How can we bring back nigger slavery to America?

How can we bring back nigger slavery to America?

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Why would you want that? Just ship them back to Africa.

Try to enslave me. I tripple dog dare you. See how far you get.

America already has slaves.

That's why you get paid in cotton.

It's a bad idea. No, not on morals but for purely economic reasons.

Jow Forums is not for slave niggers go back to world star.

Try to enslave I dare you. See how far you get.

> “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”

>except as a punishment for crime

No. Importing Africans in the first place was clearly a bad idea

cringe and redpilled
based but cringe

Can we do the opposite and get rid of niggers?

Do it, try to get rid of me, see how far you get.

We don’t want that. We just don’t want to live next to brown people.

>me tough a nigga
>pretends his bitch ancestors weren't captured and sold
niggers are bitches and fags and their "masculinity" is simply trying to cope with getting btfoed so hard
>even before niggerdickwhitegirl.jpg

But we are clearly not going to genocide them so why not enslave them?

They are enslaved just like you are to the Jew.

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Popeye's chicken sandwiches that are very similar to Chick-fil-a's ...

Oh what's that? You can't get rid of me? Yeah I thought so. HAHAHAHAH

Automation is the new slavery. Low wage labor is obsolete.

user., I...

He made a good point.

Who or what you talking about?

>energy efficiency that even brushes petroleum
>non-gmo food

Cmon guiz they're designing the game get with it.


Nice trips senpai

are you black poisting atm, like he was implying?


I'm not falling for that again.

Last time it didn't end well.

I'd rather give you land reperations in some hyper blue state so you would form a natural siege around Hollywood and NYC.

They get diversity and you get to be the state majority ruling them as you see fit. You can vote to tax the fuck out of them and we live as (long distance) friends.

no no no we want zero niggers not more niggers

Silly question:
If I got the government to offer CASH to move to Africa and start a business there or something, how much would it take? 250k? 500k?

Do you think there would be many takers?


Well, if you're black then you have to deal with the fact Yakub eternal intellect and space pyramids with couldn't save you from the whitemang...

Fuck you kike. Your African slavery is the reason they're here in the first place. Ship them all back along with 53% of our homicides

It backfired last time. I want to make them happy and less plentiful.

Help their women focus on careers.
Make the men happy as onions boys.
Focus on one kid at a time, or choose to have none and enjoy life.

Let nature take it's course, just help nature along.

If the Jews have taught is anything it's that overt genocides and slavery are obsolete. There are better ways to handle this.

wtf are you asking?

Move there and start a business for 350K?

Chinese are already taking over Africa, no need to jump into that game.

Come and do it yourself I'm waiting for you

I dont want nigger slaves tho, wouldnt mind a nigress with a racial fetish to play with from time to time. But i want muslim & jew slaves not blacks.

Believe me. I'm not fond of the Chinese either. If you think Whites were cruel, you ain't seen nothing until you see Chinese.

I'd happily encourage Africans to be independent. It's much better for is all if they aren't serfs of China.

No need to. Spics are great at ethnically cleansing nigs. Give it a hundred years. Won’t be many nigs left in North America.

Spics are better workers than nigs too. They’re women are more attractive. Within a couple generations they look and act white when mixed with strong Aryan seed.

Spics have their problems, but they’re objectively a step up from the antique farm equipment we that are still walking among us for now.

Worry more about how to tame and make use if the Mestizo influx.

Fuck that, I want them to accept the Chinese. Theyll come running back to whitey. Chinks will breed them out and kill off the rest for organs

You are a sick person.

It would require some unethical, Ancap, skull fuckery, but it could be done.
Don't pay them in currency, make them earn credit for the things they want. Effectively create a workhouse offering them anything, drugs, fashionable clothes, pimp waggons, what ever a dumb ass nigger wants except the right to not work (they must always work or starve) and never pay them in currency. Food is free and as much as they want, same with alcohol. They will serve you in exchange for the promise of dumb ass nigger shit.
The advantage of this is you can determine the average profit derived from each individual and make sure they have generated above the cost of the items they want by what ever margin you determine. Most will take to drugs, and be your most loyal servants until they die, the rest will use the credit to buy pointless shit and act like niggers. They could possibly see this as advantageous, it takes the stress of debt in currency from them.

no, whites are actually enslaved and paying blacks to reproduce through taxes.

I wonder how long its going to take for you to realize how much of a dumb racist you are.

Look how the Chinese treat their own people (America is oddly similar, at least they let us feel free). There has already been Chinese caught eating Africans, like rhino horn, and tiger dick...

I'm not familiar with the situation, but... I'm fucking glad I'm not African.

Look into Angola. There already making Chinese only cities.

This was a mistake. We should have never brought them over. If anything we should ship them all back to Africa and be done with it.

our ancestors didnt have weapons that matched your ancestors, Now we do.

our ancestors were scared what would happen to their families if they fought back against african warloards, we aren't scared of your weak asses.

many present day whites have our backs, our ancestors didn't have that support. and when they did finally get it, Whites kicked your asses into near oblivion to free us.

Here is the reality:

Automation is going to massive damage with poorly educated whites getting crushed first. Minorities will be the last ones touched.

Whites in America WILL bred into minority status and eventually out of existence.

The current generation with the highest number of racists are on deaths door. and when they are gone, the power of the Klan vote, the christian vote, the neo-nazi vote, and the essentially the entire social conservative vote dies with it.

racists have won many many battles.... But we ultimately win the war. So you can either make peace with us now, or deal with centuries of fucking karma when the powers of majority control switch hands.

I'm waiting for you to ship me back to africa. see how far you get.

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show negro tits

Croatia is, as fate would have it, too low in gibs for an average nigger to be able to fund their chicken and watermelon lifestyle. As a result, I am not too well versed in the ways of a nigger.
Those few sad encounters I have endured point out that nigger is a mindless beast of burden. Too stupid for a slave, it was only ever designed to be a rowdy African flora and fauna. Why, expecting a nigger to be an efficient slave is akin to expecting a palm tree to make you a sandwich

>our ancestors didnt have weapons that matched your ancestors, Now we do.
Black user., you don't.

>our ancestors were scared what would happen to their families if they fought back against african warloards, we aren't scared of your weak asses

Stop user., you're exposing your weaknesses by explain yourself.

>Automation is going to massive damage with poorly educated whites getting crushed first. Minorities will be the last ones touched.

It's not. It's only going to bring more high tech jobs, and weeding out low I.Q. people.

>Whites in America WILL bred into minority status and eventually out of existence.
A minority, definitely. Out of existence, never...

>The current generation with the highest number of racists are on deaths door. and when they are gone, the power of the Klan vote, the christian vote, the neo-nazi vote, and the essentially the entire social conservative vote dies with it.
Even if we're conserving Wakanda?

Stop being dumb.

I don't want to be around blacks. I don't want them to be slaves.

>dumb racist you are
Seems pretty clever to me. I think you're more upset at the fact that some of them might actually welcome this idea.
How many of them are in serious debt, or could never afford some dumb shit they want? Well I can legitimately give it to them. Could your system do the same?! Think, who are they going to get behind. That's reason you're so mad.

bring nigger slavery to africa

No I'm not mad, Im just happy that you are dumb racist being punished.

Punished for what?

There already is. Always has been. Always will be until the Chinks finish them off sometime around 2200 AD.

For being a racist idiot.

Why bother?

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Slavery created our issue to begin with. If we had never switched to African slaves, Chicago would be liveable and 50% of radio stations wouldn't be incoherent monkeybabble


Change our currency to fried chicken.

Do it. I like how white people on here showing off, how evil they are.

By not glorifying nigger culture and nigger sports/athletes, only then will they lose thier power and influence

hahah you jerk off ot interracial porn hypocrite. liar

Based pic!

We don’t need any slaves. Us working class is already been enslaved soon to be turned upside down.

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