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You can't tax any rich person. They will move their money to wherever The Man can't get to it.

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Wtf I love billionaire oligarchy now

How are you going to tax them? On paper they are penniless, they don't have wages or salaries, all their wealth is in tax free foundations or charitable trusts, or offshore.

Fair points. Better to kill them and redistribute their wealth.

yeah thats worked so well throughout history

I never understood the whole tax the rich meme mostly because it comes from people who preach equality.
I would support a wealth cap though.
Not a pay cap.
If they want to make a million + a year, fine, good for them.
But if they want to stack and stack and stack, fuck that.
These fuckers need to spend the massive wealth or lose it.
Simple as that.
Imagine the economic boom we would have if those trillions of dollars locked up in worthless shit were instead put back into the economy.
Imagine the jobs created when people are forced to limit their wealth.
They can still live like kings but they better spend spend spend or it will be taken and given to someone who will.

FUN FACT: Wealth distribution in the united states would almost exclusively affect jewish people.

No, you make their money worthless. Render them penniless.


Yes crash the economy, with no survivors

there are 100 ways to get out of paying taxes when you're rich


Kind of the point. The difference is a controlled demolition where you create a new currency in the old ones place.

>Yes goy, that’s exactly where it’s going. You wouldn’t want to hurt poor Mr. Noseblatt would you?

"More Taxes for the Rich" is just a trick commies been pulling many times already ... This is just a trick to raise taxes for everyone -- including YOU and YOUR family.
I repeat this again ---- when you hear someone screaming about tax EQUALITY and "rich paying fair share" --- watch your wallet CAREFULLY! They are coming for YOU!

Dont worry bros it will trickle down. Anyway we're hiking prices up again. no. Wages will remain the same.

Yeah, when they say “marginal tax rate on those earning over 10mil” that’s code for “Joe the plumber”.

You are just as retarded as commies who want to take that wealth and redistribute it. The money is fake monopoly money and the system only works because it is hoarding like it is. If those billions were spent either by those rich or by poor people getting them the economy would collapse. You think inflation is bad now, but it is kept in check by that money which only exists as numbers on a ledger not being spent. The vast majority of value those billionaires have is imaginary.

Sure ain’t imaginary when they buy rockets to the moon, islands, and have net worth greater than some countries.

Do you really think they have their money in a savings account and not invested in the stockmarket?

Not if you have a VAT tax or if you print money. No one can excapse inflation and vat taxes, and the rich are most affected by it.

>rockets to the moon
Shifting numbers from one ledger to another. The game goes a lot deeper than surface level gommie vs capitalist gatekeeping. Those billionairse have real wealth such as real estate, physical objects, and other such properties, but the vast amount of their wealth is numbers on a ledger.
>have a net worth greater than some countries
In real assets? No. In numbers on a ledger. If they actually tried to turn those numbers into real money they would collapse banks.

Taking 100% of what billionaires make wont run the government you currently have let alone the one you want. Politicians only use this line because it sounds way more practical than "print money" which is what they are actually going to do.

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>Take money from rich people and give it to the poor
>Poor people no longer see any reason to work because the government gives them free money
>They are completely dependent on the rich and the government and will never rebel or excel at anything
>The rich are still rich and have most of nu-america by their fat lazy balls
>The poor are still poor and do nothing but consume product and get excited for next product that they'll pay for with the money the rich gave them
Good plan comrade

>oh no, I'm loosing a few pennies to make the economy grow bigger than ever

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Because all rich people keep their cash in Scrooge McDuck style money bins, right? It's not invested in new businesses, funding expensive R & D shit, or paying millions of people's middle-class salaries. Is your broke-ass gonna go start a new lithium mine somewhere or build a cargo ship? Didn't think so.

its not billionaires that need taxing

its corporations

tax corporations

corporations are evil anyway

>I support people stealing my hard earned money to support niggers, spics, and women who don’t know what a condom is because I like being a cuck


and then the people will lose all the money like lottery winners and it will go all right back to the rich people!

Who do you think made communism?

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>get taxed for years to pay for bushes war
>housing crashes and the banks refuse to lend to anyone
>congress says all that tax money the suffering middle class paid should go towards buying the shitty awful investments the banks were making on really risky mortgages that were all defaulted on
>they let jp morgan ceo jamie dimon elect private contractors to distribute 700 billion dollars to banks so that they will start lending again
>it all goes to 6 banks
>all 6 of those banks cut lending in half and sit on the money
>audit in 2010 comes out showing that the federal reserve lended banks affected by the credit crisis 16 trillion dollars interest free (>100% of the gdp of 2008)
>jp morgan invests 1 trillion dollars in buying government debt with interest free money to generate interest on US treasury bonds
>6 banks had more than 2 trillion interest fucking free dollars at their disposal to lend to americans and reimburse people who couldnt withdraw from their bank accounts anymore
>they just spent it buying debt so they could make money
>3 trillion of that 16 trillion went offshore to foreign banks
if you want to know who the TRUE robbers of america are, its the people who stole more than 100% of americas gdp in bailout money, were appointed to spend 700 billion dollars on themselves, and who didnt lift a finger to help the americans who suffered from their shitty investment strategies and buying subprime mortgages. you may not realize it now but theres an extra 13 trillion dollars worth of debt america is able to incur all because the federal reserve handed banks interest free money and this extra 13 trillion will be robbed from tax payers in the form of interest payments on government bonds. never forgive the federal reserve, never forgive the banks


Remember before all of the Democrat candidates became millionaires it was "we must tax the millionaires and billionaires". Not so much now

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>let's give all the money to the people that run the DMV where it takes 4 hours to get through 7 tickets or the 3 billion annual deficit Post Office instead, surely they'll make better use of it

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>maybe in a Marxist-Leninist society I will finally score

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I think i took the bloomer pill. Late 30s going back too school and learning to code. Stopped drinking and visiting pol. eel less urg es to reveal powerlevel. I'm much more outgoing lately and people seem to like my personality wich is very confusing. i am makeing friends again and i feelo happy for the first time in 20 years. I think i'm about to cry. Good luck anons may you find a piece of happyness in this world, you deserve it.

>You think inflation is bad now, but it is kept in check by that money which only exists as numbers on a ledger not being spent

Hey globalists you can't horde your money here!
"Ok taking money elsewhere goys."
All fiat leaves the country.