Dude threatens to kill himself at Bernie event

How do you deal with this, Jow Forums? This guy says he's going to kill himself because he can't afford his medical bills to treat his Huntington's disease. I have to admit it hit me hard. This country's health care system is fucking evil. As much as I hate the SJWs, I'm still a populist and this shit makes my blood boil...


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this man needs help, can anyone file a red flag request so he cannot hurt himself?

Well, problem solved. He won't have to pay his bills, and he won't get to vote for bernie. Still better red flag his ass for a wellness check just in case.

Let the weak die. Veterans already get enough gibs.

uhh does some1 wanna tell bernie or that guy vets already get free healthcare through the VA... oh wait only 40% of vets use it cause waiting times/shit quality

Tell him to move to Canada.

>you're fucking evil because this man got a disease!!!!
No one gave him the disease. One man's misfortune does not mean another man's forced labor.

In a few days, someone will have doxxed the "poor sick veteran" and find out he is one of Bernie's exploited interns who was never even in the military.

Pfft I would kill myself too, the problem is how.

He's got VA, free government healthcare, and that's all anyone needs because it's perfect. Why would he slander Bernie's future utopia by claiming it's not great? Fucking nazis.

Or Mexico

It's not forced labor. Bernie is proposing the same fucking health care system every other first-world, white country already has, you retard. Doctors would still make money. These middle-man scam insurance companies wouldn't.

He should’ve been immediately removed from the crowd and put in an ambulance and taken to the psych ward.

In other words, given free health care??

if I do that can i get gibs?

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>I have to admit it hit me hard.
So why not put in some over time at work this week and send that bloke a check to cover his doctor bills?

Huntington’s disease is already a death sentence though hahahahah he only has a few years left and there’s no cure wtf

Wrong faggot. It will be like every other 2nd world healthcare system where people die from ailments that the medicals systems will not cover. But as long as you die, but someone in a whitecoat looks at you and officially says "there's is nothing we can do, you're gonna have to wait (die)," maybe gives you some sugar pill, then all is well you've technically had treatment all your life

Just don't pay retard. It's literally that simple.

you wouldn't just go on tv and lie, would you?

Notice the guy threatening suicide is entitled to free government healthcare due to his military service yet doesn't want to use it. You want to give the government control over everyone else's healthcare too?

>durrrrr why don't you just donate to help him out
The point is his problem isn't unique, retard. It requires a societal solution that every other evolved country figured out a long time ago.

My god you're extra retarded
>all those other countries are white and they used forced labor!
>that means its not forced labor!
>because they're white
"Forced" doesn't mean black or Mexican you double nigger. It means compelled at gunpoint, which is what government does. The Jew Bernie is recommending just pointing guns at way more people until they cough up the dough. That's forced labor, mutt.

>A condition that leads to progressive >degeneration of nerve cells in the brain.
>Fewer than 200,000 cases per year in US.
>Treatments can help manage condition, >no known cure
>It is caused by a gene defect inherited from parents
All the healthcare I the world isn't going to fix defective genes.

>everybody else should pay for my genetic disorder
eat shit faggot.

tbf if you aren't retired from the military your health insurance isn't free.
Really the veteran part is completely irrelevant in the headline, it could just as easily be a random civilian.
They are using the same strategy they use when they pretend to be good Christian boys, saying "the bible says love thy neighbor so love ur neighbor no matter what bigot." Meanwhile they would gladly spit on the Bible, just as they would gladly spit on the service members and Bernie wants to cut military spending in general.

Yeah because that's totally the way it is in Canada, the UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Australia, and other "2nd-world" countries, kek

>give me free stuff or I'll kill myself

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I can't afford to pay his bill either.

we have more shitskins

Wtf?? What are you even talking about? So doctors in Canada are compelled at gunpoint to treat patients? Jesus there's been some serious inbreeding in your bloodline.

Thing is the VA claims conditions that occured during service. A google search on Huntington's says it's genetic. That's guy's fucked unless he can tie that to a service related issue he experienced

I feel there's a genetic disease lurking in you, retard. Can't wait to see you beg for money.

The VA healthcare is not free unless you qualify for disability caused by service injuries. His disease is not covered because it's genetic. He didn't get mine'd of his limbs, he just grew up from genetically inferior parents.

Vetfag here, VA healthcare is a slow agonizing death. It's utter shit where they let the dumbest med students practice outdated medicine. Don't even get me started on the standard prescriptions. It's very common to threaten violence to get what you need in the VA system, they set it up that way. The PR department is the only functioning arm of the VA... they've spun a homicide as good news.

Canada is always touted as having a great health care system

I'll tell you, I live in Brampton (a decent sized city, around 600,000 people) and the hospitals are fucking jam packed 24/7

My Nana's pretty much dying right now and they've been waiting at the hospital for 8 hours, still no fucking bed for her

The doctors are a joke for the most part aswell, there is some good ones but not many

Hell I had to wait 5 hours to get seen with a fucking concussion. This system of health care works for smaller cities and that's it

Oh and people go to the hospital for colds and small scrapes and bumps because it's closer then a walk in clinic.

then i'll just gargle buckshot nigger. cry more. he should kill himself and his children should be sterilized so that they can't pass on the disease.

Insurance is the scapegoat. They don't make much. Doctors, Hospitals, Drug Companies, they make obscene amount of money, through a monopoly status they created.

>to treat his Huntington's disease
No such thing as a treatment for Huntington's. Th guy is going to die no matter what we do.

>hit me hard...
no it didn't

Right, so let's have a proper eugenics policy going forward. Separate debate.

You're a piece of shit

You wish illness on him because of a difference in opinion? You're a fucking psychopath

I think Bezos should be paying for a lot of this shit instead of steering a floating castle around the asian prostitute islands.

psy op retards

>let's have a proper eugenics policy going forward

This is what all healthcare would be if the leftists get their way.

Still have to wait

Way to project your uninsured poorfag impotence on him faggot.

I'm not the one who has a complete sociopathic lack of empathy for someone with a disease he desperately needs treatment for. That was the origin of this, in case you weren't paying attention.

The real people to blame are those who manage long-term care facilities and hospitals, effectively funneling away money from Americans to feed their parasitic jobs.

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Anyone who’s been in the mental health system knows it’s a disaster. They have no idea what the fuck they are doing and don’t care. There’s no blood test go figure out which medication works for you and which doesn’t, you’re stuck in a jail Type environement while you see a doctor once a week to try out different meds on you after meeting for 5 minutes. People magically think because the government gets involved it’s solved. Couldn’t be further from the truth. VA should be the only government ran health care system as they have no idea what the fuck they are doing. I feel for this vet hopefully he finds help and seeks support from fellow vets. There’s hope out there for him as anyone I’ve been in the depths of hell myself but refused to kill my self for my family. Now I don’t want to do die for myself. Depression is temporary is circumstantial and gets better with time and healing whatever is ailing you spiritually and emotionally.

Oh yeah let's just give free shit to anyone, fuck common sense

well maybe " xir " should stop trying to be a woman and stop paying for hormone therapy because "xir" isnt passable

see these are the common sense answers america needs for its streamlining the military

Isn't that what they do in France? Lol

Land used to be free. Our forefathers were a bunch of fucking freeloaders.

They are pretty much government employee. And if you want to be in this profession, there is no alternative, you get paid what the government says you are worth. Maybe that's not forced labor. It's just forced labor with a different name, i.e. communism.

does it make you feel comfortable to know some big daddy is in control :] even if he's an evil big daddy ;\)

I just dont fucking get it. Is it just the idea of supporting anything remotely left that makes you think like this? His healthcare plan would help reduce healthcare prices in general. You wouldn't have to be a cock sleeve for an insurance company anymore. Why do you fight against it so hard?

Chek'd. Underrated.

What fucking treatment? There’s no remission in this nigger’s future he was as good as dead the day they diagnosed him even if he were the richest man on earth it wouldn’t matter. His dumb parents should pay considering the likelihood of passing Huntington’s to your offspring is around 50%

by removing all illegal immigrants

I actually felt bad for the veteran.. but Bernie is not going to make his situation any better

His body, his choice.

Yep, agreed.

All the shitholes south of USA have universal healthcares.

I’m not convinced it would save money, but I’m for it anyway because there is something clearly fucked about our current system

I pray Bernie is still secretly based on this issue.

Obviously a plant to get news coverage. Bernard is getting nervous after such a poor showing last night, what better way to get it than to pull a little stunt?

He should do it and get someone to livestream it.

Retard actually thinks that society should pay his medical bills.

Huntington's disease (HD) is a fatal genetic disorder that causes the progressive breakdown of nerve cells in the brain. It deteriorates a person's physical and mental abilities usually during their prime working years and has no cure.

Just today received a $1.3k bill for a checkup/lab test from Feb. FML, fuck this country's medical system

Maybe if you didn't import the entirety of the fucking third world then the country could have nice things.

Retard why do you think hes doing it. Woukd you want do die caked in your own piss and shit and be a wreck or die with dignity on your own terms?

Untreatable genetic disease. He should do it. I would.

Completely agree. If we adopt single-payer, we have to have a based immigration policy (i.e. very little and only highly educated/skilled people). And deport all illegals.

>begging bernie for money this blatantly

OY vey how will he afford his next mansion and ferrari if he has to give HIS money away. he can’t help you! but he will get other people to pay for it don’t you worry

Hey buddy, I'm from one of those countries you have a hard on about. Guess what, despite the "free" healthcare (that eats up one third of our monthly wage) that doesn't completely cover everything and pretty much doesn't cover anything that has to do with eyes, ears and teeth, we are still forced by the state to pay for an additional private healthcare called "complementary", that helps covering a bit more what the state healthcare doesn't. Our employer pays half of this one and we pay the other half.
In the end, this is a retarded system that costs us too much money, and things are only really free for shitskins who profit from the system while not putting any money into it because they don't have official jobs and don't pay taxes.
I want the end of healthcare in this country, right now. Oh? You can't pay for your treatment? I don't give a shit, someone who never goes to the doctor like me shouldn't have to pay for the treatment of others

So the veteran goes to foreign lands to kill women and children and then comes back with illnesses and I am suppose to feel bad for him?
That zog bot nigger should kill himself. Of course that retarded boomer is going to support a Marxist Jew just because of his own personal issues.
Fuck boomer scum

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Again, I'm not for covering illegals and recently arrived shitskins. I'm sorry you have to put up with that, user. French health care should only be for the French people.

Honestly, if he has chorea Huntington suicide is definetly the best option.
That disease is one of the worst you can get. You flail your arms around uncontrollably and eventually die a demented fuck.
And there is no cure.
Suicide is really advised. It will spare him a lot of suffering
>t. German doc on Burgerlandvacation


He doesn’t need socialized healthcare to off himself tho so you’re the retard and I don’t forgive you

Why don't people realize that those other countries healthcare systems are literally propped up by the US? Do they not realize that those other countries literally can't afford too buy US made drugs at full price because it would collapse their system, and so the drug companies sell it to those countries for WAY cheaper than in the US because the US customer is forced to eat up the costs? If you say byebye to that system, you can say byebye to literally every first world public healthcare system as well, because they won't be getting cheap drugs anymore. Which maybe is what should be done, because I'm so fucking tired of having to explain this to idiots who won't take 5 goddamn minutes to do a bit of research.

No treatment. Except palliative care. Apply for medicare and wait. Why worry about bills when your death is going to be hell on earth. Prepare your family. Divorce your spouse so they won't be responsible for any of the debt and just get ready. If you have to get pills off the street. Shit is everywhere.

you literally don't pay if you can't. millions of illegals get away with it. it's almost as retarded as the concept of printing money whenever you feel like it oh wait that happens already

I know what the origin is.

No one is obligated to pay for others treatment. Should they? Yes but if they don't want to that doesn't mean you are okay to wish illness on them

Sort your fucking self out buddy, you aren't entitled to others peoples money no matter what your situation is

next a mother is going to threaten to abort her baby if she doesn't get free everything for life for her and her 12 - i mean 13 kids

If this is the case what will free health care provide him? Someone to kill him?

Also this is so le reddit Bernie sanders man, I've seen them complain about being suicidal but can't kill themselves because the government won't provide someone to do it for free, painlessly.

Yeah I agree you guys should pitch in on innovation - stop leeching off us, lol. The US going single-payer would put an end to it and force all countries to innovate.

Hear they call Brampton "Browntown" now due to all the turbanheads

Are you going to pay my medical school? Are you going to pay my nursing school?
If I have to pay for it, why I won't charge for the care I provide?
In antiquity, people died, now they can trade money for health care, but pay for it. Simple as that.
Oh, yeah I am a medical student in his residency in Boston.

>huntingtons disease



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No one on Jow Forums calls themselves a populist so I'm guessing this is "late night with /leftypol/" trying to convince us to vote for le jewish commie because he's down with the veterans

I did a stint in the Navy... filled out books worth of paperwork... I don’t ever remember signing a paper that said that being in the military gives me the right to be a freeloading sack of shit and to live at the public’s expense for the rest of my life.

The government didn’t cause him to get the disease, so the government is not responsible.

Easy for a Canadian to say/virtue-signal. You know you're covered for anything and everything, even if you have to wait in line and deal with inconveniences, you don't go bankrupt to get the care you need. So yeah excuse me if I'm a little pissed with people with so little compassion that I say something I don't even fucking mean out of frustration because it's FUCKING Jow Forums.

Why's this? Is it a lack of schools built?

>To date, there are no drugs to slow or stop the progression of Huntington disease; however, there are specific drugs available to reduce some of the symptoms.

Looking at the symptoms he's describing of barely being able to take care of himself, he's in the later end of the intermediate stages/early late stages of the disease. But without knowing the age of when the symptoms appeared, we can't know how long he'll last. Could be another 20 years for all we know, but the mean age of death is early-mid 50's. I feel for the guy, it really fucking sucks, but it sounds like he fucked up somewhere along the way with some forms judging from what he said earlier. So basically a clerical error, which, being a boomer, he's just confused and angry about rather than remaining calm and attempting to fix it. Kind of like getting a senior to write an email. There's going to be a lot of bitching and frustration and eventually giving up, then blaming other people for his failure to send it, even if it's an important email.

Doctors in Canada are unable to treat Canadian cancer patients because they are forced at gunpoint to treat every Ethiopian bulbhead whose heavy bulb heads are causing them a headache. If they refuse to treat the infinity niggers who showed up first, bureaucrats will tell them they can't treat anybody at all. If they treat the cancer patient anyway, men with guns will show up and tell them to fork over their property and get in a cage for a few decades. If they protect themselves from this trespass, robbery, and kidnapping, they will be shot. It's forced labor, you absolute Somali IQ smoothbrain subhuman