am ambivalent about Trump, given that he is an adulterer and fornicator. His enemies are at least as bad, though, if not worse.

Imagine someone delusional enough to have a penis and think they’re not mentally ill. Imagine allowing people with self-admitted mental illness into the military. This is not a serious country.

Rock throw is a genius

send the queers and tyrannys to the front lines since they are so eager to die

we should raise the standard of the military service then. not lower to meet public expectations with bent back and loose butthole.

The trannies have been enlisting, then getting the taxpayers to pay for their mutilation, meaning they're off duty for months at a time.
If some deranged fuck wants to chop off his balls and cock, let him, but with HIS money, not ours.

Yes Comrade!
We shall send them to hard labor camps for crimes against the innocence of the people!

Trannies, homosexuals, feminine men, etc, etc, etc, will all be shot, once they have outlived their usefulness as useful idiots.

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>if they meet the military's standards
There's your problem, Joey.

Trans don't meet the standard, though.

I give this post a 4/10

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imagine if during WW2 the victory ships trying to dodge uboats had to use some of their cargo space to carry hormones for all the trans troops

>Every single problem in the USA can be traced back to the growth of more and more burdensome federal government bureaucracy trying to "fix" a problem,
No. Every single problem can be traced back to becoming a lolbertarian mess of endless immigration and voting rights for everybody. We tried libertarianism for the last 120 years. It was a failure of magnificent proportions that I'm not sure there any historical parallels. This has been a wholly unique level of human disaster and deconstruction, and eventual dissolution.

>Time out bad guys, I've got to dilate.

So I'm guessing Joe never served in the military.

the government is simply the tool of the runing class, blaming government is not the answer, you need government. you should be blaming the people who are in control of government (capitalists)

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Military standards state the mentally ill cannot serve.

>We tried libertarianism for the last 120 years.

We have not been libertarian for most of the USA's entire history.

Find me a medically fit trans person and I will eat a live scorpion.

>No mental illness

The military's standards are too low, and yet most gays and trannies still can't meet them.

Dilating with a 50 Cal bullet

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What the fuck are you on about

> muh based TRUMP

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>What the fuck are you on about

The 2nd amendment doesn't have carve outs. That means ANYONE can serve.

I thought the military wouldnt let you in if you were fucked in the head?

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trans don't meet any standards

>meet the military's standards
>meet the military's standards
>meet the military's standards
>meet the military's standards
>meet the military's standards
Who sets the standards? Jews I presume?

hey friends, what If I were to code up an epic libtard trolling bot? would my fellow bros help me get it into libtard chatrooms? help a fellow 'pede out itll be really funny

Why wouldn't China just purchase the services of said security firm to murder you? Why would they risk their very existence when China has secured all the resources and trade routes because of their ties to....??? Money??